private void openExamBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Random r = new Random(); OpenFileDialog opendialog = new OpenFileDialog(); opendialog.Filter = "FCT Exam File (*.FCTEX)|*.FCTEX"; opendialog.DefaultExt = "FCTEX"; opendialog.AddExtension = true; requiredDetails = new RequiredDetails(studentNameTxtBox.Text, studentIDTxtBox.Text, studentPassTxtBox.Text, "TODO"); if (opendialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var examStringEncrypted = ExamHelper.GetExamFileAsBytes(opendialog.FileName); anExam = ExamHelper.GetExamFromFile(opendialog.FileName, studentPassTxtBox.Text, "", Security.FilterationSecurityLevel.Moderate); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } if (anExam == null) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Exam"); return; } PrepareExamEnvironment(); }
private void openExamBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { OpenFileDialog opendialog = new OpenFileDialog(); opendialog.Filter = "FCT Exam File (*.FCTEX)|*.FCTEX"; opendialog.DefaultExt = "FCTEX"; opendialog.AddExtension = true; if (opendialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { examStringEncrypted = ExamHelper.GetExamFileAsBytes(opendialog.FileName); anExam = ExamHelper.GetExamFromFile(opendialog.FileName, studentPassTxtBox.Text, "", FilterationSecurityLevel.Moderate); foreach (var q in anExam.QuestionsList) { QuizHelper.AddQuestionTortb(ref rtb, q.QuestionNumber, q, true, true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <Exm> exams = ExamHelper.GetAllExams(); gvExamList.DataSource = exams; gvExamList.DataBind(); }
private void submitExamBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string errMsg = ""; bool error = false; string remainingTime = remainingtimeLbl.Text; ExamLog.Add($"[{DateTime.Now}] [Student Tried to Submit SUBMIT EXAM] [Remaing time: {remainingTime}]"); foreach (var q in anExam.QuestionsList) { if (q.StudentAnswer == string.Empty || q.StudentAnswer == null) { error = true; errMsg = errMsg + $" Q{q.QuestionNumber}. "; } } if (error) { MessageBox.Show("Please provide answers for the following questions before you submit the exam" + errMsg); return; } bool saved = false; while (!saved) { try { if (MessageBox.Show("(Required) Please save your answers file to disk.", "Important Notice", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.OK) { SaveFileDialog adialog = new SaveFileDialog(); adialog.Filter = "FCT Exam File (*.FCTANS)|*.FCTANS"; adialog.DefaultExt = "FCTANS"; adialog.FileName = $"{DateTime.Now.Day}-{DateTime.Now.Month}-{DateTime.Now.Year}-Submission-{studentIDTxtBox.Text}"; adialog.AddExtension = true; if (adialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ExamLog.Add($"[{DateTime.Now}] [Student Saved Exam On Disk] [File Location: ({adialog.FileName})]"); anExam.ExamLog = ExamLog; anExam.RequiredStudentDetails = requiredDetails; ExamHelper.SaveExamToFile(anExam, studentPassTxtBox.Text, adialog.FileName); aLogger.LogMessage($"[Student Saved Exam On Disk] [File Location: ({adialog.FileName})]", LogMsgType.Verbose); MessageBox.Show("Done, closing now."); this.Close(); } } else { ExamLog.Add($"[{DateTime.Now}] [Student did not save file to disk. You should save it.]"); } saved = true; } catch (Exception ex) { ExamLog.Add($"[{DateTime.Now}] [Student Saved Exam On Disk (Process Failed) (exception: {ex.Message}] "); MessageBox.Show("[ERROR] File Did Not Save Correctly, please retry! \n" + ex.Message); } } }
public ActionResult Index() { //This code will bring the datas from ExamXMLModel a = ExamHelper.AllQuestionsGetter(); List <Item> ab = ExamHelper.Last5QuestionsGetter(); return(View()); }
private void saveXMLBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { examDescriptionTxtBox.Text = examDescriptionTxtBox.Text.Trim(); instructorPassTxtBox.Text = instructorPassTxtBox.Text.Trim(); studentPassTxtBox.Text = studentPassTxtBox.Text.Trim(); var errorMSg = ""; bool error = false; if (FinalQuestions.Count == 0) { errorMSg += "* Please select some questions first! \n"; error = true; } if (studentPassTxtBox.Text.Length < 6 || instructorPassTxtBox.Text.Length < 6) { errorMSg += $"* You should select Instructor and Student passwords. (length at least {AESGCM.MinPasswordLength} chars)\n"; error = true; } if (examDescriptionTxtBox.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { errorMSg += "* Please select exam description \n"; error = true; } int examDuration = 0; if (!int.TryParse(examDurationTxtBox.Text, out examDuration)) { errorMSg += "* Selected valid exam duration as integer value in minutes"; error = true; } if (error) { MessageBox.Show(errorMSg, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } SaveFileDialog adialog = new SaveFileDialog(); adialog.Filter = "FCT Exam File Template (*.XML)|*.XML"; adialog.DefaultExt = "XML"; adialog.AddExtension = true; if (adialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ExamHelper.CreateExamAndSafeXMLToFile(FinalQuestions, examDescriptionTxtBox.Text, examDuration, instructorPassTxtBox.Text, studentPassTxtBox.Text, adialog.FileName); MessageBox.Show("Done, check the file location!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
public InstructorValidationData GetV(string instructorPassword) { try { return(ExamHelper.GetVFromByteArray(VEncryptedWithKI, instructorPassword)); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("IN GETV() ln 69"); return(null); } }
public void GetExamCopy() { // try { HighSecurity = highSecChkBox.Checked; //Create a client to connecto to phone book service on local server and //10048 TCP port. client = ScsServiceClientBuilder.CreateClient <INetworkExamService>( new ScsTcpEndPoint(ipTxtBox.Text, int.Parse(portTxtBox.Text))); // client.Timeout = 3; aLogger.LogMessage($"Trying to connect to the server (timeout {client.Timeout} Seconds)", LogMsgType.Verbose); //Connect to the server client.Connect(); aLogger.LogMessage("Connected to server", LogMsgType.Verbose); RequiredDetails requiredDetails = new RequiredDetails(studentNameTxtBox.Text, studentIDTxtBox.Text, examKeyTxtBox.Text, (HighSecurity? sharedKeyISTxtBox.Text:"Low Security Settings Selected")); //Add some persons var copy = client.ServiceProxy.GetExamCopyEncryptedZipped(requiredDetails); requiredDetails.DecryptDetails(examKeyTxtBox.Text); if (!ExamHelper.ValidateExamCopy(copy, examKeyTxtBox.Text, aLogger, sharedKeyISTxtBox.Text, (highSecChkBox.Checked ? Security.FilterationSecurityLevel.High : Security.FilterationSecurityLevel.Moderate), requiredDetails.SequenceNumber)) { return; } aLogger.LogMessage("Received Exam Copy", LogMsgType.Verbose); aLogger.LogMessage("Checking Exam Copy...", LogMsgType.Verbose); var exam = Quizez.ExamHelper.GetExamFromByteArray(copy, examKeyTxtBox.Text, sharedKeyISTxtBox.Text, (highSecChkBox.Checked?Security.FilterationSecurityLevel.High:Security.FilterationSecurityLevel.Moderate)); aLogger.LogMessage("Exam Checked Correcly ...", LogMsgType.Verbose); //Disconnect from server // client.Disconnect(); // aLogger.LogMessage("Disconnected from server", LogMsgType.Verbose); anExam = exam; } // catch (Exception ex) { // aLogger.LogMessage(ex.Message, LogMsgType.Error); } }
public static void GradeExamsAndGenerateReportFromEncrypted(ref RichTextBox rtb, bool addLogs, string studentPass, string instructorPass, SortedList <string, string> encryptedExamFiles, SortedList <string, ExaminationFilterRule> FirewallRules, bool highSecurity) { rtb.Clear(); bool includeLogs = addLogs; foreach (var item in encryptedExamFiles) { if (highSecurity) { if (FirewallRules.ContainsKey(item.Key)) { var examFile = ExamHelper.GetExamFromByteArray(item.Value, studentPass, FirewallRules[item.Key].SharedKeyIS, FilterationSecurityLevel.High); GradeExamQuestion(ref rtb, addLogs, studentPass, instructorPass, examFile); } else { rtb.AppendText($" \n CANNOT GRADE stdID because no shared key available [{item.Key}] \n"); } } else { var examFile = ExamHelper.GetExamFromByteArray(item.Value, studentPass, "", FilterationSecurityLevel.Moderate); GradeExamQuestion(ref rtb, addLogs, studentPass, instructorPass, examFile); } } // var list = examsStatusUpdateList; //var ExamsEncryptedList = encryptedExamFiles.Select(x => x.Value).ToList(); //for (int i = 0; i < ExamsEncryptedList.Count; i++) //{ //} var tst = rtb.Rtf.Replace("[NEW_PAGE_AUTOMATIC_HERE]", "\\par \\page"); SaveFileDialog sdlg = new SaveFileDialog(); sdlg.FileName = $"StudentExamGradesAnswers"; sdlg.Filter = "RTF File (*.rtf)|*.rtf"; sdlg.DefaultExt = "rtf"; sdlg.ShowDialog(); File.WriteAllText(sdlg.FileName, tst); }
private void UpdateDetails(List <ExamStatusUpdate> list) { if (dgview.InvokeRequired) { //MessageBox.Show("Called Invoke"); dgview.BeginInvoke(new Action <List <ExamStatusUpdate> >(UpdateDetails), list); return; } lock (dgview) { dgview.Rows.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { var index = dgview.Rows.Add(); dgview.Rows[index].Cells["serialCol"].Value = i + 1; var id = list[i].Details.StudentID;; dgview.Rows[index].Cells["idCol"].Value = id; dgview.Rows[index].Cells["nameCol"].Value = list[i].Details.StudentName; dgview.Rows[index].Cells["rcvdCol"].Value = list[i].sent ? "Yes" : "No"; dgview.Rows[index].Cells["submittedCol"].Value = list[i].submitted ? "Yes" : "No"; if (list[i].submitted) { if (checkBox1.Checked) { if (FirewallRules.ContainsKey(list[i].Details.StudentID)) { dgview.Rows[index].Cells["gradeCol"].Value = ExamHelper.GetExamFromByteArray(aService.submittedFiles[id], studentPassTxtBox.Text, list[i].Details.SharedKeyIS, FilterationSecurityLevel.High).GetExamGrade(instructorPassTxtBox.Text); } else { aLogger.LogMessage($"Wrong Exam Submission for stdID [{list[i].Details.StudentID}]", LogMsgType.Error); } } else { dgview.Rows[index].Cells["gradeCol"].Value = ExamHelper.GetExamFromByteArray(aService.submittedFiles[id], studentPassTxtBox.Text, "", FilterationSecurityLevel.Moderate).GetExamGrade(instructorPassTxtBox.Text); } } } } }
protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //validate AnswerSheet answerSheet = AnswerHelper.GetAnswerSheet(this.UserId, this.ExamId); List <string> checkedOptionIds = new List <string>(); foreach (RepeaterItem item in repOptions.Items) { if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { var chkOption = item.FindControl("chkOption") as CheckBox; var litOptionId = item.FindControl("litOptionId") as Literal; if (chkOption.Checked) { checkedOptionIds.Add(litOptionId.Text); } } } if (checkedOptionIds.Count > 0) { if (answerSheet == null) { answerSheet = new AnswerSheet() { Answers = new List <Answer>() }; } if (!answerSheet.Answers.Any(x => x.QuestionId == litId.Text)) { answerSheet.Answers.Add(new Answer() { QuestionId = litId.Text, SelectedOptionIds = checkedOptionIds }); ExamHelper.SaveAnswerSheet(this.UserId, this.ExamId, answerSheet); } } _SetUIAndBindData(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var ext = new List <string> { "fctans" }; using (var fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog()) { DialogResult result = fbd.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fbd.SelectedPath)) { var myFiles = Directory.GetFiles(fbd.SelectedPath, "*.fctans", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); // var myFiles = Directory.GetFiles(fbd.SelectedPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) // .Where(s => ext.Contains(Path.GetExtension(s))).ToList(); int cnt = 0; foreach (var file in myFiles) { try { ExamsToGrade.Add(ExamHelper.GetExamFromFile(file, studentPassTxtBox.Text, "", Security.FilterationSecurityLevel.Moderate)); aLogger.LogMessage($" Added Exam File from [{file}]", LogMsgType.Verbose); cnt++; } catch (Exception ex) { aLogger.LogMessage($"Failed to get file name [{file}], possibly its an invalid exam file (Execption msg: {ex.Message})", LogMsgType.Error); } } aLogger.LogMessage($" TOTAL OF {cnt} exams are loaded correctly, click on Grade files to get the report", LogMsgType.Verbose); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void openExamBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { OpenFileDialog opendialog = new OpenFileDialog(); opendialog.Filter = "FCT Exam File (*.FCTANS)|*.FCTANS"; opendialog.DefaultExt = "FCTANS"; opendialog.AddExtension = true; if (opendialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // var examStringEncrypted = ExamHelper.GetExamFileAsBytes(opendialog.FileName); ExamsToGrade.Add(ExamHelper.GetExamFromFile(opendialog.FileName, studentPassTxtBox.Text, "", Security.FilterationSecurityLevel.Moderate)); aLogger.LogMessage($" Added Exam File from [{opendialog.FileName}]", LogMsgType.Verbose); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private SortedList <int, Exam> GetExams(int numberOfInitiaQuestions, int maxNumOfQuestions, int step = 10) { SortedList <int, Exam> ret = new SortedList <int, Exam>(); Parallel.ForEach(BetterEnumerable.SteppedRange(numberOfInitiaQuestions, maxNumOfQuestions, step), (index) => { var x = ExamHelper.GetRandomExamforTesting(index); lock (ret) { ret.Add(index, x); } }); //int tempInit = numberOfInitiaQuestions; //while (tempInit < maxNumOfQuestions) //{ // ret.Add(tempInit, ExamHelper.GetRandomExamforTesting(tempInit)); // tempInit += step; //} return(ret); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Exm exam = ExamHelper.GetExam(this.ExamId); if (IsAnswerMode) { AnswerSheet answersheet = AnswerHelper.GetAnswerSheet(this.SubmittedUserId, this.ExamId); //feed submitted answers exam = ExamHelper.ProcessAnswers(exam, answersheet); divExamDetails.Visible = false; } if (exam != null) { litIstructions.Text = exam.Instructions != null ? exam.Instructions : "-"; litTime.Text = exam.TimeInSeconds.HasValue ? Utils.TimeString(exam.TimeInSeconds.Value) : "-"; repQuestions.DataSource = exam.Questions; repQuestions.DataBind(); } }
private void _SetUIAndBindData() { Exm exam = ExamHelper.GetExam(this.ExamId); AnswerSheet answersheet = AnswerHelper.GetAnswerSheet(this.UserId, this.ExamId); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { divQuestionContainer.Visible = false; divMessage.Visible = false; divWelcome.Visible = true; litIstructions.Text = exam.Instructions != null ? exam.Instructions : "-"; litTime.Text = exam.TimeInSeconds.HasValue ? Utils.TimeString(exam.TimeInSeconds.Value) : "-"; return; } else if (answersheet != null && answersheet.Answers.Count == exam.Questions.Count) { divQuestionContainer.Visible = false; divMessage.Visible = true; divWelcome.Visible = false; //lblMessage.Text = "Finished!"; } else if (answersheet == null || answersheet.Answers.Count < exam.Questions.Count) { divQuestionContainer.Visible = true; divMessage.Visible = false; divWelcome.Visible = false; Question question = ExamHelper.NextQuestion(exam, answersheet); if (question != null) { populateQuestionUI(question); } } }
public FilterationRequestResult GenerateExamCopyForSendingToStudent(Exam orgExamCopyEmpty, RequiredDetails details, string srcIP) { details.DecryptDetails(ExamKey); var filterResult = IsValidRequest(details, srcIP); if (filterResult != FilterationResult.Accepted) { throwFirewallException(filterResult, $"IP:{srcIP}"); return(new FilterationRequestResult(filterResult, null)); } var v = GetIV(details); details.SequenceNumber = (long.Parse(details.SequenceNumber) + 1).ToString(); details.VEncryptedWithKI = ExamHelper.GetVAsByteArray(v, InstructorPassword); var examInstance = orgExamCopyEmpty; examInstance.RequiredStudentDetails = details; //we received this from the student // examInstance.RequiredStudentDetails.SetV_CompressedEncryptedWithKI(v, InstructorPassword); //if(examInstance.RequiredStudentDetails.VEncryptedWithKI== null) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Set To Null"); //} //else //{ // MessageBox.Show("examInstance.RequiredStudentDetails.VEncryptedWithKI"); //} return(new FilterationRequestResult(filterResult, ExamHelper.GetExamFileWithoutSave(examInstance, ExamKey, details.SharedKeyIS, SecurityLevel))); }
private void PerformTest(TestType type, int numOfQ, int numOfStd) { TestParameters submitParam = new TestParameters(); TestParameters receiveParam = new TestParameters(); submitParam.MethodCallCount = int.Parse(numberOfTimesTxtBox.Text); submitParam.NumberOfQuestions = numOfQ; submitParam.NumberOfStudent = numOfStd; receiveParam.MethodCallCount = int.Parse(numberOfTimesTxtBox.Text); receiveParam.NumberOfQuestions = numOfQ; receiveParam.NumberOfStudent = numOfStd; var secucirytLevel = highSecChkBox.Checked ? FilterationSecurityLevel.High : FilterationSecurityLevel.Moderate; var endpoint = new ScsTcpEndPoint(ipTxtBox.Text, int.Parse(portTxtBox.Text)); SortedList <string, string> ExamsReceived = new SortedList <string, string>(); var stopwatchReceiving = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Parallel.For(0, numOfStd, index => { using (var client = ScsServiceClientBuilder.CreateClient <INetworkExamServiceTesting>(endpoint)) { var val = index % numOfStd; var keyUsed = $"Keyyyyyyy{val}"; //STEP 1 -- Only get exam copy client.Connect(); var requiredDetails = new RequiredDetails($"StdName{val}", $"Std{val}", "123456", keyUsed, 1); try { var copy = client.ServiceProxy.GetExamCopyEncryptedZipped(requiredDetails, numOfQ, numOfStd); lock (ExamsReceived) { if (!ExamsReceived.Keys.Contains(keyUsed)) { ExamsReceived.Add(keyUsed, copy); } } } catch (Exception ex) { lock (receiveParam) { receiveParam.DroppedMessages += 1; } } } }); List <Task> tasksReq = new List <Task>(); Parallel.For(0, receiveParam.MethodCallCount - numOfStd, index => // for (int index = 0; index < param.MethodCallCount; index++) { var t = Task.Run(() => { using (var client = ScsServiceClientBuilder.CreateClient <INetworkExamServiceTesting>(endpoint)) { var val = index % numOfStd; var keyUsed = $"Keyyyyyyy{val}"; //STEP 1 -- Only get exam copy client.Connect(); var requiredDetails = new RequiredDetails($"StdName{val}", $"Std{val}", "123456", keyUsed, 1); try { var copy = client.ServiceProxy.GetExamCopyEncryptedZipped(requiredDetails, numOfQ, numOfStd); } catch (Exception ex) { lock (receiveParam) { receiveParam.DroppedMessages += 1; } } } }); lock (tasksReq) { tasksReq.Add(t); } } ); Task.WaitAll(tasksReq.ToArray()); stopwatchReceiving.Stop(); receiveParam.TimeRequired = stopwatchReceiving; ReceivingResults.Add(receiveParam); SortedList <string, KeyValuePair <RequiredDetails, string> > ExamsToSubmit = new SortedList <string, KeyValuePair <RequiredDetails, string> >(); if (type == TestType.SubmitExam || type == TestType.Both) // we need to answer and submit aswell { // List<KeyValuePair<RequiredDetails, string>> ExamsToSubmit = new List<KeyValuePair<RequiredDetails, string>>(); Parallel.For(0, numOfStd, index => { var val = index % numOfStd; var keyUsed = $"Keyyyyyyy{val}"; //STEP 2 : Answering the EXAM (assuming all students will have the same answers) var examCopyUnencrypted = ExamHelper.GetExamFromByteArray(ExamsReceived[keyUsed], "123456", keyUsed, secucirytLevel); examCopyUnencrypted.ExamLog = new List <string>(); examCopyUnencrypted.RequiredStudentDetails.SequenceNumber = (long.Parse(examCopyUnencrypted.RequiredStudentDetails.SequenceNumber) + 1).ToString(); var rD = examCopyUnencrypted.RequiredStudentDetails; var examEncrypted = ExamHelper.GetExamFileWithoutSave(examCopyUnencrypted, "123456", keyUsed, secucirytLevel); rD.EncryptDetails(); lock (ExamsToSubmit) { if (!ExamsToSubmit.Keys.Contains(keyUsed)) { ExamsToSubmit.Add(keyUsed, new KeyValuePair <RequiredDetails, string>(rD, examEncrypted)); } } }); ExamsReceived = null; var stopwatchSubmitting = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //step 3 Submit (we want to measure only this List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); Parallel.For(0, submitParam.MethodCallCount, index => { var t = Task.Run(() => { var val = index % numOfStd; var keyUsed = $"Keyyyyyyy{val}"; try { using (var clientSubmit = ScsServiceClientBuilder.CreateClient <INetworkExamServiceTesting>(endpoint)) { clientSubmit.Connect(); clientSubmit.ServiceProxy.SubmitExamEncryptedZipped(ExamsToSubmit[keyUsed].Value, ExamsToSubmit[keyUsed].Key, numOfQ, numOfStd); } } catch (Exception ex) { lock (submitParam) { submitParam.DroppedMessages += 1; } } }); lock (tasks) { tasks.Add(t); } }); Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); stopwatchSubmitting.Stop(); submitParam.TimeRequired = stopwatchSubmitting; SubmissionResults.Add(submitParam); } }
private void submitExamBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string errMsg = ""; bool error = false; string remainingTime = remainingtimeLbl.Text; ExamLog.Add($"[{DateTime.Now}] [Student Tried to Submit SUBMIT EXAM] [Remaing time: {remainingTime}]"); foreach (var q in anExam.QuestionsList) { if (q.StudentAnswer == string.Empty || q.StudentAnswer == null) { error = true; errMsg = errMsg + $" Q{q.QuestionNumber}. "; } } if (error) { MessageBox.Show("Please provide answers for the following questions before you submit the exam" + errMsg); return; } bool saved = false; anExam.RequiredStudentDetails.SequenceNumber = (long.Parse(anExam.RequiredStudentDetails.SequenceNumber) + 1).ToString(); while (!saved) { try { if (MessageBox.Show("(Recommended) Please save file to disk before submitting on network.", "Important Notice", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { SaveFileDialog adialog = new SaveFileDialog(); adialog.Filter = "FCT Exam File (*.FCTANS)|*.FCTANS"; adialog.DefaultExt = "FCTANS"; adialog.FileName = $"{DateTime.Now.Day}-{DateTime.Now.Month}-{DateTime.Now.Year}-Submission-{studentIDTxtBox.Text}"; adialog.AddExtension = true; if (adialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ExamLog.Add($"[{DateTime.Now}] [Student Saved Exam On Disk] [File Location: ({adialog.FileName})]"); anExam.ExamLog = ExamLog; //anExam.RequiredStudentDetails = requiredDetails; ExamHelper.SaveExamToFile(anExam, examKeyTxtBox.Text, adialog.FileName); aLogger.LogMessage($"[Student Saved Exam On Disk] [File Location: ({adialog.FileName})]", LogMsgType.Verbose); } } else { ExamLog.Add($"[{DateTime.Now}] [Student Did not Select To Save File To Disk]"); } saved = true; } catch (Exception ex) { ExamLog.Add($"[{DateTime.Now}] [Student Saved Exam On Disk (Process Failed) (exception: {ex.Message}] "); MessageBox.Show("File Did Not Save Correctly, please retry!"); } } var reqDetailsEnc = anExam.RequiredStudentDetails; reqDetailsEnc.EncryptDetails(); aLogger.LogMessage("Submitting Exam Through Network ... (Started)", LogMsgType.Verbose); anExam.ExamLog = ExamLog; // anExam.RequiredStudentDetails = requiredDetails; if (client.ServiceProxy.SubmitExamEncryptedZipped(ExamHelper.GetExamFileWithoutSave(anExam, examKeyTxtBox.Text, sharedKeyISTxtBox.Text, (highSecChkBox.Checked ? Security.FilterationSecurityLevel.High : Security.FilterationSecurityLevel.Moderate)), reqDetailsEnc)) { aLogger.LogMessage("Submitting Exam Through Network ... (Done Succesfully.)", LogMsgType.Verbose); MessageBox.Show("Exam Submitted Correctly. Closing..."); client.Disconnect(); aLogger.LogMessage("Disconnected from server", LogMsgType.Verbose); this.Close(); } else { aLogger.LogMessage("Submitting Exam Through Network ... (Process Failed)", LogMsgType.Verbose); MessageBox.Show("ERROR: Submission Failed. "); } }