public virtual Stream AllURIs() { try { string requestName = $"{nameof(AllURIs)}"; AuditRequest(requestName, null); string allHeadersFullString = GetAllHeadersFullString(); StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); string applicationName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(GOCWindows.Instance.ApplicationName) ? "REST Web Service" : GOCWindows.Instance.ApplicationName; message.AppendLine(applicationName); message.AppendLine(); message.AppendLine("HTTP Headers:"); message.AppendLine(); message.AppendLine(allHeadersFullString); message.AppendLine(); string responseMessage = message.ToString(); Stream result = StreamHelper.GetStreamFromString(responseMessage, GOCWindows.Instance.Encoding); AuditResponse(requestName, responseMessage); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_handleExceptions) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex, null); } UpdateHttpStatusOnException(ex); throw ex; } }
public virtual Stream FileUploadCompleted(string fileName) { try { string requestName = $"{nameof(FileUploadCompleted)} : File Name = {fileName}"; AuditRequest(requestName, null); ValidateRequestMethod(HttpVerb.POST); FileStream fs = null; lock (FileUploadSessions.Instance.FileStreams) { FileUploadSessions.Instance.FileStreams.TryGetValue(fileName, out fs); if (fs == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not find {0} to closse for file {1}", typeof(FileStream).Name, fileName)); } fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); FileUploadSessions.Instance.FileStreams.Remove(fileName); } string responseMessage = string.Format("{0} for {1} closed.", typeof(FileStream).Name, fileName); Stream result = StreamHelper.GetStreamFromString(responseMessage, GOCWindows.Instance.Encoding); AuditResponse(requestName, responseMessage); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_handleExceptions) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex, null); } UpdateHttpStatusOnException(ex); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Indicates that the user wants to cancel the property sheet. /// Default implementation allows cancel operation. /// </summary> protected override void OnCancel() { try { _childSettingControl.RefreshData(this.ParentSheet.SelectionObject); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Sent to every page in the property sheet to indicate that the user has clicked the OK /// or Close button and wants all changes to take effect. /// </summary> protected override bool OnOK() { try { return(this.OnApply()); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex); } return(false); }
public virtual Stream PostEntity(string entityName, Stream inputStream) { LinqEntityContextWindows context = null; try { string requestName = $"{nameof(PostEntity)} : Entity Name = {entityName}"; ValidateRequestMethod(HttpVerb.POST); context = GetEntityContext(); Nullable <Guid> userId = null; string userName = null; Type entityType = GetEntityType(entityName); GetUserDetails(context, out userId, out userName); object inputEntity = GetObjectFromStream(entityType, inputStream, GOCWindows.Instance.JsonSerializer, out string serializedText); AuditRequest(requestName, serializedText); if (OnBeforePost != null) { OnBeforePost(this, new RestServicePostEntityEventArgsWindows( entityName, userId, userName, context, entityType, inputEntity)); } context.Insert( entityType, new List <object>() { inputEntity }, userId, userName, false); if (OnAfterPost != null) { OnAfterPost(this, new RestServicePostEntityEventArgsWindows( entityName, userId, userName, context, entityType, inputEntity)); } string responseMessage = string.Format("{0} saved successfully.", entityName); Stream result = StreamHelper.GetStreamFromString(responseMessage, GOCWindows.Instance.Encoding); AuditResponse(requestName, responseMessage); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_handleExceptions) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex, null); } UpdateHttpStatusOnException(ex); throw ex; } finally { DisposeEntityContext(context); } }
public virtual Stream DeleteEntity(string entityName, string entityId) { LinqEntityContextWindows context = null; try { string requestName = $"{nameof(DeleteEntity)} : Entity Name = {entityName} : Entity ID = {entityId}"; AuditRequest(requestName, null); ValidateRequestMethod(HttpVerb.DELETE); context = GetEntityContext(); Nullable <Guid> userId = null; string userName = null; GetUserDetails(context, out userId, out userName); Type entityType = GetEntityType(entityName); if (OnBeforeDelete != null) { OnBeforeDelete(this, new RestServiceDeleteEntityEventArgsWindows( entityName, userId, userName, context, entityType, entityId)); } context.DeleteBySurrogateKey( entityType, new List <object>() { entityId }, userId, userName); if (OnAfterDelete != null) { OnAfterDelete(this, new RestServiceDeleteEntityEventArgsWindows( entityName, userId, userName, context, entityType, entityId)); } string responseMessage = string.Format("{0} deleted successfully.", entityName); Stream result = StreamHelper.GetStreamFromString(responseMessage, GOCWindows.Instance.Encoding); AuditResponse(requestName, responseMessage); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_handleExceptions) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex, null); } UpdateHttpStatusOnException(ex); throw ex; } finally { DisposeEntityContext(context); } }
public virtual Stream GetEntitiesByField(string entityName, string fieldName, string fieldValue) { LinqEntityContextWindows context = null; try { string requestName = $"{nameof(GetEntitiesByField)} : Entity Name = {entityName} : Field Name = {fieldName} : Field Value = {fieldValue}"; AuditRequest(requestName, null); ValidateRequestMethod(HttpVerb.GET); context = GetEntityContext(); Nullable <Guid> userId = null; string userName = null; GetUserDetails(context, out userId, out userName); Type entityType = GetEntityType(entityName); if (OnBeforeGetEntitiesByField != null) { OnBeforeGetEntitiesByField(this, new RestServiceGetEntitiesByFieldEventArgsWindows( entityName, userId, userName, context, entityType, fieldName, fieldValue, null)); } List <object> outputEntities = context.GetEntitiesByField( entityType, fieldName, fieldValue, false, userId, userName).Contents; if (OnAfterGetEntitiesByField != null) { OnAfterGetEntitiesByField(this, new RestServiceGetEntitiesByFieldEventArgsWindows( entityName, userId, userName, context, entityType, fieldName, fieldValue, outputEntities)); } Stream result = GetStreamFromObject(outputEntities, out string serializedText); AuditResponse(requestName, serializedText); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_handleExceptions) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex, null); } UpdateHttpStatusOnException(ex); throw ex; } finally { DisposeEntityContext(context); } }
/// <summary> /// OnAddPropertyPages is used to get the property pages to show. /// (triggered by SelectionData.ShowPropertySheet) /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyPageCollection">property pages</param> protected override void OnAddPropertyPages(PropertyPageCollection propertyPageCollection) { try { if (_settingsControl.ListView.SelectedItems.Count < 1) { throw new Exception("there should be at least one selection"); } propertyPageCollection.Add(new EditSettingPage(this.SelectionData.SelectionObject)); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Sent to every page in the property sheet to indicate that the user has clicked /// the Apply button and wants all changes to take effect. /// </summary> protected override bool OnApply() { try { if (this.Dirty && _childSettingControl.CanApplyChanges()) { _childSettingControl.UpdateData(this.ParentSheet.SelectionObject); //Save changes. return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex); } return(false); //Something invalid was entered. }
public virtual ActionResult InformationDialog(string message) { try { InformationModel model = new InformationModel(); model.PostBackControllerAction = GetCurrentActionName(); model.PostBackControllerName = GetCurrentControllerName(); model.DialogDivId = INFORMATION_DIALOG_DIV_ID; model.InformationMessage = message == null ? string.Empty : message; PartialViewResult result = PartialView(INFORMATION_DIALOG_PARTIAL_VIEW_NAME, model); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex); return(GetJsonResult(false, ex.Message)); } }
protected override void TimerElapsed(object state) { StopJob(); try { BeginExecution(this); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex); } finally { if (!this.IsEnabled) { StartJob(); } } }
protected override void _timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { StopJob(); try { BeginExecution(this); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex); } finally { if (!this.IsEnabled()) { StartJob(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Handle triggered action /// </summary> /// <param name="action">triggered action</param> /// <param name="status">asynchronous status to update console</param> protected override void OnSelectionAction(Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Action action, AsyncStatus status) { try { SnapInActionWindows settingAction = (SnapInActionWindows)action.Tag; switch (settingAction) { case SnapInActionWindows.Edit: this.SelectionData.ShowPropertySheet("Setting"); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex); } }
public virtual Stream FileDownload(string fileName) { try { string requestName = $"{nameof(FileDownload)}: File Name = {fileName}"; AuditRequest(requestName, null); FileSystemHelper.ValidateDirectoryExists(fileName); Stream result = File.OpenRead(fileName); AuditResponse(requestName, null); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_handleExceptions) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex, null); } UpdateHttpStatusOnException(ex); throw; } }
// public virtual Stream FileUpload(string fileName, Stream inputStream) { try { string requestName = $"{nameof(FileUpload)} : File Name = {fileName}"; AuditRequest(requestName, null); ValidateRequestMethod(HttpVerb.POST); byte[] fileBytes = StreamHelper.GetBytesFromStream(inputStream); FileStream fs = null; lock (FileUploadSessions.Instance.FileStreams) { FileUploadSessions.Instance.FileStreams.TryGetValue(fileName, out fs); if (fs == null) { fs = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); FileUploadSessions.Instance.FileStreams.Add(fileName, fs); } fs.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length); fs.Flush(); } string responseMessage = string.Format("{0} bytes written to {1}", fileBytes.Length, fileName); Stream result = StreamHelper.GetStreamFromString( responseMessage, GOCWindows.Instance.Encoding); AuditResponse(requestName, responseMessage); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { FileUploadCompleted(fileName); if (_handleExceptions) { ExceptionHandlerWindows.HandleException(ex, null); } UpdateHttpStatusOnException(ex); throw ex; } }