// 對Excel新增資料
        private void SetDataDetail(Worksheet sheet, ExcelRowRecord rec, int RowIndex)
            int columnIndex = 0;

            foreach (string columnName in rec._Columns)
                sheet.Cells[RowIndex, columnIndex++].PutValue(rec.GetColumnValue(columnName));
        /// <summary>
        /// 排序:年級/班級序號/班級名稱/學號/姓名
        /// </summary>
        private int SortData(ExcelRowRecord obj1, ExcelRowRecord obj2)
            string seatno1 = obj1.GetColumnValue("年級").PadLeft(1, '0');     // 年級

            seatno1 += obj1.GetOthersValue("班級序號").PadLeft(3, '0');         // 班級序號
            seatno1 += obj1.GetColumnValue("班級名稱").PadLeft(20, '0');        // 班級名稱
            seatno1 += obj1.GetColumnValue("學號/座號").PadLeft(15, '0');       // 學號
            seatno1 += obj1.GetOthersValue("姓名").PadLeft(10, '0');          // 姓名

            string seatno2 = obj2.GetColumnValue("年級").PadLeft(1, '0');     // 年級

            seatno2 += obj2.GetOthersValue("班級序號").PadLeft(3, '0');         // 班級序號
            seatno2 += obj2.GetColumnValue("班級名稱").PadLeft(20, '0');        // 班級名稱
            seatno2 += obj2.GetColumnValue("學號/座號").PadLeft(15, '0');       // 學號
            seatno2 += obj2.GetOthersValue("姓名").PadLeft(10, '0');          // 姓名

        // 主要邏輯區塊
        void BGW_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string fileName = (string)((object[])e.Argument)[0];

            #region 取得需要的資料
            int  SchoolYear   = integerInput1.Value;
            bool ExportDegree = ckExportDegree.Checked;

            // 取得選取的學生ID
            List <string> studentIDList = K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Student.SelectedSource;

            // 取得學生的基本資料包括班級資料
            List <DAO.StudentInfo> studentRecords = DAO.FDQuery.GetStudnetInfoByIDList(studentIDList);

            // 取得學生的體適能資料
            List <DAO.StudentFitnessRecord> FitnessRecords = DAO.StudentFitness.SelectByStudentIDListAndSchoolYear(studentIDList, SchoolYear);

            // Excel的表頭
            string[] ExcelColumnNames;
            if (ExportDegree == true)
                ExcelColumnNames = Global._ExcelDataDegreeTitle;
                ExcelColumnNames = Global._ExcelDataTitle;

            // 所有資料得集合
            List <ExcelRowRecord> excelRowRecords = new List <ExcelRowRecord>();

            #region 把資料組合起來
            // 學生
            foreach (DAO.StudentInfo student in studentRecords)
                foreach (DAO.StudentFitnessRecord fitnessRecord in FitnessRecords)
                    if (fitnessRecord.StudentID == student.Student_ID)
                        // 設定輸出的欄位
                        ExcelRowRecord rec = new ExcelRowRecord(ExcelColumnNames);
                        // 設定每個欄位的值
                        rec.SetDataForExport(student, fitnessRecord, ExportDegree);
            }   // end of foreach (StudentRecord student in studentRecords)


            // 排序

            // 開起現有的樣板檔案
            Workbook     report = new Workbook();
            MemoryStream ms     = new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.體適能資料上傳格式);

            Worksheet sheet = report.Worksheets[0];
            sheet.Name = Global._SheetName;

            // 輸出表頭
            int RowIndex = _START_ROW - 1;
            int colIndex = 0;
            foreach (string columnName in ExcelColumnNames)
                sheet.Cells[RowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(columnName);

            RowIndex = _START_ROW;
            foreach (ExcelRowRecord excelRowRecord in excelRowRecords)
                if (RowIndex > _MAX_ROW_COUNT)

                SetDataDetail(sheet, excelRowRecord, RowIndex);

            // 儲存結果
            e.Result = new object[] { report, fileName, RowIndex > _MAX_ROW_COUNT };
        // 主要邏輯區塊
        void BGW_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string fileName = (string)((object[])e.Argument)[0];

            #region 取得需要的資料
            int  SchoolYear   = integerInput1.Value;
            bool ExportDegree = ckExportDegree.Checked;

            // 取得選取的學生ID
            List <string> studentIDList = K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Student.SelectedSource;

            // 取得學生的基本資料包括班級資料
            List <DAO.StudentInfo> studentRecords = DAO.FDQuery.GetStudnetInfoByIDList(studentIDList);

            // 取得學生的體適能資料
            List <DAO.StudentFitnessRecord> FitnessRecords = DAO.StudentFitness.SelectByStudentIDListAndSchoolYear(studentIDList, SchoolYear);

            Dictionary <string, DAO.StudentFitnessRecord> FitnessRecordsDic = new Dictionary <string, DAO.StudentFitnessRecord>();
            foreach (DAO.StudentFitnessRecord each in FitnessRecords)
                if (!FitnessRecordsDic.ContainsKey(each.StudentID))
                    FitnessRecordsDic.Add(each.StudentID, each);

            // Excel的表頭
            string[] ExcelColumnNames;
            if (ExportDegree == true)
                ExcelColumnNames = Global._ExcelDataDegreeTitle;
                ExcelColumnNames = Global._ExcelDataTitle;

            // 所有資料得集合
            List <ExcelRowRecord> excelRowRecords = new List <ExcelRowRecord>();

            #region 把資料組合起來
            // 學生
            foreach (DAO.StudentInfo student in studentRecords)
                if (FitnessRecordsDic.ContainsKey(student.Student_ID))
                    DAO.StudentFitnessRecord fitnessRecord = FitnessRecordsDic[student.Student_ID];

                    // 設定輸出的欄位
                    ExcelRowRecord rec = new ExcelRowRecord(ExcelColumnNames);
                    // 設定每個欄位的值
                    rec.SetDataForExport(student, fitnessRecord, ExportDegree);
                    // 設定輸出的欄位
                    ExcelRowRecord rec = new ExcelRowRecord(ExcelColumnNames);
                    // 設定每個欄位的值
                    rec.SetDataForExport(student, null, ExportDegree);
            }   // end of foreach (StudentRecord student in studentRecords)


            // 排序

            // 開起現有的樣板檔案
            Workbook report = new Workbook();

            // 2016/7/19  穎驊修正,因應使用新的Aspose,存檔都建議使用xlsx,如果還是使用舊資源"102學年度體適能上傳資料格式.xls",
            // 目前應該是沒有甚麼問題。
            //MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.體適能資料上傳格式);

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.體適能資料上傳格式_xlsx版_);


            Worksheet sheet = report.Worksheets[0];
            sheet.Name = Global._SheetName;

            // 輸出表頭
            int RowIndex = _START_ROW - 1;
            int colIndex = 0;
            foreach (string columnName in ExcelColumnNames)
                sheet.Cells[RowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(columnName);

            RowIndex = _START_ROW;
            foreach (ExcelRowRecord excelRowRecord in excelRowRecords)
                if (RowIndex > _MAX_ROW_COUNT)

                SetDataDetail(sheet, excelRowRecord, RowIndex);

            // 儲存結果
            e.Result = new object[] { report, fileName, RowIndex > _MAX_ROW_COUNT };
        // 主要邏輯區塊
        void BGW_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            string fileName = (string)((object[])e.Argument)[0];

            #region 取得需要的資料
            int SchoolYear = integerInput1.Value;
            bool ExportDegree = ckExportDegree.Checked;

            // 取得選取的學生ID
            List<string> studentIDList = K12.Presentation.NLDPanels.Student.SelectedSource;

            // 取得學生的基本資料包括班級資料
            List<DAO.StudentInfo> studentRecords = DAO.FDQuery.GetStudnetInfoByIDList(studentIDList);

            // 取得學生的體適能資料
            List<DAO.StudentFitnessRecord> FitnessRecords = DAO.StudentFitness.SelectByStudentIDListAndSchoolYear(studentIDList, SchoolYear);
            // Excel的表頭
            string[] ExcelColumnNames;
            if(ExportDegree == true)
                ExcelColumnNames = Global._ExcelDataDegreeTitle;
                ExcelColumnNames = Global._ExcelDataTitle;

            // 所有資料得集合
            List<ExcelRowRecord> excelRowRecords = new List<ExcelRowRecord>();

            #region 把資料組合起來
            // 學生
            foreach (DAO.StudentInfo student in studentRecords)
                foreach (DAO.StudentFitnessRecord fitnessRecord in FitnessRecords)
                    if (fitnessRecord.StudentID == student.Student_ID)
                        // 設定輸出的欄位
                        ExcelRowRecord rec = new ExcelRowRecord(ExcelColumnNames);
                        // 設定每個欄位的值
                        rec.SetDataForExport(student, fitnessRecord, ExportDegree);

            }   // end of foreach (StudentRecord student in studentRecords)


            // 排序

            // 開起現有的樣板檔案
            Workbook report = new Workbook();
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.體適能資料上傳格式);

            Worksheet sheet = report.Worksheets[0];
            sheet.Name = Global._SheetName;

            // 輸出表頭
            int RowIndex = _START_ROW - 1;
            int colIndex = 0;
            foreach (string columnName in ExcelColumnNames)
                sheet.Cells[RowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(columnName);

            RowIndex = _START_ROW;
            foreach (ExcelRowRecord excelRowRecord in excelRowRecords)
                if (RowIndex > _MAX_ROW_COUNT)

                SetDataDetail(sheet, excelRowRecord, RowIndex);

            // 儲存結果
            e.Result = new object[] { report, fileName, RowIndex > _MAX_ROW_COUNT };

        /// <summary>
        /// 排序:年級/班級序號/班級名稱/學號/姓名
        /// </summary>
        private int SortData(ExcelRowRecord obj1, ExcelRowRecord obj2)
            string seatno1 = obj1.GetColumnValue("年級").PadLeft(1, '0');       // 年級
            seatno1 += obj1.GetOthersValue("班級序號").PadLeft(3, '0');         // 班級序號
            seatno1 += obj1.GetColumnValue("班級名稱").PadLeft(20, '0');        // 班級名稱
            seatno1 += obj1.GetColumnValue("學號/座號").PadLeft(15, '0');       // 學號
            seatno1 += obj1.GetOthersValue("姓名").PadLeft(10, '0');            // 姓名

            string seatno2 = obj2.GetColumnValue("年級").PadLeft(1, '0');       // 年級
            seatno2 += obj2.GetOthersValue("班級序號").PadLeft(3, '0');         // 班級序號
            seatno2 += obj2.GetColumnValue("班級名稱").PadLeft(20, '0');        // 班級名稱
            seatno2 += obj2.GetColumnValue("學號/座號").PadLeft(15, '0');       // 學號
            seatno2 += obj2.GetOthersValue("姓名").PadLeft(10, '0');            // 姓名

            return seatno1.CompareTo(seatno2);
 // 對Excel新增資料
 private void SetDataDetail(Worksheet sheet, ExcelRowRecord rec, int RowIndex)
     int columnIndex = 0;
     foreach (string columnName in rec._Columns)
         sheet.Cells[RowIndex, columnIndex++].PutValue(rec.GetColumnValue(columnName));