public static void AutoCreateFolder(ExplorerNode node) { List <ExplorerNode> list = node.GetFullPath(); if (list[0].NodeType.Type != CloudType.Mega) { throw new Exception("Mega only."); } MegaApiClient client = GetClient(list[0].NodeType.Email); list.RemoveAt(0); foreach (ExplorerNode child in list) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(child.Info.ID)) { MegaNzNode m_p_node = new MegaNzNode(child.Parent.Info.ID); INode c_node = client.GetNodes(m_p_node).Where(n => n.Name == child.Info.Name).First();//find if (c_node == null) { c_node = client.CreateFolder(child.Info.Name, m_p_node); //if not found -> create } child.Info.ID = c_node.Id; } } }
void UpdateData(ExplorerNode newnode) { int start_index = 0; if (node != null) { ExplorerNode sameparent = newnode.FindSameParent(node); if (sameparent == null) { start_index = node.GetFullPath().IndexOf(node.GetFullPath().Find(n => n == sameparent)) + 1; } while (Source.Count - 1 >= start_index) { Source.RemoveAt(start_index); } } newnode.GetFullPath().ForEach(n => { Source.Add(new ComboBoxData(n)); }); if (Source.Count >= 0) { comboBox.SelectedIndex = Source.Count - 1; } }
public static void AutoCreateFolder(ExplorerNode node_folder_target) { List <ExplorerNode> nodelist = node_folder_target.GetFullPath(); DirectoryInfo dinfo; for (int i = 1; i < nodelist.Count; i++) { dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(nodelist[i].GetFullPathString()); if (!dinfo.Exists) { dinfo.Create(); } } }
public static void CreateFolder(ExplorerNode node) { string Email = node.GetRoot.NodeType.Email; DriveAPIHttprequestv2 gdclient = GetAPIv2(Email); string parent_id = ""; try { List <ExplorerNode> listnode = node.GetFullPath(); Monitor.Enter(sync_createfolder); int i; for (i = listnode.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listnode[i].Info.ID)) { parent_id = listnode[i].Info.ID; break; } } i++; bool create = false; for (; i < listnode.Count; i++) { if (!create) { List <ExplorerNode> listsearchnode = Search("'" + parent_id + "' in parents" + " and trashed=false" + " and title='" + listnode[i].Info.Name.Replace("'", "\\'") + "'" + " and mimeType = 'application/'", Email).Convert(node); if (listsearchnode.Count == 0) { create = true; } else { parent_id = listsearchnode[0].Info.ID; } } if (create) { gdclient.Extend.CreateFolder(listnode[i].Info.Name, parent_id); } } } finally { Monitor.Exit(sync_createfolder); } }
public static Stream GetFileSteam(ExplorerNode node, bool GetfileForUpload, long Startpos = 0) { string path = node.GetFullPathString(); FileInfo info = new FileInfo(path); FileStream fs; if (GetfileForUpload) { if (!info.Exists) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found", path); } if (info.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("File size = 0"); } fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); if (Startpos >= 0) { fs.Seek(Startpos, SeekOrigin.Begin); } return(fs); } else if (!info.Exists) { List <ExplorerNode> nodelist = node.GetFullPath(); DirectoryInfo dinfo; for (int i = 1; i < nodelist.Count - 1; i++) { dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(nodelist[i].GetFullPathString()); if (!dinfo.Exists) { dinfo.Create(); } } } fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); if (Startpos >= 0) { fs.Seek(Startpos, SeekOrigin.Begin); } return(fs); }
public static string AutoCreateFolder(ExplorerNode node) { if (node.Info.Size > 0) { throw new Exception("Node is file."); } DropboxRequestAPIv2 client = GetAPIv2(node.GetRoot.NodeType.Email); try { Monitor.Enter(sync_CreateFolder); List <ExplorerNode> pathlist = node.GetFullPath(); int i; for (i = 1; i < pathlist.Count; i++) { try { client.ListFolder(new Dropbox_Request_ListFolder(pathlist[i].GetFullPathString(false))); } catch (HttpException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == 409) { break; } throw ex; } } for (; i < pathlist.Count; i++) { client.create_folder(new Dropbox_path(pathlist[i].GetFullPathString(false))); } return(pathlist[i - 1].GetFullPathString(false)); } finally { Monitor.Exit(sync_CreateFolder); } }
void Make() { if (node == oldnode) { return; } List <ExplorerNode> list = node.GetFullPath(); if (oldnode != null) //old node { ExplorerNode sameparent = oldnode.FindSameParent(node); //find sameparent (new node and old node) if (sameparent != null) { if (list.Count < oldnode.GetFullPath().Count) { up = false; //explorer to child or parent? } int index = list_n_uc.IndexOf(list_n_uc.Find(uc => uc.Node == sameparent)); //find index sameparent at list showing if (index < list_n_uc.Count && list_n_uc.Count >= 1) //remove from (index +1) to (Count -1) at list showing { int i = index + 1; while (i < list_n_uc.Count) { this.Controls.Remove(list_n_uc[i]); list_n_uc.RemoveAt(i); } } list.RemoveRange(0, list.IndexOf(sameparent) + 1);//remove from [root to sameparent] of newlist (need from (index +1) to (Count -1)) //while (list_n_uc[list_n_uc.Count-1].Location.X + list_n_uc[list_n_uc.Count-1].Width > this.Width) //{ //} } else//if not sameparent then clear all { list_n_uc.ForEach(n => this.Controls.Remove(n)); list_n_uc.Clear(); } } foreach (ExplorerNode n in list)//add { LabelNode n_uc = new LabelNode(n); n_uc.Dock = DockStyle.Left; n_uc.AutoSize = true; n_uc.Margin = new Padding(2, 0, 2, 0); n_uc.Click += N_uc_Click; n_uc.Padding = new Padding(0); list_n_uc.Add(n_uc); this.Controls.Add(n_uc); n_uc.BringToFront(); while (n_uc.Location.X + n_uc.Width > this.Width) { try { list_n_uc[list_n_uc_HideIndex].Hide(); list_n_uc_HideIndex++; } catch { break; } } } oldnode = node; }