        /// <summary>
        /// Prevent SPAM by suppressing frequent exceptions.
        /// For example it can allow maximum 10 errors of same type per 5 minutes (2880 per day).
        /// Amount of suppressed exceptions will be included inside next exception which is not suppressed.
        /// </summary>
        bool GroupExceptions(List <ExceptionGroup> group, Exception ex, string subject, string body, Action <Exception, string, string> action)
            var value = ex.StackTrace == null
                                ? string.Format("{0}: {1}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message)
                                : ex.StackTrace.ToString();

            // Get checksum.
            var algorithm = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256.Create();
            var bytes     = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
            var hash      = algorithm.ComputeHash(bytes);

            var guidBytes = new byte[16];

            Array.Copy(hash, guidBytes, guidBytes.Length);
            var checksum = new Guid(guidBytes);

            // Try to get existing exception.
            lock (group)
                var ei        = group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Checksum == checksum);
                var notifyNow = ei == null;
                if (ei == null)
                    ei = new ExceptionGroup(group, GroupingDelay, ex, checksum, subject, body, action);
        public void Save(int exceptionGroupId, string userComment, string userFixedInCommitHash)
            ExceptionGroup exceptionGroup = _db.ExceptionGroups.First(eg => eg.ExceptionGroupId == exceptionGroupId);

            exceptionGroup.UserComment         = userComment;
            exceptionGroup.UserFixedInCommitId = SourceControlRepository.FindCommitId(userFixedInCommitHash);
        protected void PreProcessExceptions()
            List <ExceptionImport> exceptions = (from s in message.Sessions
                                                 from e in s.Exceptions
                                                 select new ExceptionImport(e)
                ClientSessionId = s.SessionID,
                IsFirstInSession = false

            if (0 == exceptions.Count)
                return;                        // no exceptions reported, denormalisedExceptions remains null
            // mark first exception in session - note that above LINQ query does not mix up order of items
            long clientSession = -1;

            exceptions.ForEach(ex =>
                if (ex.ClientSessionId != clientSession)
                    ex.IsFirstInSession = true;
                    clientSession       = ex.ClientSessionId;

            List <string> distinctMsgExceptionGroups = (from e in exceptions
                                                        select e.FingerprintHash).Distinct().ToList();

            List <string> knownExceptionGroups = ImportCache.GetExceptionGroupFingerprintHashes(repository);
            List <string> missing = distinctMsgExceptionGroups.Except(knownExceptionGroups).ToList();

            if (missing.Count > 0)
                List <ExceptionImport> groupsToAdd = (from e in exceptions
                                                      join m in missing on e.FingerprintHash equals m
                                                      select e).Distinct(new ExceptionImportGroupEqualityComparer()).ToList();

                foreach (ExceptionImport imp in groupsToAdd)
                    ExceptionGroup modelGroup = new ExceptionGroup()
                        ExceptionFingerprint      = imp.Fingerprint,
                        ExceptionLocation         = imp.Location,
                        ExceptionType             = imp.Type,
                        TypeFingerprintSha256Hash = imp.FingerprintHash


                repository.IgnoreDuplicateKeysOnSaveChanges <ExceptionGroup>();

            this.denormalisedExceptions = exceptions;