public async Task <ActionResult> SaveAsync(List <ExchangeRateViewModel> exchangeRates) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(this.InvalidModelState(this.ModelState)); } if (exchangeRates == null || exchangeRates.Count().Equals(0)) { return(this.InvalidModelState(this.ModelState)); } var meta = await AppUsers.GetCurrentAsync().ConfigureAwait(true); int officeId = meta.OfficeId; string baseCurrency = meta.CurrencyCode; long id = await ExchangeRates.SaveAsync(this.Tenant, officeId, baseCurrency, exchangeRates).ConfigureAwait(false); return(this.Ok(id)); }
public List <DB_ExchangeRate> Map_ExchangeRates_ToDBModelList(ExchangeRates exchangeRates) { List <DB_ExchangeRate> result = new List <DB_ExchangeRate>(); string[] countryCodes = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CountryCodesToRecord"].Split(';'); if (countryCodes.Contains("GB")) { result.Add(Return_GBPExchangeRate_ToModel()); } foreach (ExchangeRate _exchangeRate in exchangeRates.Exchange_Rates) { if (countryCodes.Contains(_exchangeRate.To_Country_Code)) { DB_ExchangeRate _newExchangeRate = new DB_ExchangeRate() { FROM_COUNTRY_CODE = _exchangeRate.From_Country_Code, FROM_CURRENCY = _exchangeRate.From_Currency_Code, TO_COUNTRY_CODE = _exchangeRate.To_Country_Code, TO_CURRENCY = _exchangeRate.To_Currency_Code, EFFECTIVE_DATE = exchangeRates.Effective_Date, EXCHANGE_RATE = _exchangeRate.Rate_of_Exchange, LAST_UPDATE_USR_ID = "HMRC_Update" }; result.Add(_newExchangeRate); } } return(result); }
public async Task <ActionResult <ExchangeRates> > AddExchangeRate(ExchangeRates exchangeRates) { _context.ExchangeRates.Add(exchangeRates); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetExchangeRates", new { id = exchangeRates.Id }, exchangeRates)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateExchangeRate(int id, ExchangeRates exchangeRates) { if (id != exchangeRates.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(exchangeRates).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ExchangeRatesExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <ActionResult <ExchangeRates> > GetExchangeRate(string @base, [FromQuery(Name = "target")] string[] target) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(@base)) { throw new ArgumentException("Base currency couldn't be empty.", nameof(@base)); } if ((!(target is null) && target.All(t => string.IsNullOrEmpty(t)))) { throw new ArgumentException("Target currencies contains invalid value.", nameof(target)); } ExchangeRates exchangeRate = await _exchangeRateProcessor.GetExchangeRateAsync(@base, target); return(exchangeRate); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($@"Exception occured: {ex}"); return(BadRequest(new[] { ex.Message, @base, string.Join(',', target) })); } }
private async void GetRates() { try { var client = new HttpClient(); client.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); var url = "/api/latest.json?app_id=c5ad6fcb983f45448075f48c7cfc32f0"; var response = await client.GetAsync(url); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", response.StatusCode.ToString(), "Aceptar"); IsRunning = false; IsEnabled = false; return; } var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); exchangeRates = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExchangeRates>(result); } catch (Exception ex) { await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", ex.Message, "Aceptar"); IsRunning = false; IsEnabled = false; return; } LoadRates(); IsRunning = false; IsEnabled = true; }
private Task <ExchangeRatesViewModel> LoadExchangeRatesViewModel(ExchangeRates rates) { return(Task.Run(() => { return new ExchangeRatesViewModel(rates); })); }
public void AreAllRates() { //Arrange Currency[] currencies = new Currency[] { Currency.AUD, Currency.CAD, Currency.CHF, Currency.EUR, Currency.GBP, Currency.JPY, Currency.USD }; ExchangeRates rates = new ExchangeRates(); string res = ""; decimal rate = 0; //Act for (int i = 0; i < currencies.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < currencies.Length; j++) { try { rate = rates.GetRate(currencies[i], currencies[j]); } catch { res += currencies[i].ToString() + "-" + currencies[j].ToString() + "|"; } if (i == j && rate != 1m) { res += currencies[i].ToString() + "-" + currencies[j].ToString() + "|"; } } } //Assert Assert.AreEqual("", res); }
private static List <ExchangeRates> LoadRates(string html) { List <ExchangeRates> rates = new List <ExchangeRates>(); HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb(); var htmlDoc = web.Load(html); var nodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//tbody//tr").ToList(); int index = 0; foreach (var tableRow in nodes) { try { var name = tableRow.SelectNodes("..//th//a//div[@data-type='" + class_to_get_name + "']").ToArray()[index].InnerHtml; var value = tableRow.SelectNodes("..//td[@data-type='" + class_to_get_value + "']//span").ToArray()[index].InnerHtml; var lastDateUpdate = tableRow.SelectNodes("..//td[@data-type='" + class_to_get_time + "']//span").ToArray()[index].InnerHtml; var _exchange = new ExchangeRates() { Name = name, Value = Convert.ToDouble(value), LastUpdate = lastDateUpdate }; rates.Add(_exchange); index++; } catch (Exception ex) { index++; continue; } } return(rates); }
/// <summary> /// Read data from the stream and extract useful information from it /// </summary> /// <param name="exchangeRatesForDates"></param> /// <param name="stream"></param> /// <returns>A list of exchange rates retrieved from the api</returns> private static async Task <List <ExchangeRates> > ExtractDataFromStreamAsync(List <ExchangeRates> exchangeRatesForDates, Stream stream) { var jsonString = await Utility.Utility.StreamToStringAsync(stream); Dictionary <string, string> rates = Utility.Utility.GetJsonDataFromString(jsonString); foreach (var rateValues in rates.Values) { Dictionary <string, string> dates = Utility.Utility.GetJsonDataFromString(rateValues); foreach (var dateValues in dates.Values) { Dictionary <string, string> currencies = Utility.Utility.GetJsonDataFromString(dateValues); var exRate = new ExchangeRates() { CurrenyOnDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dates.Keys.First()), FromCurrencyName = currencies.Keys.First().ToString(), FromCurrencyValue = Convert.ToDouble(currencies.Values.First()), ToCurrencyName = currencies.Keys.Last().ToString(), ToCurrencyValue = Convert.ToDouble(currencies.Values.Last()) }; exchangeRatesForDates.Add(exRate); } break; // we only need the rates object from rates.values } return(exchangeRatesForDates); }
public IActionResult BaseMethod(ExchangeRates dbValue, string?Base, string?symbols) { dynamic exo = new ExpandoObject(); decimal baseRate = 0; if (Base != "") { var found = false; dbValue.currencies.ForEach((cur) => { if (cur.currency == Base.ToUpper()) { found = true; baseRate = cur.rate; } }); if (!found && Base.ToUpper() != "EUR") { return(BadRequest()); } exo = Check(dbValue, Base, exo, baseRate, symbols); return(Ok(new { timestamp = ( - Epoch).TotalSeconds, source = Base.ToUpper(), quotes = exo })); } else { Base = "EUR"; exo = Check(dbValue, Base, exo, baseRate, symbols); return(Ok(new { timestamp = ( - Epoch).TotalSeconds, source = Base.ToUpper(), quotes = exo })); } }
private void NewRate(LatestPriceResultMessage result) { UiDispatcher.Invoke(() => { var e = ExchangeRates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsSimilarRequest(result)); if (e != null) { ExchangeRates.Remove(e); } ExchangeRates.Add(result); var exrs = ExchangeRates.OrderBy(x => x.Pair.ToString()).ToList(); ExchangeRates.Clear(); foreach (var er in exrs) { ExchangeRates.Add(er); } if (AssetLeft.IsNone() || AssetRight.IsNone() || ConvertLeft == 0) { return; } var ap = new AssetPair(AssetLeft, AssetRight); if (!result.Pair.Equals(ap)) { return; } _isConverted = result.IsConverted; ResultViewModel = new ExchangeRateResultViewModel(this, result); LoadingInfo = ""; }); }
private async void LoadExchangeRateList() { if (isExchangeRateListLoaded) { return; } if (queryDispatcher == null) { return; } List <ExchangeRateModel> exchangeRates = await queryDispatcher.QueryAsync(new ListTargetCurrencyExchangeRates(UniqueCode)); if (exchangeRates == null) { return; } ExchangeRates.AddRange(exchangeRates); ExchangeRates.SortDescending(e => e.ValidFrom); RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(ExchangeRates)); isExchangeRateListLoaded = true; }
public async Task UpdateTable() { var ResultCount = await GetAll(); if (ResultCount.Count() > 0) { int z = 0; foreach (var x in ResultCount) { x.ccy = ApiPrivatBank.exchangeRatesModel[z].ccy; x.base_ccy = ApiPrivatBank.exchangeRatesModel[z].base_ccy; = ApiPrivatBank.exchangeRatesModel[z].buy; = ApiPrivatBank.exchangeRatesModel[z].sale; x.Date = ApiPrivatBank.exchangeRatesModel[z].Date; ExchangeRates exchangeRates = Mapper.Map <ExchangeRatesBll, ExchangeRates>(x); _unitOfWork.ExchangeRatesUnitOfWork.Update(exchangeRates); await _unitOfWork.Save(); z++; } } else { await Insert(ApiPrivatBank.exchangeRatesModel); } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> CreateExchangeRates(Models.ExRatesByUser info) { string usdPur = info.USDPurchase.Replace('.', ','); string eurPur = info.EURPurchase.Replace('.', ','); string usdSale = info.USDSale.Replace('.', ','); string eurSale = info.EURSale.Replace('.', ','); double usdPurchase = Convert.ToDouble(usdPur); double eurPurchase = Convert.ToDouble(eurPur); double usdSalee = Convert.ToDouble(usdSale); double eurSalee = Convert.ToDouble(eurSale); ExchangeRates rates = new ExchangeRates { BankId = info.BankId, USDPurchase = usdPurchase, USDSale = usdSalee, EURPurchase = eurPurchase, EURSale = eurSalee }; try { await _exchangeRatesService.RemoveExchangeRatesByBankIdAsync(info.BankId); await _exchangeRatesService.SaveExchangeRatesAsync(rates); } catch (Exception) { return(InternalServerError()); } return(Ok()); }
public void ExchangeRates_ConvertAmountToUSD_UnitTest() { var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(mockServiceWrapper.Object); var rate = exchangeRates.ConvertValue(100, "USD", "EUR"); Assert.IsTrue(rate == 300); }
public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); XDocument xml = XDocument.Load(""); ExchangeRates exchangeRatesUSD = new ExchangeRates { Id = "R01235", Name = "USD" }; ExchangeRates exchangeRatesEUR = new ExchangeRates { Id = "R01239", Name = "EUR" }; ExchangeRates exchangeRatesCNY = new ExchangeRates { Id = "R01375", Name = "CNY" }; ExchangeRates exchangeRatesJPY = new ExchangeRates { Id = "R01820", Name = "JPY" }; exchangeRatesUSD.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(xml.Elements("ValCurs").Elements("Valute").FirstOrDefault(x => x.Element("NumCode").Value == "840").Elements("Value").FirstOrDefault().Value); exchangeRatesEUR.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(xml.Elements("ValCurs").Elements("Valute").FirstOrDefault(x => x.Element("NumCode").Value == "978").Elements("Value").FirstOrDefault().Value); exchangeRatesCNY.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(xml.Elements("ValCurs").Elements("Valute").FirstOrDefault(x => x.Element("NumCode").Value == "156").Elements("Value").FirstOrDefault().Value); exchangeRatesJPY.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(xml.Elements("ValCurs").Elements("Valute").FirstOrDefault(x => x.Element("NumCode").Value == "392").Elements("Value").FirstOrDefault().Value); List<ExchangeRates> exchangeRates = new List<ExchangeRates> { exchangeRatesUSD, exchangeRatesEUR, exchangeRatesCNY, exchangeRatesJPY }; string connectionString = @"Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Database=TestDataBase;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"; string commandread = "insert [ExchangeRates] ([CurrenciesId], [Value], [Date]) values (@currenciesid, @value, @date)"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { await connection.OpenAsync(); foreach (var exRate in exchangeRates) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandread, connection); SqlParameter currenciesidParameter = new SqlParameter("@currenciesid", exRate.Id); SqlParameter valueParameter = new SqlParameter("@value", exRate.Value); SqlParameter dateParameter = new SqlParameter("@date", DateTime.Now); command.Parameters.Add(currenciesidParameter); command.Parameters.Add(valueParameter); command.Parameters.Add(dateParameter); int number = await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); } } Console.WriteLine($"Добавлен курс на дату: {DateTime.Now}"); }
private async void LoadRate() { IsRunning = true; try { var client = new HttpClient(); client.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); var url = "/api/latest.json?app_id=f490efbcd52d48ee98fd62cf33c47b9e"; var response = await client.GetAsync(url); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Message = response.StatusCode.ToString(); IsRunning = false; return; } var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); exchangeRates = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExchangeRates>(result); } catch (Exception ex) { Message = ex.Message; IsRunning = false; return; } ConvertRates(); IsRunning = false; IsEnabled = true; }
public void EtherExchangeRateUpdate() { Currency rates = currencyAPI.getLatestRates(); Console.WriteLine("1 Euro is equal to " + rates.rates.USD + " US Dollars"); APIStats EtherRate = etherAPI.getEtherToUSD(); double EtherUSD = EtherRate.result.ethusd; Console.WriteLine("The current rate of Ether in US Dollars is " + EtherUSD); double EtherToEuro = EtherUSD / rates.rates.USD;// converts ether usd to ether euro the base for api request. using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext()) { ExchangeRates newRates = new ExchangeRates(); newRates.TimeStamp = rates.timestamp; newRates.EtherToUSD = EtherUSD; newRates.EtherToEuro = EtherToEuro; newRates.EtherToAUD = EtherToEuro * rates.rates.AUD; newRates.EtherToCAD = EtherToEuro * rates.rates.CAD; newRates.EtherToCNY = EtherToEuro * rates.rates.CNY; newRates.ETherToGBP = EtherToEuro * rates.rates.GBP; newRates.EtherToJPY = EtherToEuro * rates.rates.JPY; context.Add(newRates); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task GetExchangeDataAsync() { foreach (var resourceUri in Dates.Select(ResourceApi.GetUri)) { ExchangeRates.Add(await XmlConverter.ParseObjAsync <ExchangeRate>(resourceUri)); } }
public async Task GetRates(ExchangeRates exchangeRates, Currency code) { try { int howMany = 10; HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("" + code.ToString() + "/last/" + howMany.ToString() + "/?format=json"); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { List <Rate> rateList = (JObject.Parse(responseBody)["rates"]).ToObject <List <Rate> >(); switch (code) { case Currency.usd: exchangeRates.usdRates = rateList; exchangeRates.usdDiff = Math.Round((exchangeRates.usdRates[howMany - 1].mid - exchangeRates.usdRates[howMany - 2].mid) / exchangeRates.usdRates[howMany - 2].mid * 100, 3); break; case Currency.eur: exchangeRates.eurRates = rateList; exchangeRates.eurDiff = Math.Round((exchangeRates.eurRates[howMany - 1].mid - exchangeRates.eurRates[howMany - 2].mid) / exchangeRates.eurRates[howMany - 2].mid * 100, 3); break; } } } catch (HttpRequestException e) { Console.WriteLine("\nException Caught!"); Console.WriteLine("Message :{0} ", e.Message); } }
public Dictionary <CurrencyPair, Task <RateResult> > FetchRates(HashSet <CurrencyPair> pairs, RateRules rules, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (rules == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rules)); } var fetchingRates = new Dictionary <CurrencyPair, Task <RateResult> >(); var fetchingExchanges = new Dictionary <string, Task <QueryRateResult> >(); var consolidatedRates = new ExchangeRates(); foreach (var i in pairs.Select(p => (Pair: p, RateRule: rules.GetRuleFor(p)))) { var dependentQueries = new List <Task <QueryRateResult> >(); foreach (var requiredExchange in i.RateRule.ExchangeRates) { if (!fetchingExchanges.TryGetValue(requiredExchange.Exchange, out var fetching)) { fetching = _rateProviderFactory.QueryRates(requiredExchange.Exchange, cancellationToken); fetchingExchanges.Add(requiredExchange.Exchange, fetching); } dependentQueries.Add(fetching); } fetchingRates.Add(i.Pair, GetRuleValue(dependentQueries, i.RateRule)); } return(fetchingRates); }
public ExchangeRates Return_HMRCExchangeRates_ToModel(XDocument _xmlDoc) { List <ExchangeRate> resultList = new List <ExchangeRate>(); foreach (XElement descendants in _xmlDoc.Root.Descendants("exchangeRate")) { string _countryCode = descendants.Element("countryCode").Value; string _currencyCode = descendants.Element("currencyCode").Value; decimal _exchRate = Convert.ToDecimal(descendants.Element("rateNew").Value); ExchangeRate newExchangeRate = new ExchangeRate() { From_Country_Code = "GB", From_Currency_Code = "GBP", To_Country_Code = _countryCode, To_Currency_Code = _currencyCode, Rate_of_Exchange = _exchRate, }; resultList.Add(newExchangeRate); } ExchangeRates result = new ExchangeRates() { Exchange_Rates = resultList, Effective_Date = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0) }; return(result); }
public async Task TestAddExchangeRateIds() { var currenciesController = new CurrenciesController(); var gbp = await currenciesController.GetCurrencies("GBP"); var usd = await currenciesController.GetCurrencies("USD"); if (gbp.Value == null || usd.Value == null) { Assert.Fail(); } var exchangeRateToSend = new ExchangeRates { BaseCurrecncy = gbp.Value.Id, ConvertedCurrency = usd.Value.Id, ExchangeRate = 1 }; await exchangeRateController.AddExchangeRate(exchangeRateToSend); var exchangeRate = await exchangeRateController.GetExchangeRate(gbp.Value.Id, usd.Value.Id); if (exchangeRate.Value != null && exchangeRate.Value == exchangeRateToSend) { Assert.Pass(); } else { Assert.Fail(); } }
public async Task <ExchangeRates> GetRatesAsync() { var response = await _Client.GetAsync($""); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var rates = JObject.Parse(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(); foreach (var prop in rates.Properties()) { var rate = new ExchangeRate(); if (!Rating.CurrencyPair.TryParse(prop.Name, out var pair)) { continue; } rate.CurrencyPair = pair; rate.Exchange = QuadrigacxName; if (!TryToBidAsk((JObject)prop.Value, out var v)) { continue; } rate.BidAsk = v; exchangeRates.Add(rate); } return(exchangeRates); }
/* * GetWalletBalance(); * Thread.Sleep(1000); * Console.Clear(); * * UsdToBitcoin(2); * * GetExchangeRates(2); * * GetWalletDetails("1DW29NUoat7ayGpj6Gm45i5BxCxYfm8oD8", true); * * GetTransactionDetails("2bcdd3a51df57a5967dca3450a8f860ff5e9944b28465d31070683cc3ea60299"); * * GetWalletBalance(); * SendMoney(); * GetWalletBalance(); * * Console.ReadLine(); * } * * private static void GetWalletBalance() * { * Wallet wallet = new Wallet("9610d5cc-e92c-469b-b83a-38b7a538a518", "Hackathon2015"); * Console.WriteLine("Your wallet balance is: " + (double)wallet.GetBalance() / 100000000 + " BTC or " + BitcoinToUsd((double)wallet.GetBalance() / 100000000) + " USD"); * } * * private static void SendMoney() * { * Wallet wallet = new Wallet("9610d5cc-e92c-469b-b83a-38b7a538a518", "Hackathon2015"); * Console.WriteLine("Please enter the transaction total in USD"); * double transactionTotal = 0.00; * transactionTotal = Console.Read(); * PaymentResponse payment = wallet.Send("12j5AWTyFAicifNXbgNNti6DXNS46vC7TG", * 2000000, fee: 500000L, note: "Test"); * Console.WriteLine("The payment TX hash is {0}", payment.TxHash); * } * * private static void GetTransactionDetails(string transactionId) * { * var explorer = new BlockExplorer(); * Transaction trns = explorer.GetTransaction(transactionId); * Console.WriteLine("********* TRANSACTION DETAILS *********"); * Console.WriteLine("Transaction ID: " + trns.Hash); * * foreach (Output o in trns.Outputs) * { * Console.WriteLine("BTC Spent : " + (double) o.Value / 100000000); * } * * Console.WriteLine("Included in block: " + trns.BlockHeight); * Console.WriteLine("Is it double spent? " + trns.DoubleSpend); * long unixDate = trns.Time; * DateTime start = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); * DateTime date = start.AddSeconds(unixDate).ToLocalTime(); * Console.WriteLine("Transaction time: " + date); * Console.WriteLine(""); * } * * private static void GetWalletDetails(string walletID, bool includeTransactions) * { * var explorer = new BlockExplorer(); * Address address = explorer.GetAddress(walletID); * double balance = address.FinalBalance; * balance = balance/100000000; * Console.WriteLine("********* WALLET DETAILS *********"); * Console.WriteLine("Wallet ID: " + address.AddressStr); * Console.WriteLine("Balance of address is: " + balance + " BTN"); * Console.WriteLine(""); * * if (includeTransactions) * { * foreach (Transaction transaction in address.Transactions) * { * GetTransactionDetails(transaction.Hash); * } * Console.WriteLine(""); * } * * } * * private static void GetExchangeRates(double bitcoins) * { * Dictionary<string,Currency> exchangerates = ExchangeRates.GetTicker(); * foreach (var currency in exchangerates) * { * Console.Write(bitcoins + " BTC = "); * Console.WriteLine(currency.Value.Last*bitcoins + " " + currency.Key); * } * } */ private static void UsdToBitcoin(double usd) { Dictionary <string, Currency> exchangerates = ExchangeRates.GetTicker(); double exchangeRate = 1 / exchangerates["USD"].Last; Console.WriteLine(usd + " USD is = " + exchangeRate * usd + " BTC is this ok? (y/n)"); }
async Task <Response> LoadRates(ExchangeRates exchangeRates, ExchangeNames exchangeNames) { // Get values var rateValues = new List <RateValue>(); var type = typeof(Rates); var properties = type.GetRuntimeFields(); foreach (var property in properties) { var code = property.Name.Substring(1, 3); rateValues.Add(new RateValue { Code = code, TaxRate = (double)property.GetValue(exchangeRates.Rates), }); } // Get names var rateNames = new List <RateName>(); type = typeof(ExchangeNames); properties = type.GetRuntimeFields(); foreach (var property in properties) { var code = property.Name.Substring(1, 3); rateNames.Add(new RateName { Code = code, Name = (string)property.GetValue(exchangeNames), }); } // Join the complete list var qry = (from v in rateValues join n in rateNames on v.Code equals n.Code select new { v, n }).ToList(); var rates = new List <Rate>(); foreach (var item in qry) { rates.Add(new Rate { Code = item.v.Code, Name = item.n.Name, TaxRate = item.v.TaxRate, }); } await SaveData(rates); return(new Response { IsSuccess = true, Message = "Ok", Result = rates, }); }
public void ExchangeRatesConstructorOK() { //Arrange ExchangeRates rates = new ExchangeRates(); //Assert Assert.NotNull(rates); }
static void Main(string[] args) { WebConnect web = new WebConnect(); ExchangeRates r = web.GetExchangeRates(); Console.WriteLine(r); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void Ctor_EmptyErrorMessage_Test() { // Arrange var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(Mock.Of<ISessionFactory>(), Mock.Of<IRateRepository>(), Mock.Of<IRateService>()); // Assert Assert.IsEmpty(exchangeRates.ErrorMessage); }
public override void Cleanup() { ExchangeRateDetail = null; if (ExchangeRates != null) { ExchangeRates.Cleanup(); } base.Cleanup(); }
public ActionResult ExchangeRates() { ExchangeRates USDExchangeRates = new ExchangeRates("USD"); ExchangeRates EURExchangeRates = new ExchangeRates("EUR"); ExchangeRates CNYExchangeRates = new ExchangeRates("CNY"); ViewData["USD"] = USDExchangeRates.rate; ViewData["EUR"] = EURExchangeRates.rate; ViewData["CNY"] = CNYExchangeRates.rate; return View(); }
public void GetRates_ApplicationException_Test() { // Arrange var exception = new ApplicationException(); var sessionFacotry = new Mock<ISessionFactory>(); sessionFacotry.Setup(t => t.New()).Throws(exception); var repository = Mock.Of<IRateRepository>(); var service = Mock.Of<IRateService>(); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(sessionFacotry.Object, repository, service); // Assert var ex = Assert.Throws<ApplicationException>(() => exchangeRates.GetRates(Currency.RUB, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1), DateTime.Today)); Assert.AreEqual(ex, exception); }
public void DisposeSessionTest() { // Arrange var session = new Mock<ISession>(); var sessionFacotry = Mock.Of<ISessionFactory>(t => t.New() == session.Object); var repository = Mock.Of<IRateRepository>( t => t.GetCached(session.Object, It.IsAny<Currency>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>()) == new Rate[0]); var service = Mock.Of<IRateService>( t => t.GetRates(Currency.RUB, It.IsAny<IEnumerable<DateTime>>()) == new Rate[0]); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(sessionFacotry, repository, service); // Act exchangeRates.GetRates(Currency.RUB, DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today); // Assert session.Verify(t => t.Dispose(), Times.Once); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Initializing the API var api = new ExchangeRates("<API KEY>"); // Example of listing currencies Console.WriteLine("\n********** Listing Currencies:"); var responseCurrencies = api.GetCurrencies(); if (responseCurrencies.IsSuccessful) { foreach (var currency in responseCurrencies.Currencies) { Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", currency.Code, currency.Description); } } else { Console.WriteLine("There was an error with the request: {0}", responseCurrencies.ErrorMessage); } // Example of checking RemainingQuotes var responseRemaingQuotes = api.GetRemainingQuotes(); Console.WriteLine("\n********** Remaining Quotes:"); if (responseRemaingQuotes.IsSuccessful) { Console.WriteLine("Remaining quotes: {0}", responseRemaingQuotes.RemainingQuotes); } else { Console.WriteLine("There was an error with the request: {0}", responseRemaingQuotes.ErrorMessage); } // Example of retrieving rates by specifying multiple fields. var responseGetRatesWithFields = api.GetRates("USD", quote: "EUR", start: "2014-01-01", end: "2014-01-05", fields: new List<ExchangeRates.RatesFields> { ExchangeRates.RatesFields.Averages, ExchangeRates.RatesFields.Midpoint }); if (responseGetRatesWithFields.IsSuccessful) { Console.WriteLine("\n********** Rates - Averages and Midpoints:"); foreach (var quote in responseGetRatesWithFields.Quotes) { Console.WriteLine("From {0} to {1}\nQuote:{2} Ask:{3,10} MidPoint:{4,10} Bid:{5,10}", responseGetRatesWithFields.Meta.EffectiveParams.StartDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), responseGetRatesWithFields.Meta.EffectiveParams.EndDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), quote.Key, quote.Value.Ask, quote.Value.Midpoint, quote.Value.Bid); } } else { Console.WriteLine("There was an error with the request: {0}", responseGetRatesWithFields.ErrorMessage); } // Example of retrieving rates by specifying multiple quotes. var responseGetRatesForSeveralQuotes = api.GetRates("USD", quote: new List<string> {"EUR", "CHF"} , date: "2014-01-01", fields: ExchangeRates.RatesFields.Averages); if (responseGetRatesForSeveralQuotes.IsSuccessful) { Console.WriteLine("\n********** Rates for USD/EUR and USD/CHF:"); foreach (var quote in responseGetRatesForSeveralQuotes.Quotes) { Console.WriteLine("{0} Quote:{1} Ask:{2,10} Bid:{3,10}", quote.Value.Date, quote.Key, quote.Value.Ask, quote.Value.Bid); } } else { Console.WriteLine("There was an error with the request: {0}", responseGetRatesWithFields.ErrorMessage); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public void Init() { exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(); AddActionClassesToList(exchangeRates); }
public void GetRates_CacheNotEnough_Test() { // Arrange var session = Mock.Of<ISession>(); var sessionFacotry = Mock.Of<ISessionFactory>(t => t.New() == session); var rate1 = Mock.Of<Rate>(t => t.Stamp == DateTime.Today.AddDays(-2)); var rate2 = Mock.Of<Rate>(t => t.Stamp == DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1)); var rate3 = Mock.Of<Rate>(t => t.Stamp == DateTime.Today); var repository = Mock.Of<IRateRepository>( t => t.GetCached(session, It.IsAny<Currency>(), DateTime.Today.AddDays(-2), DateTime.Today) == new[] { rate1, rate3 }); var service = Mock.Of<IRateService>(t => t.GetRates(Currency.RUB, It.Is<IEnumerable<DateTime>>(e => e.Single() == DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1))) == new[] { rate2}); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(sessionFacotry, repository, service); // Act var rates = exchangeRates.GetRates(Currency.RUB, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-2), DateTime.Today); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(rates[0], rate1); Assert.AreEqual(rates[1], rate2); Assert.AreEqual(rates[2], rate3); }
public void GetRates_EmprtyCache_CacheRates_Test() { // Arrange var session = Mock.Of<ISession>(); var sessionFacotry = Mock.Of<ISessionFactory>(t => t.New() == session); var repository = new Mock<IRateRepository>(); repository.Setup(t => t.GetCached(session, It.IsAny<Currency>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>())).Returns(new Rate[0]); var rate = Mock.Of<Rate>(); var service = Mock.Of<IRateService>( t => t.GetRates(Currency.RUB, It.Is<IEnumerable<DateTime>>(e => e.Contains(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1)) && e.Contains(DateTime.Today))) == new[] { rate }); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(sessionFacotry, repository.Object, service); // Act exchangeRates.GetRates(Currency.RUB, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1), DateTime.Today); // Assert repository.Verify(t => t.Cache(session, It.Is<IEnumerable<Rate>>(e => e.Single() == rate))); }
public void GetRates_EmprtyCache_Test() { // Arrange var session = Mock.Of<ISession>(); var sessionFacotry = Mock.Of<ISessionFactory>(t => t.New() == session); var repository = Mock.Of<IRateRepository>( t => t.GetCached(session, It.IsAny<Currency>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>()) == new Rate[0]); var rate = Mock.Of<Rate>(); var service = Mock.Of<IRateService>( t => t.GetRates(Currency.RUB, It.Is<IEnumerable<DateTime>>(e => e.Contains(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1)) && e.Contains(DateTime.Today))) == new[] { rate }); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(sessionFacotry, repository, service); // Act var rates = exchangeRates.GetRates(Currency.RUB, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1), DateTime.Today); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(rates.Single(), rate); }
public void GetRates_EndDateIsLaterThanToday_Test() { // Arrange var sessionFacotry = Mock.Of<ISessionFactory>(); var repository = Mock.Of<IRateRepository>(); var service = Mock.Of<IRateService>(); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(sessionFacotry, repository, service); // Assert Assert.Throws<EndDateIsLaterThanTodayException>(() => exchangeRates.GetRates(Currency.RUB, DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today.AddDays(1))); }
public void GetRate_ProvideErrorMessage_WhenRepositoryGetCachedFails_Test() { // Arrange var exception = Mock.Of<Exception>(t => t.Message == "Error message"); var session = Mock.Of<ISession>(); var sessionFacotry = Mock.Of<ISessionFactory>(t => t.New() == session); var repository = new Mock<IRateRepository>(); repository.Setup(t => t.GetCached(It.IsAny<ISession>(), It.IsAny<Currency>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>())) .Throws(exception); var service = Mock.Of<IRateService>( t => t.GetRates(Currency.RUB, It.Is<IEnumerable<DateTime>>(e => e.Contains(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1)) && e.Contains(DateTime.Today))) == new Rate[0]); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(sessionFacotry, repository.Object, service); // Act exchangeRates.GetRates(Currency.RUB, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1), DateTime.Today); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(exchangeRates.ErrorMessage, "Error message"); }
public void GetRates_CacheIsEnough_Test() { // Arrange var session = Mock.Of<ISession>(); var sessionFacotry = Mock.Of<ISessionFactory>(t => t.New() == session); var rate1 = Mock.Of<Rate>(t => t.Stamp == DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1)); var rate2 = Mock.Of<Rate>(t => t.Stamp == DateTime.Today); var repository = Mock.Of<IRateRepository>( t => t.GetCached(session, It.IsAny<Currency>(), DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1), DateTime.Today) == new[] { rate2, rate1 }); var service = new Mock<IRateService>(); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(sessionFacotry, repository, service.Object); // Act var rates = exchangeRates.GetRates(Currency.RUB, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1), DateTime.Today); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(rates.First(), rate1); Assert.AreEqual(rates.Last(), rate2); service.Verify(t => t.GetRates(It.IsAny<Currency>(), It.IsAny<IEnumerable<DateTime>>()), Times.Never); }
public void GetRates_SelectedPeriodExceedTwoMonths_Test() { // Arrange var sessionFacotry = Mock.Of<ISessionFactory>(); var repository = Mock.Of<IRateRepository>(); var service = Mock.Of<IRateService>(); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(sessionFacotry, repository, service); // Assert Assert.Throws<SelectedPeriodExceedTwoMonthsException>(() => exchangeRates.GetRates(Currency.RUB, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-100), DateTime.Today)); }
public void GetRate_NotThrows_WhenRepositoryGetCachedFails_Test() { // Arrange var session = Mock.Of<ISession>(); var sessionFacotry = Mock.Of<ISessionFactory>(t => t.New() == session); var repository = new Mock<IRateRepository>(); repository.Setup(t => t.GetCached(It.IsAny<ISession>(), It.IsAny<Currency>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>())) .Throws<Exception>(); var rate = Mock.Of<Rate>(); var service = Mock.Of<IRateService>( t => t.GetRates(Currency.RUB, It.Is<IEnumerable<DateTime>>(e => e.Contains(DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1)) && e.Contains(DateTime.Today))) == new[] { rate }); var exchangeRates = new ExchangeRates(sessionFacotry, repository.Object, service); // Act var rates = exchangeRates.GetRates(Currency.RUB, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1), DateTime.Today); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(rates.Single(), rate); }