        private CSharpCompilation CompileViews(ViewCompilationInfo[] results, string assemblyName)
            var compilation = compiler.CreateCompilation(assemblyName);
            var syntaxTrees = new SyntaxTree[results.Length];

            Parallel.For(0, results.Length, ParallelOptions, i =>
                ViewCompilationInfo result = results[i];
                SourceText sourceText      = SourceText.From(result.CSharpDocument.GeneratedCode, Encoding.UTF8);

                TemplateFileInfo fileInfo = result.TemplateFileInfo;
                SyntaxTree syntaxTree     = compiler.CreateSyntaxTree(sourceText).WithFilePath(fileInfo.FullPath ?? fileInfo.ViewEnginePath);
                syntaxTrees[i]            = syntaxTree;

            compilation = compilation.AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTrees);
            compilation = ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite(compilation);

            compilation = AssemblyMetadataGenerator.AddAssemblyMetadata(

        public void ExpressionRewriter_CannotRewriteExpression_NestedClass()
            // Arrange
            var source = @"
            using System;
            using System.Linq.Expressions;
            public class Program
            private class Nested
            public static void CalledWithExpression(Expression<Func<object, int>> expression)

            public static void Main(string[] args)
            Expression<Func<object, int>> expr = x => x.GetHashCode();

            var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(source);
            var compilation = Compile(tree);
            var semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree, ignoreAccessibility: true);

            var rewriter = new ExpressionRewriter(semanticModel);

            // Act
            var result = rewriter.Visit(tree.GetRoot());

            // Assert
        private CSharpCompilation CompileViews(ViewCompilationInfo[] results, string assemblyname)
            var compiler    = MvcServiceProvider.Compiler;
            var compilation = compiler.CreateCompilation(assemblyname);
            var syntaxTrees = new SyntaxTree[results.Length];

            Parallel.For(0, results.Length, ParalellOptions, i =>
                var result     = results[i];
                var sourceText = SourceText.From(result.CSharpDocument.GeneratedCode, Encoding.UTF8);
                var fileInfo   = result.ViewFileInfo;
                var syntaxTree = compiler.CreateSyntaxTree(sourceText)
                                 .WithFilePath(fileInfo.FullPath ?? fileInfo.ViewEnginePath);
                syntaxTrees[i] = syntaxTree;

            compilation = compilation.AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTrees);

            // Post process the compilation - run ExpressionRewritter and any user specified callbacks.
            compilation = ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite(compilation);
            var compilationContext = new RoslynCompilationContext(compilation);

            compilation = AssemblyMetadataGenerator.AddAssemblyMetadata(

 private ExpressionRewriter(ExpressionRewriter parent)
     if (parent == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("parent");
     subst  = new Dictionary <Expression, Expression>(parent.subst);
     inline = parent.inline;
        private void ShouldEqual(Expression <Func <bool> > assertion, string toString)
            var rewriter = new ExpressionRewriter();

            var result = (LambdaExpression)rewriter.Visit(assertion);

            var str = ExpressionStringBuilder.ExpressionToString(result.Body);

            Assert(() => str.StartsWith(toString));
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the data with new version information
        /// </summary>
        public override TModel Update(ModelDataContext context, TModel data, IPrincipal principal)
            if (data.Key == Guid.Empty)
                throw new SqlFormalConstraintException(SqlFormalConstraintType.NonIdentityUpdate);

            // This is technically an insert and not an update
            var existingObject = context.GetTable <TDomain>().FirstOrDefault(ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite <TDomain>(o => o.Id == data.Key && !o.ObsoletionTime.HasValue)); // Get the last version (current)

            if (existingObject == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(data.Key.ToString());
            else if (existingObject.IsReadonly)
                throw new SqlFormalConstraintException(SqlFormalConstraintType.UpdatedReadonlyObject);

            // Map existing
            var storageInstance = this.FromModelInstance(data, context, principal);

            // Create a new version
            var user             = principal.GetUser(context);
            var newEntityVersion = new TDomain();


            // Client did not change on update, so we need to update!!!
            if (!data.VersionKey.HasValue ||
                data.VersionKey.Value == existingObject.VersionId)
                data.VersionKey = newEntityVersion.VersionId = Guid.NewGuid();

            data.VersionSequence    = newEntityVersion.VersionSequenceId = default(Decimal);
            newEntityVersion.Id     = data.Key.Value;
            data.PreviousVersionKey = newEntityVersion.ReplacesVersionId = existingObject.VersionId;
            data.CreatedByKey       = newEntityVersion.CreatedBy = user.UserId;
            // Obsolete the old version
            existingObject.ObsoletedBy    = user.UserId;
            existingObject.ObsoletionTime = DateTime.Now;
            context.GetTable <TDomain>().InsertOnSubmit(newEntityVersion);

            // Pull database generated fields
            data.VersionSequence = newEntityVersion.VersionSequenceId;
            data.CreationTime    = newEntityVersion.CreationTime;

            //return base.Update(context, data, principal);
        private CSharpCompilation CompileViews(ViewCompilationInfo[] results, string assemblyname)
            var compiler    = MvcServiceProvider.Compiler;
            var compilation = compiler.CreateCompilation(assemblyname);
            var syntaxTrees = new SyntaxTree[results.Length];

            string[] additionalReferences = new string[]
                @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.6\Microsoft.CSharp.dll",

            compilation = compilation.AddReferences(additionalReferences.Select(r => MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(r)));

            Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
            compilation = compilation.AddReferences(assemblies.Where(a => !a.IsDynamic).Select(a => MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(a.Location)));

            Parallel.For(0, results.Length, ParalellOptions, i =>
                var result     = results[i];
                var sourceText = SourceText.From(result.GeneratorResults.GeneratedCode, Encoding.UTF8);
                var fileInfo   = result.RelativeFileInfo;
                var syntaxTree = compiler.CreateSyntaxTree(sourceText)
                                 .WithFilePath(fileInfo.FileInfo.PhysicalPath ?? fileInfo.RelativePath);
                syntaxTrees[i] = syntaxTree;

            compilation = compilation.AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTrees);
            Parallel.For(0, results.Length, ParalellOptions, i =>
                results[i].TypeName = ReadTypeInfo(compilation, syntaxTrees[i]);

            // Post process the compilation - run ExpressionRewritter and any user specified callbacks.
            compilation = ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite(compilation);
            var compilationContext = new RoslynCompilationContext(compilation);

            compilation = compilationContext.Compilation;

            var codeGenerator = new ViewInfoContainerCodeGenerator(compiler, compilation);


            var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(ApplicationNameOption.Value());

            assemblyName = Assembly.Load(assemblyName).GetName();
            codeGenerator.AddAssemblyMetadata(assemblyName, StrongNameOptions);

        private CSharpCompilation CreateCompilation(string compilationContent, string assemblyName)
            SourceText sourceText = SourceText.From(compilationContent, Encoding.UTF8);
            SyntaxTree syntaxTree = CreateSyntaxTree(sourceText).WithFilePath(assemblyName);

            CSharpCompilation compilation = CreateCompilation(assemblyName).AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTree);

            compilation = ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite(compilation);

            //var compilationContext = new RoslynCompilationContext(compilation);
            //compilation = compilationContext.Compilation;
 internal Expression AutoInline(InvocationExpression expression)
     isLocked = true;
     if(expression == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("expression");
     LambdaExpression lambda = (LambdaExpression)expression.Expression;
     ExpressionRewriter childScope = new ExpressionRewriter(this);
     var lambdaParams = lambda.Parameters;
     var invokeArgs = expression.Arguments;
     if (lambdaParams.Count != invokeArgs.Count) throw new InvalidOperationException("Lambda/invoke mismatch");
     for(int i = 0 ; i < lambdaParams.Count; i++) {
         childScope.Subst(lambdaParams[i], invokeArgs[i]);
     return childScope.Apply(lambda.Body);
        private CSharpCompilation Rewrite(CSharpCompilation compilation)
            var rewrittenTrees = new List <SyntaxTree>();

            foreach (var tree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                var semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree, ignoreAccessibility: true);
                var rewriter      = new ExpressionRewriter(semanticModel);

                var rewrittenTree = tree.WithRootAndOptions(rewriter.Visit(tree.GetRoot()), tree.Options);

        /// <summary>
        /// Update associated items
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void UpdateAssociatedItems <TAssociation, TDomainAssociation>(IEnumerable <TAssociation> storage, TModel source, ModelDataContext context, IPrincipal principal)
            where TAssociation : IdentifiedData, ISimpleAssociation, new()
            where TDomainAssociation : class, IDbAssociation, new()
            var persistenceService = ApplicationContext.Current.GetService <IDataPersistenceService <TAssociation> >() as SqlServerBasePersistenceService <TAssociation>;

            if (persistenceService == null)
                this.m_tracer.TraceEvent(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Missing persister for type {0}", typeof(TAssociation).Name);
            // Ensure the source key is set
            foreach (var itm in storage)
                if (itm.SourceEntityKey == Guid.Empty ||
                    itm.SourceEntityKey == null)
                    itm.SourceEntityKey = source.Key;

            // Get existing
            var existing = context.GetTable <TDomainAssociation>().Where(ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite <TDomainAssociation>(o => o.AssociatedItemKey == source.Key)).ToList().Select(o => m_mapper.MapDomainInstance <TDomainAssociation, TAssociation>(o) as TAssociation);
            // Remove old
            var obsoleteRecords = existing.Where(o => !storage.Any(ecn => ecn.Key == o.Key));

            foreach (var del in obsoleteRecords)
                persistenceService.Obsolete(context, del, principal);

            // Update those that need it
            var updateRecords = storage.Where(o => existing.Any(ecn => ecn.Key == o.Key && o.Key != Guid.Empty && o != ecn));

            foreach (var upd in updateRecords)
                persistenceService.Update(context, upd, principal);

            // Insert those that do not exist
            var insertRecords = storage.Where(o => !existing.Any(ecn => ecn.Key == o.Key));

            foreach (var ins in insertRecords)
                persistenceService.Insert(context, ins, principal);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the actual obsoletion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context.</param>
        /// <param name="data">Data.</param>
        public override TModel Obsolete(ModelDataContext context, TModel data, IPrincipal principal)
            if (data.Key == Guid.Empty)
                throw new SqlFormalConstraintException(SqlFormalConstraintType.NonIdentityUpdate);

            var domainObject = context.GetTable <TDomain>().FirstOrDefault(ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite <TDomain>(o => o.Id == data.Key));

            if (domainObject == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(data.Key.ToString());

            context.GetTable <TDomain>().DeleteOnSubmit(domainObject);

            return(this.ToModelInstance(domainObject, context, principal));
        public override Core.Model.Security.SecurityPolicy Update(ModelDataContext context, Core.Model.Security.SecurityPolicy data, IPrincipal principal)
            var domainInstance = this.FromModelInstance(data, context, principal) as Data.Policy;

            var currentObject = context.GetTable <Data.Policy>().FirstOrDefault(ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite <Data.Policy>(o => o.Id == data.Key));

            if (currentObject == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(data.Key.ToString());


            currentObject.ObsoletedBy    = data.ObsoletedByKey == Guid.Empty ? null : data.ObsoletedByKey;
            currentObject.ObsoletionTime = data.ObsoletionTime;


        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the actual obsoletion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context.</param>
        /// <param name="data">Data.</param>
        public override TModel Obsolete(ModelDataContext context, TModel data, IPrincipal principal)
            if (data.Key == Guid.Empty)
                throw new SqlFormalConstraintException(SqlFormalConstraintType.NonIdentityUpdate);

            // Current object
            var currentObject = context.GetTable <TDomain>().FirstOrDefault(ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite <TDomain>(o => o.Id == data.Key));

            if (currentObject == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(data.Key.ToString());

            data.ObsoletedBy?.EnsureExists(context, principal);
            data.ObsoletedByKey = currentObject.ObsoletedBy = data.ObsoletedBy?.Key ?? principal.GetUser(context).UserId;
            data.ObsoletionTime = currentObject.ObsoletionTime = currentObject.ObsoletionTime ?? DateTimeOffset.Now;
        private CSharpCompilation CompileViews(ViewCompilationInfo[] results, string assemblyname)
            var compiler    = MvcServiceProvider.Compiler;
            var compilation = compiler.CreateCompilation(assemblyname);
            var syntaxTrees = new SyntaxTree[results.Length];

            Parallel.For(0, results.Length, ParalellOptions, i =>
                var result     = results[i];
                var sourceText = SourceText.From(result.GeneratorResults.GeneratedCode, Encoding.UTF8);
                var fileInfo   = result.RelativeFileInfo;
                var syntaxTree = compiler.CreateSyntaxTree(sourceText)
                                 .WithFilePath(fileInfo.FileInfo.PhysicalPath ?? fileInfo.RelativePath);
                syntaxTrees[i] = syntaxTree;

            compilation = compilation.AddSyntaxTrees(syntaxTrees);
            Parallel.For(0, results.Length, ParalellOptions, i =>
                results[i].TypeName = ReadTypeInfo(compilation, syntaxTrees[i]);

            // Post process the compilation - run ExpressionRewritter and any user specified callbacks.
            compilation = ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite(compilation);
            var compilationContext = new RoslynCompilationContext(compilation);

            compilation = compilationContext.Compilation;

            var codeGenerator = new ViewInfoContainerCodeGenerator(compiler, compilation);


            var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(ApplicationNameOption.Value());

            assemblyName = Assembly.Load(assemblyName).GetName();
            codeGenerator.AddAssemblyMetadata(assemblyName, StrongNameOptions);

        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the actual update.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context.</param>
        /// <param name="data">Data.</param>
        public override TModel Update(ModelDataContext context, TModel data, IPrincipal principal)
            // Sanity
            if (data.Key == Guid.Empty)
                throw new SqlFormalConstraintException(SqlFormalConstraintType.NonIdentityUpdate);

            // Map and copy
            var newDomainObject = this.FromModelInstance(data, context, principal) as TDomain;
            var domainQuery     = ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite <TDomain>(o => o.Id == newDomainObject.Id);
            var oldDomainObject = context.GetTable <TDomain>().SingleOrDefault(domainQuery);

            if (oldDomainObject == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(data.Key.ToString());

        /// <summary>
        /// Update versioned association items
        /// </summary>
        internal virtual void UpdateVersionedAssociatedItems <TAssociation, TDomainAssociation>(IEnumerable <TAssociation> storage, TModel source, ModelDataContext context, IPrincipal principal)
            where TAssociation : VersionedAssociation <TModel>, new()
            where TDomainAssociation : class, IDbVersionedAssociation, new()
            var persistenceService = ApplicationContext.Current.GetService <IDataPersistenceService <TAssociation> >() as SqlServerBasePersistenceService <TAssociation>;

            if (persistenceService == null)
                this.m_tracer.TraceEvent(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Missing persister for type {0}", typeof(TAssociation).Name);

            Dictionary <Guid, Decimal> sourceVersionMaps = new Dictionary <Guid, decimal>();

            // Ensure the source key is set
            foreach (var itm in storage)
                if (itm.SourceEntityKey == Guid.Empty ||
                    itm.SourceEntityKey == null)
                    itm.SourceEntityKey = source.Key;
                else if (itm.SourceEntityKey != source.Key && !sourceVersionMaps.ContainsKey(itm.SourceEntityKey ?? Guid.Empty)) // The source comes from somewhere else
                    // First we have our association type, we need to get the property that is
                    // linked on the association to get the map to the underlying SQL table
                    var domainType     = m_mapper.MapModelType(typeof(TDomainAssociation));
                    var mappedProperty = domainType.GetRuntimeProperty("AssociatedItemKey").GetCustomAttribute <LinqPropertyMapAttribute>().LinqMember;
                    // Next we want to get the association entity which is linked to this key identifier
                    var rpi = domainType.GetRuntimeProperties().FirstOrDefault(o => o.GetCustomAttribute <AssociationAttribute>()?.ThisKey == mappedProperty);
                    // Now we want to switch the type to the entity that is linked to the key so we can
                    // get ist primary key
                    domainType = rpi.PropertyType;
                    var pkey = domainType.GetRuntimeProperties().FirstOrDefault(o => o.GetCustomAttribute <ColumnAttribute>()?.IsPrimaryKey == true);
                    // Now we want to get the key that we should query by that is version independent
                    domainType = typeof(TDomain);
                    pkey       = domainType.GetRuntimeProperty(pkey.Name);
                    // Construct a LINQ expression to query the db
                    var parm         = Expression.Parameter(domainType);
                    var delegateType = typeof(Func <,>).MakeGenericType(domainType, typeof(bool));
                    var predicate    = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.Equal, Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parm, pkey), Expression.Constant(itm.SourceEntityKey.Value)), parm);
                    // Get the SQL table instance and filter
                    var table      = context.GetTable(domainType);
                    var tableEnum  = table.Provider.Execute(table.Expression);
                    var methodInfo = typeof(Queryable).GetGenericMethod("FirstOrDefault", new Type[] { domainType }, new Type[]
                        typeof(IQueryable <>).MakeGenericType(domainType),
                        typeof(Expression <>).MakeGenericType(delegateType)
                    var result = methodInfo.Invoke(null, new Object[] { tableEnum, predicate }) as IDbVersionedData;
                    sourceVersionMaps.Add(itm.SourceEntityKey.Value, result.VersionSequenceId);

                    //var whereMethod =
                    //var result = context.GetTable(domainType).Provider.Execute(predicate);

            // Get existing
            // TODO: What happens which this is reverse?
            var existing = context.GetTable <TDomainAssociation>().Where(ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite <TDomainAssociation>(o => o.AssociatedItemKey == source.Key && source.VersionSequence >= o.EffectiveVersionSequenceId && (source.VersionSequence < o.ObsoleteVersionSequenceId || !o.ObsoleteVersionSequenceId.HasValue))).ToList().Select(o => m_mapper.MapDomainInstance <TDomainAssociation, TAssociation>(o) as TAssociation);

            // Remove old
            var obsoleteRecords = existing.Where(o => !storage.Any(ecn => ecn.Key == o.Key));

            foreach (var del in obsoleteRecords)
                decimal obsVersion = 0;
                if (!sourceVersionMaps.TryGetValue(del.SourceEntityKey.Value, out obsVersion))
                    obsVersion = source.VersionSequence.GetValueOrDefault();
                del.ObsoleteVersionSequenceId = obsVersion;
                persistenceService.Update(context, del, principal);

            // Update those that need it
            var updateRecords = storage.Where(o => existing.Any(ecn => ecn.Key == o.Key && o.Key != Guid.Empty && o != ecn));

            foreach (var upd in updateRecords)
                persistenceService.Update(context, upd, principal);

            // Insert those that do not exist
            var insertRecords = storage.Where(o => !existing.Any(ecn => ecn.Key == o.Key));

            foreach (var ins in insertRecords)
                decimal eftVersion = 0;
                if (!sourceVersionMaps.TryGetValue(ins.SourceEntityKey.Value, out eftVersion))
                    eftVersion = source.VersionSequence.GetValueOrDefault();
                ins.EffectiveVersionSequenceId = eftVersion;

                persistenceService.Insert(context, ins, principal);
 protected ConcatenationRewriter(ExpressionRewriter <object> scout)
     EnsureArg.IsNotNull(scout, nameof(scout));
     _rewritingScout = scout;
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the roles to security user
        /// </summary>
        public override Core.Model.Security.SecurityApplication Update(ModelDataContext context, Core.Model.Security.SecurityApplication data, IPrincipal principal)
            var domainInstance = this.FromModelInstance(data, context, principal) as Data.SecurityApplication;

            var currentObject = context.GetTable <Data.SecurityApplication>().FirstOrDefault(ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite <Data.SecurityApplication>(o => o.Id == data.Key));

            if (currentObject == null)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(data.Key.ToString());


            currentObject.ObsoletedBy    = data.ObsoletedByKey == Guid.Empty ? null : data.ObsoletedByKey;
            currentObject.ObsoletionTime = data.ObsoletionTime;


            context.SecurityApplicationPolicies.DeleteAllOnSubmit(context.SecurityApplicationPolicies.Where(o => o.ApplicationId == domainInstance.Id));


            context.SecurityApplicationPolicies.InsertAllOnSubmit(data.Policies.Select(o => new Data.SecurityApplicationPolicy
                PolicyId                 = o.PolicyKey.Value,
                PolicyAction             = (int)o.GrantType,
                ApplicationId            = domainInstance.Id,
                SecurityPolicyInstanceId = Guid.NewGuid()


        // Token: 0x06000183 RID: 387 RVA: 0x00007458 File Offset: 0x00005658
        private CSharpCompilation CreateCompilation(string compilationContent, string assemblyName)
            SourceText sourceText = SourceText.From(compilationContent, Encoding.UTF8, SourceHashAlgorithm.Sha1);
            SyntaxTree syntaxTree = this._csharpCompiler.CreateSyntaxTree(sourceText).WithFilePath(assemblyName);
            RoslynCompilationContext roslynCompilationContext = new RoslynCompilationContext(ExpressionRewriter.Rewrite(this._csharpCompiler.CreateCompilation(assemblyName).AddSyntaxTrees(new SyntaxTree[]

        private CSharpCompilation Rewrite(CSharpCompilation compilation)
            var rewrittenTrees = new List<SyntaxTree>();
            foreach (var tree in compilation.SyntaxTrees)
                var semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree, ignoreAccessibility: true);
                var rewriter = new ExpressionRewriter(semanticModel);

                var rewrittenTree = tree.WithRootAndOptions(rewriter.Visit(tree.GetRoot()), tree.Options);

            return compilation.RemoveAllSyntaxTrees().AddSyntaxTrees(rewrittenTrees);
        public void ExpressionRewriter_DoesNotThrowsOnUnknownTypes()
            // Arrange
            var source = @"
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
            using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor;

            public class ExamplePage : RazorPage
            public IViewComponentHelper Component { get; set; }

            public override async Task ExecuteAsync()
            await Component.InvokeAsync(
                item => new HelperResult((__razor_template_writer) => WriteLiteralTo(__razor_template_writer, ""Hello World""))));
            var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(source);

            // Allow errors here because of an anomaly where Roslyn (depending on code sample) will finish compilation
            // without diagnostic errors. This test case replicates that scenario by allowing a semantic model with
            // errors to be visited by the expression rewriter to validate unexpected exceptions aren't thrown.
            // Error created: "Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'object' because it is not a delegate type."
            var compilation = Compile(tree, allowErrors: true);
            var semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree, ignoreAccessibility: true);
            var rewriter = new ExpressionRewriter(semanticModel);
            var root = tree.GetRoot();

            // Act
            var result = rewriter.Visit(root);

            // Assert
        public void ExpressionRewriter_CanRewriteExpression_SimpleFormatting()
            // Arrange
            var source = @"
            using System;
            using System.Linq.Expressions;
            public class Program
            public static void CalledWithExpression(Expression<Func<Person, int>> expression)

            public static void Main(string[] args)
            CalledWithExpression(x => x.Name.Length);

            public class Person
            public string Name { get; set; }

            var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(source);

            var originalArguments = FindArguments(tree.GetRoot());
            var originalSpan = originalArguments.GetLocation().GetMappedLineSpan();

            var compilation = Compile(tree);
            var semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree, ignoreAccessibility: true);

            var rewriter = new ExpressionRewriter(semanticModel);

            // Act
            var result = rewriter.Visit(tree.GetRoot());

            // Assert
            var arguments = FindArguments(result);
            Assert.Equal(originalSpan, arguments.GetLocation().GetMappedLineSpan());
        public void ExpressionRewriter_CanRewriteExpression_MemberAccessExpression()
            // Arrange
            var source = @"
            using System;
            using System.Linq.Expressions;
            public class Program
            public static void CalledWithExpression(Expression<Func<Person, object>> expression)

            public static void Main(string[] args)
            CalledWithExpression(x => x.Name);

            public class Person
            public string Name { get; set; }

            var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(source);
            var compilation = Compile(tree);
            var semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree, ignoreAccessibility: true);

            var rewriter = new ExpressionRewriter(semanticModel);

            // Act
            var result = rewriter.Visit(tree.GetRoot());

            // Assert
            var fields = FindFields(result);

            var field = Assert.Single(fields);
                m => Assert.Equal("private", m.ToString()),
                m => Assert.Equal("static", m.ToString()),
                m => Assert.Equal("readonly", m.ToString()));

            var declaration = field.Declaration;
                "global::System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<global::System.Func<global::Person, object>>",

            var variable = Assert.Single(declaration.Variables);
            Assert.Equal("__h0", variable.Identifier.ToString());
            Assert.Equal("x => x.Name", variable.Initializer.Value.ToString());

            var arguments = FindArguments(result);
            var argument = Assert.IsType<IdentifierNameSyntax>(Assert.Single(arguments.Arguments).Expression);
            Assert.Equal("__h0", argument.Identifier.ToString());
        public RealRewriter()
            _rewriter = new ExpressionRewriter(exp => exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.Call && ((MethodCallExpression)exp).Method.Name == "Diff");

            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => 1.0 * x, x => x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => 0.0 * x, x => 0.0);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => x + 0.0, x => x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => 0.0 + x, x => x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => Math.Pow(x, 1.0), x => x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => Math.Pow(1.0, x), x => 1.0);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => Math.Pow(x, 0.0), x => 1.0);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => Math.Pow(0.0, x), x => 0.0);

            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant &&
                p["x"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y) => x * y,
                (x, y) => y * x);

            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double, double> >(
                p => p["x"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant ||
                p["y"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y, z) => x * (y * z),
                (x, y, z) => (x * y) * z);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double, double> >(
                p => p["x"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant &&
                p["y"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y, z) => (x * y) * z,
                (x, y, z) => x * (y * z));

            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double, double> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant ||
                p["z"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y, z) => x * (y + z),
                (x, y, z) => x * y + x * z);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double, double> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant ||
                p["z"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y, z) => (y + z) * x,
                (x, y, z) => y * x + z * x);

            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double> >((x, y) => x / y, (x, y) => x * Math.Pow(y, -1.0));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double> >((x, y) => x - y, (x, y) => x + -1.0 * y);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => - x, x => - 1.0 * x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double, double> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant &&
                p["z"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y, z) => (y * x) + (z * x),
                (x, y, z) => (y + z) * x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y) => x + y * x,
                (x, y) => (y + 1.0) * x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y) => y * x + x,
                (x, y) => (y + 1.0) * x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => x + x, x => 2.0 * x);

            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                p => p["x"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Add,
                x => x * x,
                x => Math.Pow(x, 2.0));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, int, double> >(
                p => p["x"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Add,
                (x, y) => x * Math.Pow(x, y),
                (x, y) => Math.Pow(x, y + 1.0));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <int, double, double, double> >(
                p => p["x"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant && Math.Abs((double)((ConstantExpression)p["x"]).Value) > 1.0,
                (x, y, z) => Math.Pow(y + z, x),
                (x, y, z) => Math.Pow(y + z, x - 1.0) * (y + z));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double, double> >((x, y, z) => Math.Pow(y * z, x), (x, y, z) => Math.Pow(y, x) * Math.Pow(z, x));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double, double> >((x, y, z) => Math.Pow(Math.Pow(x, y), z), (x, y, z) => Math.Pow(x, y * z));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double, double> >((x, y, z) => Math.Pow(x, y) * Math.Pow(x, z), (x, y, z) => Math.Pow(x, y + z));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => Math.Sqrt(x), x => Math.Pow(x, 0.5));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => Math.Log10(x), x => Math.Log(x, 10.0));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(x => Math.Abs(x) * Math.Abs(x), x => Math.Pow(x, 2.0));

            //general differentation
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double> >(
                (x, y) => MathExt2.Diff(x * y),
                (x, y) => MathExt2.Diff(x) * y + x * MathExt2.Diff(y));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double> >(
                (x, y) => MathExt2.Diff(x + y),
                (x, y) => MathExt2.Diff(x) + MathExt2.Diff(y));

            //simple differentiation
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                p => p["c"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                c => MathExt2.Diff(c),
                c => 0.0);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                p => p["x"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter,
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x),
                x => 1.0);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Abs(x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * x * Math.Pow(Math.Abs(x), -1.0));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double> >(
                p => p["c"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, c) => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Pow(x, c)),
                (x, c) => MathExt2.Diff(x) * c * Math.Pow(x, c - 1.0));

            //exponential and logarithm differentiation
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double> >(
                p => p["c"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                (c, x) => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Pow(c, x)),
                (c, x) => MathExt2.Diff(x) * Math.Pow(c, x) * Math.Log(c));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Exp(x)),
                x => Math.Exp(x));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double, double> >(
                p => p["c"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                (c, x) => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Log(x, c)),
                (c, x) => MathExt2.Diff(x) * Math.Pow(x * Math.Log(c), -1.0));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Log(x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * Math.Pow(x, -1.0));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Pow(x, x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * Math.Pow(x, x) * (1.0 + Math.Log(x)));

            //trigonometric differentiation
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Sin(x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * Math.Cos(x));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Cos(x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * -1.0 * Math.Sin(x));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Tan(x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * Math.Pow(Math.Cos(x), -2.0));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Asin(x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * Math.Pow(1.0 - Math.Pow(x, 2.0), -0.5));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Acos(x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * -1.0 * Math.Pow(1.0 - Math.Pow(x, 2.0), -0.5));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Atan(x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * Math.Pow(1.0 + Math.Pow(x, 2.0), -1.0));

            //hyperbolic differentiation
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Sinh(x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * Math.Cosh(x));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Cosh(x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * Math.Sinh(x));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <double, double> >(
                x => MathExt2.Diff(Math.Tan(x)),
                x => MathExt2.Diff(x) * Math.Pow(Math.Cosh(x), -2.0));
        public DiophantineRewriter()
            _rewriter = new ExpressionRewriter();

            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger> >(x => 1 * x, x => x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger> >(x => 0 * x, x => 0);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger> >(x => x + 0, x => x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger> >(x => 0 + x, x => x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger> >(x => x.Power(1), x => x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger> >(x => x.Power(0), x => 1);

            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant &&
                p["x"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y) => x * y,
                (x, y) => y * x);

            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> >(
                p => p["x"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant ||
                p["y"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y, z) => x * (y * z),
                (x, y, z) => (x * y) * z);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> >(
                p => p["x"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant &&
                p["y"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y, z) => (x * y) * z,
                (x, y, z) => x * (y * z));

            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant ||
                p["z"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y, z) => x * (y + z),
                (x, y, z) => x * y + x * z);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant ||
                p["z"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y, z) => (y + z) * x,
                (x, y, z) => y * x + z * x);

            //_rewriter.AppendRule<Func<BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger>>((x, y) => x / y, (x, y) => x * y.Power(-1));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> >((x, y) => x - y, (x, y) => x + -1 * y);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger> >(x => - x, x => - 1 * x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant &&
                p["z"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y, z) => (y * x) + (z * x),
                (x, y, z) => (y + z) * x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y) => x + y * x,
                (x, y) => (y + 1) * x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> >(
                p => p["y"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant,
                (x, y) => y * x + x,
                (x, y) => (y + 1) * x);
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger> >(x => x + x, x => 2 * x);

            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, BigInteger> >(
                p => p["x"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Add,
                x => x * x,
                x => x.Power(2));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, int, BigInteger> >(
                p => p["x"].NodeType != ExpressionType.Add,
                (x, y) => x * x.Power(y),
                (x, y) => x.Power(y + 1));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <int, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> >(
                p => p["x"].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant && (int)((ConstantExpression)p["x"]).Value > 1,
                (x, y, z) => (y + z).Power(x),
                (x, y, z) => (y + z).Power(x - 1) * (y + z));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <int, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger> >((x, y, z) => (y * z).Power(x), (x, y, z) => y.Power(x) * z.Power(x));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, int, int, BigInteger> >((x, y, z) => x.Power(y).Power(z), (x, y, z) => x.Power(y * z));
            _rewriter.AppendRule <Func <BigInteger, int, int, BigInteger> >((x, y, z) => x.Power(y) * x.Power(z), (x, y, z) => x.Power(y + z));