public void InsertPublisher(PublisherVM pub) { pub.CreatedBy = 1; pub.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; if (pub.PublisherUrl == null) { var url = ExcellentMarketResearch.Areas.Admin.Models.Common.GenerateSlug(pub.PublisherName); pub.PublisherUrl = url; } JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var c = serializer.Serialize(pub); PublisherMaster pubmaster = serializer.Deserialize <PublisherMaster>(c); try { db.PublisherMasters.Add(pubmaster); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { System.Console.WriteLine("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } } }
public void InsertAction(ViewModel.ActionVM actionvm) { JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var s = serializer.Serialize(actionvm); ActionMaster actionmaster = serializer.Deserialize <ActionMaster>(s); db.ActionMasters.Add(actionmaster); db.SaveChanges(); }
public ActionResult NewsDelete1(int id) { var n = db.NewsMasters.Where(x => x.NewsId == id).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault(); n.IsActive = false; db.Entry(n).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("NewsIndex")); }
public void InsertCategory(CategoryVM catvm) { CategoryMaster cat = new CategoryMaster(); if (catvm.ParentCategoryId == null) { catvm.ParentCategoryId = 0; } //JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); //var c=serializer.Serialize(catvm); //CategoryMaster cat =serializer.Deserialize<CategoryMaster>(c); cat.ParentCategoryId = catvm.ParentCategoryId; cat.CategoryName = catvm.CategoryName; cat.CategoryUrl = catvm.CategoryURL; // cat.CategoryIcon = catvm.CategoryIcon; cat.ShortDescription = catvm.ShortDescription; cat.MetaTitle = catvm.MetaTitle; cat.Keywords = catvm.Keywords; cat.LongDescription = catvm.LongDescription; cat.MetaDescription = catvm.MetaDescription; cat.IsActive = catvm.IsActive; cat.CreatedBy = catvm.CreatedBy; cat.CreatedDate = catvm.CreatedDate; try { db.CategoryMasters.Add(cat); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { System.Console.WriteLine("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } } //var categoryUrl = cat.CategoryUrl + "-" + cat.CategoryId; //cat.CategoryUrl = categoryUrl; //db.Entry(cat).State = EntityState.Modified; //db.SaveChanges(); }
public void InsertNews(NewsVM news) { if (news.NewsURL == null) { var newsurl = ExcellentMarketResearch.Areas.Admin.Models.Common.GenerateSlug(news.NewsTitle); news.NewsURL = newsurl; } news.CreatedBy = 1; news.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; newsmaster.NewsImage = news.NewsImage; newsmaster.CreatedBy = 1; newsmaster.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; newsmaster.NewsTitle = news.NewsTitle; newsmaster.NewsUrl = news.NewsURL; newsmaster.NewsDescription = news.NewsDetail; newsmaster.MetaDescritpion = news.MetaDescription; newsmaster.Keywords = news.MetaKeywords; newsmaster.PublishingDate = news.NewsPublishingDate; newsmaster.MetaTitle = news.MetaTitle; newsmaster.CategoryId = news.CategoryId; newsmaster.IsActive = news.IsActive; //JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); //var n = serializer.Serialize(news); //NewsMaster newsmaster = serializer.Deserialize<NewsMaster>(n); try { db.NewsMasters.Add(newsmaster); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { foreach (var validationError in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationerrors in validationError.ValidationErrors) { System.Console.WriteLine("property name{0}", validationerrors.PropertyName); } } } }
public void InsertReport(ReportVM r) { r.CreatedBy = 1; r.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var s = serializer.Serialize(r); ReportMaster re = serializer.Deserialize <ReportMaster>(s); re.LongDescritpion = r.FullDescription; re.SinglePrice = r.PriceSingleUser; re.MultiUserPrice = r.PriceMultiUser; re.CorporateUserPrice = r.PriceCUL; re.NumberOfPages = r.NumberOfPage; re.PublishereId = r.PublisherId; re.ReportDeliveryTypeId = r.DeliveryTypeId; db.ReportMasters.Add(re); db.SaveChanges(); re.ReportUrl = re.ReportUrl + "-" + re.ReportId; db.Entry(re).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); }
public void InsertAction(RoleActionVM Roleaction, int[] actions) { db.spRoleActionInsert( Roleaction.RoleId, Roleaction.RoleName, Roleaction.IsActive, Roleaction.CreatedBy = 1, //(int)HttpContext.Current.Session["userid"], Roleaction.ModifiedBy, Roleaction.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Roleaction.ModifiedDate, string.Join(",", actions) ); db.SaveChanges(); }
public void InsertUserRole(UserRoleVM userrole, int[] Roles) { try { db.spUserRoleInsert( userrole.UserId, userrole.UserFName, userrole.UserLName, userrole.CurrentAddress, userrole.State, userrole.City, userrole.MobileNumber, userrole.PermanentAddress, userrole.Gender, userrole.CompanyName, userrole.EmailId, userrole.PWD, userrole.IsActive, userrole.CreatedBy = 10, userrole.ModifiedBy, userrole.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, userrole.ModifiedDate, string.Join(",", Roles)); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { System.Console.WriteLine("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } } }
public static bool PayPalProcess(PaymentLibrary.PayPal.PayPalResponse paypalResponse) { ExcellentMarketResearchEntities db = new ExcellentMarketResearchEntities(); if (paypalResponse != null && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paypalResponse.PAYERID) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(paypalResponse.guid))) { BuyingInfo b = new BuyingInfo(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paypalResponse.PAYERID)) { log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("Error").Error("PayerID not found OR Response is null OR guid is not found.\nData - " + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paypalResponse)); } //TODO: Get buyer from table using guid var buyer = GetBuyerByGuId(paypalResponse.guid); //bool IsBuyerExist= buyer.Count(x=>x.GuId==paypalResponse.guid)>0?true:false; bool IsBuyerExist = buyer != null ? true : false; //TODO: Check buyer if exist or not if (IsBuyerExist == null) { // log4net.logmanager.getlogger("error").error("buyer not found.\ndata - " + newtonsoft.json.jsonconvert.serializeobject(paypalresponse)); return(false); } ValidResponse vResponse = PaymentLibrary.PayPal.PayPal.IsPaymentValid(paypalResponse, PayPalConfig.GetConfiguration(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/paypalconfig/paypal.config"), false), false); if (vResponse.IsValid) { //TODO: update status of payment transaction to success var updatestatus = db.BuyingInfoes.Where(x => x.GuId == paypalResponse.guid).FirstOrDefault(); b.PaymentTransaction = true; updatestatus.PaymentTransaction = b.PaymentTransaction; db.Entry(updatestatus).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(true); } Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer serializer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer(); Stream s = new MemoryStream(); TextWriter t = new StreamWriter(s); serializer.Serialize(t, paypalResponse); TextReader r = new StreamReader(s); //TODO: Save error to db //_saveStatus(, 'f', vResponse.Reason + "|ErrorCode - " + vResponse.ErrorCode + "|PaypalResponse - " + r.ReadToEnd()); var saveError = db.BuyingInfoes.Where(x => x.GuId == paypalResponse.guid).FirstOrDefault(); b.PaymentTransaction = false; saveError.PaymentTransaction = b.PaymentTransaction; saveError.ErrorReason = vResponse.Reason; saveError.ErrorCode = vResponse.ErrorCode; db.Entry(saveError).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(false); } return(false); }
public void CreateReport(DataSet ds) { DataTable dtReport = CreateDataSet(); DataSet dsReport = new DataSet(); ReportMaster r = new ReportMaster(); List <ReportMaster> reportlist = new List <ReportMaster>(); string HTMLTable = "<table border='1'>"; for (int tables = 0; tables < ds.Tables.Count; tables++) { #region rowdata for (int rows = 0; rows < ds.Tables[tables].Rows.Count; rows++) { int _SerialNumber; int SerialNumber = 0; int _CategoryID; int _PublisherID; int _DeliveryFormatID; DateTime _PublishedDate; int _NumberOfPages; Decimal _SingleUserPrice; Decimal _MultiUserPrice; Decimal _CorporateUserPrice; bool IsVaidate = true; string Message = ""; string ReportTitleTemp = string.Empty; for (int columns = 0; columns < ds.Tables[tables].Columns.Count; columns++) { if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Serial Number") { if (Int32.TryParse(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(), out _SerialNumber)) { SerialNumber = _SerialNumber; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Serial Number<br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Category ID") { if (Int32.TryParse(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(), out _CategoryID)) { r.CategoryId = _CategoryID; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Category ID <br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Publisher ID") { if (Int32.TryParse(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(), out _PublisherID)) { r.PublishereId = _PublisherID; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Publisher ID <br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Delivery Format ID") { if (Int32.TryParse(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(), out _DeliveryFormatID)) { r.ReportDeliveryTypeId = _DeliveryFormatID; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Delivery Format ID <br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Title") { ReportTitleTemp = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim()); if (db.ReportMasters.Count(g => g.ReportTitle == ReportTitleTemp) > 0 ? true : false) { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Title <br />"; } else { r.ReportTitle = ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim().Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" ", " "); } r.ReportUrl = ExcellentMarketResearch.Areas.Admin.Models.Common.GenerateSlug(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim()); if (db.ReportMasters.Count(url => url.ReportUrl == r.ReportUrl.ToLower()) > 0 ? true : false) { r.ReportUrl = ""; IsVaidate = false; Message += "Long URL <br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Published Date") { if (DateTime.TryParse(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(), out _PublishedDate)) { r.PublishingDate = _PublishedDate; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Published Date <br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Number Of Pages") { if (Int32.TryParse(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(), out _NumberOfPages)) { r.NumberOfPages = _NumberOfPages; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Number Of Pages <br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Long Description") { if (ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim() != "") { r.LongDescritpion = "<pre>" + ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim() + "</pre>"; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Long Description \n"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Long Table Of Content") { r.TableOfContent = "<pre>" + ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim() + "</pre>"; } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Single User Price") { if (Decimal.TryParse(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim() == "" ? "0" : ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(), out _SingleUserPrice)) { r.SinglePrice = _SingleUserPrice; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Single User Price <br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Multi User Price") { if (Decimal.TryParse(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim() == "" ? "0" : ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(), out _MultiUserPrice)) { r.MultiUserPrice = _MultiUserPrice; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Multi User Price <br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Corporate User Price") { if (Decimal.TryParse(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim() == "" ? "0" : ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(), out _CorporateUserPrice)) { r.CorporateUserPrice = _CorporateUserPrice; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Corporate User Price <br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Meta Title") { r.MetaTitle = ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(); } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Meta Description") { r.MetaDescription = ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(); } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Meta Keywords") { r.Keywords = ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(); } } if (r.SinglePrice <= 0 && r.MultiUserPrice <= 0 && r.CorporateUserPrice <= 0) { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Add Atleast one Price <br />"; } //Save data in Database. if (IsVaidate) { r.ReportImage = null; // r.ListOfCharts = null; // r.FreeAnalysis = null; // r.Summary = "null"; // r.Methodology = null; // r.DiscountPrice = 0; r.IsActive = true; // r.IsUpcomming = true; r.ReportTypeId = r.ReportDeliveryTypeId; r.CreatedBy = 1;//Convert.ToInt32(QYGroupRepository.Areas.Admin.Models.CommonCode.MySession()); r.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; reportlist.Add(r); db.ReportMasters.Add(r); db.SaveChanges(); var repturl = r.ReportUrl + ".html"; r.ReportUrl = repturl; db.Entry(r).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); //PriceMaster p = new PriceMaster(); //p.PriceType = "Single User Price "; //p.Price = r.PriceSingleUser; //db.PriceMasters.Add(p); //db.SaveChanges(); //p.PriceType = "Multi User Price "; //p.Price = r.PriceMultiUser; //db.PriceMasters.Add(p); //db.SaveChanges(); //p.PriceType = "Corporate User Price "; //p.Price = r.PriceCUL; //db.PriceMasters.Add(p); //db.SaveChanges(); Message += "Inserted <br/>"; } HTMLTable += "<tr><td>" + SerialNumber + "</td><td>" + ReportTitleTemp + "</td><td>" + r.ReportUrl + "</td><td>" + Message + "</td></tr>"; } HTMLTable += "</table>"; ViewData.Add("HTMLTable", HTMLTable); #endregion rows } //return View(); }
public ActionResult InquiryForm(InquiryVM eq) { Emailsending objEmailsending = new Emailsending(); var response = Request["g-recaptcha-response"]; var catptchastatus = false; string secreatekey = "6LdU_nUUAAAAAD6JiuKTysnVW6Aa4D5SU0z1Fl4u"; var client = new WebClient(); string resstring = string.Format("{0}&response={1}", secreatekey, response); var result = client.DownloadString(resstring); if (result.ToLower().Contains("false")) { catptchastatus = false; } else { catptchastatus = true; } // ViewBag.Message = status ? "Google recaptcha validation success" : "Google recaptcha validation fails"; CustomerInquiry e = new CustomerInquiry(); var Formname = string.Empty; int FormTypeId; string Publisher = string.Empty; if (catptchastatus == true) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // cap = Session["Captcha"].ToString(); cap = ExcellentMarketResearch.Areas.Admin.Models.Common.Decrypt(eq.RealCaptcha); if (eq.ReportId > 0) { var Publish = (from l in db.ReportMasters join p in db.PublisherMasters on l.PublishereId equals p.PublisherId where l.ReportId == eq.ReportId select p).FirstOrDefault(); Publisher = Publish.PublisherName; } else { Publisher = "!"; } //if (eq.CaptchaCode == cap) //{ CustomerInquiry cst = new CustomerInquiry(); var IpAddress = ExcellentMarketResearch.Models.PaymentGateway.IPAddress.GetIPAddress(); cst.Company = eq.Company; cst.Country = eq.Country; cst.CustomerMessage = eq.CustomerMessage; cst.Designation = eq.Designation; cst.EmailId = eq.EmailId; cst.Name = eq.Name; eq.AreaCode += "-" + eq.PhoneNumber; cst.PhoneNumber = eq.AreaCode; cst.ReportId = eq.ReportId; cst.CaptchaCode = eq.CaptchaCode; cst.FormType = eq.FormType; cst.CaptchaCode = "121321"; if (eq.FormType == "InquiryForm") { Formname = "Inquiry"; FormTypeId = 1; } else if (eq.FormType == "SampleRequestForm") { Formname = "Request Sample"; FormTypeId = 2; } else if (eq.FormType == "ContactUs") { FormTypeId = 4; } else { // Checkout page FormTypeId = 3; } try { db.CustomerInquiries.Add(cst); //db.Entry(cst).State = EntityState.Added; db.SaveChanges(); // QYGroupRepository.PaymentGateway.Emailsending objEmailsending = new QYGroupRepository.PaymentGateway.Emailsending(); // string ipAddress = QYGroupRepository.PaymentGateway.IPAddress.GetIPAddress(); // Task.Run(() => new CRMWebService.WebServiceSoapClient().InsertUpdateKey(0, eq.ReportId, eq.ReportTitle, FormTypeId, 34, 1, 1, eq.ReportUrl, ipAddress, eq.Name, eq.EmailId, eq.AreaCode, eq.Company, eq.Designation, "!", "!", eq.Country, "!", eq.CustomerMessage, 1, "!", "!", "!", Publisher, 38, "BW&Zk^HfZ44P339nEzqrrawY4HL_VXw-5f+%8b4Hdw?$?m$G*!+kCGLK%3JjDn-74NY*LyhdJr6RAte&8MBWy6F2j82+qn7ap&DB@z-*q3sdH*#D-kwACucyaM7vzet4pSa?m^xnP@3zN5K9=*L6WLpDurTSuVTR3Hd&3XLHJnCcR!h*dL#fQhp^*#25LEFrMTt@z&8RWdf^CQcj!QrQU^WkdC5$Ub$8qnu!g7?*$$4%%M9?8spAugyCzZg5@dLGBNS_^7?x3VczR75J&=+9yFDVg*Qpd@R^_Jz-GtWgHxv4Kf$=2pxT@bqhx%aqgzZAN6RzZZ%rNX7km3fu$h?Z=+V3b_MQPLAxJBVT!=Ta+7Xd?CF3#4w44L@HU%nf4m#y-d2vgn6Gp2t7w!qFY%kN#y6DNAy#TbrZnqnjMtgeAd%BHSm9H29z4G_?qnBHE5J2EyutZ2RSh?P2fUE-sF8bNFdre@G^qQ??JzJuDCT3hby2py#+yfg*jC%&YBkrutHs")); //Auto Mailer Task.Run(() => objEmailsending.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Sales", cst.EmailId, "", "*****@*****.**", " : " + eq.ReportTitle, objEmailsending.GenerateMailBody_RequestSample_AutoReply(cst.Name, eq.ReportTitle))); //To company // Task.Run(() => objEmailsending.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Sales", "*****@*****.**", "", "", "" + " : " + Formname,objEmailsending.GenerateMailBody_RequestSample(eq.ReportTitle, cst.Name, cst.EmailId, cst.PhoneNumber, cst.Company, cst.Country, cst.Designation, cst.CustomerMessage))); Task.Run(() => objEmailsending.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Sales", "*****@*****.**", "", "", "" + " : " + Formname, objEmailsending.GenerateMailBody_RequestSample(eq.ReportTitle, cst.Name, cst.EmailId, cst.PhoneNumber, cst.Company, cst.Country, cst.Designation, cst.CustomerMessage, IpAddress))); Session["Name"] = cst.Name; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "InquiryForm", new { reporrtid = cst.ReportId })); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { System.Console.WriteLine("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } } //} //Return the if model not valid return(View(eq)); } return(View(eq)); } return(View(eq)); }
public ActionResult CheckoutForm(BuyingVM ObjBuy) { // var MailbodyMethodCall = new QYGroupRepository.PaymentGateway.Emailsending(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { string realCaptcha = Session["Captchacode"].ToString(); string Publisher = string.Empty; if (ObjBuy.ReportId > 0) { var publish = (from l in db.ReportMasters join p in db.PublisherMasters on l.PublishereId equals p.PublisherId where l.ReportId == ObjBuy.ReportId select p).FirstOrDefault(); Publisher = publish.PublisherName; } if (ObjBuy.CaptchaCode == realCaptcha) { //JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); //var s = serializer.Serialize(Enquiredata); //BuyingInfo cst = serializer.Deserialize<BuyingInfo>(s); //CategoryMaster categorymaster = serializer.Deserialize<CategoryMaster>(s); ObjBuy.GuId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ObjBuy.IPAddress = ExcellentMarketResearch.Models.PaymentGateway.IPAddress.GetIPAddress(); BuyingInfo binfo = new BuyingInfo(); binfo.Address = ObjBuy.Address; binfo.Name = ObjBuy.Name; binfo.AreaCode = ObjBuy.AreaCode; binfo.CustomerMessage = ObjBuy.CustomerMessage; binfo.ReportTitle = ObjBuy.ReportTitle; binfo.ReportUrl = ObjBuy.ReportUrl; binfo.EmailId = ObjBuy.EmailId; binfo.Company = ObjBuy.Company; binfo.CaptchaCode = ObjBuy.CaptchaCode; binfo.Country = ObjBuy.Country; binfo.Designation = ObjBuy.Designation; binfo.State = ObjBuy.State; binfo.City = ObjBuy.City; binfo.Price = ObjBuy.Price; binfo.PhoneNumber = ObjBuy.PhoneNumber; binfo.Type = ObjBuy.Type; binfo.ReportId = ObjBuy.ReportId; binfo.Zipcode = ObjBuy.Zipcode; binfo.Paymentmode = ObjBuy.Paymentmode; binfo.GuId = ObjBuy.GuId; binfo.IPAddress = ObjBuy.IPAddress; try { db.BuyingInfoes.Add(binfo); // db.Entry(cst).State = EntityState.Added; db.SaveChanges(); //The lead information goes to CRM here...... // new CRMWebService.WebServiceSoapClient().InsertUpdateKey(0, ObjBuy.ReportId, ObjBuy.ReportTitle, 3, 34, 1, 1, ObjBuy.ReportUrl, QYGroupRepository.PaymentGateway.IPAddress.GetIPAddress(), ObjBuy.Name, ObjBuy.EmailId, ObjBuy.AreaCode, ObjBuy.Company, ObjBuy.Designation, "!", ObjBuy.State, ObjBuy.Country, ObjBuy.Zipcode, ObjBuy.CustomerMessage, 1, ObjBuy.GuId, "!", "!", Publisher, 38, "BW&Zk^HfZ44P339nEzqrrawY4HL_VXw-5f+%8b4Hdw?$?m$G*!+kCGLK%3JjDn-74NY*LyhdJr6RAte&8MBWy6F2j82+qn7ap&DB@z-*q3sdH*#D-kwACucyaM7vzet4pSa?m^xnP@3zN5K9=*L6WLpDurTSuVTR3Hd&3XLHJnCcR!h*dL#fQhp^*#25LEFrMTt@z&8RWdf^CQcj!QrQU^WkdC5$Ub$8qnu!g7?*$$4%%M9?8spAugyCzZg5@dLGBNS_^7?x3VczR75J&=+9yFDVg*Qpd@R^_Jz-GtWgHxv4Kf$=2pxT@bqhx%aqgzZAN6RzZZ%rNX7km3fu$h?Z=+V3b_MQPLAxJBVT!=Ta+7Xd?CF3#4w44L@HU%nf4m#y-d2vgn6Gp2t7w!qFY%kN#y6DNAy#TbrZnqnjMtgeAd%BHSm9H29z4G_?qnBHE5J2EyutZ2RSh?P2fUE-sF8bNFdre@G^qQ??JzJuDCT3hby2py#+yfg*jC%&YBkrutHs"); if (ObjBuy.Paymentmode == "wireTransfer") { //Auto Mailer // objEmailsending.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Sales", ObjBuy.EmailId, "", "*****@*****.**", "Payment Initiated : " + ObjBuy.ReportTitle, MailbodyMethodCall.GenerateMailBody_PaymentInitiated_AutoReply(ObjBuy.ReportTitle, ObjBuy.Name)); //To company // objEmailsending.SendEmail(ObjBuy.EmailId, ObjBuy.Name, "*****@*****.**", "", "[email protected],[email protected]", "" + " : Payment Initiated(Wire Transfer)", MailbodyMethodCall.GenerateMailBody_PaymentInitiated(ObjBuy.ReportTitle, ObjBuy.Name, ObjBuy.EmailId, ObjBuy.PhoneNumber, ObjBuy.Company, "", "", ObjBuy.Country, "")); } else { //Auto Mailer // objEmailsending.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Sales", ObjBuy.EmailId, "", "*****@*****.**", "Payment Initiated : " + ObjBuy.ReportTitle, GenerateMailBody_PaymentInitiated_AutoReply(ObjBuy.ReportTitle, ObjBuy.Name)); //To company // objEmailsending.SendEmail(ObjBuy.EmailId, ObjBuy.Name, "*****@*****.**", "", "[email protected],[email protected]", "" + " : Payment Initiated(pay pal )", GenerateMailBody_PaymentInitiated(ObjBuy.ReportTitle, ObjBuy.Name, ObjBuy.EmailId, ObjBuy.PhoneNumber, ObjBuy.Company, "", "", ObjBuy.Country, "")); //The paypalpage will appear to the user or buer .... //Paypal._PayPal(ObjBuy); PaymentWithPaypal(ObjBuy, null); //return RedirectToAction("PaymentWithPaypal", "ReportBuying", new {ObjBuy, Cancel = false }); //return RedirectToAction("PaymentWithPaypal"); } // return RedirectToAction("Index"); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { System.Console.WriteLine("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Verification Code is Incorrect"); } } Session["Name"] = ObjBuy.Name; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "InquiryForm", new { reportid = ObjBuy.ReportId })); }
// [CustomAuthentication("ReportUploader", "Create,Edit,Delete")] public ActionResult Import(HttpPostedFileBase excelfile) { string Value = string.Empty; List <ReportMaster> reportlist = new List <ReportMaster>(); // Excelimport (excelfile); if (excelfile == null || excelfile.ContentLength == 0) { ViewBag.Error = "Upload the excel file !...."; return(View("Index")); } else { if (excelfile.FileName.EndsWith("xsl") || excelfile.FileName.EndsWith("xlsx")) { string path = ""; // string path = Server.MapPath("~/Content/" + excelfile.FileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("")); try { //path = Server.MapPath("~/UploadSheet/" + excelfile.FileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM.dd.yyyy")); path = Server.MapPath("~/UploadSheet/"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { System.IO.File.Delete(path); } excelfile.SaveAs(path + Path.GetFileName(excelfile.FileName)); path = path + Path.GetFileName(excelfile.FileName); string sFileExtention = Path.GetExtension(path); ISheet sheet; using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { stream.Position = 0; if (sFileExtention == ".xls") { HSSFWorkbook hSSFWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(stream); sheet = hSSFWorkbook.GetSheetAt(0); } else { XSSFWorkbook sSFWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(stream); sheet = sSFWorkbook.GetSheetAt(0); } IRow hrow = sheet.GetRow(0); int lastcell = hrow.LastCellNum; string HTMLTable = "<table border='1'>"; for (int i = 1; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { IRow row1 = sheet.GetRow(i); ReportMaster r = new ReportMaster(); int _SerialNumber; int SerialNumber = 0; int _CategoryID; int _PublisherID; int _DeliveryFormatID; DateTime _PublishedDate; int _NumberOfPages; Decimal _SingleUserPrice; Decimal _MultiUserPrice; Decimal _CorporateUserPrice; bool IsVaidate = true; string _MetaTitle = ""; string Message = ""; string ReportTitleTemp = string.Empty; for (int j = 0; j < lastcell; j++) { if (Convert.ToString(hrow.Cells[j]) == "Serial Number") { if (Int32.TryParse(row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim(), out _SerialNumber)) { SerialNumber = _SerialNumber; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Serial Number<br />"; } } else if (Convert.ToString(hrow.Cells[j]) == "Category ID") { if (Int32.TryParse(row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim(), out _CategoryID)) { r.CategoryId = _CategoryID; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Category ID <br />"; } } else if (hrow.Cells[j].ToString() == "Publisher ID") { if (Int32.TryParse(row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim(), out _PublisherID)) { r.PublishereId = _PublisherID; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Publisher ID <br />"; } } else if (hrow.Cells[j].ToString() == "Delivery Format ID") { if (Int32.TryParse(row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim(), out _DeliveryFormatID)) { r.ReportDeliveryTypeId = _DeliveryFormatID; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Delivery Format ID <br />"; } } else if (hrow.Cells[j].ToString() == "Title") { ReportTitleTemp = Convert.ToString(row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim()); if (db.ReportMasters.Count(g => g.ReportTitle == ReportTitleTemp) > 0 ? true : false) { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Title <br />"; } else { r.ReportTitle = row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim().Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" ", " "); } r.ReportUrl = ExcellentMarketResearch.Areas.Admin.Models.Common.GenerateSlug(row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim()); if (db.ReportMasters.Count(url => url.ReportUrl == r.ReportUrl.ToLower()) > 0 ? true : false) { r.ReportUrl = ""; IsVaidate = false; Message += "Long URL <br />"; } } else if (hrow.Cells[j].ToString() == "Published Date") { if (DateTime.TryParse(row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim(), out _PublishedDate)) { r.PublishingDate = _PublishedDate; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Published Date <br />"; } } else if (hrow.Cells[j].ToString() == "Number Of Pages") { if (Int32.TryParse(row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim(), out _NumberOfPages)) { r.NumberOfPages = _NumberOfPages; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Number Of Pages <br />"; } } else if (hrow.Cells[j].ToString() == "Long Description") { if (row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim() != "") { r.LongDescritpion = "<pre>" + row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim() + "</pre>"; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Long Description \n"; } } else if (hrow.Cells[j].ToString() == "Long Table Of Content") { r.TableOfContent = "<pre>" + row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim() + "</pre>"; } else if (hrow.Cells[j].ToString() == "Single User Price") { if (Decimal.TryParse(row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim() == "" ? "0" : row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim(), out _SingleUserPrice)) { r.SinglePrice = _SingleUserPrice; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Single User Price <br />"; } } else if (hrow.Cells[j].ToString() == "Multi User Price") { if (Decimal.TryParse(row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim() == "" ? "0" : row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim(), out _MultiUserPrice)) { r.MultiUserPrice = _MultiUserPrice; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Multi User Price <br />"; } } else if (hrow.Cells[j].ToString() == "Corporate User Price") { if (Decimal.TryParse(row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim() == "" ? "0" : row1.Cells[j].ToString().Trim(), out _CorporateUserPrice)) { r.CorporateUserPrice = _CorporateUserPrice; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Corporate User Price <br />"; } } } if (r.SinglePrice <= 0 && r.MultiUserPrice <= 0 && r.CorporateUserPrice <= 0) { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Add Atleast one Price <br />"; } if (IsVaidate) { r.ReportImage = null; r.IsActive = true; r.ReportTypeId = r.ReportDeliveryTypeId; r.CreatedBy = 1; //Convert.ToInt32(QYGroupRepository.Areas.Admin.Models.CommonCode.MySession()); r.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; //reportlist.Add(r); db.ReportMasters.Add(r); db.SaveChanges(); var repturl = r.ReportUrl + ".html"; r.ReportUrl = repturl; db.Entry(r).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); Message += "Inserted <br/>"; } HTMLTable += "<tr><td>" + SerialNumber + "</td><td>" + ReportTitleTemp + "</td><td>" + r.ReportUrl + "</td><td>" + Message + "</td></tr>"; } HTMLTable += "</table>"; ViewBag.Html = HTMLTable; return(View()); //ViewData.Add("HTMLTable", HTMLTable); //ViewData["HTMLTable"] = HTMLTable; } } catch (Exception ex) { var x = "<br />Report status: The file could not be processed. The following error occured: " + ex.Message; } finally { } } } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Index(ContactUsVM eq) { InquiryVM e = new InquiryVM(); Emailsending objEmailsending = new Emailsending(); var response = Request["g-recaptcha-response"]; var catptchastatus = false; string secreatekey = "6LdU_nUUAAAAAD6JiuKTysnVW6Aa4D5SU0z1Fl4u"; var client = new WebClient(); string resstring = string.Format("{0}&response={1}", secreatekey, response); var result = client.DownloadString(resstring); if (result.ToLower().Contains("false")) { catptchastatus = false; } else { catptchastatus = true; } //int FormTypeId=4; string Publisher = string.Empty; if (catptchastatus) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // cap = Session["Captcha"].ToString(); var cap = ExcellentMarketResearch.Areas.Admin.Models.Common.Decrypt(eq.RealCaptcha); Publisher = "!"; if (eq.CaptchaCode == cap) { CustomerInquiry cst = new CustomerInquiry(); cst.CustomerMessage = eq.CustomerMessage; cst.EmailId = eq.EmailId; cst.Name = eq.Name; // eq.AreaCode += "-" + eq.PhoneNumber; cst.PhoneNumber = eq.PhoneNumber; cst.ReportId = eq.ReportId; cst.Country = eq.Country; cst.CaptchaCode = eq.CaptchaCode; string ReportTitle = string.Empty; string ReportUrl = string.Empty; try { db.CustomerInquiries.Add(cst); //db.Entry(cst).State = EntityState.Added; db.SaveChanges(); // QYGroupRepository.PaymentGateway.Emailsending objEmailsending = new QYGroupRepository.PaymentGateway.Emailsending(); //Auto Mailer objEmailsending.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Sales", cst.EmailId, "", "", " : ContactUs" + " ", GenerateMailBody_ContactUs_AutoReply(cst.Name, ReportTitle)); //To company objEmailsending.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Sales", "[email protected],", "", "*****@*****.**", " " + " : " + "Contact Us", GenerateMailBody_ContactUs(ReportTitle, cst.Name, cst.EmailId, cst.PhoneNumber, "!", "!", "!", cst.CustomerMessage)); Session["Name"] = cst.Name; return(RedirectToAction("ContactusThanks", "ContactUs")); //return RedirectToRoute(new //{ // controller = "InquiryForm", // action = "Index", // reporrtid = cst.ReportId //}); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { System.Console.WriteLine("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } } } //Return the if model not valid return(View()); } } return(View(eq)); }
public void CreateCategory(DataSet ds) { DataTable dtReport = CreateDataSet(); DataSet dsReport = new DataSet(); CategoryMaster r = new CategoryMaster(); List <CategoryMaster> categorylist = new List <CategoryMaster>(); string HTMLTable = "<table border='1'>"; for (int tables = 0; tables < ds.Tables.Count; tables++) { #region rowdata for (int rows = 0; rows < ds.Tables[tables].Rows.Count; rows++) { int _SerialNumber; int SerialNumber = 0; int _CategoryID; int _PublisherID; int _DeliveryFormatID; DateTime _PublishedDate; int _NumberOfPages; Decimal _SingleUserPrice; Decimal _MultiUserPrice; Decimal _CorporateUserPrice; bool IsVaidate = true; string Message = ""; string CategoryTempName = string.Empty; for (int columns = 0; columns < ds.Tables[tables].Columns.Count; columns++) { if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Sr.No") { if (Int32.TryParse(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(), out _SerialNumber)) { SerialNumber = _SerialNumber; } else { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Serial Number<br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "CategoryName") { CategoryTempName = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim()); if (db.CategoryMasters.Count(g => g.CategoryName == CategoryTempName) > 0 ? true : false) { IsVaidate = false; Message += "Title <br />"; } else { r.CategoryName = ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim().Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" ", " "); } r.CategoryUrl = ExcellentMarketResearch.Areas.Admin.Models.Common.GenerateSlug(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim()); if (db.CategoryMasters.Count(url => url.CategoryUrl == r.CategoryUrl.ToLower()) > 0 ? true : false) { r.CategoryUrl = ""; IsVaidate = false; Message += "Long URL <br />"; } } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "ParentCategoryId") { r.ParentCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString()); } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "ShortDescription") { r.ShortDescription = ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(); } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "LongDescription") { r.LongDescription = ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(); } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "MetaTitle") { r.MetaTitle = ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(); } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "Keywords") { r.Keywords = ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(); } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "IsActive") { r.IsActive = true; //ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(); } else if (ds.Tables[tables].Columns[columns].ToString() == "MetaDescription") { r.MetaDescription = ds.Tables[tables].Rows[rows][columns].ToString().Trim(); } } //Save data in Database. if (IsVaidate) { // r.ReportImage = null; // r.ListOfCharts = null; // r.FreeAnalysis = null; // r.Summary = "null"; // r.Methodology = null; // r.DiscountPrice = 0; r.IsActive = true; // r.IsUpcomming = true; // r.ReportTypeId = r.ReportDeliveryTypeId; r.CreatedBy = 1;//Convert.ToInt32(QYGroupRepository.Areas.Admin.Models.CommonCode.MySession()); r.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; categorylist.Add(r); try { db.CategoryMasters.Add(r); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { foreach (var validationError in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationerrors in validationError.ValidationErrors) { System.Console.WriteLine("property name{0}", validationerrors.PropertyName); } } } //var repturl = r.ReportUrl + ".html"; // r.ReportUrl = repturl; //// db.Entry(r).State = EntityState.Modified; //db.SaveChanges(); //PriceMaster p = new PriceMaster(); //p.PriceType = "Single User Price "; //p.Price = r.PriceSingleUser; //db.PriceMasters.Add(p); //db.SaveChanges(); //p.PriceType = "Multi User Price "; //p.Price = r.PriceMultiUser; //db.PriceMasters.Add(p); //db.SaveChanges(); //p.PriceType = "Corporate User Price "; //p.Price = r.PriceCUL; //db.PriceMasters.Add(p); //db.SaveChanges(); Message += "Inserted <br/>"; } HTMLTable += "<tr><td>" + SerialNumber + "</td><td>" + CategoryTempName + "</td><td>" + r.CategoryUrl + "</td><td>" + Message + "</td></tr>"; } HTMLTable += "</table>"; ViewData.Add("HTMLTable", HTMLTable); #endregion rows } //return View(); }