    public static float RemapFromSeedDecimal(float min, float max, System.Random randomSeed)
        float zeroToOneValue = (float)randomSeed.NextDouble();
        float minToMaxValue  = ExtMathf.Remap(zeroToOneValue, 0, 1, min, max);

    /// <summary>
    /// here we have a min & max, we remap the random 0,1 value finded to this min&max
    /// warning: we cast it into an int at the end
    /// use:
    /// System.Random seed = ExtRandom.Seedrandom("hash");
    /// int randomInt = ExtRandom.RemapFromSeed(0, 50, seed);
    /// </summary>
    public static int RemapFromSeed(double min, double max, System.Random randomSeed)
        double zeroToOneValue = randomSeed.NextDouble();
        int    minToMaxValue  = (int)ExtMathf.Remap(zeroToOneValue, 0, 1, min, max);

    /// <summary>
    /// Function returns for given axis min vertex index and breadth along it.
    /// </summary>
    public int GetAlongAxisData(Vector3 axis, out MinMaxPair breadthData)
        Pair <int, float> minVertex = new Pair <int, float>(-1, float.MaxValue);

        breadthData = new MinMaxPair();

        Vector3 centroid = Centroid;

        for (int i = 0; i < mDataCloud.Count; i++)
            Vector3 point = mDataCloud[i];

            Vector3 direction = point - centroid;
            float   distance  = Vector3.Dot(direction, axis);


            if (ExtMathf.Less(distance, minVertex.Second))
                minVertex.First  = i;
                minVertex.Second = distance;

    public void AlgorithmBruteDirection()
        var dataCloud = mConvexHull3.DataCloud;
        var points    = mConvexHull3.Vertices;

        const int X = 128;
        const int Y = 128;

        mVolume = float.MaxValue;
        for (int y = 0; y < Y; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < X; x++)
                float fx = (float)x / (X - 1) * 2f - 1f;
                float fy = (float)y / (Y - 1) * 2f - 1f;

                float sqLength = fx * fx + fy * fy;
                if (sqLength > 1f)

                float fz = Mathf.Sqrt(1f - sqLength);

                Vector3 zAxis = new Vector3(fx, fy, fz);
                Vector3 xAxis;
                Vector3 yAxis;
                ExtMathf.AxesFromAxis(zAxis, out xAxis, out yAxis);

                BoxFromNormalAxes(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);
    public static void TestExtMath()
        float a = 1f;
        float b = 1f + 1e-6f;
        float c = 1f + 1e-4f;

        Debug.Assert(ExtMathf.Equal(a, b));
        Debug.Assert(!ExtMathf.Equal(a, c));
        Debug.Assert(ExtMathf.Greater(c, a));
        Debug.Assert(!ExtMathf.Greater(b, a));
        Debug.Assert(ExtMathf.Less(a, c));
        Debug.Assert(!ExtMathf.Less(a, b));

        Vector3 A = new Vector3(-1, 0, -1);
        Vector3 B = new Vector3(1, 0, 1);
        Vector3 C = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
        Vector3 D = new Vector3(0, (1f / 3f), 0);

        Debug.Assert(ExtMathf.Centroid(A, B, C) == D);

        Vector3 xAxis = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f)).normalized;
        Vector3 yAxis;
        Vector3 zAxis;

        ExtMathf.AxesFromAxis(xAxis, out yAxis, out zAxis);
        Debug.Assert(ExtMathf.Equal(Vector3.Cross(yAxis, zAxis).normalized, xAxis));
        Debug.Assert(ExtMathf.Equal(Vector3.Cross(zAxis, xAxis).normalized, yAxis));
        Debug.Assert(ExtMathf.Equal(Vector3.Cross(xAxis, yAxis).normalized, zAxis));
    public static double RemapFromSeedDecimal(double min, double max, System.Random randomSeed)
        double zeroToOneValue = randomSeed.NextDouble();
        double minToMaxValue  = ExtMathf.Remap(zeroToOneValue, 0, 1, min, max);

        private void ComputeCircumcircleInfos()
            _a = ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(P1.Pos, P2.Pos, P3.Pos)
                 - ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(P1.Pos, P2.Pos, P4.Pos)
                 + ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(P1.Pos, P3.Pos, P4.Pos)
                 - ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(P2.Pos, P3.Pos, P4.Pos);

            float n1 = P1.Pos.sqrMagnitude;
            float n2 = P2.Pos.sqrMagnitude;
            float n3 = P3.Pos.sqrMagnitude;
            float n4 = P4.Pos.sqrMagnitude;
            float Dx = ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n1, P1.Y, P1.Z), new Vector3(n2, P2.Y, P2.Z), new Vector3(n3, P3.Y, P3.Z))
                       - ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n1, P1.Y, P1.Z), new Vector3(n2, P2.Y, P2.Z), new Vector3(n4, P4.Y, P4.Z))
                       + ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n1, P1.Y, P1.Z), new Vector3(n3, P3.Y, P3.Z), new Vector3(n4, P4.Y, P4.Z))
                       - ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n2, P2.Y, P2.Z), new Vector3(n3, P3.Y, P3.Z), new Vector3(n4, P4.Y, P4.Z));

            float Dy = -(ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n1, P1.X, P1.Z), new Vector3(n2, P2.X, P2.Z), new Vector3(n3, P3.X, P3.Z))
                         - ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n1, P1.X, P1.Z), new Vector3(n2, P2.X, P2.Z), new Vector3(n4, P4.X, P4.Z))
                         + ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n1, P1.X, P1.Z), new Vector3(n3, P3.X, P3.Z), new Vector3(n4, P4.X, P4.Z))
                         - ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n2, P2.X, P2.Z), new Vector3(n3, P3.X, P3.Z), new Vector3(n4, P4.X, P4.Z)));

            float Dz = ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n1, P1.X, P1.Y), new Vector3(n2, P2.X, P2.Y), new Vector3(n3, P3.X, P3.Y))
                       - ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n1, P1.X, P1.Y), new Vector3(n2, P2.X, P2.Y), new Vector3(n4, P4.X, P4.Y))
                       + ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n1, P1.X, P1.Y), new Vector3(n3, P3.X, P3.Y), new Vector3(n4, P4.X, P4.Y))
                       - ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(new Vector3(n2, P2.X, P2.Y), new Vector3(n3, P3.X, P3.Y), new Vector3(n4, P4.X, P4.Y));

            _d = new Vector3(Dx, Dy, Dz);

            _c = n1 * ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(P2.Pos, P3.Pos, P4.Pos)
                 - n2 * ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(P1.Pos, P3.Pos, P4.Pos)
                 + n3 * ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(P1.Pos, P2.Pos, P4.Pos)
                 - n4 * ExtMathf.Determinant3x3(P1.Pos, P2.Pos, P3.Pos);
        public float GetCurrentSpeedForwardClamped01()
            float currentVelocity  = entityController.GetActualAccelerationForward().magnitude;
            float velocityRemapped = ExtMathf.Remap(currentVelocity, 0, 10, 0, 1);

            //Debug.Log("velocity forward not mapped: " + currentVelocity);
        public float GetCurrentSpeedClamped01()
            float currentVelocity  = entityController.GetActualVelocity();
            float velocityRemapped = ExtMathf.Remap(currentVelocity, 0, 10, 0, 1);

            //Debug.Log("velocity remapped: " + velocityRemapped + "(actual: " + currentVelocity + ")");
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns relative position of point 'V' to this Triangle.
    /// +1 - point lies in front of the triangle.
    ///  0 - point lies on the triangle.
    /// -1 - point lies behind the triangle.
    /// </summary>
    public int CalculateRelativePosition(Vector3 P)
        float distance = CalculateDistance(P);

        return(ExtMathf.Greater(distance, 0f) ?
               1 : (ExtMathf.Less(distance, 0f) ?
                    -1 : 0));
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns relative position of point 'V' to this Edge, assuming space to be 2D.
    /// +1 - point lies above the line.
    ///  0 - point lies on the line.
    /// -1 - point lies below the line.
    /// </summary>
    public int CalculateRelative2DPosition(Vector3 P)
        float d = (P.x - V[0].x) * (V[1].y - V[0].y) - (P.y - V[0].y) * (V[1].x - V[0].x);

        return(ExtMathf.Greater(d, 0f) ?
               1 : (ExtMathf.Less(d, 0f) ?
                    -1 : 0));
    public Triangle(Vector3 V, Vector3 N)
        Vector3 xAxis;
        Vector3 yAxis;

        ExtMathf.AxesFromAxis(N, out xAxis, out yAxis);

        Initialize(V + xAxis, V, V + yAxis);
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks whether point 'V' lies on a line that passes through this Edge.
    /// </summary>
    public bool CalculateIfIsOnLine(Vector3 P)
        float dV  = (V[0] - V[1]).sqrMagnitude;
        float dP1 = (V[0] - P).sqrMagnitude;
        float dP2 = (P - V[1]).sqrMagnitude;

        float dP = dP1 + dP2;

        return(ExtMathf.Equal(dV, dP));
        /// <summary>
        /// move up-down in the dolly
        /// </summary>
        private void InputDolly()
            Vector2 dirInput = _cameraInput;

            if (Mathf.Abs(dirInput.y) >= _deadZoneVerti)
                float remapedInput = ExtMathf.Remap(Mathf.Abs(dirInput.y), _deadZoneVerti, 1f, 0f, 1f);
                _followPercent -= _speedDolly * remapedInput * Mathf.Sign(dirInput.y) * Time.deltaTime;
                _followPercent  = Mathf.Clamp(_followPercent, 0, 1f);
    /// <summary>
    /// Function for each axis returns it's min vertex index and breadth along it.
    /// </summary>
    public void GetAlongAxesData(
        Vector3 xAxis, Vector3 yAxis, Vector3 zAxis,
        out Pair <int, MinMaxPair> xAxisData,
        out Pair <int, MinMaxPair> yAxisData,
        out Pair <int, MinMaxPair> zAxisData
        Pair <int, float> minVertexX = new Pair <int, float>(0, float.MaxValue);
        Pair <int, float> minVertexY = new Pair <int, float>(0, float.MaxValue);
        Pair <int, float> minVertexZ = new Pair <int, float>(0, float.MaxValue);
        MinMaxPair        breadthX   = new MinMaxPair();
        MinMaxPair        breadthY   = new MinMaxPair();
        MinMaxPair        breadthZ   = new MinMaxPair();

        Vector3 centroid = Centroid;

        for (int i = 0; i < mDataCloud.Count; i++)
            Vector3 point = mDataCloud[i];

            Vector3 direction = point - centroid;
            float   xDistance = Vector3.Dot(direction, xAxis);
            float   yDistance = Vector3.Dot(direction, yAxis);
            float   zDistance = Vector3.Dot(direction, zAxis);


            if (ExtMathf.Less(xDistance, minVertexX.Second))
                minVertexX.First  = i;
                minVertexX.Second = xDistance;

            if (ExtMathf.Less(yDistance, minVertexY.Second))
                minVertexY.First  = i;
                minVertexY.Second = yDistance;

            if (ExtMathf.Less(zDistance, minVertexZ.Second))
                minVertexZ.First  = i;
                minVertexZ.Second = zDistance;

        xAxisData = new Pair <int, MinMaxPair>(minVertexX.First, breadthX);
        yAxisData = new Pair <int, MinMaxPair>(minVertexY.First, breadthY);
        zAxisData = new Pair <int, MinMaxPair>(minVertexZ.First, breadthZ);
        private Vector3 GetClosestPoint(Vector3 k)
            Vector3 vK1 = k - _p1;
            float   tx  = Vector3.Dot(vK1, _v41) / _v41Squared;
            float   tz  = Vector3.Dot(vK1, _v21) / _v21Squared;

            tx = ExtMathf.SetBetween(tx, 0, 1);
            tz = ExtMathf.SetBetween(tz, 0, 1);

            Vector3 closestPoint = tx * _v41 + tz * _v21 + _p1;

        /// <summary>
        /// return a value from 0 to 1, representing the "player input", with rb acceleration
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public float GetMagnitudeAcceleration()
            float playerInput = entityAction.GetMagnitudeInput();

            //TODO: a super lerp;
            //min: minAcceleration
            //max: speedMove
            //current: currentSpeedMove
            float remapCurrentSpeed = ExtMathf.Remap(currentSpeedMove, minAcceleration, speedMove, 0, 1);

            return(remapCurrentSpeed * playerInput);
        /// <summary>
        /// tel to zoom
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zoomRatio">between -1 and 1</param>
        public void InputZoom(float speedRatio = 1f)
            if (Mathf.Abs(_trigerZoom) >= _deadZoneZoom)
                float remapedInput      = ExtMathf.Remap(Mathf.Abs(_trigerZoom), _deadZoneVerti, 1f, 0f, 1f);
                float localScaleAllAxis = _toScale.localScale.x;
                localScaleAllAxis += _speedZoom * remapedInput * speedRatio * Mathf.Sign(_trigerZoom) * Time.deltaTime;
                localScaleAllAxis  = Mathf.Clamp(localScaleAllAxis, _minMaxZoom.x, _minMaxZoom.y);

                _toScale.localScale = new Vector3(localScaleAllAxis, localScaleAllAxis, localScaleAllAxis);

    public void AlgorithmRotatingCalipers()
        var edges     = mConvexHull2.Edges;
        var dataCloud = mConvexHull2.DataCloud;
        var vertices  = mConvexHull2.Vertices;

        if (edges.Count < 3)
            Debugger.Get.Log("Insufficient points to form a triangle.", DebugOption.SBB2);

        mArea = float.MaxValue;

        foreach (Edge edge in edges)
            Vector3 edgeDirection = edge.V[1] - edge.V[0];
            float   edgeAngle     = Mathf.Atan2(edgeDirection.y, edgeDirection.x);

            // x = min, y = max
            MinMaxPair X = new MinMaxPair();
            MinMaxPair Y = new MinMaxPair();

            foreach (int p in vertices)
                Vector3 rotatedPoint = ExtMathf.Rotation2D(dataCloud[p], -edgeAngle);


            float newArea = X.Delta * Y.Delta;
            if (newArea < mArea)
                mArea = newArea;

                mRectangle.Extents = new Vector2(X.Delta, Y.Delta);
                mRectangle.Corner  = ExtMathf.Rotation2D(new Vector3(X.Min, Y.Min), edgeAngle);
                mRectangle.X       = ExtMathf.Rotation2D(Vector3.right, edgeAngle).normalized;
                mRectangle.Y       = ExtMathf.Rotation2D(Vector3.up, edgeAngle).normalized;
        /// <summary>
        /// rotate left-right
        /// </summary>
        private void InputRotate()
            //start or continue ease rotate
            Vector2 dirInput = _cameraInput;

            //if margin turn is ok for HORIZ move
            if (Mathf.Abs(dirInput.x) >= _deadZoneHoriz)

                float remapedInput = ExtMathf.Remap(Mathf.Abs(dirInput.x), _deadZoneHoriz, 1f, 0f, 1f) * Mathf.Sign(dirInput.x);

                _toRotate.Rotate(0, _easeRotate.EvaluateWithDeltaTime() * remapedInput, 0);
    public static bool IsCloseXToClampAmount(Quaternion q, float minX, float maxX, float margin = 2)
        if (q.w == 0)

        q.x /= q.w;
        q.y /= q.w;
        q.z /= q.w;
        q.w  = 1.0f;

        float angleX = 2.0f * Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan(q.x);

        if (ExtMathf.IsClose(angleX, minX, margin) ||
            ExtMathf.IsClose(angleX, maxX, margin))
            public void CalculateEmptyCellIndexBasedOnPosition(float heightItem, float margin)
                if (!IsDragging ||
                    HowManyCellAreDisplayed < 2 ||
                    FirstItem.y == 0 ||
                    LastItem.y == 0)

                float min           = FirstItem.y + margin;
                float max           = LastItem.y + heightItem + margin;
                float mousePosition = SetBetween(Event.current.mousePosition.y, min, max);
                int   numberItem    = HowManyCellAreDisplayed;

                float percent      = 1 - ExtMathf.Remap(mousePosition, min, max, 0f, 1f);
                float indexPrecise = ExtMathf.Remap(percent, 0, 1, 0, numberItem);
                int   index        = Mathf.RoundToInt(indexPrecise - (1f / numberItem));

                index = SetBetween(index, 0, numberItem);
                CurrentIndexShouldPointEmptyCell = index;
        public void DisplayRight()
            if (!EditorPrefs.GetBool(UnityEssentialsPreferences.SHOW_PEEK_MENU, true))
            float percent = EditorPrefs.GetFloat(UnityEssentialsPreferences.POSITION_IN_TOOLBAR, UnityEssentialsPreferences.DEFAULT_TOOLBAR_POSITION);

            if (percent <= 0.5f)
            Rect left = ToolbarExtender.GetRightRect();

            percent = ExtMathf.Remap(percent, 0.5f, 1f, 0f, 1f);
            float width = (left.width - SIZE_SLIDER) / 1 * percent;

            GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.MinWidth(0), GUILayout.Width(width));
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
            Rect finalRect = SetupLocalRect(width);
 private void FixedUpdate()
     ExtMathf.LinearAcceleration(out actualAccelerationVector, rb.position, 4);
     actualAcceleration = actualAccelerationVector.magnitude;
    public void AlgorithmRandomIncremental()

        if (mDataCloud.Count < 4)
            Debugger.Get.Log("Insufficient points to generate a tetrahedron.", DebugOption.CH3);

        int index = 0;
        // Pick first point.
        KeyValuePair <int, Vector3> P1 = new KeyValuePair <int, Vector3>(index, mDataCloud[index]);

        KeyValuePair <int, Vector3> P2 = new KeyValuePair <int, Vector3>(-1, Vector3.zero);

        while (P2.Key == -1 && ++index < mDataCloud.Count)
            // Two points form a line if they are not equal.
            Vector3 P = mDataCloud[index];
            if (!ExtMathf.Equal(P2.Value, P))
                P2 = new KeyValuePair <int, Vector3>(index, P);
        if (P2.Key == -1)
            Debugger.Get.Log("Couldn't find two not equal points.", DebugOption.CH3);

        // Points on line and on the same plane, still should be considered later on. Happens.
        List <int> skippedPoints = new List <int>();

        Edge line = new Edge(P1.Value, P2.Value);
        KeyValuePair <int, Vector3> P3 = new KeyValuePair <int, Vector3>(-1, Vector3.zero);

        while (P3.Key == -1 && ++index < mDataCloud.Count)
            // Three points form a triangle if they are not on the same line.
            Vector3 P = mDataCloud[index];
            if (!line.CalculateIfIsOnLine(P))
                P3 = new KeyValuePair <int, Vector3>(index, P);
        if (P3.Key == -1)
            Debugger.Get.Log("Couldn't find three not linear points.", DebugOption.CH3);

        Triangle planeTriangle         = new Triangle(P1.Value, P2.Value, P3.Value);
        KeyValuePair <int, Vector3> P4 = new KeyValuePair <int, Vector3>(-1, Vector3.zero);

        while (P4.Key == -1 && ++index < mDataCloud.Count)
            // Four points form a tetrahedron if they are not on the same plane.
            Vector3 P = mDataCloud[index];
            if (planeTriangle.CalculateRelativePosition(P) != 0)
                P4 = new KeyValuePair <int, Vector3>(index, P);
        if (P4.Key == -1)
            Debugger.Get.Log("Couldn't find four not planar points.", DebugOption.CH3);

        // Calculate reference centroid of ConvexHull.
        Vector3 centroid = ExtMathf.Centroid(P1.Value, P2.Value, P3.Value, P4.Value);

        List <BasicTriangle> tetrahedronTriangles = new List <BasicTriangle>();

        tetrahedronTriangles.Add(new BasicTriangle(P3.Key, P2.Key, P1.Key));
        tetrahedronTriangles.Add(new BasicTriangle(P1.Key, P2.Key, P4.Key));
        tetrahedronTriangles.Add(new BasicTriangle(P2.Key, P3.Key, P4.Key));
        tetrahedronTriangles.Add(new BasicTriangle(P3.Key, P1.Key, P4.Key));

        foreach (BasicTriangle basicTriangle in tetrahedronTriangles)
            Triangle triangle = new Triangle(

            if (triangle.CalculateRelativePosition(centroid) != -1)
            {   // Centroid of ConvexHull should always be inside.

        Dictionary <int, HashSet <BasicTriangle> > pointFacets = new Dictionary <int, HashSet <BasicTriangle> >();
        Dictionary <BasicTriangle, HashSet <int> > facetPoints = new Dictionary <BasicTriangle, HashSet <int> >();

        foreach (BasicTriangle basicTriangle in mBasicTriangles)
            Triangle triangle = new Triangle(

            for (int p = index; p < mDataCloud.Count; p++)
                if (triangle.CalculateRelativePosition(mDataCloud[p]) == 1)
                    if (!pointFacets.ContainsKey(p))
                        pointFacets.Add(p, new HashSet <BasicTriangle>());

                    if (!facetPoints.ContainsKey(basicTriangle))
                        facetPoints.Add(basicTriangle, new HashSet <int>());

            foreach (int p in skippedPoints)
                if (triangle.CalculateRelativePosition(mDataCloud[p]) == 1)
                    if (!pointFacets.ContainsKey(p))
                        pointFacets.Add(p, new HashSet <BasicTriangle>());

        while (pointFacets.Count > 0)
            var firstPointFacet = pointFacets.First();
            if (firstPointFacet.Value.Count > 0)
                Dictionary <BasicEdge, BasicEdge> horizon = new Dictionary <BasicEdge, BasicEdge>();

                foreach (BasicTriangle basicTriangle in firstPointFacet.Value)
                    for (int a = 2, b = 0; b < 3; a = b++)
                        BasicEdge edge          = new BasicEdge(basicTriangle.v[a], basicTriangle.v[b]);
                        BasicEdge edgeUnordered = edge.Unordered();

                        if (horizon.ContainsKey(edgeUnordered))
                            horizon.Add(edgeUnordered, edge);

                int pointKey = firstPointFacet.Key;
                foreach (BasicTriangle facet in firstPointFacet.Value)
                    foreach (int facetPointKey in facetPoints[facet])
                        if (facetPointKey != pointKey)


                foreach (KeyValuePair <BasicEdge, BasicEdge> edges in horizon)
                    BasicTriangle newBasicTriangle = new BasicTriangle(edges.Value.v[0], edges.Value.v[1], pointKey);


                    if (pointFacets.Count > 0)
                        Triangle newTriangle = new Triangle(

                        foreach (var pointFacetsKey in pointFacets.Keys)
                            if (newTriangle.CalculateRelativePosition(mDataCloud[pointFacetsKey]) == 1)

                                if (!facetPoints.ContainsKey(newBasicTriangle))
                                    facetPoints.Add(newBasicTriangle, new HashSet <int>());
 /// <summary>
 /// get the min lenght of this vector
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vector"></param>
 /// <returns>min lenght of x, y or z</returns>
 public static float Minimum(this Vector3 vector)
     return(ExtMathf.Min(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z));
    public void AlgorithmOptimized()
        /* Outline of the algorithm:
         * 0. Compute the convex hull of the point set (given as input to this function) O(VlogV)
         * 1. Compute vertex adjacency data, i.e. given a vertex, return a list of its neighboring vertices. O(V)
         * 2. Precompute face normal direction vectors, since these are needed often. (does not affect big-O complexity, just a micro-opt) O(F)
         * 3. Compute edge adjacency data, i.e. given an edge, return the two indices of its neighboring faces. O(V)
         * 4. Precompute antipodal vertices for each edge. O(A*ElogV), where A is the size of antipodal vertices per edge. A ~ O(1) on average.
         * 5. Precompute all sidepodal edges for each edge. O(E*S), where S is the size of sidepodal edges per edge. S ~ O(sqrtE) on average.
         *   - Sort the sidepodal edges to a linear order so that it's possible to do fast set intersection computations on them. O(E*S*logS), or O(E*sqrtE*logE).
         * 6. Test all configurations where all three edges are on adjacent faces. O(E*S^2) = O(E^2) or if smart with graph search, O(ES) = O(E*sqrtE)?
         * 7. Test all configurations where two edges are on opposing faces, and the third one is on a face adjacent to the two. O(E*sqrtE*logV)?
         * 8. Test all configurations where two edges are on the same face (OBB aligns with a face of the convex hull). O(F*sqrtE*logV).
         * 9. Return the best found OBB.

        mVolume = float.MaxValue;

        var dataCloud      = mConvexHull3.DataCloud;
        var basicTriangles = mConvexHull3.BasicTriangles;
        var edges          = mConvexHull3.BasicEdges;
        var vertices       = mConvexHull3.Vertices;
        int verticesCount  = vertices.Count;

        if (verticesCount < 4)

        // Precomputation: For each vertex in the convex hull, compute their neighboring vertices.
        var adjacencyData = mConvexHull3.GetVertexAdjacencyData(); // O(V)

        // Precomputation: for each triangle create and store its normal, for later use.
        List <Vector3> faceNormals = new List <Vector3>(basicTriangles.Count);

        foreach (BasicTriangle basicTriangle in basicTriangles) // O(F)
            Triangle triangle = Triangle.FromBasicTriangle(basicTriangle, dataCloud);

        // Precomputation: For each edge in convex hull, compute both connected faces data.
        Dictionary <int, List <int> > facesForEdge = mConvexHull3.GetEdgeFacesData(); // edgeFaces

        HashSet <int>    internalEdges  = new HashSet <int>();
        Func <int, bool> IsInternalEdge = (int edgeIndex) => { return(internalEdges.Contains(edgeIndex)); };

        for (int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < edges.Count; edgeIndex++)
            float dot = Vector3.Dot(

            bool isInternal = ExtMathf.Equal(dot, 1f, 1e-4f);

            if (isInternal)

        // For each vertex pair (v, u) through which there is an edge, specifies the index i of the edge that passes through them.
        // This map contains duplicates, so both (v, u) and (u, v) map to the same edge index.
        List <int> vertexPairToEdges = mConvexHull3.GetUniversalEdgesList();

        // Throughout the whole algorithm, this array stores an auxiliary structure for performing graph searches
        // on the vertices of the convex hull. Conceptually each index of the array stores a boolean whether we
        // have visited that vertex or not during the current search. However storing such booleans is slow, since
        // we would have to perform a linear-time scan through this array before next search to reset each boolean
        // to unvisited false state. Instead, store a number, called a "color" for each vertex to specify whether
        // that vertex has been visited, and manage a global color counter floodFillVisitColor that represents the
        // visited vertices. At any given time, the vertices that have already been visited have the value
        // floodFillVisited[i] == floodFillVisitColor in them. This gives a win that we can perform constant-time
        // clears of the floodFillVisited array, by simply incrementing the "color" counter to clear the array.

        List <int> floodFillVisited    = new List <int>().Populate(-1, verticesCount);
        int        floodFillVisitColor = 1;

        Action           ClearGraphSearch  = () => { floodFillVisitColor++; };
        Action <int>     MarkVertexVisited = (int v) => { floodFillVisited[v] = floodFillVisitColor; };
        Func <int, bool> HaveVisitedVertex = (int v) => { return(floodFillVisited[v] == floodFillVisitColor); };

        List <List <int> > antipodalPointsForEdge = new List <List <int> >().Populate(new List <int>(), edges.Count); // edgeAntipodalVertices

        // The currently best variant for establishing a spatially coherent traversal order.
        HashSet <int> spatialFaceOrder = new HashSet <int>();
        HashSet <int> spatialEdgeOrder = new HashSet <int>();

        { // Explicit scope for variables that are not needed after this.
            List <Pair <int, int> > traverseStackEdge = new List <Pair <int, int> >();
            List <bool>             visitedEdges      = new List <bool>().Populate(false, edges.Count);
            List <bool>             visitedFaces      = new List <bool>().Populate(false, basicTriangles.Count);

            traverseStackEdge.Add(new Pair <int, int>(0, adjacencyData[0].First()));
            while (traverseStackEdge.Count != 0)
                Pair <int, int> e = traverseStackEdge.Last();

                int thisEdge = vertexPairToEdges[e.First * verticesCount + e.Second];

                if (visitedEdges[thisEdge])
                visitedEdges[thisEdge] = true;

                if (!visitedFaces[facesForEdge[thisEdge].First()])
                    visitedFaces[facesForEdge[thisEdge].First()] = true;

                if (!visitedFaces[facesForEdge[thisEdge].Second()])
                    visitedFaces[facesForEdge[thisEdge].Second()] = true;

                if (!IsInternalEdge(thisEdge))

                int v0         = e.Second;
                int sizeBefore = traverseStackEdge.Count;

                foreach (int v1 in adjacencyData[v0])
                    int e1 = vertexPairToEdges[v0 * verticesCount + v1];

                    if (visitedEdges[e1])

                    traverseStackEdge.Add(new Pair <int, int>(v0, v1));

                //Take a random adjacent edge
                int nNewEdges = (traverseStackEdge.Count - sizeBefore);
                if (nNewEdges > 0)
                    int r = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, nNewEdges - 1);

                    var swapTemp = traverseStackEdge[traverseStackEdge.Count - 1];
                    traverseStackEdge[traverseStackEdge.Count - 1] = traverseStackEdge[sizeBefore + r];
                    traverseStackEdge[sizeBefore + r] = swapTemp;

        // Stores a memory of yet unvisited vertices for current graph search.
        List <int> traverseStack = new List <int>();

        // Since we do several extreme vertex searches, and the search directions have a lot of spatial locality,
        // always start the search for the next extreme vertex from the extreme vertex that was found during the
        // previous iteration for the previous edge. This has been profiled to improve overall performance by as
        // much as 15-25%.

        int debugCount = 0;
        var startPoint = TimeMeasure.Start();

        // Precomputation: for each edge, we need to compute the list of potential antipodal points (points on
        // the opposing face of an enclosing OBB of the face that is flush with the given edge of the polyhedron).
        // This is O(E*log(V)) ?
        foreach (int i in spatialEdgeOrder)
            Vector3 f1a = faceNormals[facesForEdge[i].First()];
            Vector3 f1b = faceNormals[facesForEdge[i].Second()];

            MinMaxPair breadthData;
            int        startingVertex = mConvexHull3.GetAlongAxisData(f1a, out breadthData);
            ClearGraphSearch(); // Search through the graph for all adjacent antipodal vertices.

            while (!traverseStack.Empty())
            {   // In amortized analysis, only a constant number of vertices are antipodal points for any edge?
                int v = traverseStack.Last();

                var neighbours = adjacencyData[v];
                if (IsVertexAntipodalToEdge(v, neighbours, f1a, f1b))
                    if (edges[i].ContainsVertex(v))
                        Debug.LogFormat("Edge {0} is antipodal to vertex {1} which is part of the same edge!" +
                                        "This should be possible only if the input is degenerate planar!",
                                        edges[i], v);


                    foreach (int neighboursVertex in neighbours)
                        if (!HaveVisitedVertex(neighboursVertex))

            // Robustness: If the above search did not find any antipodal points, add the first found extreme
            // point at least, since it is always an antipodal point. This is known to occur very rarely due
            // to numerical imprecision in the above loop over adjacent edges.
            if (antipodalPointsForEdge[i].Empty())
                Debug.LogFormat("Got to place which is most likely a bug...");
                // Fall back to linear scan, which is very slow.
                for (int j = 0; j < verticesCount; j++)
                    if (IsVertexAntipodalToEdge(j, adjacencyData[j], f1a, f1b))


        Debug.Log("@ First loop count: " + debugCount + " in time: " + TimeMeasure.Stop(startPoint));

        // Stores for each edge i the list of all sidepodal edge indices j that it can form an OBB with.
        List <HashSet <int> > compatibleEdges = new List <HashSet <int> >().Populate(new HashSet <int>(), edges.Count);

        // Use a O(E*V) data structure for sidepodal vertices.
        bool[] sidepodalVertices = new bool[edges.Count * verticesCount].Populate(false);

        // Compute all sidepodal edges for each edge by performing a graph search. The set of sidepodal edges is
        // connected in the graph, which lets us avoid having to iterate over each edge pair of the convex hull.
        // Total running time is O(E*sqrtE).
        debugCount = 0;
        startPoint = TimeMeasure.Start();
        foreach (int i in spatialEdgeOrder)
            Vector3 f1a = faceNormals[facesForEdge[i].First()];
            Vector3 f1b = faceNormals[facesForEdge[i].Second()];

            Vector3 deadDirection = (f1a + f1b) * .5f;
            Vector3 basis1, basis2;
            deadDirection.PerpendicularBasis(out basis1, out basis2);

            Vector3 dir = f1a.Perpendicular();

            MinMaxPair breadthData;
            int        startingVertex = mConvexHull3.GetAlongAxisData(-dir, out breadthData);

            while (!traverseStack.Empty()) // O(sqrt(E))
                int v = traverseStack.Last();

                if (HaveVisitedVertex(v))

                foreach (int vAdj in adjacencyData[v])
                    if (HaveVisitedVertex(vAdj))

                    int edge = vertexPairToEdges[v * verticesCount + vAdj];
                    if (AreEdgesCompatibleForOBB(f1a, f1b, faceNormals[facesForEdge[edge].First()], faceNormals[facesForEdge[edge].Second()]))
                        if (i <= edge)
                            if (!IsInternalEdge(edge))

                            sidepodalVertices[i * verticesCount + edges[edge].v[0]] = true;
                            sidepodalVertices[i * verticesCount + edges[edge].v[1]] = true;

                            if (i != edge)
                                if (!IsInternalEdge(edge))

                                sidepodalVertices[edge * verticesCount + edges[i].v[0]] = true;
                                sidepodalVertices[edge * verticesCount + edges[i].v[1]] = true;





        Debug.Log("@ Second loop count: " + debugCount + " in time: " + TimeMeasure.Stop(startPoint));

        // Take advantage of spatial locality: start the search for the extreme vertex from the extreme vertex
        // that was found during the previous iteration for the previous edge. This speeds up the search since
        // edge directions have some amount of spatial locality and the next extreme vertex is often close
        // to the previous one. Track two hint variables since we are performing extreme vertex searches to
        // two opposing directions at the same time.

        // Stores a memory of yet unvisited vertices that are common sidepodal vertices to both currently chosen edges for current graph search.
        List <int> traverseStackCommonSidepodals = new List <int>();

        Debug.Log("@ Edges count: " + edges.Count);
        Debug.Log("@ Vertices count: " + verticesCount);
        debugCount = 0;
        startPoint = TimeMeasure.Start();
        Debug.Log("@ Spatial edges: " + spatialEdgeOrder.Count);
        foreach (int i in spatialEdgeOrder)
            Vector3 f1a = faceNormals[facesForEdge[i].First()];
            Vector3 f1b = faceNormals[facesForEdge[i].Second()];

            Vector3 deadDirection = (f1a + f1b) * .5f;

            Debug.Log("@ Compatible edges: " + compatibleEdges[i].Count);
            foreach (int edgeJ in compatibleEdges[i])
                if (edgeJ <= i) // Remove symmetry.

                Vector3 f2a = faceNormals[facesForEdge[edgeJ].First()];
                Vector3 f2b = faceNormals[facesForEdge[edgeJ].Second()];

                Vector3 deadDirection2 = (f2a + f2b) * .5f;

                Vector3 searchDir = Vector3.Cross(deadDirection, deadDirection2).normalized;
                float   length    = searchDir.magnitude;

                if (ExtMathf.Equal(length, 0f))
                    searchDir = Vector3.Cross(f1a, f2a).normalized;
                    length    = searchDir.magnitude;

                    if (ExtMathf.Equal(length, 0f))
                        searchDir = f1a.Perpendicular();

                MinMaxPair breadthData;
                int        extremeVertexSearchHint1 = mConvexHull3.GetAlongAxisData(-searchDir, out breadthData);

                MinMaxPair breadthData2;
                int        extremeVertexSearchHint2 = mConvexHull3.GetAlongAxisData(searchDir, out breadthData2);


                int secondSearch = -1;

                if (sidepodalVertices[edgeJ * verticesCount + extremeVertexSearchHint1])

                if (sidepodalVertices[edgeJ * verticesCount + extremeVertexSearchHint2])
                    secondSearch = extremeVertexSearchHint2;

                // Bootstrap to a good vertex that is sidepodal to both edges.
                while (!traverseStack.Empty())
                    int v = traverseStack.First();

                    if (HaveVisitedVertex(v))

                    foreach (int vAdj in adjacencyData[v])
                        if (!HaveVisitedVertex(vAdj) && sidepodalVertices[i * verticesCount + vAdj])
                            if (sidepodalVertices[edgeJ * verticesCount + vAdj])
                                if (secondSearch != -1)
                                    secondSearch = -1;




                while (!traverseStackCommonSidepodals.Empty())
                    int v = traverseStackCommonSidepodals.Last();

                    if (HaveVisitedVertex(v))

                    foreach (int vAdj in adjacencyData[v])
                        int edgeK = vertexPairToEdges[v * verticesCount + vAdj];

                        if (IsInternalEdge(edgeK))  // Edges inside faces with 180 degrees dihedral angles can be ignored.

                        if (sidepodalVertices[i * verticesCount + vAdj] && sidepodalVertices[edgeJ * verticesCount + vAdj])
                            if (!HaveVisitedVertex(vAdj))

                            if (edgeJ < edgeK)
                                Vector3 f3a = faceNormals[facesForEdge[edgeK].First()];
                                Vector3 f3b = faceNormals[facesForEdge[edgeK].Second()];

                                Vector3[] n1 = new Vector3[2];
                                Vector3[] n2 = new Vector3[2];
                                Vector3[] n3 = new Vector3[2];

                                int nSolutions = ComputeBasis(f1a, f1b, f2a, f2b, f3a, f3b, ref n1, ref n2, ref n3);
                                for (int s = 0; s < nSolutions; s++)
                                    BoxFromNormalAxes(n1[s], n2[s], n3[s]);





        Debug.Log("@ Third loop count: " + debugCount + " in time: " + TimeMeasure.Stop(startPoint));

        HashSet <int>  antipodalEdges       = new HashSet <int>();
        List <Vector3> antipodalEdgeNormals = new List <Vector3>();

        // Main algorithm body for finding all search directions where the OBB is flush with the edges of the
        // convex hull from two opposing faces. This is O(E*sqrtE*logV)?
        debugCount = 0;
        startPoint = TimeMeasure.Start();
        foreach (int i in spatialEdgeOrder)
            Vector3 f1a = faceNormals[facesForEdge[i].First()];
            Vector3 f1b = faceNormals[facesForEdge[i].Second()];


            foreach (int antipodalVertex in antipodalPointsForEdge[i])
                foreach (int vAdj in adjacencyData[antipodalVertex])
                    if (vAdj < antipodalVertex) // We search unordered edges, so no need to process edge (v1, v2) and (v2, v1)
                        continue;               // twice - take the canonical order to be antipodalVertex < vAdj
                    int edge = vertexPairToEdges[antipodalVertex * verticesCount + vAdj];
                    if (i > edge) // We search pairs of edges, so no need to process twice - take the canonical order to be i < edge.

                    if (IsInternalEdge(edge))
                        continue; // Edges inside faces with 180 degrees dihedral angles can be ignored.
                    Vector3 f2a = faceNormals[facesForEdge[edge].First()];
                    Vector3 f2b = faceNormals[facesForEdge[edge].Second()];

                    Vector3 normal;
                    bool    success = AreCompatibleOpposingEdges(f1a, f1b, f2a, f2b, out normal);
                    if (success)



            var compatibleEdgesI = compatibleEdges[i];
            foreach (int edgeJ in compatibleEdgesI)
                int k = 0;
                foreach (int edgeK in antipodalEdges)
                    Vector3 n1 = antipodalEdgeNormals[k++];

                    MinMaxPair N1 = new MinMaxPair();
                    N1.Min = Vector3.Dot(n1, dataCloud[edges[edgeK].v[0]]);
                    N1.Max = Vector3.Dot(n1, dataCloud[edges[i].v[0]]);

                    Debug.Assert(N1.Min < N1.Max);

                    // Test all mutual compatible edges.
                    Vector3 f3a = faceNormals[facesForEdge[edgeJ].First()];
                    Vector3 f3b = faceNormals[facesForEdge[edgeJ].Second()];

                    float num   = Vector3.Dot(n1, f3b);
                    float denom = Vector3.Dot(n1, f3b - f3a);

                    RefAction <float, float> MoveSign = (ref float dst, ref float src) =>
                        if (src < 0f)
                            dst = -dst;
                            src = -src;
                    MoveSign(ref num, ref denom);

                    float epsilon = 1e-4f;
                    if (denom < epsilon)
                        num   = (Mathf.Abs(num) == 0f) ? 0f : -1f;
                        denom = 1f;

                    if (num >= denom * -epsilon && num <= denom * (1f + epsilon))
                        float v = num / denom;

                        Vector3 n3 = (f3b + (f3a - f3b) * v).normalized;
                        Vector3 n2 = Vector3.Cross(n3, n1).normalized;

                        BoxFromNormalAxes(n1, n2, n3);




        Debug.Log("@ Fourth loop count: " + debugCount + " in time: " + TimeMeasure.Stop(startPoint));

        // Main algorithm body for computing all search directions where the OBB touches two edges on the same face.
        // This is O(F*sqrtE*logV)?
        debugCount = 0;
        startPoint = TimeMeasure.Start();
        foreach (int i in spatialFaceOrder)
            Vector3 n1 = faceNormals[i];

            // Find two edges on the face. Since we have flexibility to choose from multiple edges of the same face,
            // choose two that are possibly most opposing to each other, in the hope that their sets of sidepodal
            // edges are most mutually exclusive as possible, speeding up the search below.
            int e1 = -1;
            int v0 = basicTriangles[i].v[2];

            for (int j = 0; j < basicTriangles[i].v.Length; j++)
                int v1 = basicTriangles[i].v[j];
                int e  = vertexPairToEdges[v0 * verticesCount + v1];
                if (!IsInternalEdge(e))
                    e1 = e;
                v0 = v1;

            if (e1 == -1)
                continue; // All edges of this face were degenerate internal edges! Just skip processing the whole face.
            var compatibleEdgesI = compatibleEdges[e1];
            foreach (int edge3 in compatibleEdgesI)
                Vector3 f3a = faceNormals[facesForEdge[edge3].First()];
                Vector3 f3b = faceNormals[facesForEdge[edge3].Second()];

                float num   = Vector3.Dot(n1, f3b);
                float denom = Vector3.Dot(n1, f3b - f3a);
                float v;
                if (!ExtMathf.Equal(Mathf.Abs(denom), 0f))
                    v = num / denom;
                    v = ExtMathf.Equal(Mathf.Abs(num), 0f) ? 0f : -1f;

                const float epsilon = 1e-4f;
                if (v >= 0f - epsilon && v <= 1f + epsilon)
                    Vector3 n3 = (f3b + (f3a - f3b) * v).normalized;
                    Vector3 n2 = Vector3.Cross(n3, n1).normalized;

                    BoxFromNormalAxes(n1, n2, n3);



        Debug.Log("@ Fifth loop count: " + debugCount + " in time: " + TimeMeasure.Stop(startPoint));
    public static bool SolveAxb(this Matrix4x4 matrix, Vector3 b, ref Vector3 x)
        float v00 = matrix.m00;
        float v10 = matrix.m10;
        float v20 = matrix.m20;

        float v01 = matrix.m01;
        float v11 = matrix.m11;
        float v21 = matrix.m21;

        float v02 = matrix.m02;
        float v12 = matrix.m12;
        float v22 = matrix.m22;

        float av00 = Mathf.Abs(v00);
        float av10 = Mathf.Abs(v10);
        float av20 = Mathf.Abs(v20);

        // Find which item in first column has largest absolute value.
        if (av10 >= av00 && av10 >= av20)
            Utilities.Swap(ref v00, ref v10);
            Utilities.Swap(ref v01, ref v11);
            Utilities.Swap(ref v02, ref v12);
            Utilities.Swap(ref b.x, ref b.y);
        else if (av20 >= av00)
            Utilities.Swap(ref v00, ref v20);
            Utilities.Swap(ref v01, ref v21);
            Utilities.Swap(ref v02, ref v22);
            Utilities.Swap(ref b.x, ref b.z);

        /* a b c | x
         * d e f | y
         * g h i | z , where |a| >= |d| && |a| >= |g| */

        if (ExtMathf.Equal(av00, 0f))

        // Scale row so that leading element is one.
        float denom = 1f / v00;

        v01 *= denom;
        v02 *= denom;
        b.x *= denom;

        /* 1 b c | x
        *  d e f | y
        *  g h i | z */

        // Zero first column of second and third rows.
        v11 -= v10 * v01;
        v12 -= v10 * v02;
        b.y -= v10 * b.x;

        v21 -= v20 * v01;
        v22 -= v20 * v02;
        b.z -= v20 * b.x;

        /* 1 b c | x
        *  0 e f | y
        *  0 h i | z */

        // Pivotize again.
        if (Mathf.Abs(v21) > Mathf.Abs(v11))
            Utilities.Swap(ref v11, ref v21);
            Utilities.Swap(ref v12, ref v22);
            Utilities.Swap(ref b.y, ref b.z);

        if (ExtMathf.Equal(Mathf.Abs(v11), 0f))

        /* 1 b c | x
         * 0 e f | y
         * 0 h i | z, where |e| >= |h| */

        denom = 1f / v11;
        v12  *= denom;
        b.y  *= denom;

        /* 1 b c | x
        *  0 1 f | y
        *  0 h i | z */

        v22 -= v21 * v12;
        b.z -= v21 * b.y;

        /* 1 b c | x
        *  0 1 f | y
        *  0 0 i | z */

        if (ExtMathf.Equal(Mathf.Abs(v22), 0f))

        x.z = b.z / v22;
        x.y = b.y - x.z * v12;
        x.x = b.x - x.z * v02 - x.y * v01;

    /// <summary>
    /// from a given path (sets of points), get the closest position of pos from this path, and return the
    /// current percentage inside
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pos"></param>
    /// <param name="chunkPath"></param>
    /// <param name="precision"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static float GetPercentageFromPosToChunkPath(Vector3 pos, Vector3[] chunkPath, float precision = 1f)
        if (chunkPath == null || chunkPath.Length == 0)
            //Debug.LogWarning("out of bounds");

        float percent    = 0f;
        float lenghtPath = ExtMathf.GetLenghtOfPath(chunkPath);

        Vector3[] closestPointInLines = new Vector3[chunkPath.Length];
        float[]   lenghtAllLine       = new float[chunkPath.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < closestPointInLines.Length - 1; i++)
            ExtLine line = new ExtLine(chunkPath[i], chunkPath[i + 1]);
            closestPointInLines[i] = line.ClosestPointTo(pos);

            lenghtAllLine[i] = (float)line.GetLenght();

        int     indexFound   = -1;
        Vector3 closestPoint = ExtMathf.GetClosestPoint(pos, closestPointInLines, ref indexFound);

        if (indexFound >= lenghtAllLine.Length)
            //Debug.LogWarning("out of bounds");

        float   lenghtLineClose = lenghtAllLine[indexFound];
        Vector3 veccA           = chunkPath[indexFound];
        int     indexPlusOne    = indexFound + 1;

        if (indexPlusOne >= chunkPath.Length)
            indexPlusOne = 0;
        Vector3 veccB = chunkPath[indexPlusOne];
        float   percentageAlongCLosestLine = ExtMathf.GetPercentageAlong(veccA, veccB, closestPoint);

        float lenghtTraveledInThisLine = (percentageAlongCLosestLine * lenghtLineClose) / 1f;

        //add lenght, from start to the line found
        float lenghtFromZeroToThisPoint = 0f;

        for (int i = 0; i < indexFound; i++)
            lenghtFromZeroToThisPoint += lenghtAllLine[i];
        lenghtFromZeroToThisPoint += lenghtTraveledInThisLine;

        //then add the additionnal percentage
        percent = (lenghtFromZeroToThisPoint * 100f) / lenghtPath;

        //Debug.Log("ChunkLenght: " + lenghtPath + ", lenght closest line: " + lenghtLineClose + ", percent along this line: " + percentageAlongCLosestLine
        //    + "lenght From Zero to this point: " + lenghtFromZeroToThisPoint + ", total percent: " + percent);
