public static void AddCity(string sheetName) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Excel.Worksheet sheet = ExcelController.GetWorkSheet(sheetName); Excel.Range usedRange = sheet.UsedRange; CityWrapper objWrap = new CityWrapper(); Country objCountry = new Country(); State objState = new State(); //Do not consider row 1 as its the header for (int Row = 2; Row <= usedRange.Rows.Count; Row++) { City objCity = new City(); for (int Col = 1; Col <= usedRange.Columns.Count; Col++) { string name = (string)(usedRange.Cells[1, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2; name = name.Trim(); string value = null; if ((usedRange.Cells[Row, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2 != null) { value = (usedRange.Cells[Row, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2.ToString(); } else { continue; } if (name.CompareTo(ExcelSheets.EXCELSHEET_COUNTRY) == 0) { objCountry.Name = value; continue; } else if (name.CompareTo(ExcelSheets.EXCELSHEET_STATE) == 0) { objState.Name = value; continue; } ExcelUtilities.PopulateStructure <City>(name, value, ref objCity); } //Add the country in the Neo4j Database objWrap.objState = objState; objWrap.objCountry = objCountry; objWrap.objCity = objCity; DBAddinterface.CreateCityNode(objWrap); } }
public static void AddBrand(string sheetName) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Excel.Worksheet sheet = ExcelController.GetWorkSheet(sheetName); Excel.Range usedRange = sheet.UsedRange; BrandDescriptionWrapper objWrap = new BrandDescriptionWrapper(); //Do not consider row 1 as its the header for (int Row = 2; Row <= usedRange.Rows.Count; Row++) { BrandDescription objBrand = new BrandDescription(); for (int Col = 1; Col <= usedRange.Columns.Count; Col++) { string name = (string)(usedRange.Cells[1, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2; name = name.Trim(); string value = null; if ((usedRange.Cells[Row, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2 != null) { value = (usedRange.Cells[Row, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2.ToString(); } else { continue; } ExcelUtilities.PopulateStructure <BrandDescription>(name, value, ref objBrand); } //Add the country in the Neo4j Database objWrap.objRoot = new BrandRoot(); objWrap.objBrand = objBrand; DBAddinterface.CreateBrandDescriptionNode(objBrand); } }
public static void AddCategory(string sheetName) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Excel.Worksheet sheet = ExcelController.GetWorkSheet(sheetName); Excel.Range usedRange = sheet.UsedRange; CategoryRoot objcategoryRoot = new CategoryRoot(); CategoryWrapper objWrap = new CategoryWrapper(); //Do not consider row 1 as its the header for (int Row = 2; Row <= usedRange.Rows.Count; Row++) { Category objCategory = new Category(); for (int Col = 1; Col <= usedRange.Columns.Count; Col++) { string name = (string)(usedRange.Cells[1, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2; dynamic dValue = (usedRange.Cells[Row, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2; string value = null; if (dValue != null) { value = dValue.ToString(); } else { continue; } ExcelUtilities.PopulateStructure <Category>(name, value, ref objCategory); } //Add the country in the Neo4j Database objWrap.objCategoryRoot = objcategoryRoot; objWrap.objCategory = objCategory; DBAddinterface.CreateCategoryNode(objCategory); } }
public static void AddItem(string sheetName) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Excel.Worksheet sheet = ExcelController.GetWorkSheet(sheetName); Excel.Range usedRange = sheet.UsedRange; ItemWrapper objWrap = new ItemWrapper(); //Do not consider row 1 as its the header for (int Row = 2; Row <= usedRange.Rows.Count; Row++) { Item objItem = new Item(); Store objStore = new Store(); Brand objBrand = new Brand(); Category objCategory = new Category(); SubCategory objSubCategory = new SubCategory(); ItemDescription objItemDescription = new ItemDescription(); for (int Col = 1; Col <= usedRange.Columns.Count; Col++) { string name = (string)(usedRange.Cells[1, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2; name = name.Trim(); string value = null; if ((usedRange.Cells[Row, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2 != null) { value = (usedRange.Cells[Row, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2.ToString(); } else { continue; } switch (name) { case ExcelSheets.EXCELSHEET_STOREID: objStore.StoreId = value; continue; break; case ExcelSheets.EXCELCOLUMN_ITEMDESCRIPTION_ITEMDESCRIPTIONID: if (!GetItemFromDescriptionId(Convert.ToInt32(value), ref objBrand, ref objCategory, ref objSubCategory, ref objItemDescription)) { Col += usedRange.Columns.Count; } continue; break; default: break; } ExcelUtilities.PopulateStructure <Item>(name, value, ref objItem); } //Add the country in the Neo4j Database objWrap.objStore = objStore; objWrap.objBrand = objBrand; objWrap.objCategory = objCategory; objWrap.objSubCetegory = objSubCategory; objWrap.objItem = objItem; objWrap.objItemDescription = objItemDescription; DBAddinterface.CreateItemNode(objWrap); } }
private static bool GetItemFromDescriptionId(int DescriptionId, ref Brand objBrand, ref Category objCategory, ref SubCategory objSubCateogry, ref ItemDescription objItemDescription) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Excel.Worksheet sheet = ExcelController.GetWorkSheet(ExcelSheets.EXCELSHEET_ITEMDESCRIPTION); Excel.Range usedRange = sheet.UsedRange; int iteDescriptionIDColumnNumber = 0; bool bFound = false; //Get item description column number //Do not consider row 1 as its the header for (int Col = 1; Col <= usedRange.Columns.Count; Col++) { string name = (string)(usedRange.Cells[1, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2; name = name.Trim(); if (name.CompareTo(ExcelSheets.EXCELCOLUMN_ITEMDESCRIPTION_ITEMDESCRIPTIONID) == 0) { iteDescriptionIDColumnNumber = Col; bFound = true; break; } } if (!bFound) { return(bFound); } bFound = false; int itemFoundRowId = 0; //Do not consider row 1 as its the header for (int Row = 2; Row <= usedRange.Rows.Count; Row++) { //Find the row which contails itemDescriptinid int value = (int)(usedRange.Cells[Row, iteDescriptionIDColumnNumber] as Excel.Range).Value2; if (value == DescriptionId) { bFound = true; itemFoundRowId = Row; break; } } if (!bFound) { return(bFound); } for (int Col = 1; Col <= usedRange.Columns.Count; Col++) { string strName = (string)(usedRange.Cells[1, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2; strName = strName.Trim(); string value = null; if ((usedRange.Cells[itemFoundRowId, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2 != null) { value = (usedRange.Cells[itemFoundRowId, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2.ToString(); } else { continue; } switch (strName) { case ExcelSheets.EXCELSHEET_CATEGORY: objCategory.Name = value; continue; break; case ExcelSheets.EXCELSHEET_BRAND: objBrand.Name = value; continue; break; case ExcelSheets.EXCELSHEET_SUBCATEGORY: objSubCateogry.Name = value; continue; break; default: break; } ExcelUtilities.PopulateStructure <ItemDescription>(strName, value, ref objItemDescription); } return(bFound); }
public static void AddItemDescription(string sheetName) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Excel.Worksheet sheet = ExcelController.GetWorkSheet(sheetName); Excel.Range usedRange = sheet.UsedRange; ItemDescriptionWrapper objWrap = new ItemDescriptionWrapper(); //Do not consider row 1 as its the header for (int Row = 2; Row <= usedRange.Rows.Count; Row++) { Brand objBrand = new Brand(); Category objCategory = new Category(); SubCategory objSubCategory = new SubCategory(); ItemDescription objItem = null; for (int Col = 1; Col <= usedRange.Columns.Count; Col++) { string name = (string)(usedRange.Cells[1, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2; name = name.Trim(); string value = null; if ((usedRange.Cells[Row, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2 != null) { value = (usedRange.Cells[Row, Col] as Excel.Range).Value2.ToString(); } else { continue; } switch (name) { case ExcelSheets.EXCELSHEET_CATEGORY: objCategory.Name = value; continue; break; case ExcelSheets.EXCELSHEET_BRAND: objBrand.Name = value; continue; break; case ExcelSheets.EXCELSHEET_SUBCATEGORY: objSubCategory.Name = value; objItem = ItemFactory.GetItem(objSubCategory); continue; break; default: break; } ExcelUtilities.PopulateStructure <ItemDescription>(name, value, ref objItem); } //Add the country in the Neo4j Database objWrap.objBrand = objBrand; objWrap.objCategory = objCategory; objWrap.objSubCetegory = objSubCategory; objWrap.objItem = objItem; DBAddinterface.CreateItemDescriptionNode(objWrap); } }