protected void Start() { // this is just used to instantiate the health of the evil cat (class with static methods) as soon as the evil cat itself is instatiated evilHealth = EvilHealth.Instance; this.gameObject.AddComponent<EvilHealthDisplay>(); healthDisplay = this.GetComponent<EvilHealthDisplay>(); this.gameObject.AddComponent<MoveCat>(); move = this.GetComponent<MoveCat>(); move.AddVectorsToList (); this.gameObject.AddComponent<EvilBasicFire>(); fire = this.GetComponent<EvilBasicFire>(); fire.ShootAtPlayer (); }
public void MoveCatToNewPosition(EvilBasicFire fire) { IncrementTimer (); //lerp! float perc = currentLerpTime / lerpTime; var newPosition = Vector3.Lerp (startPos, endPos, perc); transform.position = newPosition; if (transform.position == newPosition && !fire.HasShot) { fire.ShootAtPlayer (); fire.HasShot = true; hasMoved = false; } }