        private void toolStripButton5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int n = toolStripComboBox1.SelectedIndex;

            string selectedSkeleton = null;

            if (toolStripComboBox2.Enabled && toolStripComboBox2.SelectedIndex > 1)
                selectedSkeleton = (string)toolStripComboBox2.SelectedItem;

            ExportMeshSaveDialog emsd = new ExportMeshSaveDialog(mesh.lods.Count, 100f, false,
                                                                 (mesh.header.type == MeshType.MeshType_Skinned), selectedSkeleton, n);

            if (emsd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                // we try to load the skeleton only if none was already selected for preview
                // or if one was selected and it is different from the one selected in the option window
                if (!skeletons.ContainsKey(toolStripComboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString()) ||
                    (skeletons.ContainsKey(toolStripComboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString()) &&
                     skeletons[toolStripComboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString()] != emsd.Skeleton))
                    string sha1 = emsd.Skeleton;
                    if (sha1 != null)
                        var sebx = new EBX(new MemoryStream(main.Host.getDataBySha1(Helpers.HexStringToByteArray(sha1))));
                        skeleton = new SkeletonAsset(sebx);
                // scale
                float aScale = emsd.ExportScale;
                // get exporter by format
                var exporter = MeshExporter.GetExporterByExtension(emsd.Format, skeleton);
                if (exporter != null)
                    if (emsd.AllLod)
                        FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();
                        fbd.Description = "Select folder where to save the lods";

                        if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.lods.Count; i++)
                                PrepareLodForExport(mesh, i);
                            exporter.ExportAllLods(mesh, fbd.SelectedPath, aScale);
                            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                        // lod
                        int sLod = emsd.Lod;

                        SaveFileDialog saveFileDiag = new SaveFileDialog();
                        saveFileDiag.Title    = "Save as...";
                        saveFileDiag.Filter   = "*" + emsd.Format + "|*" + emsd.Format;
                        saveFileDiag.FileName = mesh.lods[n].shortName;
                        if (saveFileDiag.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                            string targetFile = saveFileDiag.FileName;
                            PrepareLodForExport(mesh, sLod);
                            exporter.ExportLod(mesh, sLod, targetFile, aScale);
                            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                    MessageBox.Show("Unknown extension " + emsd.Format);
        // export selected morph :
        // search for base mesh and applies selected morph deformation to it and to selected skeleton and exports the result.
        private void exportMorphToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (rawEbxBuffer != null && rawResBuffer != null)
                string morphName = Path.GetFileName(currPath);
                var    morph     = new MorphStaticExtended(new MemoryStream(rawResBuffer), new MemoryStream(rawEbxBuffer), morphName);

                ExportMeshSaveDialog emd = new ExportMeshSaveDialog(morph.LodCount, 100f, true);
                if (emd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                    // look for preset Mesh
                    DataInfo presetMeshRes = SearchItemRES(morph.PresetMesh);
                    if (presetMeshRes != null)
                        byte[]    meshData        = main.Host.getDataBySha1(presetMeshRes.sha1);
                        MeshAsset presetMeshAsset = new MeshAsset(new MemoryStream(meshData));

                        SkeletonAsset skeleton = null;
                        int           lod      = emd.Lod;
                        string        sha1     = emd.Skeleton;
                        if (sha1 != null)
                            var sebx = new EBX(new MemoryStream(main.Host.getDataBySha1(Helpers.HexStringToByteArray(sha1))));
                            skeleton = new SkeletonAsset(sebx);

                        float oScale          = emd.ExportScale;
                        bool  bakeMorphToMesh = emd.BakeMorph;

                        string        ext      = emd.Format;
                        IMeshExporter exporter = MeshExporter.GetExporterByExtension(ext, skeleton);
                        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                        if (emd.AllLod)
                            FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();
                            fbd.Description = "Select folder where to save all LODS...";

                            if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                                for (int i = 0; i < morph.LodCount; i++)
                                    ChunkInfo lodChunk = SearchChunk(Helpers.ByteArrayToHexString(presetMeshAsset.lods[i].chunkID));
                                    if (lodChunk != null)
                                        byte[] rawChunkBuffer = main.Host.getDataBySha1(lodChunk.sha1);
                                        presetMeshAsset.lods[i].LoadVertexData(new MemoryStream(rawChunkBuffer));
                                exporter.ExportAllLodsWithMorph(presetMeshAsset, morph, fbd.SelectedPath, oScale, bakeMorphToMesh);
                                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                            SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
                            sfd.Title    = "Save Morph as...";
                            sfd.Filter   = "*" + ext + "|*" + ext;
                            sfd.FileName = Path.GetFileName(currPath) + ext;

                            if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                                ChunkInfo lodChunk = SearchChunk(Helpers.ByteArrayToHexString(presetMeshAsset.lods[lod].chunkID));
                                if (lodChunk != null)
                                    byte[] rawChunkBuffer = main.Host.getDataBySha1(lodChunk.sha1);
                                    presetMeshAsset.lods[lod].LoadVertexData(new MemoryStream(rawChunkBuffer));
                                    exporter.ExportLodWithMorph(presetMeshAsset, lod, morph, sfd.FileName, oScale, bakeMorphToMesh);
                                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                                    MessageBox.Show("Error : chunk for this lod was not found");
                        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                        MessageBox.Show("Error : Res data corresponding to preset mesh " + morph.PresetMesh + " not found.");