private void OnExitMenu(ExitMenu E) { if (E.Menu == MainMenu) { ToSubMenu = true; } }
private void OnExitMenu(ExitMenu E) { if (E.Menu == MainMenu) { GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; } }
public InGameMenuWiring(ScriptClient client, InGameMenu inGameMenu, ExitMenu exitMenu, WaitScreen waitScreen, Login.Login login, CharacterList characterList, LeaveGameSender leaveMsgSender) { inGameMenu.BackToMainMenu += sender => { leaveMsgSender.SendLeaveGameMessage(); waitScreen.Message = "Lade Charakterliste..."; waitScreen.Open(); sender.Close(); characterList.RefreshFromServer(); }; inGameMenu.BackToLoginSelected += sender => { sender.Close(); waitScreen.Message = "Logout läuft..."; waitScreen.Open(); login.StartLogout(); }; inGameMenu.ExitGameSelected += sender => { sender.Close(); exitMenu.Open(); }; inGameMenu.OnEscape += sender => sender.Close(); }
private void OnExitMenu(ExitMenu E) { if (E.Menu == gameObject) { Active = false; } }
public Form1() { ExitMenu exitMenu = new ExitMenu(); exitMenu.ExitMenuClick += new EventHandler(exitMenu_ExitMenuClick); InitializeComponent(); InitDefaultHost(); HostSelected hostSelected = CreateHostSelected(); EditMenu editMenu = CreateEditMenu(); this.contextMenuStrip1.Items.AddRange( AppMenu.CreateAppMenu(). Builder(HostManagerFactory.GetInstance().GetHostList(), hostSelected, Server.GetInstance().ReadCurrentHostKey()). Builder("-"). Builder("编辑", editMenu). Builder("退出", exitMenu).ToMenuList().ToArray() ); this.Hide(); this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; this.ShowInTaskbar = false; }
private void MainForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { // Some keys cannot be set as shortcuts in Visual Studio // so we handle them manually and call the respective menu items ourselves. if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { ExitMenu.PerformClick(); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) { PreviousImageMenu.PerformClick(); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) { NextImageMenu.PerformClick(); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D1) { OriginalImageSizeMenu.PerformClick(); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F) { FitImageToWindowMenu.PerformClick(); } }
public VendingMachine(IWallet _wallet, ICart _cart) { wallet = _wallet; cart = _cart; insertCoin = new InsertCoinMenu(wallet); purchaseItem = new PurchaseItemMenu(wallet, cart); exit = new ExitMenu(wallet); }
private void OnExitMenu(ExitMenu E) { if (E.Menu == gameObject) { BackInfo.SetActive(false); Image.SetActive(false); } }
private void OnExitMenu(ExitMenu M) { if (M.Menu == gameObject) { BackInfo.SetActive(false); GameObject Image = transform.Find("Image").gameObject; Image.GetComponent <Image>().enabled = false; } }
void OpenExit() { MainMenu.Active(false); ExitMenu.Active(true); State = MenuState.ExitOpened; MainBackgroundLayer.Visible = false; ExitLayer.Visible = true; SetMenuSize(new Vector2(ExitBackground.Texture.Width, ExitBackground.Texture.Height)); }
private void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } gameObject.SetActive(false); }
private void OnExitMenu(ExitMenu E) { if (E.Menu == gameObject) { GetComponent <ButtonSelection>().enabled = false; foreach (Transform child in transform) { child.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
private void OnExitMenu(ExitMenu E) { if (E.Menu == gameObject) { Activated = false; foreach (Transform child in transform) { child.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
public ExitMenuEventWiring(ExitMenu exitMenu, MainMenu mainMenu) { exitMenu.ExitGameSelected += sender => Program.Exit(); exitMenu.BackToMainMenu += sender => { sender.Close(); mainMenu.Open(); }; exitMenu.OnEscape += sender => sender.Close(); }
public void OpenOrCloseMainMenu(object sender, EventArgs e) { var screen = (ScreenService)GetServices().GetService(typeof(ScreenService)); var sound = (SoundService)GetServices().GetService(typeof(SoundService)); sound.PlaySound(SoundsHelper.GetSoundPath(Sounds.OpenMenu), screen.GameWindowSize.X, screen.GameWindowSize.Y); if (State == MenuState.AllClosed) { State = MenuState.MainOpened; MainBackgroundLayer.Visible = true; MainMenu.Active(true); SetMenuSize(new Vector2(MainBackground.Texture.Width, MainBackground.Texture.Height)); screenService.IsMouseVisible = true; } else if (State == MenuState.MainOpened) { State = MenuState.AllClosed; MainBackgroundLayer.Visible = false; MainMenu.UnselectItems(); MainMenu.Active(false); screenService.IsMouseVisible = false; } else if (State == MenuState.AudioOpened) { State = MenuState.MainOpened; AudioBackgroundLayer.Visible = false; MainBackgroundLayer.Visible = true; AudioMenu.Active(false); MainMenu.Active(true); SetMenuSize(new Vector2(MainBackground.Texture.Width, MainBackground.Texture.Height)); } else if (State == MenuState.VideoOpened) { State = MenuState.MainOpened; VideoBackgroundLayer.Visible = false; MainBackgroundLayer.Visible = true; VideoMenu.Active(false); MainMenu.Active(true); SetMenuSize(new Vector2(MainBackground.Texture.Width, MainBackground.Texture.Height)); } else if (State == MenuState.ExitOpened) { State = MenuState.MainOpened; ExitLayer.Visible = false; MainBackgroundLayer.Visible = true; ExitMenu.Active(false); MainMenu.Active(true); SetMenuSize(new Vector2(MainBackground.Texture.Width, MainBackground.Texture.Height)); } }
private void OnExitMenu(ExitMenu E) { if (E.Menu == gameObject) { ConfirmInfo.SetActive(false); BackInfo.SetActive(false); GetComponent <ButtonSelection>().enabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < GetComponent <ButtonSelection>().ButtonList.Count; i++) { GetComponent <ButtonSelection>().ButtonList[i].SetActive(false); } } }
private void OnExitMenu(ExitMenu E) { if (E.Menu == gameObject) { BackInfo.SetActive(false); transform.Find("InfoText").gameObject.SetActive(false); GetComponent <ButtonSelection>().enabled = false; GetComponent <ButtonSelection>().SelectedMenu = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GetComponent <ButtonSelection>().ButtonList.Count; i++) { GetComponent <ButtonSelection>().ButtonList[i].SetActive(false); } } }
protected override void OnLoad(ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice gd) { AddChild(PlacementLayer); PlacementLayer.AddChild(MainMenu, 2); PlacementLayer.AddChild(AudioMenu, 2); PlacementLayer.AddChild(VideoMenu, 2); PlacementLayer.AddChild(MainBackgroundLayer, 1); PlacementLayer.AddChild(AudioBackgroundLayer, 1); PlacementLayer.AddChild(VideoBackgroundLayer, 1); PlacementLayer.AddChild(ExitLayer, 1); VideoBackgroundLayer.AddChild(VideoBackground, 1); VideoBackgroundLayer.AddChild(new DrawableLabel() { Text = "*Changes will take effect after the next restart.", Scale = new Vector2(0.6f, 0.6f), Position = new Vector2(20, 150) }); VideoBackgroundLayer.AddChild(GearVideo, 0); VideoBackgroundLayer.AddChild(GearVideo2, 0); AudioBackgroundLayer.AddChild(AudioBackground, 1); AudioBackgroundLayer.AddChild(GearAudio, 0); MainBackgroundLayer.AddChild(GearMain, 0); MainBackgroundLayer.AddChild(GearMiniMain, 0); MainBackgroundLayer.AddChild(MainBackground, 1); ExitLayer.AddChild(ExitBackground, 1); ExitLayer.AddChild(new DrawableLabel() { Text = "Do you really want to quit?", Position = new Vector2(30, 25) }); ExitLayer.AddChild(ExitMenu, 2); ExitLayer.AddChild(GearExit, 0); ExitLayer.AddChild(GearExit2, 0); ExitLayer.AddChild(GearExitMini, 0); inputManager.RegisterEvent(InputActions.Escape, new EventHandler(OpenOrCloseMainMenu)); MainMenu.Active(false); AudioMenu.Active(false); VideoMenu.Active(false); ExitMenu.Active(false); SetMenuSize(new Vector2(MainBackground.Texture.Width, MainBackground.Texture.Height)); }
private void OnExitMenu(ExitMenu E) { if (E.Menu == gameObject) { Active = false; BackInfo.SetActive(false); NewGameInfo.SetActive(false); LoadInfo.SetActive(false); DeleteInfo.SetActive(false); for (int i = 0; i < Slots.Count; i++) { Slots[i].SetActive(false); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); Invoke("HideSplashScreen", 3f); Lives = 3; s = true; ExitControl = false; ss = true; OnlyForExit = false; Time.timeScale = 1; ExitAnim = ExitMenu.GetComponent <Animator>(); DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); #if UNITY_ANDROID StartAppWrapper.init(); StartAppWrapper.loadAd(); #endif }
private Workspace InitializeMainMenu() { var mainMenu = new FF6MainMenu(new FF6MainMenuProps { Name = "main", Model = Model, OnExit = e => ExitMenu?.Invoke(), OnArrangeItems = e => ArrangeItems(), OnUseItem = UseItem, OnSwapItems = SwapItems, OnEquip = EquipItem, OnEquipRemove = UnequipItem, OnEquipEmpty = EmptyEquipment, OnEquipOptimum = EquipOptimum, }); return(new Workspace("default", mainMenu)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public Main() { // Setup device graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; // Capture device settings event graphics.PreparingDeviceSettings += new EventHandler <PreparingDeviceSettingsEventArgs>(Graphics_PreparingDeviceSettings); // Read INI file ReadINISettings(); // Timing this.IsFixedTimeStep = true; graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = true; this.Window.Title = title; // Set display mode displayPreference = (windowedMode) ? DisplayPreferences.Windowed : DisplayPreferences.Fullscreen; // Create engine core core = new DeepCore(arena2Path, this.Services); // Create game state manager gameManager = new GameStateManager(this); Components.Add(gameManager); // Create game states titleScreen = new TitleScreen1(core, this); playground1 = new Playground1(core, this); playground2 = new Playground2(core, this); gameOptionsMenu = new ExitMenu(core, this); // Apply settings playground1.MouseLookSpeed = mouseLookSpeed; playground2.MouseLookSpeed = mouseLookSpeed; // Setup title events titleScreen.OnStartClicked += new EventHandler(TitleScreen_OnStartClicked); titleScreen.OnExitClicked += new EventHandler(TitleScreen_OnExitClicked); // Set initial game state gameManager.ChangeState(titleScreen); }
public MainMenuEventWiring( MainMenu mainMenu, CharCreationMenu charCreationMenu, ExitMenu exitMenu, ScriptClient client, LoginMenu loginMenu, Login.Login login, WaitScreen waitScreen, CharacterSelectionMenu selectionMenu, JoinGameSender joinGameSender, CharacterList characterList, ErrorScreenManager errorScreenManager) { mainMenu.CharacterCreationSelected += sender => { sender.Close(); charCreationMenu.Open(); }; mainMenu.JoinGameSelected += sender => { if (!characterList.TryGetActiveCharacter(out Character.Character character)) { mainMenu.Close(); errorScreenManager.ShowError("Kein Character gewählt!", mainMenu.Open); return; } joinGameSender.StartJoinGame(character); waitScreen.Message = "Trete Spiel bei..."; waitScreen.Open(); mainMenu.Close(); //client.SendSpectateMessage(); }; mainMenu.BackToLoginSelected += sender => { sender.Close(); waitScreen.Message = "Logout läuft..."; waitScreen.Open(); login.StartLogout(); }; mainMenu.CharacterSelectionSelected += sender => { selectionMenu.Open(); sender.Close(); }; mainMenu.ExitGameSelected += sender => { sender.Close(); exitMenu.Open(); }; joinGameSender.JoinGameRequestSuccessful += sender => { //The server accepted the join request, close the ui, from here on the server does most of the controlling. waitScreen.Close(); }; joinGameSender.JoinGameFailed += (sender, args) => { //Something went wrong show an error message to the player and then return to the main menu. waitScreen.Close(); errorScreenManager.ShowError(args.ReasonText, mainMenu.Open); }; }
protected override void LoadContent() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); text = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Text"); Texture2D player_Atlas_Texture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Player_Atlas"); Texture2D chunk_Of_Stone_Texture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("chunk"); Texture2D ground_Grass_Texture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Grass"); Texture2D cloud_Texture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Cloud"); Texture2D quit_Menu_Texture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Menu/Quit"); Texture2D quit_Menu_Select_Texture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Menu/QuitSelectBox"); Texture2D quit_Background = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Menu/ExitBackground"); Texture2D inventory_texture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Menu/Inventory"); Texture2D inventory_Select_Texture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Menu/InventorySelect"); Texture2D hotbar_Texture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Menu/Hotbar"); items = new Dictionary <string, Texture2D>() { { "Log", Content.Load <Texture2D>("items/itemLog") } }; player = new Player(player_Atlas_Texture); solid_Sprites = new List <Sprite>() { new Sprite(chunk_Of_Stone_Texture) { Position = new Vector2(1100, 850) }, new Sprite(chunk_Of_Stone_Texture) { Position = new Vector2(1400, 550) }, new Sprite(chunk_Of_Stone_Texture) { Position = new Vector2(1700, 500) }, new Sprite(chunk_Of_Stone_Texture) { Position = new Vector2(1950, 300) }, new Sprite(chunk_Of_Stone_Texture) { Position = new Vector2(2475, 500) }, new Sprite(ground_Grass_Texture) { Position = new Vector2(0, 1010) }, new Sprite(ground_Grass_Texture) { Position = new Vector2(1920, 1010) }, new Sprite(ground_Grass_Texture) { Position = new Vector2(-1920, 1010) } }; decoration_Sprites = new List <Sprite>(); var random = new Random(); int cloudPlacement = -2500; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)//clouds { decoration_Sprites.Add(new Sprite(cloud_Texture) { Position = new Vector2(cloudPlacement += random.Next(200, 800), random.Next(0, 300)) }); } Sprite quitMenuSprite = new Sprite(quit_Menu_Texture) { Position = new Vector2((GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Width - quit_Menu_Texture.Width) / 2, (GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Height - quit_Menu_Texture.Height) / 2) }; Sprite quitBackgroundSprite = new Sprite(quit_Background) { SetColor = Color.Black * .5f }; exitMenu = new ExitMenu(quitMenuSprite, quitBackgroundSprite, quit_Menu_Select_Texture); Sprite inventorySprite = new Sprite(inventory_texture) { Position = new Vector2((GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Width - inventory_texture.Width) / 2, (GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Height - inventory_texture.Height) / 2) }; Sprite hotbarSprite = new Sprite(inventory_texture); inventory = new Inventory(inventorySprite, hotbarSprite, inventory_Select_Texture, items, text); }
#pragma warning restore 0219, 414 protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); this._sExitMenu = as ExitMenu; }