protected override bool OnExecute() { if (ExoEngine.ActiveWorld != null) { if (ExoEngine.Commands.Execute(typeof(FileClose)) != true) { return(false); } } string strFileName = null; if (this.Params != null) { if (this.Params[0] is string) { strFileName = (string)this.Params[0]; } } else { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Multiselect = false; ofd.Title = "Import Worldcraft Map"; ofd.Filter = ExoEngine.sWorldcraftMapFileFilter; ofd.InitialDirectory = ExoEngine.sWorldcraftMapPath; DialogResult result = ofd.ShowDialog(); if (result != DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } strFileName = ofd.FileName; } if (strFileName == null || File.Exists(strFileName) == false) { return(false); } ExoEngine.MainForm.Update(); ImportProcess ip = new ImportProcess(); ip.WorldcraftFileName = strFileName; //Debug2.Push(); if (ip.Execute(ExoEngine.MainForm) != true) { return(false); } //Debug2.Pop(); ip.World.Reset(); ip.World.Dirty = true; ExoEngine.ActiveWorld = ip.World; ExoEngine.UpdateAll(); return(true); }
protected override bool OnExecute() { if (ExoEngine.ActiveWorld.Dirty == true) { DialogResult result = ExoEngine.MessageBox("Current world has been modified. Do you want to save your changes to '" + ExoEngine.ActiveWorld.FileName + "'?", "Close World", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); switch (result) { case DialogResult.Yes: if (ExoEngine.Commands.Execute(typeof(FileSave)) != true) { return(false); } break; case DialogResult.No: break; case DialogResult.Cancel: return(false); } } World world = ExoEngine.ActiveWorld; ExoEngine.ActiveWorld = null; world.Dispose(); ExoEngine.UpdateAll(); return(true); }
protected override bool OnExecute() { World world = ExoEngine.ActiveWorld; // serialize World -> XML //Debug2.Push( "XmlSerializer.Serialize( world )" ); try { StreamWriter sOut = new StreamWriter(world.FileName, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default, 1); XmlSerializer xmlOut = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(World)); xmlOut.Serialize(sOut, world, new XmlSerializerNamespaces()); sOut.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { string fileName = BugTracking.WriteExceptionRecord(e); ExoEngine.Error("Error save World to file '" + world.FileName + "'.\n" + "Please send this bug report to [email protected]:\n" + fileName); return(false); } //Debug2.Pop(); ExoEngine.ActiveWorld.Dirty = false; ExoEngine.UpdateAll(); return(true); }
protected override bool OnExecute() { this.Checked = true; ExoEngine.Viewer.Renderer = ExoEngine.Viewer.AvailableRenderers.FindByType(this._typeRenderer); ExoEngine.UpdateAll(); return(true); }
protected override bool OnExecute() { ExoEngine.MessageBox( "Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, Ben Houston\n" + "Questions, comments, bugs? Send them to [email protected]", "About " + Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return(true); }
protected override bool OnExecute() { Water.IsUpdateNormals = !this.Checked; ExoEngine.UpdateAll(); return(true); }
protected override bool OnExecute() { ExoEngine.MainForm.Viewer.IsGrid = !this.Checked; ExoEngine.UpdateAll(); return(true); }
protected override bool OnExecute() { ExoEngine.ActiveWorld.Textures.OverideTextureQuality(_bMipmap, _minFilter, _maxFilter); ExoEngine.UpdateAll(); return(true); }
protected override bool OnExecute() { ExoEngine.Viewer.RenderSettings.FaceColors = !this.Checked; ExoEngine.UpdateAll(); return(true); }
protected override bool OnExecute() { Duck.IsRender = !this.Checked; ExoEngine.UpdateAll(); return(true); }
protected override bool OnExecute() { if (ExoEngine.ActiveWorld != null) { if (ExoEngine.Commands.Execute(typeof(FileClose)) != true) { return(false); } } string strFileName = null; if (this.Params != null) { if (this.Params[0] is string) { strFileName = (string)this.Params[0]; } } else { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Multiselect = false; ofd.Title = "Open World"; ofd.Filter = ExoEngine.sWorldFileFilter; ofd.InitialDirectory = ExoEngine.sWorldPath; DialogResult result = ofd.ShowDialog(); if (result != DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } strFileName = ofd.FileName; } if (strFileName == null || File.Exists(strFileName) == false) { return(false); } // deserialize XML -> World //Debug2.Push( "XmlSerializer.Deserialize( world )" ); World world = null; try { FileStream sIn = new FileStream(strFileName, FileMode.Open); XmlSerializer xmlIn = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(World)); world = (World)xmlIn.Deserialize(sIn); sIn.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { string fileName = BugTracking.WriteExceptionRecord(e); ExoEngine.Error("Error loading World from file '" + strFileName + "'.\n" + "Please send this bug report to [email protected]:\n" + fileName); return(false); } //Debug2.Pop(); world.FileName = strFileName; world.Dirty = false; world.Reset(); ExoEngine.ActiveWorld = world; ExoEngine.UpdateAll(); return(true); }