private void ExamNotes() { string cmdText; string patientID = Request.QueryString["PatientID"]; if (patientID == null || patientID.Trim() == "") { throw new ApplicationException("Patient information is not available"); } string examID = Request.QueryString["ExamID"]; //checking whether the examid exists if (examID == null || examID == "") examID = "0"; //if (examID != "") //{ cmdText = String.Format("SELECT TOP 1 ExamID FROM Exam WHERE ExamID = {0} OR (PatientID = {1} AND ExamDate = '{2}') ORDER BY ExamID DESC" , examID, patientID, DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); object retValue = DBUtil.ExecuteScalar(cmdText); if (retValue == null) examID = ""; else { examID = retValue.ToString(); hdnExamID.Value = examID; notesType = ExamNotesType.Correct; } //} PopulateHeader(patientID); if (hdnPatientID.Value == "") throw new ApplicationException("Patient information is not available"); else { string userDefaultID = Request.QueryString["UserDefaultID"]; BindExamDefaultDropDown(userDefaultID); //getting the last Exam record for the patient cmdText = "SELECT TOP 1 ExamID FROM EXAM WHERE PatientID = " + hdnPatientID.Value; if (examID != "") cmdText += " AND ExamID = " + examID; cmdText += " ORDER BY SavedInd DESC, ExamDate DESC, ExamID DESC"; SqlDataReader drExam = DBUtil.ExecuteReader(cmdText); if (drExam.Read()) { if (drExam["ExamID"].ToString() != "") { examID = drExam["ExamID"].ToString(); cmdText = "SELECT ExamText, ExamDate, SavedInd FROM Exam WHERE ExamID = " + examID; SqlDataReader drLastExam = DBUtil.ExecuteReader(cmdText); drLastExam.Read(); if (drLastExam["SavedInd"].ToString() == "1") { hdnExamID.Value = examID; notesType = ExamNotesType.Saved; } SetValues(drLastExam.GetString(0)); if(notesType != ExamNotesType.Saved) SetPriorValues(); //loading the overriding defaults LoadExamDefaults(userDefaultID, patientID); if (notesType == ExamNotesType.New) { string lastExamDate = drLastExam["ExamDate"].ToString(); LastExam.Text = DateTime.Parse(lastExamDate).ToShortDateString(); } if (notesType == ExamNotesType.Correct) { string lastExamDate = drLastExam["ExamDate"].ToString(); ExamDate.Text = DateTime.Parse(lastExamDate).ToShortDateString(); } drLastExam.Close(); drLastExam.Dispose(); } } else { //commenting this code out as we are not loading defaults based on age //there is no last exam, so getting the defaults //hdnDefaultInd.Value = "1"; //setting an indicator that the system is setting defaults. //examDefaultID = GetDefaultExamID(); //supressing the defaults -- for poony hdnDefaultInd.Value = ""; LoadExamDefaults(userDefaultID, patientID); } drExam.Close(); drExam.Dispose(); } if(notesType == ExamNotesType.New) PopulateHeader(patientID); if (notesType == ExamNotesType.New) { if(previousAge != "") Summary.Text = Summary.Text.Replace(previousAge, Age.Value); Discussed.Text = "Discussed findings with " + patientName; if (HxFrom.Text.ToString() != "" && HxFrom.Text != "patient") { string displaySex = ""; string hxFrom = ""; if (HxFrom.Text.IndexOf("patient and") >= 0) { hxFrom = HxFrom.Text.Replace("patient and", "").Trim(); if (Sex.Text.ToLower() == female) displaySex += "her"; else if (Sex.Text.ToLower() == male) displaySex += "his"; Discussed.Text += " and " + displaySex + " " + hxFrom; } else { Discussed.Text += "'s " + HxFrom.Text; } } //setting the Copy To CopyTo.Text = Refd.Text; if (Refd.Text != RefDoctor.Text) CopyTo.Text += ", " + RefDoctor.Text; } else { if(notesType == ExamNotesType.Correct) ExamDate.IsReadOnly = true; } if (notesType == ExamNotesType.New) SetBackgroundColours(1); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Context.Items["ShowTitle"] = true; pageControls = FlattenHierachy(Page); //getting the colour types selected by the user string[] arr = hdnColourType.Value.Split(','); foreach (string str in arr) { if (str != "" && !ColourType.ContainsKey(str)) ColourType.Add(str, ""); hdnColourType.Value = ""; } //setting the doctor as the userName if (Request.QueryString["DoctorUserName"] != null) doctorUserName = Request.QueryString["DoctorUserName"]; if (!IsPostBack) { LastExamElse.Visible = false; string cmdText = "SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName as DoctorName, UserName FROM [User]"; SqlDataReader drUser = DBUtil.ExecuteReader(cmdText); WebUtil.BindLookupDropDown(User, drUser, "DoctorName", "UserName"); drUser.Close(); drUser.Dispose(); WebUtil.SelectDropDownValue(User, doctorUserName); //populating the drop downs cmdText = "SELECT ControlName, FieldValue, RTrim(lu.FieldDescription) as FieldDescription, SortOrder"; cmdText += ", null as DefaultValue FROM ExamLookUp elu inner join LookUp lu on elu.FieldName = lu.FieldName"; lookUp = DBUtil.ExecuteDataTable(cmdText); PopulateDropDowns(); if (Request.QueryString["ExamDefaultID"] != null) ExamDefault(); else ExamNotes(); hdnNoteType.Value = ((int)notesType).ToString(); if (Dilate3.SelectedIndex == 0) //for backward compatibility as I removed the Not Dialted checkbox Dilate3.SelectedIndex = 1; } //getting the notes type for this page notesType = (ExamNotesType) Convert.ToInt32(hdnNoteType.Value); if (notesType == ExamNotesType.Correct) { HideSaveButtons(); btnSignOff.Text = "CORRECT"; btnSignOff1.Text = "CORRECT"; btnSignOff2.Text = "CORRECT"; btnSignOff3.Text = "CORRECT"; btnSignOff4.Text = "CORRECT"; } if (Request.QueryString["Print"] != null) { ExamPatientTab.HideTab = true; pnlComplaint.Visible = false; btnEditPatient.Visible = false; pnlVisual.Visible = false; pnlOcular.Visible = false; pnlAnterior.Visible = false; pnlLoc.Visible = false; } }
private void ExamDefault() { //for defining defaults string examDefaultID = Request.QueryString["ExamDefaultID"]; notesType = ExamNotesType.Default; Title = "Notes Default"; pnlHeader.Visible = false; pnlDefault.Visible = true; HideSaveButtons(); btnSignOff.Visible = false; btnSignOff1.Visible = false; btnSignOff2.Visible = false; btnSignOff3.Visible = false; btnSignOff4.Visible = false; btnDefault.Visible = true; string cmdText; cmdText = "SELECT UserID, FirstName + ' ' + LastName as DoctorName FROM [USER] ORDER BY DoctorName"; SqlDataReader drDoctor = DBUtil.ExecuteReader(cmdText); WebUtil.BindLookupDropDown(DoctorList, drDoctor, "DoctorName", "UserID"); DoctorList.Items[0].Value = "0"; //setting the blank field value to 0; drDoctor.Close(); drDoctor.Dispose(); //getting the previous text cmdText = "SELECT ExamDefaultID, DefaultName, AgeStart, AgeEnd, PrematureBirth, DoctorUserID, ExamText FROM ExamDefault WHERE ExamDefaultID = " + examDefaultID; SqlDataReader drExamDefault = DBUtil.ExecuteReader(cmdText); if (drExamDefault.Read()) { hdnExamDefaultID.Value = examDefaultID; SetValues(drExamDefault["ExamText"].ToString()); } else { hdnExamDefaultID.Value = "0"; } drExamDefault.Close(); drExamDefault.Dispose(); }