        public void NavigateToQaAutomation()
                              HomePage homePage = new HomePage(this.driver);
                              var registrationPage = new RegistrationPage(this.driver);

                              PageFactory.InitElements(this.driver, homePage);

                              var registrationUser = ExcelDB.GetTestData("Login");
                              IWebElement firstName = driver.FindElement(By.Name("FirstName"));
                              IWebElement lastName = driver.FindElement(By.Name("LastName"));
                              IWebElement password = driver.FindElement(By.Name("password"));
                              IWebElement login = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("/html/body/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/form/input[2]"));
                              IWebElement logo = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id=\"page-header\"]/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/a/img[1]"));

        public override List <Condition> GetHSNNotifiedConditionData(string hsnNumber)
            List <Condition> condition = new List <Condition>();
            ExcelDB          exceldb   = new ExcelDB();

            condition = exceldb.GetNotifiedHSNConditionsData(hsnNumber);
        public override List <Condition> GetSACNotifiedConditionData(string sacNumber)
            List <Condition> condition = new List <Condition>();
            ExcelDB          exceldb   = new ExcelDB();

            condition = exceldb.GetNotifiedSACConditionsData(sacNumber);
        public override List <Notified> GetSACNotificationData(string sacNumber)
            List <Notified> notify  = new List <Notified>();
            ExcelDB         exceldb = new ExcelDB();

            notify = exceldb.GetSACNotificationData(sacNumber);
        public override DataSet ViewInvoice(string SellerGSTN, string FromDt, String Todate)
            DataSet ds      = new DataSet();
            ExcelDB exceldb = new ExcelDB();

            ds = exceldb.ViewInvoice(SellerGSTN, FromDt, Todate);
        //public override int SaveInvoiceData(Seller seller)
        //    int result = 0;
        //    ExcelDB exceldb = new ExcelDB();
        //    result = exceldb.SaveInvoiceData(seller);
        //    return result;

        public override int UploadInvoice(List <Seller> SellerDaTa, String InvoiceNo)
            int    result = 0;
            Seller seller = new Seller();

            seller.SellerDaTa = new List <Seller>();
            seller.SellerDaTa = SellerDaTa;
            ExcelDB exceldb = new ExcelDB();

            result = exceldb.UploadInvoice(seller.SellerDaTa, InvoiceNo);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 5 && args.Length != 6)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: CreateDailyCalculations server user pass outputFile dryrun [sites]");
                Console.WriteLine(" server = hostname ");
                Console.WriteLine(" user = username");
                Console.WriteLine(" pass = passwordfile");
                Console.WriteLine(" outputfile = filename for stats/results");
                Console.WriteLine(" dryrun = true|false -- when true only simulates changes");
                Console.WriteLine(" sites = amfi,anci,...   -- list of sites to filter");

            var    host           = args[0];
            string user           = args[1];
            string pass           = File.ReadAllLines(args[2])[0];
            var    outputFileName = args[3];
            bool   dryRun         = (args[4] == "true");

            var sites = new string[] { };

            if (args.Length == 6)
                sites = args[5].ToLower().Split(',');

            var svr = PostgreSQL.GetPostgresServer("timeseries", host, user, pass);
            TimeSeriesDatabase db = new TimeSeriesDatabase(svr);


            var fn = @"c:\temp\a.xlsx";

            File.Copy(Path.Combine(FileUtility.GetExecutableDirectory(), "daily_calcs_and_series.xlsx"), fn, true);
            var pcodeLookup = ExcelDB.Read(fn, "daily_instant_pcode");

            DailyCalcGenerator tool = new DailyCalcGenerator(db, outputFileName);

            tool.AddDailyCalculations(pcodeLookup, dryRun, sites);

            // what about years like 6190.....
            //HydrometInfoUtility.ArchiverEnabled(.. ?
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string serverIP = "lrgs1";

            var fn  = @"V:\PN6200\Hydromet\HelpWanted\migrate to linux.xls";
            var tbl = ExcelDB.Read(fn, "owrd_1");

            var        cs  = PostgreSQL.CreateADConnectionString(serverIP, "timeseries");
            PostgreSQL svr = new PostgreSQL(cs);

            //SQLiteServer svr = new SQLiteServer(@"c:\temp\lrgs1.pdb");
            TimeSeriesDatabase db = new TimeSeriesDatabase(svr);

            AddToPisces(tbl, db);
            AddSitesToDecodes(serverIP, tbl);
        private DataTable GetTable(string excelName, string sheetName)
            // Performance p = new Performance();
            DataTable rval = new DataTable();

            if (excelDataSet == null)
                excelDataSet = new DataSet();
            if (!excelDataSet.Tables.Contains(sheetName))
                rval = ExcelDB.Read(excelName, sheetName);

            //  p.Report("read " + sheetName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a SeriesCatalog by looking at each sheet and column names inside
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildSiteCatalog()
            m_treeTable = new DataTable("SeriesCatalog");

            m_treeTable.Columns.Add("Label", typeof(string));
            m_treeTable.Columns.Add("Level", typeof(Int32));

            m_treeTable.Rows.Add(Name, 0, "", "", "", "");

            string[] sheetNames = ExcelDB.SheetNames(m_filename);

            for (int i = 0; i < sheetNames.Length; i++)
                string sheetName = sheetNames[i];
                if (sheetName.Trim() != "")
                    string    sql = " Select * from [" + sheetName + "$] WHERE 2 = 1";
                    DataTable t1  = ExcelDB.Read(m_filename, sheetName, sql);

                    if (t1.Columns.Count > 0 && t1.Columns[0].ColumnName.ToLower().IndexOf("date") == 0)
                        string dateColumn = t1.Columns[0].ColumnName;
                        for (int j = 1; j < t1.Columns.Count; j++)
                            string valueColumn = t1.Columns[j].ColumnName;

                            m_treeTable.Rows.Add(valueColumn, 1, Name, sheetName, dateColumn, valueColumn);
        private void btnCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                objExDb      = new ExcelDB();
                objUtilityDB = new UtilityDB();
                DataTable dtExcel = new DataTable();
                dtExcel = objExDb.GetBrPayRollCheckListReportsData(docMonth.Value.ToString("MMMyyyy").ToUpper(), CommonData.CompanyCode, CommonData.BranchCode, "ALL", cbPayRollType.SelectedItem.ToString(), "PAYCHECKLIST").Tables[0];
                objExDb = null;

                if (dtExcel.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Excel.Application oXL         = new Excel.Application();
                    Excel.Workbook    theWorkbook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                    Excel.Worksheet   worksheet   = (Excel.Worksheet)oXL.ActiveSheet;
                    oXL.Visible = true;
                    string      sLastColumn = objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(51);
                    Excel.Range rg          = worksheet.get_Range("A3", sLastColumn + "3");
                    Excel.Range rgData      = worksheet.get_Range("A3", sLastColumn + (Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows.Count) + 3).ToString());
                    rgData.Font.Size         = 11;
                    rgData.WrapText          = true;
                    rgData.VerticalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                    rgData.Borders.Weight    = 2;

                    rg.Font.Bold           = true;
                    rg.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
                    rg.Font.Size           = 10;
                    rg.WrapText            = true;
                    rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2; // White Color : 2 and Red = 3,30; Green = 10,43;
                    rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                    rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 31;
                    rg.Borders.Weight      = 2;
                    rg.Borders.LineStyle   = Excel.Constants.xlSolid;
                    rg.Cells.RowHeight     = 38;

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("A3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 4;

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("B3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("C3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 6;

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("D3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("E3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("F3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("G3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 15;

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("H3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 7;

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("I3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 7;

                    //rg = worksheet.get_Range("I3", Type.Missing);
                    //rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                    //rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 44;

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(47) + "3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                    rg = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(48) + "3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                    rg = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(51) + "3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 15;
                    rg = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(49) + "3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 20;
                    rg = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(50) + "3", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 20;

                    Excel.Range rgHead = null;
                    rgHead = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "I2");
                    rgHead.Font.Size                 = 14;
                    rgHead.Font.ColorIndex           = 1;
                    rgHead.Font.Bold                 = true;
                    rgHead.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                    rgHead.Cells.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                    rgHead.Cells.Value2 = "BRANCH PAY ROLL REGISTER FOR THE MONTH OF " + dtExcel.Rows[0]["HPCM_WAGEMONTH"].ToString() + "";

                    int iColumn = 1;
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "SlNo";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Company";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Ecode";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Name";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Desig";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Department";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Doj";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Present Daye";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Lops";

                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        rgHead = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumn) + "2", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumn + 13) + "2");
                        //rgHead.Cells.ColumnWidth = 5;
                        if (i == 0)
                            rgHead.Value2 = "ACTUALS";
                            rgHead.Value2 = "EARNINGS";
                        rgHead.Interior.ColorIndex       = 44 + i;
                        rgHead.Borders.Weight            = 2;
                        rgHead.Borders.LineStyle         = Excel.Constants.xlSolid;
                        rgHead.Cells.RowHeight           = 20;
                        rgHead.Font.Size                 = 14;
                        rgHead.Font.ColorIndex           = 1;
                        rgHead.Font.Bold                 = true;
                        rgHead.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rgHead.Cells.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rgHead = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumn) + "3", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumn + 13) + "3");
                        rgHead.Interior.ColorIndex = 44 + i;
                        rgHead.Font.ColorIndex     = 1;
                        rgHead.Cells.ColumnWidth   = 5;

                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "PF Basic";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Basic";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "HRA";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Conv Allw";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "CCA Allw";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "LTA Allw";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Special Allw";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Books & Period.";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Med Reimb";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Children";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Vehicle Allw";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Petrol Allw";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Uniform Allw";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Earning Total";

                    rgHead = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumn) + "2", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumn + 7) + "2");
                    //rgHead.Cells.ColumnWidth = 5;
                    rgHead.Value2 = "DEDUCTIONS";
                    rgHead.Interior.ColorIndex       = 46;
                    rgHead.Borders.Weight            = 2;
                    rgHead.Borders.LineStyle         = Excel.Constants.xlSolid;
                    rgHead.Cells.RowHeight           = 20;
                    rgHead.Font.Size                 = 14;
                    rgHead.Font.ColorIndex           = 1;
                    rgHead.Font.Bold                 = true;
                    rgHead.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                    rgHead.Cells.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                    rgHead = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumn) + "3", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumn + 7) + "3");
                    rgHead.Interior.ColorIndex = 46;
                    rgHead.Font.ColorIndex     = 1;
                    rgHead.Cells.ColumnWidth   = 5;

                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "PF";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Proff Tax";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "ESI";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Sal Adv";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Pers Loan";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "TDS";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Others";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Total Deductions";

                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Net Pay";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Pay Mode";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Bank Name";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Account No";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "PF No";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "ESI No";

                    iColumn = 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtExcel.Rows.Count; i++)
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = i + 1;
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_COMPANY_CODE"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_EORA_CODE"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_NAME"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_DESIG"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_DEPT_NAME"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_DOJ"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PRE"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_LOP"].ToString();

                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PF_BASIC"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_BASIC"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_HRA"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_CONV_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_CCA"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_LTA_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_SPL_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_BNP_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_MED_REIMB"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_CH_ED_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_VEH_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PET_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_UNF_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = "=U" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+V" + (i + 4).ToString() +
                                                            "+K" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+L" + (i + 4).ToString() +
                                                            "+M" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+N" + (i + 4).ToString() +
                                                            "+O" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+P" + (i + 4).ToString() +
                                                            "+Q" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+R" + (i + 4).ToString() +
                                                            "+S" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+T" + (i + 4).ToString() + "";

                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_Pf_ERNG_BASIC"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_BASIC"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_HRA"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_CONV_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_CCA"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_LTA_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_SPL_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_BNP_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_MED_REIMB"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_CH_ED_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_VEH_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_PET_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_UNF_ALW"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ERNG_TOTAL"].ToString();
                        //worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = "=AG" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+AH" + (i + 4).ToString() +
                        //                                    "+AI" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+AJ" + (i + 4).ToString() +
                        //                                    "+Y" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+Z" + (i + 4).ToString() +
                        //                                    "+AA" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+AB" + (i + 4).ToString() +
                        //                                    "+AC" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+AD" + (i + 4).ToString() +
                        //                                    "+AE" + (i + 4).ToString() + "+AF" + (i + 4).ToString() + "";

                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_DEDU_PF"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_DEDU_PROFTAX"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_DEDU_ESI"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_DEDU_SAL_ADV"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_DEDU_PERS_LOAN"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_DEDU_TDS"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_DEDU_OTHERS"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_DEDU_TOTAL"].ToString();

                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_NET_PAY"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PAY_MODE"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_BANK_NAME"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_BANK_ACCOUNT_NO"].ToString() + "'";
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_PF_NUMBER"].ToString() + "";
                        worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["HPCM_PS_ESI_NUMBER"].ToString() + "";

                        iColumn = 1;
                    MessageBox.Show("No Data Found!", "SSERP", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the DoDemoWorkCommand
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute(object parameter)
            // Create OpenFileDialog

            Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();

            // Set filter for file extension and default file extension

            dlg.DefaultExt = ".xlsx";

            dlg.Filter = "Text documents (.xlsx)|*.xlsx";

            // Display OpenFileDialog by calling ShowDialog method

            Nullable <bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog();

            // Get the selected file name and display in a TextBox

            if (result == true)
                // Open document

                string filename = dlg.FileName;

                /* A typical task would involve processing a list of files, or similar work.
                 * To simulate this type of task, we will create a simple list of integers,
                 * which we will call the 'workList'. Each background task will traverse this
                 * list in order to perform its assigned work. */

                // Initialize
                var progressDialogViewModel = m_ViewModel.ProgressDialogViewModel;

                /* All background tasks can be cancelled by clicking a Cancel button on
                 * the progress dialog. Clicking the button invokes a Cancel command in
                 * the ProgressDialogViewModel. The .NET Task Parallel Library uses a
                 * CancellationTokenSource (CTS) to cancel background tasks. We create
                 * a CTS here and pass it to the ProgressDialogViewModel, so that the
                 * Cancel command has access when it needs it. */

                // Set the view model's token source
                progressDialogViewModel.TokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                /* The ProgressDialogViewModel.ProgressMax property holds the maximum
                 * progress value for this particular operation. The progress percentage
                 * is calculated as Progress/ProgressMax. This operation has two background
                 * tasks, each of which traverses the work list. The first task takes three
                 * times as long to traverse the list as the second task, so we set the
                 * ProgressMax property to four times the length of the work list.
                 * The first task will advance the Progress property three clicks for each
                 * item on the list, and the second task will advance the property one click
                 * for each item. As a result, when the first task is complete, the Progress
                 * dialog will show 75% complete, and it will show 100% complete when the
                 * second task completes. */

                // Announce that work is starting

                // Launch first background task

                var taskOne = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ExcelDB.MigrateSubstance(filename, progressDialogViewModel));

                taskOne.ContinueWith(t => m_ViewModel.RaiseWorkEndedEvent(),
        private void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable dtExcel = new DataTable();

            objExcelDB   = new ExcelDB();
            objUtilityDB = new UtilityDB();
            #region Branch Master"
            if (CheckData())
                    dtExcel    = objExcelDB.GetBranchMaster(sComp, sBranch, sBranch, cbStatus.SelectedItem.ToString()).Tables[0];
                    objExcelDB = null;

                    if (dtExcel.Rows.Count > 0)
                        Excel.Application oXL         = new Excel.Application();
                        Excel.Workbook    theWorkbook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                        Excel.Worksheet   worksheet   = (Excel.Worksheet)oXL.ActiveSheet;
                        oXL.Visible = true;
                        int iTotColumns = 0;
                        iTotColumns = 29;
                        string      sLastColumn = objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iTotColumns);
                        Excel.Range rgHead      = null;
                        Excel.Range rg          = worksheet.get_Range("A4", sLastColumn + "4");
                        Excel.Range rgData      = worksheet.get_Range("A5", sLastColumn + (dtExcel.Rows.Count + 4).ToString());
                        rgData.Font.Size         = 11;
                        rgData.WrapText          = true;
                        rgData.VerticalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rgData.Borders.Weight    = 2;

                        rgData = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "K2");
                        rgData.Font.Bold           = true; rgData.Font.Size = 16;
                        rgData.Value2              = "BRANCH SP/PU/TU DETAILS";
                        rgData.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rgData.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                        rg.Font.Bold           = true;
                        rg.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
                        rg.Font.Size           = 10;
                        rg.WrapText            = true;
                        rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2; // White Color : 2 and Red = 3,30; Green = 10,43;
                        rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rg.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 31;
                        rg.Borders.Weight      = 2;
                        rg.Borders.LineStyle   = Excel.Constants.xlSolid;
                        rg.Cells.RowHeight     = 38;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("A4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 4;
                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("B4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 12;
                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("C4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 15;
                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("D4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 50;
                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("E4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 12;
                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("F4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 12;
                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("G4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 12;
                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("H4", Type.Missing);
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                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 15;
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                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 15;
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                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 15;
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                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 15;
                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("Q4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 15;
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                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 15;
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                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
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                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
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                        int iColumn = 1, iStartRow = 4;
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                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Branch Code";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Branch Name";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Address";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Sate";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "District";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Mondal";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Location";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "ESI";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = " Head Ecode";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Head Name";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Desig";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Br Contact NO";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Branch E_mail";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Hr E_mail";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "RHr E_mail";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Inch E_mail";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Trainer E_mail";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "TIN";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "CST";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "EXERC";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Rent Type";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "From Date";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "To Date";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Deposit";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Rent EMI";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Woner Name";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Remarks";
                        worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Status";

                        iStartRow++; iColumn = 1;
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                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = i + 1;
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_BRANCH_CODE"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_BRANCH_NAME"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_BRANCH_ADDRESS"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_STATE"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_DISTRICT"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_MANDAL"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_LOCATION"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_ESI_APPLICABLE"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_HEAD_ECODE"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_HEAD_NAME"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_HEAD_DESIG"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_BRANCH_CONTNO"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_MAIL_ID"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_HR_MAIL_ID"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_REGHR_MAILID"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_INCH_MAILID"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_TRAINER_MAILID"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_TIN_NO"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_CST_NO"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_EXREG_NO"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_RENT_TYPE"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_RENT_FROM"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_RENT_TO"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_SECURE_DEPOSIT"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_RENT_EMI"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_OWNER_NAME"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_REMARKS"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["RS_STATUS"];

                            iStartRow++; iColumn = 1;
                catch (Exception ex)
        private void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable dtExcel = new DataTable();

            objExcelDB   = new ExcelDB();
            objUtilityDB = new UtilityDB();

            if (CheckData() == true)

                if (strStatus == "")
                    strStatus = "ALL";

                #region "iFrmType 0 :: Query Register"
                if (iFrmType == 0)
                    if (cbReportType.SelectedIndex == 0)
                            dtExcel    = objExcelDB.GetAuditQueryReg(Company, Branches, "", DocumentMonth, strEcodes, "ALL", strDept, "ALL", "ALL", "ALL", strStatus, "AUDIT_QUERY_REGISTER").Tables[0];
                            objExcelDB = null;

                            if (dtExcel.Rows.Count > 0)
                                Excel.Application oXL         = new Excel.Application();
                                Excel.Workbook    theWorkbook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                                Excel.Worksheet   worksheet   = (Excel.Worksheet)oXL.ActiveSheet;
                                oXL.Visible = true;
                                int iTotColumns = 0;
                                iTotColumns = 17;
                                string      sLastColumn = objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iTotColumns);
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                                Excel.Range rgData      = worksheet.get_Range("A5", sLastColumn + (dtExcel.Rows.Count + 4).ToString());
                                rgData.Font.Size         = 11;
                                rgData.WrapText          = true;
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                                rgData.Borders.Weight    = 2;

                                rgData = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "Q2");
                                rgData.Font.Bold           = true; rgData.Font.Size = 16;
                                rgData.Value2              = "AUDIT MAJOR POINTS REGISTER";
                                rgData.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                                rgData.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                                rg.Font.Bold           = true;
                                rg.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
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                                rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2; // White Color : 2 and Red = 3,30; Green = 10,43;
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                                rg.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                                rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 31;
                                rg.Borders.Weight      = 2;
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                                rg.Cells.RowHeight     = 38;

                                rg = worksheet.get_Range("A4", Type.Missing);
                                rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 4;
                                rg = worksheet.get_Range("B4", Type.Missing);
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                                rg = worksheet.get_Range("C4", Type.Missing);
                                rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 8;
                                rg = worksheet.get_Range("D4", Type.Missing);
                                rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 8;
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                                int iColumn = 1, iStartRow = 4;
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "SlNo";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "QueryID";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Doc Month";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Visit Month";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Branch";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Logical Branch";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Zone";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Region";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Audit Point";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Dept";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Explanation By Accounts Head";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Explanation By Sales Head";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Explanation By Service Head";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Explanation By Unit Head";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Status";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Unsolved Reason";
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "AuditBy";

                                iStartRow++; iColumn = 1;
                                for (int i = 0; i < dtExcel.Rows.Count; i++)
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = i + 1;
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_query_id"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_doc_month"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_visit_month"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_branch_name"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_LogBranch"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_zone"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_region"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_Audit_point"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_dept"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_exp_HAcc"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_exp_Hsales"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_exp_Hservice"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_exp_Others"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_status"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_reason"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_audit_ecode"] + "-" + dtExcel.Rows[i]["ad_audit_name"];

                                    iStartRow++; iColumn = 1;
                        catch (Exception ex)

                #region "iFrmType==0 :: Audit Solvation Summary"

                if (iFrmType == 0 && cbReportType.SelectedIndex == 1)
                    objExcelDB = new ExcelDB();

                    dtExcel    = objExcelDB.Get_AuditSolvationSummary(Company, Branches, "", DocumentMonth, "SUMMARY").Tables[0];
                    objExcelDB = null;
                    if (dtExcel.Rows.Count > 0)
                            Excel.Application oXL         = new Excel.Application();
                            Excel.Workbook    theWorkbook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                            Excel.Worksheet   worksheet   = (Excel.Worksheet)oXL.ActiveSheet;
                            oXL.Visible = true;
                            int iTotColumns = 0;
                            iTotColumns = 9;

                            string      sLastColumn = objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iTotColumns);
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                            Excel.Range rgData      = worksheet.get_Range("A5", sLastColumn + (dtExcel.Rows.Count + 4).ToString());
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                            rgData.WrapText          = true;
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                            rgData.Borders.Weight    = 2;

                            rgData = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "I2");

                            rgData.Font.Bold           = true; rgData.Font.Size = 16;
                            rgData.Value2              = "AUDIT SOLVATION SUMMARY";
                            rgData.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                            rgData.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                            rg.Font.Bold           = true;
                            rg.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
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                            rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2; // White Color : 2 and Red = 3,30; Green = 10,43;
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                            rg.Borders.Weight      = 2;
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                            rg.Cells.RowHeight     = 38;

                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("A4", Type.Missing);
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                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("B4", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 40;
                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("C4", Type.Missing);
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                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
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                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 8;
                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("H4", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 8;
                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("I4", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 8;

                            int iColumn = 1, iStartRow = 4;
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "SlNo";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Branch Name";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Visit Month";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Doc Month";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Total Points";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Solved Points";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Solved-FollowUp";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Unsolved Points";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "% Of Solvation";

                            iStartRow++; iColumn = 1;

                            for (int i = 0; i < dtExcel.Rows.Count; i++)
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = i + 1;
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["aq_branch_name"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["aq_vis_month"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["aq_doc_month"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["aq_tot_points"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["aq_solved_points"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["aq_solved_pointsFUP"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["aq_unsolved_points"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["aq_Percentage_of_Sol"].ToString();

                                iStartRow++; iColumn = 1;

                        catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable dtExcel = new DataTable();

            objExcelDB   = new ExcelDB();
            objUtilityDB = new UtilityDB();
            int iTotColumns = 0;

            if (CheckData() == true)

                if (txtFrmPersPts.Text.Length == 0)
                    txtFrmPersPts.Text = "0";
                if (txtToPersPts.Text.Length == 0)
                    txtToPersPts.Text = "0";

                #region "Low Performers List"
                    dtExcel = objExcelDB.Get_LowPerformersList(CommonData.CompanyCode, CommonData.BranchCode, Convert.ToInt32(cbEcode.SelectedValue), dtpFromDoc.Value.ToString("MMMyyyy").ToUpper(),
                                                               dtpToDoc.Value.ToString("MMMyyyy").ToUpper(), sMonthsFlag, frmMnths, ToMnths, sGrpsFlag, frmGrps, ToGrps, sPntsFlag, frmPersPoints,
                                                               ToPersPoints, sPntsPerGrpFlag, frmPntsPerGrp, ToPntsPerGrp, sPntsPerHeadFlag, frmPntsPerHead, ToPntsPerHead, cbSortBy.Text, "EXCEL",
                                                               sPntsGrpHeadFlag, Convert.ToDateTime(dtpLOSAsOnDate.Value).ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy")).Tables[0];
                    objExcelDB = null;
                    if (dtExcel.Rows.Count > 0)
                        Excel.Application oXL         = new Excel.Application();
                        Excel.Workbook    theWorkbook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                        Excel.Worksheet   worksheet   = (Excel.Worksheet)oXL.ActiveSheet;
                        oXL.Visible = true;
                        iTotColumns = 13 + (7 * Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows[0]["al_NoOf_Months"])) + 12;
                        string      sLastColumn = objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iTotColumns);
                        Excel.Range rg          = worksheet.get_Range("A3", sLastColumn + "3");
                        Excel.Range rgData      = worksheet.get_Range("A3", sLastColumn + (Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows[0]["al_No_Of_Emp"]) + 3).ToString());
                        rgData.Font.Size         = 11;
                        rgData.WrapText          = true;
                        rgData.VerticalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rgData.Borders.Weight    = 2;

                        string strSelection = "";

                        strSelection = "Months Worked From " + txFrmMnths.Text + " To " + txtToMnths.Text + ", Groups From " + txtFrmGrps.Text + " To " + txtToGrps.Text + " ";

                        if (chkPersPnts.Checked == true)
                            strSelection += " , Personal Points From " + frmPersPoints + " To " + ToPersPoints + "";
                        if (chkPntsPerGrp.Checked == true)
                            strSelection += " , Points P/G  From " + frmPntsPerGrp + " To " + ToPntsPerGrp + "";
                        if (chkPntsPerHead.Checked == true && chkPntsPerHead.Checked == true)
                            strSelection += " " + cbSelection.Text.ToString();
                        else if (chkPntsPerHead.Checked == true || chkPntsPerHead.Checked == true)
                            strSelection += " ,";

                        if (chkPntsPerHead.Checked == true)
                            strSelection += "Points P/H  From " + frmPntsPerHead + " To " + ToPntsPerHead + "";

                        strSelection += " , Length Of Service As On Date " + Convert.ToDateTime(dtpLOSAsOnDate.Value).ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy") + "";

                        rg.Font.Bold           = true;
                        rg.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
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                        rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2; // White Color : 2 and Red = 3,30; Green = 10,43;
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                        rg.Borders.Weight      = 2;
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("B3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 6;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("C3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 25;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("D3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 7;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("E3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 12;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("F3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("G3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 12;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("H3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("I3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("J3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 20;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("K3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("L3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("M3", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;

                        worksheet.Cells[3, 1]  = "Sl.No";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 2]  = "Ecode";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 3]  = "Emp Name";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 4]  = "Desig";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 5]  = "DOJ";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 6]  = "Tot Length Of Service";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 7]  = "DOP";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 8]  = "LOS In Pres. Desig";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 9]  = "State";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 10] = "Branch";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 11] = "Level-1";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 12] = "Level-2";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, 13] = "Level-3";

                        int         iStartColumn = 0;
                        Excel.Range rgHead;
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                            rgHead = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "M1");
                            rgHead.Font.Size                 = 14;
                            rgHead.Font.ColorIndex           = 1;
                            rgHead.Font.Bold                 = true;
                            rgHead.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                            rgHead.Cells.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                            rgHead.Cells.Value2              = "LIST OF LOW PERFORMERS \n " + cbEcode.Text + " ";
                            rgHead.Cells.RowHeight           = 35;

                            rgHead = worksheet.get_Range("A2", "M2");
                            rgHead.Font.Size                 = 12;
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                            iStartColumn = (7 * iMonths) + 7;

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                            worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn]     = "Pers Pmd";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 1] = "Pers Points";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 2] = "Pers Cust";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 3] = "Groups";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 4] = "Group Pmd";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 5] = "Group Points";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 6] = "Group Cust";
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                        rgHead.Font.Size                 = 14;
                        rgHead.Font.ColorIndex           = 1;
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                        rgHead.Cells.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
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                        worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn]      = "Pers Work Months";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 1]  = "Pers PMD";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 2]  = "Pers Points";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 3]  = "Pers Cust";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 4]  = "Group Work Months";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 5]  = "Groups";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 6]  = "Group Tot Points";
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                        worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 8]  = "Group Avg Pmd P/G";
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                        worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 10] = "Group Points P/H";
                        worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 11] = "Group Cust P/H";

                        int iRowCounter = 4; int iColumnCounter = 1;
                        for (int i = 0; i < dtExcel.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (i > 0)
                                if (dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_eora_code"].ToString() == dtExcel.Rows[i - 1]["al_eora_code"].ToString())
                                    int iMonthNo = Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Month_SlNo"]);

                                    iColumnCounter      = (7 * iMonthNo) + 7;
                                    rgHead              = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter) + "2", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter + 6) + "2");
                                    rgHead.Cells.Value2 = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_doc_month"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_pmd"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_points"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Pers_Cust"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_groups"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_pmd"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_points"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_Cust"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = iRowCounter - 3;

                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_eora_code"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_eora_name"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Pres_Desig"];
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                                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = Convert.ToDateTime(dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_DOJ"]).ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy");
                                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = "";
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                                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = "";
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_LOS_In_PresDesig"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_state_code"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_branch_Name"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Lvl1_Name"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Lvl2_Name"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Lvl3_Name"];
                                    int iMonthNo = Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Month_SlNo"]);

                                    iColumnCounter      = (7 * iMonthNo) + 7;
                                    rgHead              = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter) + "2", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter + 6) + "2");
                                    rgHead.Cells.Value2 = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_doc_month"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_pmd"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_points"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Pers_Cust"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_groups"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_pmd"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_points"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_Cust"];

                                    iColumnCounter = iTotColumns - 11;
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_work_months"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_Tot_pmd"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_Tot_points"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Pers_Tot_Cust"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_work_months"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Tot_Groups"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_Tot_points"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_Tot_pmd"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Avg_PMD"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Avg_Pnts"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Pnts_Per_Head"];
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Avg_Cust"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = iRowCounter - 3;
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_eora_code"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_eora_name"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Pres_Desig"];
                                if (dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_DOJ"].ToString() != "")
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = Convert.ToDateTime(dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_DOJ"]).ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy");
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = "";
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Serv_Length"];
                                if (dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Last_Prm_Date"].ToString() != "")
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = Convert.ToDateTime(dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Last_Prm_Date"]).ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy");
                                    worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = "";
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_LOS_In_PresDesig"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_state_code"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_branch_Name"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Lvl1_Name"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Lvl2_Name"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Lvl3_Name"];

                                int iMonthNo = Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Month_SlNo"]);
                                //int iStartColumn = 0;
                                iColumnCounter      = (7 * iMonthNo) + 7;
                                rgHead              = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter) + "2", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter + 6) + "2");
                                rgHead.Cells.Value2 = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_doc_month"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_pmd"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_points"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Pers_Cust"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_groups"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_pmd"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_points"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_Cust"];

                                iColumnCounter = iTotColumns - 11;
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_work_months"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_Tot_pmd"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_pers_Tot_points"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Pers_Tot_Cust"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_work_months"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Tot_Groups"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_Tot_points"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_group_Tot_pmd"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Avg_PMD"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Avg_Pnts"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Pnts_Per_Head"];
                                worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["al_Avg_Cust"];

                            iColumnCounter = 1;
                catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (strRep == "STOCKPOINT_RECONSILATION")
                    string[] strBranchCode;
                    strBranchCode = ((SSAdmin.NewCheckboxListItem)(clbGLList.SelectedItem)).Tag.ToString().Split('@');
                    objExDb       = new ExcelDB();
                    DataTable dtExcel = objExDb.BRWiseStockReconsilation(strBranchCode[1], strBranchCode[0], Convert.ToDateTime(dtpDate.Value).ToString("MMMyyyy"), "").Tables[0];
                    objExDb = null;

                    if (dtExcel.Rows.Count > 0)
                        Excel.Application oXL         = new Excel.Application();
                        Excel.Workbook    theWorkbook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                        Excel.Worksheet   worksheet   = (Excel.Worksheet)oXL.ActiveSheet;
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "U1");
                        rg.Value2              = "STOCK RECONSILATION";
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                        rgData = worksheet.get_Range("W1", "Y1");
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                        rgData.Value2              = "DOC MONTH : " + dtpDate.Value.ToString("MMMyyyy");
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("A4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 5;
                        rg.Cells.Value2      = "Sl.No";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("B4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;
                        rg.Value2            = " SP NAME";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("C4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;
                        rg.Value2            = " PRODUCT NAME";

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                        rg.Value2              = "OPENING STOCK";
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("D4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "GOOD";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("E4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "DAMAGE";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("F4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "TOTAL";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("G2", "I3");
                        rg.Value2              = "RECEIPTS(GRN)";
                        rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 3;
                        rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 8;
                        rg.Font.Bold           = true; rg.Font.Size = 12;
                        rg.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("G4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "GOOD";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("H4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "DAMAGE";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("I4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "TOTAL";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("J2", "P2");
                        rg.Value2              = "ISSUES";
                        rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2;
                        rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 5;
                        rg.Font.Bold           = true; rg.Font.Size = 12;
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("J3", "J4");
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                        rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2;
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                        rg.Value2              = "DCST";
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("K4", Type.Missing);
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                        rg.Value2            = "GOOD";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("L4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "DAMAGE";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("M4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "TOTAL";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("N3", "P3");
                        rg.Value2              = "TOTAL";
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                        rg.Font.Bold           = true; rg.Font.Size = 12;
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("N4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "GOOD";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("O4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "DAMAGE";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("P4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "TOTAL";

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                        //rg.Value2 = "";
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                        //rg = worksheet.get_Range("Q4", Type.Missing);

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                        rg.Value2              = "INTERNAL CONVERSION";
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("S4", Type.Missing);
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("T4", Type.Missing);
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("W4", Type.Missing);
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                        rg.Value2            = "GOOD";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("X4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "DAMAGE";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("Y4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
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                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["rs_recieved_damage"].ToString();
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                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["rs_stock_dispatched_DCST"].ToString();
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                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["rs_stock_dispatched_dmg"].ToString();
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                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["rs_refill_recieved"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["rs_interconv_to_bad"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["rs_interconv_to_good"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["rs_remarks_shortage"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["rs_remarks_excess"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["rs_closing_stock_good"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["rs_closing_stock_damage"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["rs_closing_stock_total"].ToString();


                catch (Exception ex)
        private void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            objExcelDB   = new ExcelDB();
            objUtilityDB = new UtilityDB();
            DataTable dtExcel = objExcelDB.GetEmpPerfAgainstAsset(company, branches, finyear, documentMonth, sAssetType, sAssetModel, sEcode, "").Tables[0];

            objExcelDB = null;

            int iTotColumns = 0;

            if (dtExcel.Rows.Count > 0)
                Excel.Application oXL         = new Excel.Application();
                Excel.Workbook    theWorkbook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                Excel.Worksheet   worksheet   = (Excel.Worksheet)oXL.ActiveSheet;
                oXL.Visible = true;
                iTotColumns = 8 + (7 * Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows[0]["sr_total_months"]));
                string      sLastColumn = objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iTotColumns);
                Excel.Range rg          = worksheet.get_Range("A3", sLastColumn + "3");
                Excel.Range rgData      = worksheet.get_Range("A3", sLastColumn + (Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows[0]["sr_Noof_Emps"]) + 3).ToString());
                rgData.Font.Size         = 11;
                rgData.WrapText          = true;
                rgData.VerticalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                rgData.Borders.Weight    = 2;

                rg.Font.Bold           = true;
                rg.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
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                rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2; // White Color : 2 and Red = 3,30; Green = 10,43;
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                rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 31;
                rg.Borders.Weight      = 2;
                rg.Borders.LineStyle   = Excel.Constants.xlSolid;
                rg.Cells.RowHeight     = 38;

                rg = worksheet.get_Range("A3", Type.Missing);
                rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 4;

                rg = worksheet.get_Range("B3", Type.Missing);
                rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 6;

                rg = worksheet.get_Range("C3", Type.Missing);
                rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;

                rg = worksheet.get_Range("D3", Type.Missing);
                rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;

                rg = worksheet.get_Range("E3", Type.Missing);
                rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;

                rg = worksheet.get_Range("F3", Type.Missing);
                rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 40;

                rg = worksheet.get_Range("G3", Type.Missing);
                rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;

                rg = worksheet.get_Range("H3", Type.Missing);
                rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 7;

                worksheet.Cells[3, 1] = "SlNo";
                worksheet.Cells[3, 2] = "Ecode";
                worksheet.Cells[3, 3] = "Name";
                worksheet.Cells[3, 4] = "Desig";
                worksheet.Cells[3, 5] = "Doj";
                worksheet.Cells[3, 6] = "Branch";
                worksheet.Cells[3, 7] = "PhoneNo";
                worksheet.Cells[3, 8] = "Issued Month";
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                    rgHead.Cells.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
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                    int iStartColumn = 0;
                    iStartColumn = (7 * iMonths) + 2;

                    rgHead = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iStartColumn) + "2", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iStartColumn + 6) + "2");
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                    rgHead.Interior.ColorIndex       = 32 + iMonths;
                    rgHead.Borders.Weight            = 2;
                    rgHead.Borders.LineStyle         = Excel.Constants.xlSolid;
                    rgHead.Cells.RowHeight           = 20;
                    rgHead.Font.Size                 = 14;
                    rgHead.Font.ColorIndex           = 1;
                    rgHead.Font.Bold                 = true;
                    rgHead.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                    rgHead.Cells.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                    rgHead = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iStartColumn) + "3", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iStartColumn + 6) + "3");
                    rgHead.Interior.ColorIndex = 32 + iMonths;
                    rgHead.Font.ColorIndex     = 1;
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                    //rgHead.Cells.Value2 = CommonData.BranchName + "";

                    worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn]     = "Pers Points";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 1] = "Pers Cust";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 2] = "Groups";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 3] = "Avg Pmd";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 4] = "Group Points";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 5] = "Points P/G";
                    worksheet.Cells[3, iStartColumn + 6] = "Group Cust";
                int iRowCounter = 4; int iColumnCounter = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < dtExcel.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        if (dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_eora_code"].ToString() == dtExcel.Rows[i - 1]["sr_eora_code"].ToString())
                            int iMonthNo = Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_Montn_SlNo"]);
                            //int iStartColumn = 0;
                            iColumnCounter = (7 * iMonthNo) + 2;
                            Excel.Range rgHead = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter) + "2", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter + 6) + "2");
                            rgHead.Cells.Value2 = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_doc_month"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_pers_points"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_pers_cust"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_groups"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_group_avgpmd"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_group_points"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_points_pergroup"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_group_cust"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = iRowCounter - 3;
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_eora_code"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_eora_name"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_desig"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_doj"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_branch_name"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_cont_no"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_issue_month"];
                            int iMonthNo = Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_Montn_SlNo"]);
                            //int iStartColumn = 0;
                            iColumnCounter = (7 * iMonthNo) + 2;
                            Excel.Range rgHead = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter) + "2", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter + 6) + "2");
                            rgHead.Cells.Value2 = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_doc_month"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_pers_points"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_pers_cust"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_groups"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_group_avgpmd"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_group_points"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_points_pergroup"];
                            worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_group_cust"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = iRowCounter - 3;
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_eora_code"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_eora_name"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_desig"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_doj"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_branch_name"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_cont_no"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_issue_month"];
                        int iMonthNo = Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_Montn_SlNo"]);
                        //int iStartColumn = 0;
                        iColumnCounter = (7 * iMonthNo) + 2;
                        Excel.Range rgHead = worksheet.get_Range(objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter) + "2", objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iColumnCounter + 6) + "2");
                        rgHead.Cells.Value2 = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_doc_month"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_pers_points"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_pers_cust"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_groups"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_group_avgpmd"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_group_points"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_points_pergroup"];
                        worksheet.Cells[iRowCounter, iColumnCounter++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_group_cust"];

                    iColumnCounter = 1;
        private void excelDwnldCollectReg()
                DataTable dtEx    = new DataTable();
                ExcelDB   objExDb = new ExcelDB();
                dtEx = objExDb.GetDlCollReg(CommonData.CompanyCode, CommonData.BranchCode, dtpInvoiceFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy").ToUpper(), dtpInvoiceToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"), "ALL", "").Tables[0];
                if (dtEx.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Excel.Application oXL         = new Excel.Application();
                    Excel.Workbook    theWorkbook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                    Excel.Worksheet   worksheet   = (Excel.Worksheet)oXL.ActiveSheet;
                    worksheet.Name = CommonData.DocMonth.ToUpper();
                    oXL.Visible    = true;
                    Excel.Range rgHead = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "VP1");
                    rgHead.Font.Size         = 14;
                    rgHead.Cells.MergeCells  = true;
                    rgHead.VerticalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                    rgHead.Font.Bold         = true;
                    rgHead.Font.ColorIndex   = 30;
                    rgHead.Borders.Weight    = 2;

                    Excel.Range rg     = worksheet.get_Range("A2", "S2");
                    Excel.Range rgData = worksheet.get_Range("A3", "S2" + (dtEx.Rows.Count + 2).ToString());
                    rgData.Font.Size         = 11;
                    rgData.WrapText          = true;
                    rgData.VerticalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                    rgData.Borders.Weight    = 2;

                    rg.Font.Bold           = true;
                    rg.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
                    rg.Font.Size           = 10;
                    rg.WrapText            = true;
                    rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2; // White Color : 2 and Red = 3,30; Green = 10,43;
                    rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                    rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 31;
                    rg.Borders.Weight      = 2;
                    rg.Borders.LineStyle   = Excel.Constants.xlSolid;
                    rg.Cells.RowHeight     = 38;

                    rgHead = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "S1");
                    rgHead.Cells.ColumnWidth = 5;
                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("A2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 5;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Sl.No";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("B2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Company";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("C2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Branch";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("D2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Financial Year";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("E2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 7;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "TRN Date";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("F2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 7;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Transaction No";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("G2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 7;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Ref No";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("H2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 7;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Dealer Code";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("I2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 13;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Firm Name";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("J2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 7;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Dealer Village";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("K2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Dealer Mandal";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("L2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Dealer Distrcit";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("M2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Dealer State";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("N2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Payment Mode";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("O2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Cheq/DD No";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("P2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 20;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Collected By";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("Q2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 20;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Received Amount";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("R2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 20;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Remarks";

                    rg = worksheet.get_Range("S2", Type.Missing);
                    rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 20;
                    rg.Cells.Value2      = "Entered By";

                    int RowCounter = 2;
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtEx.Rows)
                        int i = 1;
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = RowCounter - 1;
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["Company_Name"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["Branch_Name"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["FinYear"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["ReceivedDate"]).ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy");
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["VoucherId"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["ReferenceNo"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["DealerCode"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["FirmName"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["DealerVillage"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["DealerMandal"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["DealerDistrict"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["DealerSate"].ToString();

                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["PaymentMode"].ToString();

                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["CheqOrDDNo"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["CollectedBy"].ToString();

                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["ReceivedAmount"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["Remarks"].ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 1, i++] = dr["EnteredBy"].ToString();
                    //worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 2, 22] = "=SUM(V3:V" + (dtEx.Rows.Count + 2) + ")";
                    //catch (Exception ex)
                    //    MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (CheckData())

                    if (cbDesig.Text == "SR")

                        objExDb      = new ExcelDB();
                        objUtilityDB = new UtilityDB();
                        DataTable dtExcel = new DataTable();
                        dtExcel = objExDb.GetAllIndiaTopSrDownloadExcel(Company, Branches, txtNoofRecords.Text.ToString(), dtpFromDoc.Value.ToString("MMMyyyy"), dtpToDoc.Value.ToString("MMMyyyy"), "").Tables[0];
                        objExDb = null;

                        if (dtExcel.Rows.Count > 0)
                            Excel.Application oXL         = new Excel.Application();
                            Excel.Workbook    theWorkbook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                            Excel.Worksheet   worksheet   = (Excel.Worksheet)oXL.ActiveSheet;
                            oXL.Visible = true;
                            int iTotColumns = 0;
                            iTotColumns = 7;
                            string      sLastColumn = objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iTotColumns);
                            Excel.Range rg          = worksheet.get_Range("A3", sLastColumn + "3");
                            Excel.Range rgData      = worksheet.get_Range("A3", sLastColumn + (Convert.ToInt32(dtExcel.Rows.Count) + 3).ToString());
                            rgData.Font.Size         = 11;
                            rgData.WrapText          = true;
                            rgData.VerticalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                            rgData.Borders.Weight    = 2;

                            rg.Font.Bold           = true;
                            rg.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
                            rg.Font.Size           = 10;
                            rg.WrapText            = true;
                            rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2; // White Color : 2 and Red = 3,30; Green = 10,43;
                            rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                            rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 31;
                            rg.Borders.Weight      = 2;
                            rg.Borders.LineStyle   = Excel.Constants.xlSolid;
                            rg.Cells.RowHeight     = 38;

                            Excel.Range rgHead = null;
                            rgHead = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "G2");
                            rgHead.Font.Size                 = 14;
                            rgHead.Font.ColorIndex           = 1;
                            rgHead.Font.Bold                 = true;
                            rgHead.Cells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                            rgHead.Cells.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                            string NoOfRecords = txtNoofRecords.Text.ToString();
                            rgHead.Cells.Value2 = "ALL INDIA TOP " + NoOfRecords + " SR's";

                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("A3", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 7;

                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("B3", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 15;

                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("C3", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 8;

                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("D3", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;

                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("E3", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 35;

                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("F3", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;

                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("G3", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;

                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("H3", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;

                            int iColumn = 1;
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Rank";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Emp Pic";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Ecode";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Emp Name ";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Brance Name";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Region";
                            worksheet.Cells[3, iColumn++] = "Total Points";

                            iColumn = 1;
                            for (int i = 0; i < dtExcel.Rows.Count; i++)
                                string strImgFile = "";

                                worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = (i + 1).ToString();

                                if (dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_Photo"].ToString() != "")
                                    strImgFile = byteArrayToImage((byte[])dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_Photo"]);

                                    Excel.Range CellRange = (Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++];
                                    float       Left      = (float)((double)CellRange.Left);
                                    float       Top       = (float)((double)CellRange.Top);
                                    float       ImageSize = 65;
                                    worksheet.Shapes.AddPicture(strImgFile, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue, Left + 2, Top + 2, ImageSize, ImageSize);
                                    CellRange.RowHeight = ImageSize + 2;
                                    worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = "";

                                worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_eora_code"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_eora_name"].ToString();

                                worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_branch_Name"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_region_name"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[i + 4, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["sr_total_points"].ToString();

                                iColumn = 1;

                            MessageBox.Show("No Data Found!", "SSERP", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    if (cbDesig.Text == "GC" || cbDesig.Text == "GL")

                        objExDb      = new ExcelDB();
                        objUtilityDB = new UtilityDB();
                        DataTable dtExcel = new DataTable();
                        dtExcel = objExDb.GetAllIndiaTopGLSDownloadExcel(Company, Branches, txtNoofRecords.Text.ToString(), dtpFromDoc.Value.ToString("MMMyyyy"), dtpToDoc.Value.ToString("MMMyyyy"), "").Tables[0];
                        objExDb = null;

                        if (dtExcel.Rows.Count > 0)
                            Excel.Application oXL         = new Excel.Application();
                            Excel.Workbook    theWorkbook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                            Excel.Worksheet   worksheet   = (Excel.Worksheet)oXL.ActiveSheet;
                            oXL.Visible = true;
                            int iTotColumns = 0;
                            iTotColumns = 9;
                            string      sLastColumn = objUtilityDB.GetColumnName(iTotColumns);
                            Excel.Range rgHead      = null;
                            Excel.Range rg          = worksheet.get_Range("A4", sLastColumn + "4");
                            Excel.Range rgData      = worksheet.get_Range("A5", sLastColumn + (dtExcel.Rows.Count + 4).ToString());
                            rgData.Font.Size         = 11;
                            rgData.WrapText          = true;
                            rgData.VerticalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                            rgData.Borders.Weight    = 2;

                            rgData = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "G3");
                            rgData.Font.Bold           = true; rgData.Font.Size = 16;
                            rgData.Value2              = "ALL INDIA TOP " + txtNoofRecords.Text.ToString() + " GC/GL'S ";
                            rgData.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                            rgData.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                            rg.Font.Bold           = true;
                            rg.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
                            rg.Font.Size           = 10;
                            rg.WrapText            = true;
                            rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2; // White Color : 2 and Red = 3,30; Green = 10,43;
                            rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                            rg.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                            rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 31;
                            rg.Borders.Weight      = 2;
                            rg.Borders.LineStyle   = Excel.Constants.xlSolid;
                            rg.Cells.RowHeight     = 38;

                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("A4", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 4;
                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("B4", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 15;
                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("C4", Type.Missing);
                            rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 8;
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                            rg = worksheet.get_Range("H3", "I3");
                            rg.Value2              = "TOTAL";
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                            int iColumn = 1, iStartRow = 4;
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "SlNo";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Emp Pic";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Ecode";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Emp Name";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Branch Name";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Region";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Category";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Groups";
                            worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "Points P/G";

                            iStartRow++; iColumn = 1;
                            for (int i = 0; i < dtExcel.Rows.Count; i++)
                                string strImgFile = "";

                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = (i + 1).ToString();

                                if (dtExcel.Rows[i]["gl_Photo"].ToString() != "")
                                    strImgFile = byteArrayToImage((byte[])dtExcel.Rows[i]["gl_Photo"]);

                                    Excel.Range CellRange = (Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++];
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                                    worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = "";

                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["gl_eora_code"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["gl_eora_name"].ToString();

                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["gl_branch_Name"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["gl_region_name"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["gl_category"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["gl_groups"].ToString();
                                worksheet.Cells[iStartRow, iColumn++] = dtExcel.Rows[i]["gl_points_avg"].ToString();
                                iStartRow++; iColumn = 1;

                            MessageBox.Show("No Data Found!", "SSERP", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                catch (Exception ex)
            if (iFrmType == 1)
                    objExDb = new ExcelDB();
                    DataTable dtExcel = objExDb.StateWiseStockReconsilation(Company, Branches, dtpFromDoc.Value.ToString("MMMyyyy").ToUpper(), "").Tables[0];
                    objExDb = null;

                    if (dtExcel.Rows.Count > 0)
                        Excel.Application oXL         = new Excel.Application();
                        Excel.Workbook    theWorkbook = oXL.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                        Excel.Worksheet   worksheet   = (Excel.Worksheet)oXL.ActiveSheet;
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                        Excel.Range rg = worksheet.get_Range("A4", "Y4");

                        Excel.Range rgData = worksheet.get_Range("A4", "Y" + (dtExcel.Rows.Count + 4).ToString());
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "U1");
                        rg.Value2              = "STOCK RECONSILATION";
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                        rgData = worksheet.get_Range("W1", "Y1");
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                        rgData.Value2              = "DOC MONTH : " + dtpFromDoc.Value.ToString("MMMyyyy");
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                        rgData.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("A4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 5;
                        rg.Cells.Value2      = "Sl.No";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("B4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;
                        rg.Value2            = " SP NAME";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("C4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 30;
                        rg.Value2            = " BRANCH NAME";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("D2", "F3");
                        rg.Value2              = "OPENING STOCK";
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                        rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("D4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "GOOD";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("E4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "DAMAGE";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("F4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "TOTAL";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("G2", "I3");
                        rg.Value2              = "RECEIPTS(GRN)";
                        rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 3;
                        rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 8;
                        rg.Font.Bold           = true; rg.Font.Size = 12;
                        rg.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("G4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "GOOD";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("H4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "DAMAGE";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("I4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "TOTAL";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("J2", "P2");
                        rg.Value2              = "ISSUES";
                        rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2;
                        rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 5;
                        rg.Font.Bold           = true; rg.Font.Size = 12;
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("J3", "J4");
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                        rg.Font.ColorIndex     = 2;
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                        rg.Value2 = " DC GOOD";

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                        rg.Value2              = "DCST";
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                        rg.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("K4", Type.Missing);
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                        rg.Value2            = "GOOD";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("L4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "DAMAGE";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("M4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "TOTAL";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("N3", "P3");
                        rg.Value2              = "TOTAL";
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                        rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 21;
                        rg.Font.Bold           = true; rg.Font.Size = 12;
                        rg.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("N4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "GOOD";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("O4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "DAMAGE";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("P4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "TOTAL";

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                        //rg.Value2 = "";
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                        //rg = worksheet.get_Range("Q4", Type.Missing);

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                        rg.Font.Bold           = true; rg.Font.Size = 12;
                        rg.Value2              = "DSPU_ISSUE DAMAGE";
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                        rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

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                        //rg.Value2 = "";
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                        rg.WrapText            = true;
                        rg.Font.Bold           = true; rg.Font.Size = 12;
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                        rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("S2", "T3");
                        rg.Value2              = "INTERNAL CONVERSION";
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                        rg.Font.Bold           = true; rg.Font.Size = 12;
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                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("S4", Type.Missing);
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                        rg.Value2            = "G2D";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("T4", Type.Missing);
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                        rg.Font.Bold           = true; rg.Font.Size = 12;
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                        rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

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                        //rg.Value2 = "";

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                        rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("W2", "Y3");
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                        rg.Interior.ColorIndex = 21;
                        rg.Font.Bold           = true; rg.Font.Size = 12;
                        rg.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;
                        rg.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.Constants.xlCenter;

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("W4", Type.Missing);
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                        rg.Value2            = "GOOD";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("X4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "DAMAGE";

                        rg = worksheet.get_Range("Y4", Type.Missing);
                        rg.Cells.ColumnWidth = 10;
                        rg.Value2            = "TOTAL";

                        int RowCounter = 1;

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                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = RowCounter;
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                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_OPST_GOOD"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_OPST_DMG"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_OPST_TOT"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_GRN_GOOD"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_GRN_DMG"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_GRN_TOT"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_DC_GOOD"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_DCST_GOOD"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_DCST_DMG"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_DCST_TOT"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_ISSUE_GOOD"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_ISSUE_DMG"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_ISSUE_TOT"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_REFILL_DC"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_REFILL_GRN"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_INTCNV_G2D"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["SMS_INTCNV_D2G"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_SHORTAGE_TOT"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_EXCESS_TOT"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_CLOSING_GOOD"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_CLOSING_DMG"].ToString();
                            worksheet.Cells[RowCounter + 4, i++] = dr["MSMS_CLOSING_TOT"].ToString();


                catch (Exception ex)