private void CreateFile(ExcelFile Xls)
        //Create a new file. We could also open an existing file with Xls.Open
        Xls.NewFile(1, TExcelFileFormat.v2019);
        //Set some cell values.
        Xls.SetCellValue(1, 1, "Hello to everybody");
        Xls.SetCellValue(2, 1, 3);
        Xls.SetCellValue(3, 1, 2.1);
        Xls.SetCellValue(4, 1, new TFormula("=Sum(A2,A3)"));

        //Load an image from disk.
        string AssemblyPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath;

        using (System.Drawing.Image Img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(AssemblyPath, "images"), "Test.bmp")))
            //Add a new image on cell E5
            Xls.AddImage(2, 6, Img);
            //Add a new image with custom properties at cell F6
            Xls.AddImage(Img, new TImageProperties(new TClientAnchor(TFlxAnchorType.DontMoveAndDontResize, 2, 10, 6, 10, 100, 100, Xls), ""));
            //Swap the order of the images. it is not really necessary here, we could have loaded them on the inverse order.

        //Add a comment on cell a2
        Xls.SetComment(2, 1, "This is 3");

        //Custom Format cells a2 and a3
        TFlxFormat f = Xls.GetDefaultFormat;

        f.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
        f.Font.Color          = Color.Red;
        f.FillPattern.Pattern = TFlxPatternStyle.LightDown;
        f.FillPattern.FgColor = Color.Blue;
        f.FillPattern.BgColor = Color.White;

        int XF = Xls.AddFormat(f);

        Xls.SetCellFormat(2, 1, XF);
        Xls.SetCellFormat(3, 1, XF);

        f.Rotation            = 45;
        f.FillPattern.Pattern = TFlxPatternStyle.Solid;
        int XF2 = Xls.AddFormat(f);

        //Apply a custom format to all the row.
        Xls.SetRowFormat(1, XF2);

        //Merge cells
        Xls.MergeCells(5, 1, 10, 6);
        //Note how this one merges with the previous range, creating a final range (5,1,15,6)
        Xls.MergeCells(10, 6, 15, 6);

        //Make sure rows are autofitted for pdf export.
        Xls.AutofitRowsOnWorkbook(false, true, 1);
        private void AddData(ExcelFile Xls)
            //Fill the file with the contents of this c# file, many times so we can see many page breaks.
            int Row = 3;

            DumpFile(Xls, ref Row);

            Xls.AutofitRowsOnWorkbook(false, true, 1);
            Xls.AutoPageBreaks(50, 100); // we will use a 100% of page scale since we are printing to pdf.
                                         //If this was to create an Excel file, pagescale should be lower to
                                         //compensate the differences between page sizes in diiferent printers in Excel

            //Export the file to PDF so we can see the page breaks.
            using (FlexCelPdfExport pdf = new FlexCelPdfExport(Xls, true))
        private void AddData(ExcelFile Xls)
            string TemplateFile = "template.xls";

            if (cbXlsxTemplate.Checked)
                if (!XlsFile.SupportsXlsx)
                    throw new Exception("Xlsx files are not supported in this version of the .NET framework");
                TemplateFile = "template.xlsm";

            // Open an existing file to be used as template. In this example this file has
            // little data, in a real situation it should have as much as possible. (Or even better, be a report)
            Xls.Open(Path.Combine(PathToExe, TemplateFile));

            //Find the cell where we want to fill the data. In this case, we have created a named range "data" so the address
            //is not hardcoded here.
            TXlsNamedRange DataCell = Xls.GetNamedRange("Data", -1);

            //Add a chart with totals
            AddChart(DataCell, Xls);
            //Note that "DataCell" will change because we inserted rows above it when creating the chart. But we will keep using the old one.

            //Add the captions. This should probably go into the template, but in a dynamic environment it might go here.
            Xls.SetCellValue(DataCell.Top - 1, DataCell.Left, "Country");
            Xls.SetCellValue(DataCell.Top - 1, DataCell.Left + 1, "Quantity");

            //Add a rectangle around the cells
            TFlxApplyFormat ApplyFormat = new TFlxApplyFormat();

            ApplyFormat.Borders.SetAllMembers(true);  //We will only apply the borders to the existing cell formats
            TFlxFormat fmt = Xls.GetDefaultFormat;

            fmt.Borders.Left.Style   = TFlxBorderStyle.Double;
            fmt.Borders.Left.Color   = Color.Black;
            fmt.Borders.Right.Style  = TFlxBorderStyle.Double;
            fmt.Borders.Right.Color  = Color.Black;
            fmt.Borders.Top.Style    = TFlxBorderStyle.Double;
            fmt.Borders.Top.Color    = Color.Black;
            fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Double;
            fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = Color.Black;
            Xls.SetCellFormat(DataCell.Top - 1, DataCell.Left, DataCell.Top, DataCell.Left + 1, fmt, ApplyFormat, true);  //Set last parameter to true so it draws a box.

            //Freeze panes
            Xls.FreezePanes(new TCellAddress(DataCell.Top, 1));

            Random Rnd = new Random();

            //Fill the data
            int z            = 0;
            int OutlineLevel = 0;

            for (int r = 0; r <= DataRows; r++)
                //Fill the values.
                Xls.SetCellValue(DataCell.Top + r, DataCell.Left, Country[z % Country.Length]);  //For non C# users, "%" means "mod" or modulus in other languages. It is the rest of the integer division.
                Xls.SetCellValue(DataCell.Top + r, DataCell.Left + 1, Rnd.Next(1000));

                //Add the country to the outline
                Xls.SetRowOutlineLevel(DataCell.Top + r, OutlineLevel);
                //increment the country randomly
                if (Rnd.Next(3) == 0)
                    OutlineLevel = 0;  //Break the group and create a new one.
                    OutlineLevel = 1;

            //Make the "+" signs of the outline appear at the top.
            Xls.OutlineSummaryRowsBelowDetail = false;

            //Collapse the outline to the first level.
            Xls.CollapseOutlineRows(1, TCollapseChildrenMode.Collapsed);

            //Add Data Validation for the first column, it must be a country.
            TDataValidationInfo dv = new TDataValidationInfo(
                TDataValidationDataType.List,         //We will use a built in list.
                TDataValidationConditionType.Between, //This parameter does not matter since it is a list. It will not be used.
                "=\"" + GetCountryList() + "\"",      //We could have used a range of cells here with the values (like "=C1..C4") Instead, we directly entered the list in the formula.
                null,                                 //no need for a second formula, not used in List
                true,  //Note that as we entered the data directly in FirstFormula, we need to set this to true
                "Unknown country",
                "Please make sure that the country is in the list",
                false, //We will not use an input box, so this is false and the 2 next entries are null
                TDataValidationIcon.Stop);  //We will use the stop icon so no invalid input is permitted.

            Xls.AddDataValidation(new TXlsCellRange(DataCell.Top, DataCell.Left, DataCell.Top + DataRows, DataCell.Left), dv);

            //Add Data Validation for the second column, it must be an integer between 0 and 1000.
            dv = new TDataValidationInfo(
                TDataValidationDataType.WholeNumber, //We will request a number.
                "=0",                                //First formula marks the first part of the "between" condition.
                "=1000",                             //Second formula is the second part.
                "Invalid Quantity",
                null, //We will leave the default error message.
                "Please enter a quantity between 0 and 1000",
                TDataValidationIcon.Stop);  //We will use the stop icon so no invalid input is permitted.
            Xls.AddDataValidation(new TXlsCellRange(DataCell.Top, DataCell.Left + 1, DataCell.Top + DataRows, DataCell.Left + 1), dv);

            //Search country "Unknown" and replace it by "no".
            //This does not make any sense here (we could just have entered "no" to begin)
            //but it shows how to do it when modifying an existing file
            Xls.Replace("Unknown", "no", TXlsCellRange.FullRange(), true, false, true);

            //Autofit the rows. As we keep the row height automatic this will not show when opening in Excel, but will work when directly printing from FlexCel.
            Xls.AutofitRowsOnWorkbook(false, true, 1);

            Xls.Recalc(); //Calculate the SUMIF formulas so we can sort by them. Note that FlexCel automatically recalculates before saving,
                          //but in this case we haven't saved yet, so the sheet is not recalculated. You do not normally need to call Recalc directly.

            //Sort the data. As in the case with replace, this does not make much sense. We could have entered the data sorted to begin
            //But it shows how you can use the feature.

            //Find the cell where the chart goes.
            TXlsNamedRange ChartRange = Xls.GetNamedRange("ChartData", -1);

            Xls.Sort(new TXlsCellRange(ChartRange.Top, ChartRange.Left, ChartRange.Top + Country.Length, ChartRange.Left + 1),
                     true, new int[] { 2 }, new TSortOrder[] { TSortOrder.Descending }, null);

            //Protect the Sheet
            TSheetProtectionOptions Sp = new TSheetProtectionOptions(false); //Create default protection options that allows everything.

            Sp.InsertColumns = false;                                        //Restrict inserting columns.
            Xls.Protection.SetSheetProtection("flexcel", Sp);
            //Set a modify password. Note that this does *not* encrypt the file.
            Xls.Protection.SetModifyPassword("flexcel", true, "flexcel");

            Xls.Protection.OpenPassword = "******";  //OpenPasword is the only password that will actually encrypt the file, so you will not be able to open it with flexcel if you do not know the password.

            //Select cell A1
            Xls.SelectCell(1, 1, true);