        public static bool IsVariableInvalid(AddVariableWindow addVariableWindow, string resultName, IElement currentElement, out string failureMessage)
            bool didFailureOccur = false;

            string whyItIsntValid = "";

            didFailureOccur = NameVerifier.IsCustomVariableNameValid(resultName, null, currentElement, ref whyItIsntValid) == false;
            failureMessage  = null;
            if (didFailureOccur)
                failureMessage = whyItIsntValid;
            else if (addVariableWindow != null && NameVerifier.DoesTunneledVariableAlreadyExist(addVariableWindow.TunnelingObject, addVariableWindow.TunnelingVariable, currentElement))
                didFailureOccur = true;
                failureMessage  = "There is already a variable that is modifying " + addVariableWindow.TunnelingVariable + " on " + addVariableWindow.TunnelingObject;
            else if (addVariableWindow != null && IsUserTryingToCreateNewWithExposableName(addVariableWindow.ResultName, addVariableWindow.DesiredVariableType == CustomVariableType.Exposed))
                didFailureOccur = true;
                failureMessage  = "The variable\n\n" + resultName + "\n\nis an expoable variable.  Please use a different variable name or select the variable through the Expose tab";

            else if (ExposedVariableManager.IsReservedPositionedPositionedObjectMember(resultName) && currentElement is EntitySave)
                didFailureOccur = true;
                failureMessage  = "The variable\n\n" + resultName + "\n\nis reserved by FlatRedBall.";
