        private void ExecuteExports()
            byte[] fileData = m_fileData;

            if (m_enabled && (object)fileData != null && m_exportDestinations.Count > 0)
                string              fileName     = null;
                ExportState[]       exportStates = null;
                ExportDestination[] destinations;

                    //  Get a temporary file name
                    fileName = Path.GetTempFileName();

                    // Export data to the temporary file
                    File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, fileData);

                    lock (m_exportDestinationsLock)
                        // Cache a local copy of export destinations to reduce lock time
                        destinations = m_exportDestinations.ToArray();

                    // Define a new export state for each export destination
                    exportStates = new ExportState[destinations.Length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < exportStates.Length; i++)
                        exportStates[i] = new ExportState
                            SourceFileName      = fileName,
                            DestinationFileName = destinations[i].DestinationFile

                    // Spool threads to attempt copy of export files
                    for (int i = 0; i < destinations.Length; i++)
                        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(CopyFileToDestination, exportStates[i]);

                    // Wait for exports to complete - even if user specifies to wait indefinitely spooled copy routines
                    // will eventually return since there is a specified maximum retry count
                    if (!exportStates.Select(exportState => exportState.WaitHandle).WaitAll(m_exportTimeout))
                        // Exports failed to complete in specified allowed time, set timeout flag for each export state
                        Array.ForEach(exportStates, exportState => exportState.Timeout = true);
                        OnStatusMessage("Timed out attempting export, waited for {0}.", Ticks.FromMilliseconds(m_exportTimeout).ToElapsedTimeString(2).ToLower());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException($"Exception encountered during export preparation: {ex.Message}", ex));
                    // Dispose the export state wait handles
                    if ((object)exportStates != null)
                        foreach (ExportState exportState in exportStates)

                    // Delete the temporary file - wait for the specified retry time in case the export threads may still be trying
                    // their last copy attempt. This is important if the timeouts are synchronized and there is one more export
                    // about to be attempted before the timeout flag is checked.
                    new Action(() => DeleteTemporaryFile(fileName)).DelayAndExecute(m_retryDelayInterval);
        private void ExecuteExports(object state)
            // Outer try/finally is used only to make sure m_exportInProgress state is reset regardless of success or failure of export
                // Dereference file bytes to be exported
                byte[] fileData = state as byte[];

                if (m_enabled && (object)fileData != null)
                    string filename = null;
                    ExportState[] exportStates = null;
                    ExportDestination[] destinations;

                        //  Get a temporary file name
                        filename = Path.GetTempFileName();

                        // Export data to the temporary file
                        File.WriteAllBytes(filename, fileData);

                        lock (this)
                            // Cache a local copy of export destinations to reduce lock time
                            destinations = m_exportDestinations.ToArray();

                        // Define a new export state for each export destination
                        exportStates = new ExportState[destinations.Length];

                        for (int i = 0; i < exportStates.Length; i++)
                            exportStates[i] = new ExportState()
                                SourceFileName = filename,
                                DestinationFileName = destinations[i].DestinationFile

                        // Spool threads to attempt copy of export files
                        for (int i = 0; i < destinations.Length; i++)
                            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(CopyFileToDestination, exportStates[i]);

                        // Wait for exports to complete - even if user specifies to wait indefinitely spooled copy routines
                        // will eventually return since there is a specified maximum retry count
                        if (!WaitHandle.WaitAll(exportStates.Select(exportState => exportState.WaitHandle).ToArray(), m_exportTimeout))
                            // Exports failed to complete in specified allowed time, set timeout flag for each export state
                            Array.ForEach(exportStates, exportState => exportState.Timeout = true);
                            OnStatusMessage("Timed out attempting export, waited for {0}.", Ticks.FromMilliseconds(m_exportTimeout).ToElapsedTimeString(2).ToLower());
                    catch (ThreadAbortException)
                        throw;  // This exception is normal, we'll just rethrow this back up the try stack
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Exception encountered during export preparation: {0}", ex.Message), ex));
                        // Dispose the export state wait handles
                        if ((object)exportStates != null)
                            foreach (ExportState exportState in exportStates)

                        // Delete the temporary file - we queue this up in case the export threads may still be trying their last copy attempt
                        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(DeleteTemporaryFile, filename);
                // Synchronously reset export progress state
                lock (m_exportInProgressLock)
                    m_exportInProgress = false;
        private void ExecuteExports()
            byte[] fileData = m_fileData;

            if (m_enabled && (object)fileData != null && m_exportDestinations.Count > 0)
                string fileName = null;
                ExportState[] exportStates = null;
                ExportDestination[] destinations;

                    //  Get a temporary file name
                    fileName = Path.GetTempFileName();

                    // Export data to the temporary file
                    File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, fileData);

                    lock (m_exportDestinationsLock)
                        // Cache a local copy of export destinations to reduce lock time
                        destinations = m_exportDestinations.ToArray();

                    // Define a new export state for each export destination
                    exportStates = new ExportState[destinations.Length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < exportStates.Length; i++)
                        exportStates[i] = new ExportState
                            SourceFileName = fileName,
                            DestinationFileName = destinations[i].DestinationFile

                    // Spool threads to attempt copy of export files
                    for (int i = 0; i < destinations.Length; i++)
                        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(CopyFileToDestination, exportStates[i]);

                    // Wait for exports to complete - even if user specifies to wait indefinitely spooled copy routines
                    // will eventually return since there is a specified maximum retry count
                    if (!exportStates.Select(exportState => exportState.WaitHandle).WaitAll(m_exportTimeout))
                        // Exports failed to complete in specified allowed time, set timeout flag for each export state
                        Array.ForEach(exportStates, exportState => exportState.Timeout = true);
                        OnStatusMessage("Timed out attempting export, waited for {0}.", Ticks.FromMilliseconds(m_exportTimeout).ToElapsedTimeString(2).ToLower());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException($"Exception encountered during export preparation: {ex.Message}", ex));
                    // Dispose the export state wait handles
                    if ((object)exportStates != null)
                        foreach (ExportState exportState in exportStates)

                    // Delete the temporary file - wait for the specified retry time in case the export threads may still be trying
                    // their last copy attempt. This is important if the timeouts are synchronized and there is one more export
                    // about to be attempted before the timeout flag is checked.
                    new Action(() => DeleteTemporaryFile(fileName)).DelayAndExecute(m_retryDelayInterval);