public void FormatToID() { if (InputMode != geInputMode.ID) { return; } if (this.Text == "") { return; } if (ExCast.zCInt(this.MaxLengthB) == 0) { return; } if (ExCast.IsNumeric(this.Text) == false) { return; } string str0 = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= ExCast.zCInt(this.MaxLengthB); i++) { str0 += "0"; } string str = ExCast.zCDbl(this.Text).ToString(str0); this.Text = str; this.Text = str; }
// コンボボックスではKeyDown,Upは規定の動作 private bool IsComboBoxColumnIndex(int _index) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._ComboBoxColumnIndex)) { return(false); } string[] colIndex = this._ComboBoxColumnIndex.Split(','); if (colIndex.Length == 0) { return(false); } // 数値項目のみ制御を行う(ひらがなや半角英数項目はなぜかいく) for (int i = 0; i <= colIndex.Length - 1; i++) { if (ExCast.IsNumeric(colIndex[i])) { if (_index == ExCast.zCInt(colIndex[i])) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
private void txtID_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { if (ExCast.zCInt(txtID.Text.Trim()) == 0) { txtID.Text = ""; } }
private void utlSummingUp_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(utlSummingUp.txtID.Text.Trim())) { return; } string yyyymm = ""; string now_yyyymmdd = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); if (this.datPaymentYmd.SelectedDate == null) { this.datPaymentYmd.SelectedDate = ExCast.zConvertToDate(now_yyyymmdd); } yyyymm = ExCast.zConvertToDate(this.datPaymentYmd.SelectedDate).ToString("yyyy/MM"); int _id = ExCast.zCInt(utlSummingUp.txtID.Text.Trim()); switch (_id) { case 5: _entityPrm._payment_yyyymmdd = ""; this.datPaymentYmd.SelectedDate = null; _entityPrm._payment_yyyymmdd = yyyymm + "/05"; this.datPaymentYmd.DisplayDate = ExCast.zConvertToDate(yyyymm + "/05"); break; case 15: _entityPrm._payment_yyyymmdd = ""; this.datPaymentYmd.SelectedDate = null; _entityPrm._payment_yyyymmdd = yyyymm + "/15"; this.datPaymentYmd.DisplayDate = ExCast.zConvertToDate(yyyymm + "/15"); break; case 20: _entityPrm._payment_yyyymmdd = ""; this.datPaymentYmd.SelectedDate = null; _entityPrm._payment_yyyymmdd = yyyymm + "/20"; this.datPaymentYmd.DisplayDate = ExCast.zConvertToDate(yyyymm + "/20"); break; case 25: _entityPrm._payment_yyyymmdd = ""; this.datPaymentYmd.SelectedDate = null; _entityPrm._payment_yyyymmdd = yyyymm + "/25"; this.datPaymentYmd.DisplayDate = ExCast.zConvertToDate(yyyymm + "/25"); break; case 31: _entityPrm._payment_yyyymmdd = ""; this.datPaymentYmd.SelectedDate = null; DateTime dt = ExCast.zConvertToDate(yyyymm + "/01"); this.datPaymentYmd.SelectedDate = dt.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1); this.datPaymentYmd.DisplayDate = (DateTime)this.datPaymentYmd.SelectedDate; break; default: break; } }
// データ追加・更新・削除 private void UpdateData(Common.geUpdateType upd) { object[] prm = new object[4]; prm[0] = (int)upd; prm[1] = ""; for (int i = 0; i <= _entityUserList.Count - 1; i++) { if (ExCast.zCStr(this.cmbLoginId.SelectedValue) == _entityUserList[i].id) { prm[1] = ExCast.zCInt(_entityUserList[i].attribute1); } } if (ExCast.zCStr(prm[1]) == "") { return; } prm[2] = _entity; webService.objPerent = this; webService.CallWebService(_UpdWebServiceCallKbn, ExWebService.geDialogDisplayFlg.Yes, ExWebService.geDialogCloseFlg.Yes, prm); }
public void SetZeroToNullString() { if (ExCast.zCInt(this.Text.Trim()) == 0) { this.Text = ""; } }
private void InOutDeliveryToKbn_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { if (ExCast.zCInt(this.utlInOutDeliveryKbn.txtID.Text.Trim()) == 0) { this.lblSupply.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.utlCompanyGroup.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.utlCustomer.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.utlPurchase.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; return; } switch (ExCast.zCInt(this.utlInOutDeliveryToKbn.txtID.Text.Trim())) { case 1: // グループ this.lblSupply.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; this.utlCompanyGroup.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; this.utlCustomer.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.utlPurchase.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; if (ExCast.zCInt(this.utlInOutDeliveryKbn.txtID.Text.Trim()) == 1) { this.lblSupply.Content = "入庫先" + Common.gstrGroupDisplayNm; } else { this.lblSupply.Content = "出庫先" + Common.gstrGroupDisplayNm; } break; case 2: // 得意先/仕入先 this.lblSupply.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; if (ExCast.zCInt(this.utlInOutDeliveryKbn.txtID.Text.Trim()) == 1) { // 入庫 this.lblSupply.Content = "入庫先(仕入先)"; this.utlCompanyGroup.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.utlCustomer.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.utlPurchase.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; } else { // 出庫 this.lblSupply.Content = "出庫先(得意先)"; this.utlCompanyGroup.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.utlCustomer.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; this.utlPurchase.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; } break; default: this.lblSupply.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.utlCompanyGroup.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.utlCustomer.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.utlPurchase.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; break; } }
public override void DataSelect(int intKbn, object objList) { switch ((ExWebService.geWebServiceCallKbn)intKbn) { case _GetWebServiceCallKbn: if (objList != null) { _entity = (ObservableCollection <EntityCondition>)objList; EntityCondition entity = new EntityCondition(); // 明細初期設定 InitDetail(ref entity); _entity.Add(entity); SetDetailRecNo(); this.dg.ItemsSource = _entity; if (ExCast.zCInt(_entity[0]._lock_flg) == 0) { this.utlFunctionKey.gFunctionKeyEnable = Utl_FunctionKey.geFunctionKeyEnable.Upd; ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_Focus(this.dg, 100); ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_SelectedIndex(this.dg, 400, 0); ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_DataGridColum(this.dg, 500, dg.Columns[0]); } else { this.utlFunctionKey.gFunctionKeyEnable = Utl_FunctionKey.geFunctionKeyEnable.Sel; } } else { _entity = new ObservableCollection <EntityCondition>(); EntityCondition entity = new EntityCondition(); // 明細初期設定 InitDetail(ref entity); _entity.Add(entity); SetDetailRecNo(); this.dg.ItemsSource = _entity; this.utlFunctionKey.gFunctionKeyEnable = Utl_FunctionKey.geFunctionKeyEnable.Upd; ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_Focus(this.dg, 100); ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_SelectedIndex(this.dg, 400, 0); ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_DataGridColum(this.dg, 500, dg.Columns[0]); } break; default: break; } }
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { // アプリケーションのスタートアップで実行するコードです //log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(new System.IO.FileInfo(@HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"\\EW20121725\\wwwroot\log4net.xml"))); //log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(); CommonUtl.gSysDbKbn = ExCast.zCInt(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SysDbKbn"]); CommonUtl.gDemoKbn = ExCast.zCInt(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DemoKbn"]); CommonUtl.gConnectionString1 = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConCmTestDt"].ConnectionString; CommonUtl.gMySqlDt = new ExMySQLData(); }
public void LockPg(string random, string pgId, string lockId, int type) { #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { return; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UnLockPg(認証処理)", ex); return; } #endregion try { ExMySQLData db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(userId), sessionString); DataPgLock.geLovkFlg lockFlg; if (type == 0) { DataPgLock.DelLockPg(companyId, userId, pgId, lockId, ipAdress, true, db); } else { DataPgLock.SetLockPg(companyId, userId, pgId, lockId, ipAdress, db, out lockFlg); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UnLockPg", ex); return; } }
private void txtBindID_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { switch (this.NameKbn) { // ID:0 データ有りケース case MeiNameList.geNameKbn.DISPLAY_DIVISION_ID: this.txtID.Text = this.txtBindID.Text; if (this.txtBindID.Text == "") { this.txtNm.Text = ""; } else { this.txtNm.Text = MeiNameList.GetName(this.NameKbn, ExCast.zCInt(this.txtBindID.Text)); } break; case MeiNameList.geNameKbn.TITLE_ID: this.txtID.Text = ExCast.zCInt(this.txtBindID.Text).ToString(); if (ExCast.zCInt(this.txtBindID.Text) == 0) { this.txtBindID.Text = ""; } else { this.txtNm.Text = MeiNameList.GetName(this.NameKbn, ExCast.zCInt(this.txtBindID.Text)); } break; // ID:0 データ無しケース default: this.txtID.Text = ExCast.zCInt(this.txtBindID.Text).ToString(); if (ExCast.zCInt(this.txtBindID.Text) == 0) { this.txtBindID.Text = ""; this.txtNm.Text = ""; } else { this.txtNm.Text = MeiNameList.GetName(this.NameKbn, ExCast.zCInt(this.txtBindID.Text)); } break; } SetTxtNmEnabled(); if (this.ID_TextChanged != null) { this.ID_TextChanged(sender, e); } }
// データ追加・更新・削除 private void UpdateData(Common.geUpdateType upd) { object[] prm = new object[4]; prm[0] = (int)upd; prm[1] = ExCast.zCInt(this.utlID.txtID.Text.Trim()); prm[2] = _entity; webService.objPerent = this; webService.CallWebService(_UpdWebServiceCallKbn, ExWebService.geDialogDisplayFlg.Yes, ExWebService.geDialogCloseFlg.Yes, prm); }
private void utlID_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.utlID.txtID.Text.Trim() != "") { if (ExCast.zCInt(this.utlID.txtID.Text.Trim()) == 0) { ExMessageBox.Show("グループIDには0以外を指定して下さい。"); this.utlID.txtID.Text = ""; this.utlID.txtID.Focus(); return; } GetMstData(ExCast.zCInt(this.utlID.txtID.Text.Trim())); } }
private void ExChildWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // 画面初期化 ExVisualTreeHelper.initDisplay(this.LayoutRoot); EntityUnitPriceSetting _entity = null; switch (this.kbn) { case eKbn.Sales: _entity = new EntityUnitPriceSetting(); _entity.unit_kind_nm = "上代"; _entity.unit_price = this.retail_price; _lstUnit.Add(_entity); _entity = new EntityUnitPriceSetting(); _entity.unit_kind_nm = "売上単価"; _entity.unit_price = this.sales_unit_price; _lstUnit.Add(_entity); _entity = new EntityUnitPriceSetting(); _entity.unit_kind_nm = "売上原価"; _entity.unit_price = this.sales_cost_price; _lstUnit.Add(_entity); break; case eKbn.Purchase: _entity = new EntityUnitPriceSetting(); _entity.unit_kind_nm = "上代"; _entity.unit_price = this.retail_price; _lstUnit.Add(_entity); _entity = new EntityUnitPriceSetting(); _entity.unit_kind_nm = "仕入単価"; _entity.unit_price = this.sales_unit_price; _lstUnit.Add(_entity); _entity = new EntityUnitPriceSetting(); _entity.unit_kind_nm = "売上原価"; _entity.unit_price = this.sales_cost_price; _lstUnit.Add(_entity); break; } this.dg.ItemsSource = _lstUnit; this.dg.SelectedIndex = 0; this.numUpCreditRate.SetValue(this.credit_rate); //this.numUpCreditRate.Value = this.credit_rate; this.txtUnitPrice.Text = ExCast.zCStr(ExMath.zFloor(this.retail_price * ExCast.zCInt(this.numUpCreditRate.Value) / 100, this.unit_decimal_digit)); this.txtUnitPrice.OnFormatString(); }
private void searchDlg_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { Dlg_Copying dlg = (Dlg_Copying)sender; if (dlg.utlCopying.DialogResult == true) { // ロック解除 DataPgLock.gLockPg(PG_NM, ExCast.zCStr(_entity._id), (int)DataPgLock.geLockType.UnLock); if (dlg.utlCopying.copy_id == "") { this.utlFunctionKey.gFunctionKeyEnable = Utl_FunctionKey.geFunctionKeyEnable.Init; this.utlID.txtID_IsReadOnly = false; this.utlID.txtID.Text = ""; } else { if (dlg.utlCopying.ExistsData == true) { this.utlFunctionKey.gFunctionKeyEnable = Utl_FunctionKey.geFunctionKeyEnable.Upd; } else { this.utlFunctionKey.gFunctionKeyEnable = Utl_FunctionKey.geFunctionKeyEnable.New; } string _id = dlg.utlCopying.copy_id; if (ExCast.IsNumeric(dlg.utlCopying.copy_id)) { _id = ExCast.zCDbl(_id).ToString(); _entity._id = ExCast.zCInt(_id); this.utlID.txtID.Text = _id; this.utlID.txtID.FormatToID(); } else { _entity._id = ExCast.zCInt(_id); this.utlID.txtID.Text = _id; } this.utlID.txtID_IsReadOnly = true; ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_Focus(this.txtName, 10); } } }
public override void MstDataSelect(ExWebServiceMst.geWebServiceMstNmCallKbn intKbn, svcMstData.EntityMstData mst) { try { svcMstData.EntityMstData _mst = null; _mst = mst; switch (intKbn) { case ExWebServiceMst.geWebServiceMstNmCallKbn.GetCommodity: if (DataForm.CurrentIndex == -1) { return; } if (_mst == null) { return; } // attribute20に選択された行が設定されてくる if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_mst.attribute20)) { // 商品から明細へ DataDetail.SetCommodityToDetail(DataForm.CurrentIndex, this._entityH, this._entityListD, _mst); OnFormatAll(); } else { if (_entityListD.Count >= ExCast.zCInt(_mst.attribute20) + 1) { // 商品から明細へ DataDetail.SetCommodityToDetail(ExCast.zCInt(_mst.attribute20), _entityH, _entityListD, _mst); OnFormatAll(); } } break; } } catch { } }
// F11ボタン(印刷) クリック public override void btnF11_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ExCast.zCInt(this.utlClass.txtID.Text.Trim()) == 0) { ExMessageBox.Show("分類区分を選択して下さい。"); return; } if (ExCast.zCInt(this.utlClass.txtID.Text.Trim()) > 3) { ExMessageBox.Show("分類区分を適切に入力(選択)して下さい。"); return; } switch (ExCast.zCInt(this.utlClass.txtID.Text.Trim())) { case 1: = Class.Data.MstData.geMGroupKbn.CustomerGrouop1; break; case 2: = Class.Data.MstData.geMGroupKbn.CommodityGrouop1; break; case 3: = Class.Data.MstData.geMGroupKbn.PurchaseGrouop1; break; default: ExMessageBox.Show("分類区分を適切に選択して下さい。"); return; } = Common.gePageType.None; = _WinMsterType; beforeWinGroupType = Common.gWinGroupType; Common.gWinGroupType = Common.geWinGroupType.Report; -= reportDlg_Closed; += reportDlg_Closed;; }
public static string GetAccountPeriod(string accountBeginPeriod, string ymd) { if (accountBeginPeriod.Length != 4 || ymd.Length != 10) { return(""); } string _ymd = ymd.Replace("/", ""); string _YYYY = _ymd.Substring(0, 4); string _MMDD = _ymd.Substring(4, 4); if (ExCast.zCInt(accountBeginPeriod) > ExCast.zCInt(_MMDD)) { return((ExCast.zCInt(_YYYY) - 1).ToString()); } else { return(_YYYY); } }
public override void MstDataSelect(ExWebServiceMst.geWebServiceMstNmCallKbn intKbn, svcMstData.EntityMstData mst) { try { svcMstData.EntityMstData _mst = null; _mst = mst; switch (intKbn) { case ExWebServiceMst.geWebServiceMstNmCallKbn.GetRecieptDivision: if (DataForm.CurrentIndex == -1) { return; } if (_mst == null) { return; } // attribute20に選択された行が設定されてくる if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_mst.attribute20)) { _entityListD[ExCast.zCInt(_mst.attribute20) + 1]._receipt_division_nm = ""; OnFormatAll(); } else { if (_entityListD.Count >= ExCast.zCInt(_mst.attribute20) + 1) { _entityListD[ExCast.zCInt(_mst.attribute20)]._receipt_division_nm =; OnFormatAll(); } } break; } } catch { } }
private void GetMstData() { object[] prm = new object[2]; int id = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= this._entityUserList.Count - 1; i++) { if (ExCast.zCStr(this.cmbUser.SelectedValue) == _entityUserList[i].name) { id = ExCast.zCInt(_entityUserList[i].attribute1); } } prm[0] = id; webService.objPerent = this; webService.CallWebService(_GetWebServiceCallKbn, ExWebService.geDialogDisplayFlg.Yes, ExWebService.geDialogCloseFlg.Yes, prm); }
// データ追加・更新・削除 private void UpdateData(Common.geUpdateType upd) { object[] prm = new object[3]; prm[0] = (int)upd; prm[1] = 0; _entityUpdate._title = this.txtTitle.Text; for (int i = 0; i <= _entityPersonList.Count - 1; i++) { if (ExCast.zCStr(this.cmbPerson.SelectedValue) == _entityPersonList[i].name) { _entityUpdate._person_id = ExCast.zCInt(_entityPersonList[i].id); _entityUpdate._d_person_id = ExCast.zCInt(_entityPersonList[i].id); } } if (this.cmbKbn.SelectedValue != null) { _entityUpdate._inquiry_division_id = MeiNameList.GetID(MeiNameList.geNameKbn.INQUIRY_DIVISION_ID, ExCast.zCStr(this.cmbKbn.SelectedValue)); } if (this.cmbLevel.SelectedValue != null) { _entityUpdate._inquiry_level_id = MeiNameList.GetID(MeiNameList.geNameKbn.LEVEL_ID, ExCast.zCStr(this.cmbLevel.SelectedValue)); } _entityUpdate._inquiry_level_state_id = 1; // オープン _entityUpdate._title = this.txtTitle.Text; _entityUpdate._content = this.txtContent.Text; _entityUpdate._rec_no = 1; _entityUpdate._kbn = 0; // ユーザー prm[2] = _entityUpdate; webService.objWindow = this; webService.CallWebService(ExWebService.geWebServiceCallKbn.UpdateInquiry, ExWebService.geDialogDisplayFlg.Yes, ExWebService.geDialogCloseFlg.Yes, prm); }
private void GetMstData() { object[] prm = new object[1]; prm[0] = ""; for (int i = 0; i <= _entityUserList.Count - 1; i++) { if (ExCast.zCStr(this.cmbLoginId.SelectedValue) == _entityUserList[i].id) { prm[0] = ExCast.zCInt(_entityUserList[i].attribute1); } } if (ExCast.zCStr(prm[0]) == "") { return; } webService.objPerent = this; webService.CallWebService(_GetWebServiceCallKbn, ExWebService.geDialogDisplayFlg.Yes, ExWebService.geDialogCloseFlg.Yes, prm); }
public static void UpdateSlipNo(string companyId, string groupId, ExMySQLData db, geSlipKbn kbn, string accountPeriod, long no, long id) { StringBuilder sb; try { sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("UPDATE M_SLIP_MANAGEMENT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" SET ID = " + id.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // 追加時 if (no != 0) { sb.Append(" ,NO = " + no.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SLIP_DIVISION = " + ((int)kbn).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND YEAR = " + ExCast.zCInt(accountPeriod).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSlipNo", ex); no = 0; id = 0; throw; } }
// データ追加・更新・削除 private void UpdateData(Common.geUpdateType upd) { object[] prm = new object[3]; prm[0] = (int)upd; prm[1] = _entityList[0]._no; _entityUpdate._no = _entityList[0]._no; _entityUpdate._company_id = _entityList[0]._company_id; _entityUpdate._gropu_id = _entityList[0]._gropu_id; _entityUpdate._person_id = _entityList[0]._person_id; _entityUpdate._date_time = _entityList[0]._date_time; _entityUpdate._title = _entityList[0]._title; _entityUpdate._inquiry_division_id = _entityList[0]._inquiry_division_id; _entityUpdate._inquiry_level_id = _entityList[0]._inquiry_level_id; _entityUpdate._inquiry_level_state_id = 2; // 回答待ち _entityUpdate._rec_no = _entityList[0]._rec_no + 1; _entityUpdate._kbn = 0; // ユーザー _entityUpdate._title = this.txtTitle.Text; _entityUpdate._content = this.txtContent.Text; for (int i = 0; i <= _entityPersonList.Count - 1; i++) { if (ExCast.zCStr(this.cmbPerson.SelectedValue) == _entityPersonList[i].name) { _entityUpdate._d_person_id = ExCast.zCInt(_entityPersonList[i].id); } } prm[2] = _entityUpdate; webService.objWindow = this; webService.CallWebService(ExWebService.geWebServiceCallKbn.UpdateInquiry, ExWebService.geDialogDisplayFlg.Yes, ExWebService.geDialogCloseFlg.Yes, prm); }
// 入力チェック(更新時) public override void InputCheckUpdate() { #region Field string errMessage = ""; string warnMessage = ""; Control errCtl = null; #endregion try { for (int i = 0; i <= _entity.Count - 1; i++) { // IDまたは名称の入力がある場合(空行は無視) if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entity[i]._id) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entity[i]._name)) { #region 入力チェック #region 必須チェック // ID if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entity[i]._id)) { errMessage += (i + 1) + "行目のIDが入力されていません。" + Environment.NewLine; if (errCtl == null) { errCtl = this.dg; _selectIndex = i; _selectColumn = 0; } } // 名称 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entity[i]._name)) { errMessage += (i + 1) + "行目の名称が入力されていません。" + Environment.NewLine; if (errCtl == null) { errCtl = this.dg; _selectIndex = i; _selectColumn = 1; } } #endregion #region 適正値入力チェック if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entity[i]._id)) { if (ExCast.zCInt(_entity[i]._id) == 0) { errMessage += (i + 1) + "行目のIDに「0」以外を入力して下さい。" + Environment.NewLine; if (errCtl == null) { errCtl = this.dg; _selectIndex = i; _selectColumn = 0; } } } //// 主仕入先 //if (ExCast.zCStr(_entity._main_purchase_id) != "" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entity._main_purchase_nm)) //{ // errMessage += "主仕入先が適切に入力(選択)されていません。" + Environment.NewLine; // if (errCtl == null) errCtl = this.utlMainPurchaseId.txtID; //} #endregion #region 一IDチェック if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entity[i]._id)) { for (int _i = 0; _i <= _entity.Count - 1; _i++) { if (_i != i && ExCast.zCInt(_entity[i]._id) == ExCast.zCInt(_entity[_i]._id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entity[_i]._id) && ExCast.zCInt(_entity[i]._id) != 0) { string _msg = "ID : " + ExCast.zCInt(_entity[i]._id) + " が重複して入力されています。" + Environment.NewLine; if (errMessage.IndexOf(_msg) == -1) { errMessage += _msg; if (errCtl == null) { errCtl = this.dg; _selectIndex = i; _selectColumn = 0; } } } } } #endregion #region 日付チェック //// 納入指定日 //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entity.supply_ymd) == false) //{ // if (ExCast.IsDate(_entity.supply_ymd) == false) // { // errMessage += "納入指定日の形式が不正です。(yyyy/mm/dd形式で入力(選択)して下さい)" + Environment.NewLine; // if (errCtl == null) errCtl = this.datNokiYmd; // } //} #endregion #region 日付変換 // 受注日 //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entity.order_ymd) == false) //{ // _entity.order_ymd = ExCast.zConvertToDate(_entity.order_ymd).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); //} #endregion #region 数値チェック // ID if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entity[i]._id)) { if (!ExCast.IsNumeric(_entity[i]._id)) { errMessage += (i + 1) + "行目のIDに数値が入力されていません。" + Environment.NewLine; if (errCtl == null) { errCtl = this.dg; _selectIndex = i; _selectColumn = 0; } } } #endregion #region 正数チェック //if (this.utlMode.Mode != Utl_FunctionKey.geFunctionKeyEnable.Init) //{ // if (ExCast.zCLng(this.utlID.txtID.Text.Trim()) < 0) // { // errMessage += "IDには正の整数を入力して下さい。" + Environment.NewLine; // } //} #endregion #region 範囲チェック //if (ExCast.zCLng(this.utlID.txtID.Text.Trim()) > 9999) //{ // errMessage += "IDには4桁の正の整数を入力して下さい。" + Environment.NewLine; //} //if (ExString.LenB(_entity._memo) > 32) //{ // errMessage += "備考には全角16桁文字以内(半角32桁文字以内)を入力して下さい。" + Environment.NewLine; // if (errCtl == null) errCtl = this.txtMemo; //} #endregion #endregion _entity[i]._display_division_id = MeiNameList.GetID(MeiNameList.geNameKbn.DISPLAY_DIVISION_ID, ExCast.zCStr(_entity[i]._display_division_nm)) - 1; } } #region エラー or 警告時処理 bool flg = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errMessage)) { ExMessageBox.Show(this, errCtl, errMessage, Dlg.MessageBox.MessageBoxIcon.Error); flg = false; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(warnMessage)) { warnMessage += "このまま登録を続行してもよろしいですか?" + Environment.NewLine; ExMessageBox.ResultShow(this, errCtl, warnMessage); flg = false; //if (ExMessageBox.ResultShow(warnMessage) == MessageBoxResult.No) //{ // flg = false; //} } this.txtDummy.IsTabStop = false; if (flg == false) { if (errCtl != null) { switch (errCtl.Name) { case "dg": errCtl.Focus(); this.dg.SelectedIndex = _selectIndex; dg.CurrentColumn = dg.Columns[_selectColumn]; ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_Focus(errCtl, 10); break; default: ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_Focus(errCtl, 10); break; } } return; } #endregion #region 更新処理 UpdateData(); #endregion } finally { Common.gblnBtnProcLock = false; Common.gblnBtnDesynchronizeLock = false; } }
public static void gAddEvidence(int saveFlg, string companyId, string userId, string ipAdress, string sessionString, string pgId, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType type, string memo) { if (saveFlg != 1) { return; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(userId), sessionString); // 日時取得 string date = ""; string time = ""; int millisecond = 0; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; date = now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); time = now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); millisecond = now.Millisecond; // PG実行履歴登録 try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO H_PG_EXEC_HISTORY " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" (COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OPERATION_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OPERATION_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OPERATION_MILLISECOND" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OPERATION_TYPE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,PG_NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OPERATION_TYPE_NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MEMO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("VALUES (" + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + userId + Environment.NewLine); // USER_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(pgId) + Environment.NewLine); // PG_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(date) + Environment.NewLine); // OPERATION_DATE sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(time) + Environment.NewLine); // OPERATION_TIME sb.Append(" ," + millisecond.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // OPERATION_MILLISECOND sb.Append(" ," + (int)type + Environment.NewLine); // OPERATION_TYPE sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(DataPgEvidence.GetPgName(pgId)) + Environment.NewLine); // PG_NAME sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(DataPgEvidence.GetOperationTypeName(type)) + Environment.NewLine); // OPERATION_TYPE_NAME sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(memo) + Environment.NewLine); // MEMO sb.Append(" ,0" + Environment.NewLine); // UPDATE_FLG sb.Append(" ,0" + Environment.NewLine); // DELETE_FLG sb.Append(" ,'SYSTEM'" + Environment.NewLine); // CREATE_PG_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ipAdress) + Environment.NewLine); // CREATE_ADRESS sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(userId) + Environment.NewLine); // CREATE_USER_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(date) + Environment.NewLine); // CREATE_DATE sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(time) + Environment.NewLine); // CREATE_TIME sb.Append(" ,'SYSTEM'" + Environment.NewLine); // UPDATE_PG_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ipAdress) + Environment.NewLine); // UPDATE_ADRESS sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(userId) + Environment.NewLine); // UPDATE_USER_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(date) + Environment.NewLine); // UPDATE_DATE sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(time) + Environment.NewLine); // UPDATE_TIME sb.Append(")"); if (db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), true) == false) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".gAddEvidence(ExecuteSQL) : " + Environment.NewLine + ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(userId), sessionString).errMessage); return; } switch (type) { case DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Start: case DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.End: if (pgId == DataPgEvidence.PGName.System) { DataPgLock.DelLockPg(companyId, userId, "", "", ipAdress, true, db); } else { DataPgLock.DelLockPg(companyId, userId, pgId, "", ipAdress, true, db); } break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".gAddEvidence(Insert)", ex); db.ExRollbackTransaction(); } }
public void AddEvidence(string random, string pgId, int type, string memo) { #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { return; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".AddEvidence(認証処理)", ex); return; } #endregion gAddEvidence(1, companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, pgId, (DataPgEvidence.geOperationType)type, memo); }
public List <EntityStockInventory> GetStockInventoryList(string random, string strWhereSql, string strOrderBySql) { List <EntityStockInventory> entityList = new List <EntityStockInventory>(); #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; int idFigureCommodity = 0; int idFigureCustomer = 0; int idFigurePurchase = 0; int idFigureSlipNo = 0; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); idFigureCommodity = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_GOODS]); idFigureCustomer = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_CUSTOMER]); idFigurePurchase = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_PURCHASE]); idFigureSlipNo = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_SLIP_NO]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { EntityStockInventory entity = new EntityStockInventory(); entity.MESSAGE = _message; entityList.Add(entity); return(entityList); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetStockInventoryList(認証処理)", ex); EntityStockInventory entity = new EntityStockInventory(); entity.MESSAGE = "認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString();; entityList.Add(entity); return(entityList); } #endregion StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db; try { db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); sb = new StringBuilder(); ExReportManeger rptMgr = new ExReportManeger(); rptMgr.idFigureCommodity = idFigureCommodity; rptMgr.idFigureCustomer = idFigureCustomer; rptMgr.idFigurePurchase = idFigurePurchase; rptMgr.idFigureSlipNo = idFigureSlipNo; sb.Append(rptMgr.GetStockInventoryListReportSQL(companyId, groupId, strWhereSql, strOrderBySql)); dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= dt.DefaultView.Count - 1; i++) { #region Set Entity EntityStockInventory entity = new EntityStockInventory(); entity.commodity_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["COMMODITY_ID"]); entity.commodity_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["COMMODITY_NAME"]); entity.account_inventory_number = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVENTORY_NUMBER"]); entity.practice_inventory_number = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVENTORY_NUMBER"]); entity.diff_number = 0; entity.exec_flg = false; entity.lock_flg = 0; entityList.Add(entity); #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetStockInventoryList", ex); entityList.Clear(); EntityStockInventory entity = new EntityStockInventory(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetStockInventoryList : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); entityList.Add(entity); } finally { db = null; } svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, DataPgEvidence.PGName.StockInventory.StockInventoryInp, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Select, "Where:" + strWhereSql + ",Orderby:" + strOrderBySql); return(entityList); }
public string UpdateStockInventory(string random, int type, string ymd, List <EntityStockInventory> entity) { #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; string personId = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); personId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.PERSON_ID]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { return(_message); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(認証処理)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString()); } #endregion #region Field StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db = null; string _Id = ""; int _classKbn = 0; long rec_cnt = 0; string str_message = ""; EntityInOutDeliveryH _entityInOutDeliveryH = new EntityInOutDeliveryH(); List <EntityInOutDeliveryD> _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus = new List <EntityInOutDeliveryD>(); List <EntityInOutDeliveryD> _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus = new List <EntityInOutDeliveryD>(); #endregion #region Databese Open try { db = new ExMySQLData(ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.DB_CONNECTION_STR])); db.DbOpen(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DbOpen)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DbOpen) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region BeginTransaction try { db.ExBeginTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(BeginTransaction)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(BeginTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region Update if (type == 0) { try { for (int i = 0; i <= entity.Count - 1; i++) { if (entity[i].exec_flg == true && entity[i].diff_number != 0) { #region Update Commodity Inventory try { DataCommodityInventory.UpdCommodityInventory(companyId, groupId, db, ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entity[i].commodity_id), entity[i].diff_number * -1, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(personId), ipAdress, userId); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Update Commodity Inventory)", ex); return("UpdateSales(Update Commodity Inventory) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region Set Entity InOutDelivery rec_cnt += 1; EntityInOutDeliveryD _entityInOutDeliveryD = new EntityInOutDeliveryD(); _entityInOutDeliveryD.rec_no = rec_cnt; _entityInOutDeliveryD.commodity_id = entity[i].commodity_id; _entityInOutDeliveryD.commodity_name = entity[i].commodity_name; _entityInOutDeliveryD.unit_id = 0; _entityInOutDeliveryD.enter_number = 0; _entityInOutDeliveryD.case_number = 0; if (entity[i].diff_number > 0) { _entityInOutDeliveryD.number = entity[i].diff_number; _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus.Add(_entityInOutDeliveryD); } else { _entityInOutDeliveryD.number = entity[i].diff_number * -1; _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus.Add(_entityInOutDeliveryD); } #endregion } } #region Update InOutDelivery try { svcInOutDelivery _svcInOutDelivery = new svcInOutDelivery(); if (_entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus.Count > 0) { _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_ymd = ymd; _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_kbn = 2; // 入出庫区分:出庫 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_proc_kbn = 4; // 入出庫処理区分:棚卸 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_to_kbn = 1; // 入出庫先区分:グループ _entityInOutDeliveryH.update_person_id = ExCast.zCInt(personId); _entityInOutDeliveryH.group_id_to = groupId; for (int i = 0; i <= _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus.Count - 1; i++) { _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_enter_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus[i].enter_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_case_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus[i].case_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus[i].number; } // random // update type 1:Insert // procKbn 4:棚卸 // InOutDeliveryNo 入出庫番号 // CauseNo 元伝票番号 str_message = _svcInOutDelivery.UpdateInOutDeliveryExcExc(random, 1, 4, 0, 0, _entityInOutDeliveryH, _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus, null, null); if (str_message.IndexOf("Auto Insert success : ") == -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str_message)) { return("UpdateStockInventory(Update InOutDelivery) : " + str_message); } } _svcInOutDelivery = new svcInOutDelivery(); _entityInOutDeliveryH = null; _entityInOutDeliveryH = new EntityInOutDeliveryH(); if (_entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus.Count > 0) { _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_ymd = ymd; _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_kbn = 1; // 入出庫区分:入庫 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_proc_kbn = 4; // 入出庫処理区分:棚卸 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_to_kbn = 1; // 入出庫先区分:グループ _entityInOutDeliveryH.update_person_id = ExCast.zCInt(personId); _entityInOutDeliveryH.group_id_to = groupId; for (int i = 0; i <= _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus.Count - 1; i++) { _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_enter_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus[i].enter_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_case_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus[i].case_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus[i].number; } // random // update type 1:Insert // procKbn 4:棚卸 // InOutDeliveryNo 入出庫番号 // CauseNo 元伝票番号 str_message = _svcInOutDelivery.UpdateInOutDeliveryExcExc(random, 1, 4, 0, 0, _entityInOutDeliveryH, _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus, null, null); if (str_message.IndexOf("Auto Insert success : ") == -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str_message)) { return("UpdateStockInventory(Update InOutDelivery) : " + str_message); } } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(Update InOutDelivery)", ex); return("UpdateStockInventory(Update InOutDelivery) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(Insert)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } } #endregion #region PG排他制御 //try //{ // DataPgLock.DelLockPg(companyId, userId, PG_NM, "", ipAdress, false, db); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // db.ExRollbackTransaction(); // CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DelLockPg)", ex); // return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DelLockPg) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; //} #endregion #region CommitTransaction try { db.ExCommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(CommitTransaction)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(CommitTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region Database Close try { db.DbClose(); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DbClose)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DbClose) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { db = null; } #endregion #region Add Evidence try { svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.DeleteAndInsert, ""); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(Add Evidence)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(Add Evidence) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion return(""); }
public List <EntityClass> GetClass(string random, int classKbn) { EntityClass entity; List <EntityClass> entityList = new List <EntityClass>(); #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { entity = new EntityClass(); entity.MESSAGE = _message; entityList.Add(entity); return(entityList); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetClass(認証処理)", ex); entity = new EntityClass(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetClass : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString();; entityList.Add(entity); return(entityList); } #endregion StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db; try { db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); sb = new StringBuilder(); #region SQL int _classKbn = ((classKbn - 1)) * 3 + 1; sb.Append("SELECT MT.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM.DESCRIPTION AS DISPLAY_DIVISION_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM M_CLASS AS MT" + Environment.NewLine); #region Join // 表示区分 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.DISPLAY_DIVISION_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.ID = MT.DISPLAY_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); #endregion sb.Append(" WHERE MT.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.CLASS_DIVISION_ID = " + _classKbn.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ORDER BY MT.COMPANY_ID " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MT.ID " + Environment.NewLine); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); // 排他制御 DataPgLock.geLovkFlg lockFlg; string strErr = DataPgLock.SetLockPg(companyId, userId, PG_NM, _classKbn.ToString(), ipAdress, db, out lockFlg); if (strErr != "") { entity = new EntityClass(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetCommodity : 排他制御(ロック情報取得)に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + strErr; entityList.Add(entity); return(entityList); } if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= dt.DefaultView.Count - 1; i++) { #region Set Entity entity = new EntityClass(); = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["ID"]); entity.class_divition_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[i]["CLASS_DIVISION_ID"]); = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["NAME"]); entity.display_division_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[i]["DISPLAY_FLG"]); entity.display_division_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["DISPLAY_DIVISION_NAME"]); entity.memo = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["MEMO"]); entity.lock_flg = (int)lockFlg; entityList.Add(entity); #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetClass", ex); entityList.Clear(); entity = new EntityClass(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetClass : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); entityList.Add(entity); } finally { db = null; } svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Select, ""); return(entityList); }