public void TestMethod1() { var network = new NBXplorerNetworkProvider(ChainType.Main).GetBTC(); ExplorerClient client = new ExplorerClient(network, new System.Uri("")); //获取一个没有使用的收款地址 var info = client.GetFeeRate(2); }
public static void Execute() { // To setup NBXplorer's, you need a fully synced bitcoind node with default parameters. // Then clone and run NBXplorer with default parameters. // Reference the NBXplorer.Client nuget package then you need to notify the NBXplorer // to track the user wallet: var network = new NBXplorerNetworkProvider(NetworkType.Mainnet).GetBTC(); var userExtKey = new ExtKey(); var userDerivationScheme = network.DerivationStrategyFactory.CreateDirectDerivationStrategy(userExtKey.Neuter(), new DerivationStrategyOptions() { // Use non-segwit Legacy = true }); ExplorerClient client = new ExplorerClient(network); client.Track(userDerivationScheme); // query the UTXOs of your user and spend them the following way var utxos = client.GetUTXOs(userDerivationScheme, null, false); // If you want to spend those UTXOs: var coins = utxos.GetUnspentCoins(); var keys = utxos.GetKeys(userExtKey); var changeAddress = new Key(); TransactionBuilder builder = new TransactionBuilder(); builder.AddCoins(coins) .AddKeys(keys) .Send(new Key(), Money.Coins(0.5m)) .SetChange(changeAddress.ScriptPubKey); // Set the fee rate var fallbackFeeRate = new FeeRate(Money.Satoshis(100), 1); var feeRate = client.GetFeeRate(1, fallbackFeeRate).FeeRate; builder.SendEstimatedFees(feeRate); ///// var tx = builder.BuildTransaction(sign: true); Console.WriteLine(client.Broadcast(tx)); // To prevent this problem of broadcasting the same transaction twice, // you need to make sure to not spend twice the same coins. // A way to solve the problem is by simply retrying: while (true) { coins = utxos.GetUnspentCoins(); keys = utxos.GetKeys(userExtKey); builder = new TransactionBuilder(); builder.AddCoins(coins) .AddKeys(keys) .Send(new Key(), Money.Coins(0.5m)) .SetChange(changeAddress.ScriptPubKey); // Set the fee rate fallbackFeeRate = new FeeRate(Money.Satoshis(100), 1); feeRate = client.GetFeeRate(1, fallbackFeeRate).FeeRate; builder.SendEstimatedFees(feeRate); ///// tx = builder.BuildTransaction(true); var result = client.Broadcast(tx); if (result.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Success!"); break; } else if (result.RPCCode.HasValue && result.RPCCode.Value == RPCErrorCode.RPC_TRANSACTION_REJECTED) { Console.WriteLine("We probably got a conflict, let's try again!"); continue; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Something is really wrong {result.RPCCode} {result.RPCCodeMessage} {result.RPCMessage}"); // Do something!!! } } // Another common way is to have a global list of already used outpoint that you can check against. }