        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                if (Request.QueryString.Count >= 2)
                    string s   = "test";
                    string id0 = Request.QueryString["StudentId"];
                    ViewState.Add("StudentId", id0);
                    string id1 = Request.QueryString["OptionId"];
                    ExamComponentResultList ecrl1 = new ExamComponentResultList();
                    ecrl1.Load_OptionStudent(new Guid(id1), new Guid(id0));
                    SimplePupil   pupil1 = new SimplePupil(); pupil1.Load(id0);
                    ExamOption    exo1   = new ExamOption(); exo1.Load(new Guid(id1));
                    ExamComponent ec1    = new ExamComponent();
                    ResultsList   rl1    = new ResultsList();
                    rl1.LoadListSimple(" WHERE (ExamsOptionId = '" + id1 + "') AND (StudentID = '" + id0 + "')");
                    Result r1 = new Result();
                    r1 = (Result)rl1._results[0];
                    s  = " <p><h3> Component Scores for ";
                    s += pupil1.m_GivenName + " " + pupil1.m_Surname + " for " + exo1.m_OptionTitle + "(" + r1.Text + ")</h3></p>";
                    s += "This table gives your component marks for this subject. Please note these are <b>not</b> UMS marks. ";
                    s += "<br/> The sum of the component marks gives your TQM (Total Qualification Mark), which leads to your final grade.";
                    s += "The table below tells you how the TQM is related to the final grade, i.e. the grade boundaries, if we know them! If not, please speak to a member of staff in school.";

                    s += "<br/><br /> Note that for Drama and Music the non-integer Scaling factors may mean that the component marks do not exactly add up to the TQM. In this case the TQM is CORRECT!<br/>";

                    s += "<br/><br /><TABLE BORDER   class=\"ResultsTbl\" style = \"font-size:small\"   align=\"center\">";
                    s += "<TR><th>Syllabus Code</th><th>Option Code</th><th>Component Code</th><th>Component Name</th>";
                    s += "<th>Mark</th> <th>Max Mark</th></tr>";
                    foreach (ExamComponentResult r in ecrl1.m_list)
                        s += "<tr align=\"center\">";
                        s += "<td>" + exo1.m_Syllabus_Code + "</td>";
                        s += "<td>" + exo1.m_OptionCode + "</td>";
                        s += "<td>" + ec1.m_ComponentCode + "</td>";
                        s += "<TD>" + ec1.m_ComponentTitle + "</td>";
                        s += "<td>" + r.ComponentScaledMark.ToString() + "</td>";
                        s += "<td>" + ec1.m_MaximumMark.ToString() + "</td>";
                        s += " </tr>";
                    s += "</table>";
                    ExamTQMBoundaryList bl1 = new ExamTQMBoundaryList();//will be ordered largest first
                    bl1.LoadList(new Guid(id1), exo1.m_year_Code, exo1.m_Season_code);

                    s += "<br/><br/>"; s += " <p><h3 align=\"center\" > TQM Grade Boundaries</h3></p>";
                    s += "<TABLE BORDER   class=\"TimetableTable\" style = \"font-size:small\" align=\"center\"  >";
                    s += "<tr><th>Grade</th><th>  TQM   </th></tr>";
                    foreach (ExamTQMBoundary eb in bl1.m_list)
                        s += "<tr><td>" + eb.Grade + "</td><td>" + eb.Mark + "</td></tr>";

                    s += "</table>";

                    content.InnerHtml = s;
        protected void DropDownList_Options_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //so option selection .. need to get TQM data
            ExamTQMBoundaryList bl1 = new ExamTQMBoundaryList();//will be ordered largest first

            bl1.LoadList(new Guid(DropDownList_Options.SelectedValue), YearCode.ToString(), SeasonCode.ToString());

            Current_Data.InnerHtml = UpdateCurrentData(bl1);
        private string UpdateCurrentData(ExamTQMBoundaryList bl1)
            string s = " <p><h3 align=\"center\" > Current TQM Data held for " + DropDownList_Options.SelectedItem.ToString() + "</h3></p>";

            s += "<TABLE BORDER   class=\"TimetableTable\" style = \"font-size:small\" align=\"center\"  >";
            s += "<tr><th>Grade</th><th>  TQM   </th></tr>";
            foreach (ExamTQMBoundary eb in bl1.m_list)
                s += "<tr><td>" + eb.Grade + "</td><td>" + eb.Mark + "</td></tr>";
            s += "</table>";
        protected void Button_Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //so first check we have a valid option and value
            int v = 0;

                v = System.Convert.ToInt32(TextBox_Value.Text);
                //flag error
            ExamOption ex1 = new ExamOption();

            ex1.Load(new Guid(DropDownList_Options.SelectedValue));
            if (!ex1.m_valid)
                //flag error

            ExamTQMBoundaryList exTQMlist1 = new ExamTQMBoundaryList();

            exTQMlist1.LoadList(ex1.m_OptionID, YearCode.ToString(), SeasonCode.ToString());
            bool found = false;

            foreach (ExamTQMBoundary eb in exTQMlist1.m_list)
                if (eb.Grade == DropDownList_Grades.SelectedItem.Value)
                    found   = true;
                    eb.Mark = v;
            if (!found)
                ExamTQMBoundary eb1 = new ExamTQMBoundary();
                eb1.OptionId = ex1.m_OptionID; eb1.Season = SeasonCode.ToString(); eb1.Year = YearCode.ToString();
                eb1.Grade    = DropDownList_Grades.SelectedItem.Value; eb1.Mark = v; eb1.Version = 1;
            exTQMlist1.LoadList(ex1.m_OptionID, YearCode.ToString(), SeasonCode.ToString());
            Current_Data.InnerHtml = UpdateCurrentData(exTQMlist1);
        protected void Button_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ExamOption ex1 = new ExamOption();

            ex1.Load(new Guid(DropDownList_Options.SelectedValue));
            if (!ex1.m_valid)
                //flag error
            ExamTQMBoundaryList exTQMlist1 = new ExamTQMBoundaryList();

            exTQMlist1.LoadList(ex1.m_OptionID, YearCode.ToString(), SeasonCode.ToString());
            foreach (ExamTQMBoundary eb in exTQMlist1.m_list)
            exTQMlist1.LoadList(ex1.m_OptionID, YearCode.ToString(), SeasonCode.ToString());
            Current_Data.InnerHtml = UpdateCurrentData(exTQMlist1);
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //file has  Board short name/optioncode/grade/mark

            if (!FileUpload1.HasFile)
            Cerval_Library.TextReader TxtRd1 = new Cerval_Library.TextReader();
            TextRecord t = new TextRecord(); int l = 0; int n = 0;
            string     s1 = ""; char ct = (char)0x09;

            int  n_Board = 0; int n_OptionCode = 0; int n_Grade = 0; int n_Mark = 0;
            bool f_Board = false; bool f_OptionCode = false; bool f_Grade = false; bool f_Mark = false;

            while (TxtRd1.ReadTextLine(FileUpload1.FileContent, ref t) == Cerval_Library.TextReader.READ_LINE_STATUS.VALID)
                l = s1.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i <= t.number_fields; i++)
                    s1 += t.field[i] + ct;
                if (s1.Length > l)
                    s1 += Environment.NewLine;
                if (n == 0)
                    //going to look for our columns:
                    for (int i = 0; i <= t.number_fields; i++)
                        switch (t.field[i])
                        case "Board": n_Board = i; f_Board = true; break;

                        case "Option": n_OptionCode = i; f_OptionCode = true; break;

                        case "Mark": n_Mark = i; f_Mark = true; break;

                        case "Grade": n_Grade = i; f_Grade = true; break;

                        default: break;

                    // so do we have all the required columns??
                    if (!(f_Board && f_OptionCode && f_Grade && f_Mark))
                        Label_Text.Text = "Can't recognise the format of this file. ";
                        if (!f_Board)
                            Label_Text.Text += "No Board Column";
                        if (!f_OptionCode)
                            Label_Text.Text += "No Option Column";
                        if (!f_Mark)
                            Label_Text.Text += "No  Mark Column";
                        if (!f_Grade)
                            Label_Text.Text += "No Grade Column";
                        Label_Text.Text = "File Format Fine:   ";

            //so process the file...
            string s2 = "";

            char[]   ct1 = new char[1]; ct1[0] = (char)0x09;
            string[] fields = new string[20];

            using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(s1))
                string firstline = sr.ReadLine();
                string line;

                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    fields = line.Split(ct1);
                    bool       found = false;
                    Exam_Board eb1   = new Exam_Board();
                    ExamOption eo1 = new ExamOption();
                    if (eo1.Load(fields[n_OptionCode], SeasonCode.ToString(), YearCode.ToString(), eb1.m_ExamBoardId))
                        //valid option cod
                        ExamTQMBoundaryList l1 = new ExamTQMBoundaryList();
                        l1.LoadList(eo1.m_OptionID, YearCode.ToString(), SeasonCode.ToString());
                        foreach (ExamTQMBoundary b in l1.m_list)
                            if (b.Grade == fields[n_Grade])
                                b.Mark = Convert.ToInt32(fields[n_Mark]);
                                found = true;
                                s2   += eb1.m_OrganisationFriendlyName + ct + eo1.m_OptionCode + ct + eo1.m_OptionTitle + ct + b.Grade + ct + b.Mark + ct + "Updated" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                        if (!found)
                            ExamTQMBoundary etqm1 = new ExamTQMBoundary();
                            etqm1.OptionId    = eo1.m_OptionID;
                            etqm1.Mark        = Convert.ToInt32(fields[n_Mark]);
                            etqm1.Grade       = fields[n_Grade];
                            etqm1.OptionCode  = eo1.m_OptionCode;
                            etqm1.OptionTitle = eo1.m_OptionTitle;
                            etqm1.Season      = SeasonCode.ToString();
                            etqm1.Year        = YearCode.ToString();
                            etqm1.Version     = 22;
                            s2 += eb1.m_OrganisationFriendlyName + ct + eo1.m_OptionCode + ct + eo1.m_OptionTitle + ct + etqm1.Grade + ct + etqm1.Mark + ct + "New Entry" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                Label_Text.Text = " Completed... saved as below:";
                TextBox1.Text   = s2;