public void IsRunningTest()
            ExitStatus running   = ExitStatus.Executing;
            ExitStatus completed = ExitStatus.Completed;

        /// <summary>
        /// Wraps command execution into system process call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
        public RepeatStatus Execute(StepContribution contribution, ChunkContext chunkContext)
            if (Logger.IsTraceEnabled)
                Logger.Trace("*** Executing PowerShell Script File: {0}", ScriptResource.GetFullPath());

            //=> PowerShell will throw an error if we do not Suppress ambient transaction...
            //   see
            using (var transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress))
                //=> Runspace configuration information includes the assemblies, commands, format and type files, 
                //   providers, and scripts that are available within the runspace.
                RunspaceConfiguration runspaceConfiguration = RunspaceConfiguration.Create();
                //Creates a single runspace that uses the default host and runspace configuration
                using (Runspace runSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(runspaceConfiguration))
                    //=> When this runspace is opened, the default host and runspace configuration 
                    //   that are defined by Windows PowerShell will be used. 

                    //=> Set Variables so they are available to user script...
                    if (Variables != null  && Variables.Any())
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> variable in Variables)
                            runSpace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable(variable.Key, variable.Value);

                    //=> this is exit status variables to be tested on exit from power shell script...
                    //   it is defined in PwerShell global scope...and must be set by scipt writer on exit...
                    runSpace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("ScriptExitStatus", _scriptExitStatus);

                    //=> Allows the execution of commands from a CLR
                    //RunspaceInvoke scriptInvoker = new RunspaceInvoke(runSpace);
                    //scriptInvoker.Invoke("Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted"); 

                    using (PowerShell psInstance = PowerShell.Create())
                            // prepare a new collection to store output stream objects
                            PSDataCollection<PSObject> outputCollection = new PSDataCollection<PSObject>();
                            outputCollection.DataAdded += AllStreams_DataAdded;
                            psInstance.Streams.Error.DataAdded += AllStreams_DataAdded;
                            psInstance.Streams.Verbose.DataAdded += AllStreams_DataAdded;
                            psInstance.Streams.Warning.DataAdded += AllStreams_DataAdded;
                            psInstance.Streams.Debug.DataAdded += AllStreams_DataAdded;

                            psInstance.Runspace = runSpace;

                            //=> This tasklet should be in the same dll as ExitStatus, i.e. Summer.Batch.Core.dll 
                            //   we need to get the path to loaded Summer.Batch.Core.dll so we can load it in PowerShell
                            var assemblyLocation = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;

                            //=> need to load Summer.Batch.Core into runspace so we can reference ExitStatus

                            //=> add user command and its parameters...
                            if (Parameters != null && Parameters.Any())
                                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> variable in Parameters)
                                    psInstance.AddParameter(variable.Key, variable.Value);

                            //=> Invoke Asynchronously...
                            IAsyncResult asyncResult = psInstance.BeginInvoke<PSObject, PSObject>(null, outputCollection);

                            // do something else until execution has completed.
                            long t0 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                            while (!asyncResult.IsCompleted)
                                //=> take a nap and let script do its job...
                                Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(_checkInterval));
                                //=> to check if job was told to stop...

                                //=> lets make sure we did not exceed alloted time...
                                long timeFromT0 = (long)(new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - t0)).TotalMilliseconds;
                                if (timeFromT0 > _timeout)
                                    //=> Stop PowerShell...

                                    //=> behave based on TimeoutBehaviorOption
                                    if (_timeoutBehavior.Equals(TimeoutBehaviorOption.SetExitStatusToFailed))
                                        contribution.ExitStatus = ExitStatus.Failed;
                                    else if (_timeoutBehavior.Equals(TimeoutBehaviorOption.ThrowException))
                                        //=> lets dump what we got before throwing an error...
                                        throw new FatalStepExecutionException("Execution of PowerShell script exceeded allotted time.", null);
                                else if (_execution.TerminateOnly)
                                    //=> Stop PowerShell...

                                    //=> lets dump what we got before throwing an error...

                                    throw new JobInterruptedException(
                                        string.Format("Job interrupted while executing PowerShell script '{0}'", ScriptResource.GetFilename()));
                                else if (_stopped)
                                    contribution.ExitStatus = ExitStatus.Stopped;
                            } // end while scope

                            //=> Wait to the end of execution...

                            //NOTE: asyncResult.IsCompleted will be set to true if PowerShell.Stop was called or
                            //      PowerShell completed its work

                            //=> if status not yet set (script completed)...handle completion...
                            if (contribution.ExitStatus.IsRunning())
                                //=> script needs to set exit code...if exit code not set we assume 0
                                var lastExitCode = (int)runSpace.SessionStateProxy.PSVariable.GetValue("LastExitCode", 0);

                                _scriptExitStatus = runSpace.SessionStateProxy.GetVariable("ScriptExitStatus") as ExitStatus;

                                //=> set exit status...
                                if (_scriptExitStatus != null && !_scriptExitStatus.IsRunning())
                                    if (Logger.IsTraceEnabled)
                                        Logger.Trace("***> ScriptExitStatus returned by script => {0}", _scriptExitStatus);

                                    contribution.ExitStatus = _scriptExitStatus;
                                else //=> let user decide on ExitStatus
                                    if (Logger.IsTraceEnabled)
                                        if (_scriptExitStatus == null)
                                            Logger.Trace("***> ScriptExitStatus is null. Using PowerShellExitCodeMapper to determine ExitStatus.");
                                        else if (_scriptExitStatus.IsRunning())
                                            Logger.Trace("***> ScriptExitStatus is EXECUTING or UNKNOWN. Using PowerShellExitCodeMapper to determine ExitStatus.");

                                    if (PowerShellExitCodeMapper != null)
                                        //=> determine exit status using User Provided PowerShellExitCodeMapper
                                        contribution.ExitStatus = PowerShellExitCodeMapper.GetExitStatus(lastExitCode);
                                    else //at this point we are not able to determine exit status, user needs to fix this...
                                        //=> lets dump what we got before throwing an error...
                                        throw new FatalStepExecutionException(
                                            "PowerShellTasklet is not able to determine ExitStatus. ScriptExitStatus is null or (is EXECUTING or UNKNOWN) and "+
                                            "PowerShellExitCodeMapper is NOT defined. Please set $global:ScriptExitStatus or define PowerShellExitCodeMapper.", null);


                            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                                Logger.Info("PowerShell execution exit status [{0}]", contribution.ExitStatus);

                            //=> output captured stream data to Log...
                        catch (RuntimeException ex)

                    } // end PowerShell Scope

                    //=> close Runspace...

                    //=> we are done...
                    return RepeatStatus.Finished;

                } // end of Runspace Scope

            }// end of TransactionScope
        /// <summary>
        /// Wraps command execution into system process call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
        public RepeatStatus Execute(StepContribution contribution, ChunkContext chunkContext)
            if (Logger.IsTraceEnabled)
                Logger.Trace("*** Executing PowerShell Script File: {0}", ScriptResource.GetFullPath());

            //=> PowerShell will throw an error if we do not Suppress ambient transaction...
            //   see
            using (var transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress))
                //=> Runspace configuration information includes the assemblies, commands, format and type files,
                //   providers, and scripts that are available within the runspace.
                RunspaceConfiguration runspaceConfiguration = RunspaceConfiguration.Create();

                //Creates a single runspace that uses the default host and runspace configuration
                using (Runspace runSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(runspaceConfiguration))
                    //=> When this runspace is opened, the default host and runspace configuration
                    //   that are defined by Windows PowerShell will be used.

                    //=> Set Variables so they are available to user script...
                    if (Variables != null && Variables.Any())
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> variable in Variables)
                            runSpace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable(variable.Key, variable.Value);

                    //=> this is exit status variables to be tested on exit from power shell script...
                    //   it is defined in PwerShell global scope...and must be set by scipt writer on exit...
                    runSpace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("ScriptExitStatus", _scriptExitStatus);

                    //=> Allows the execution of commands from a CLR
                    //RunspaceInvoke scriptInvoker = new RunspaceInvoke(runSpace);
                    //scriptInvoker.Invoke("Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted");

                    using (PowerShell psInstance = PowerShell.Create())
                            // prepare a new collection to store output stream objects
                            PSDataCollection <PSObject> outputCollection = new PSDataCollection <PSObject>();
                            outputCollection.DataAdded           += AllStreams_DataAdded;
                            psInstance.Streams.Error.DataAdded   += AllStreams_DataAdded;
                            psInstance.Streams.Verbose.DataAdded += AllStreams_DataAdded;
                            psInstance.Streams.Warning.DataAdded += AllStreams_DataAdded;
                            psInstance.Streams.Debug.DataAdded   += AllStreams_DataAdded;

                            psInstance.Runspace = runSpace;

                            //=> This tasklet should be in the same dll as ExitStatus, i.e. Summer.Batch.Core.dll
                            //   we need to get the path to loaded Summer.Batch.Core.dll so we can load it in PowerShell
                            var assemblyLocation = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;

                            //=> need to load Summer.Batch.Core into runspace so we can reference ExitStatus
                            psInstance.AddScript("[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom(\"" + assemblyLocation + "\")").AddStatement();

                            //=> add user command and its parameters...
                            if (Parameters != null && Parameters.Any())
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> variable in Parameters)
                                    psInstance.AddParameter(variable.Key, variable.Value);

                            //=> Invoke Asynchronously...
                            IAsyncResult asyncResult = psInstance.BeginInvoke <PSObject, PSObject>(null, outputCollection);

                            // do something else until execution has completed.
                            long t0 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                            while (!asyncResult.IsCompleted)
                                //=> take a nap and let script do its job...
                                Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(_checkInterval));

                                //=> to check if job was told to stop...

                                //=> lets make sure we did not exceed alloted time...
                                long timeFromT0 = (long)(new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - t0)).TotalMilliseconds;
                                if (timeFromT0 > _timeout)
                                    //=> Stop PowerShell...

                                    //=> behave based on TimeoutBehaviorOption
                                    if (_timeoutBehavior.Equals(TimeoutBehaviorOption.SetExitStatusToFailed))
                                        contribution.ExitStatus = ExitStatus.Failed;
                                    else if (_timeoutBehavior.Equals(TimeoutBehaviorOption.ThrowException))
                                        //=> lets dump what we got before throwing an error...
                                        throw new FatalStepExecutionException("Execution of PowerShell script exceeded allotted time.", null);
                                else if (_execution.TerminateOnly)
                                    //=> Stop PowerShell...

                                    //=> lets dump what we got before throwing an error...

                                    throw new JobInterruptedException(
                                              string.Format("Job interrupted while executing PowerShell script '{0}'", ScriptResource.GetFilename()));
                                else if (_stopped)
                                    contribution.ExitStatus = ExitStatus.Stopped;
                            } // end while scope

                            //=> Wait to the end of execution...

                            //NOTE: asyncResult.IsCompleted will be set to true if PowerShell.Stop was called or
                            //      PowerShell completed its work

                            //=> if status not yet set (script completed)...handle completion...
                            if (contribution.ExitStatus.IsRunning())
                                //=> script needs to set exit code...if exit code not set we assume 0
                                var lastExitCode = (int)runSpace.SessionStateProxy.PSVariable.GetValue("LastExitCode", 0);

                                _scriptExitStatus = runSpace.SessionStateProxy.GetVariable("ScriptExitStatus") as ExitStatus;

                                //=> set exit status...
                                if (_scriptExitStatus != null && !_scriptExitStatus.IsRunning())
                                    if (Logger.IsTraceEnabled)
                                        Logger.Trace("***> ScriptExitStatus returned by script => {0}", _scriptExitStatus);

                                    contribution.ExitStatus = _scriptExitStatus;
                                else //=> let user decide on ExitStatus
                                    if (Logger.IsTraceEnabled)
                                        if (_scriptExitStatus == null)
                                            Logger.Trace("***> ScriptExitStatus is null. Using PowerShellExitCodeMapper to determine ExitStatus.");
                                        else if (_scriptExitStatus.IsRunning())
                                            Logger.Trace("***> ScriptExitStatus is EXECUTING or UNKNOWN. Using PowerShellExitCodeMapper to determine ExitStatus.");

                                    if (PowerShellExitCodeMapper != null)
                                        //=> determine exit status using User Provided PowerShellExitCodeMapper
                                        contribution.ExitStatus = PowerShellExitCodeMapper.GetExitStatus(lastExitCode);
                                    else //at this point we are not able to determine exit status, user needs to fix this...
                                        //=> lets dump what we got before throwing an error...
                                        throw new FatalStepExecutionException(
                                                  "PowerShellTasklet is not able to determine ExitStatus. ScriptExitStatus is null or (is EXECUTING or UNKNOWN) and " +
                                                  "PowerShellExitCodeMapper is NOT defined. Please set $global:ScriptExitStatus or define PowerShellExitCodeMapper.", null);

                            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                                Logger.Info("PowerShell execution exit status [{0}]", contribution.ExitStatus);

                            //=> output captured stream data to Log...
                        catch (RuntimeException ex)
                    } // end PowerShell Scope

                    //=> close Runspace...

                    //=> we are done...
                } // end of Runspace Scope
            }     // end of TransactionScope