private EventureOrder BuildOrder(JObject orderBundle)
            //orderAmount: cart.getTotalPrice(),
            //   orderHouseId: cart.houseId,
            //   ownerId: cart.ownerId,
            //   teamId: cart.teamId,
            //   teamMemberId: cart.teamMemberId,
            //   regs: cart.registrations

            var order = new EventureOrder
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                HouseId     = (Int32)orderBundle["orderHouseId"],
                Amount      = (Decimal)orderBundle["orderAmount"],
                Token       = (string)orderBundle["stripeToken"], //is this safe??
                OwnerId     = (Int32)orderBundle["ownerId"],
                Status      = "Init",
                Voided      = false

            dynamic bundle = orderBundle;

            if (bundle.charges != null)  //if no surcharges skip this
                foreach (dynamic surchargeBundle in bundle.charges)
                    var surcharge = new Surcharge
                        Amount         = surchargeBundle.amount,
                        EventureListId = surchargeBundle.listId,
                        ChargeType     = surchargeBundle.chargeType,
                        Description    = surchargeBundle.desc,
                        ParticipantId  = (Int32)orderBundle["orderHouseId"], //surchargeBundle.partId,
                        //EventureOrderId = order.Id,
                        EventureOrder = order,
                        DateCreated   = DateTime.Now,
                        CouponId      = surchargeBundle.couponId

                    string chargeType = surchargeBundle.chargeType ?? "";
                    switch (chargeType)
                    case "coupon":
                        surcharge.SurchargeType = SurchargeType.Coupon;

                    case "cartRule":
                        surcharge.SurchargeType = SurchargeType.Discount;

                    case "onlineFee":
                        surcharge.SurchargeType = SurchargeType.OnlineFee;

                    //totalFees = 33; //totalFees + Convert.ToDecimal(surchargeBundle.amount);

            if (bundle.addons != null)  //if no surcharges skip this
                foreach (dynamic addonBundle in bundle.addons)
                    var surcharge = new Surcharge
                        Amount         = addonBundle.amount,
                        EventureListId = addonBundle.listId,
                        ChargeType     = addonBundle.chargeType,
                        Description    = addonBundle.addonName,
                        ParticipantId  = (Int32)orderBundle["orderHouseId"],
                        EventureOrder  = order,
                        DateCreated    = DateTime.Now,
                        AddonId        = addonBundle.addonId,
                        Quantity       = addonBundle.quantity,
                        SurchargeType  = SurchargeType.Addon
                    //totalFees = 33; //totalFees + Convert.ToDecimal(surchargeBundle.amount);


            foreach (var regBundle in bundle.regs)
                Registration registration = new Registration
                    EventureListId = regBundle.eventureListId,
                    ParticipantId  = regBundle.partId,
                    ListAmount     = regBundle.fee,
                    Quantity       = regBundle.quantity,
                    //EventureOrderId = order.Id,
                    GroupId       = regBundle.groupId,
                    EventureOrder = order,
                    DateCreated   = DateTime.Now,
                    TotalAmount   = Convert.ToDecimal(regBundle.fee),
                    Type          = "reg",
                    RegStatus     = RegStatus.Completed,
                    Redeemed      = true
                // order.

                var eventureListTypeId = regBundle.eventureListTypeId;

                foreach (var answerBundle in regBundle.answers)
                    var answer = new Answer
                        AnswerText   = answerBundle.answer,
                        QuestionId   = answerBundle.questionId,
                        Registration = registration
        public HttpResponseMessage Transfer(JObject saveBundle)
                //int numOfRegs = 0;
                //decimal totalFees = 0;

                var transferId          = (Int32)saveBundle["transferId"];
                var transferNewListName = (string)saveBundle["transferNewListName"];
                var participantId       = (Int32)saveBundle["partId"];

                var log = new EventureLog();
                log.Message = "starting transfer: " + transferId;
                log.Caller  = "transfer";
                log.Status  = "Info";
                log.LogDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime();

                var transfer = db.EventureTransfers.Where(t => t.Id == transferId).Single();

                var order = new EventureOrder
                    DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                    //HouseId = (Int32)saveBundle["houseId"],
                    Amount  = (Decimal)saveBundle["amount"],
                    Token   = (string)saveBundle["token"],  //is this safe??
                    OwnerId = (Int32)saveBundle["ownerId"],
                    Status  = "init transfer",
                    Voided  = false

                Owner owner = db.Owners.Where(o => o.Id == order.OwnerId).SingleOrDefault();
                if (owner == null)
                    throw new Exception("Owner Setup is Not Configured Correctly");

                //must have transferId,
                //i could process without partId  just no email

                order.CardProcessorFeeInCents = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(order.Amount * 100) * owner.CardProcessorFeePercentPerCharge / 100, 0) + owner.CardProcessorFeeFlatPerChargeInCents);
                order.LocalFeeInCents         = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(order.Amount * 100) * owner.LocalFeePercentOfCharge / 100, 0) + owner.LocalFeeFlatPerPerChargeInCents);
                order.LocalApplicationFee     = order.LocalFeeInCents - order.CardProcessorFeeInCents;

                string custDesc  = string.Empty;
                string partEmail = string.Empty;
                var    part      = db.Participants.Where(p => p.Id == participantId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (part != null)
                    custDesc  = "_transfer" + transferId;
                    partEmail = part.Email;
                    //this should never happen  throw exception?
                    //NO house Id
                    throw new Exception("There was an issue with submission, Not signed into account.");

                // create customer
                var customerOptions = new StripeCustomerCreateOptions
                    Email       = partEmail,
                    Description = custDesc,
                    TokenId     = order.Token,

                var stripeCustomerService = new StripeCustomerService(owner.AccessToken);
                var customer = stripeCustomerService.Create(customerOptions);

                var stripeChargeService = new StripeChargeService(owner.AccessToken); //The token returned from the above method
                var stripeChargeOption  = new StripeChargeCreateOptions()
                    AmountInCents         = Convert.ToInt32(order.Amount * 100),
                    Currency              = "usd",
                    CustomerId            = customer.Id,
                    Description           = owner.Name, //this needs to be dynamic
                    ApplicationFeeInCents = order.LocalApplicationFee
                var stripeCharge = stripeChargeService.Create(stripeChargeOption);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stripeCharge.FailureCode))
                    // update reg
                    var reg = db.Registrations.Where(r => r.Id == transfer.RegistrationId).Single();

                    reg.EventureListId = transfer.EventureListIdTo;
                    // mjb 060914  reg.Name = transferNewListName;
                    reg.Type            = "xferup";
                    transfer.IsComplete = true;

                    order.AuthorizationCode = stripeCharge.Id;
                    order.CardNumber      = stripeCharge.StripeCard.Last4;
                    order.CardCvcCheck    = stripeCharge.StripeCard.CvcCheck;
                    order.CardExpires     = stripeCharge.StripeCard.ExpirationMonth + "/" + stripeCharge.StripeCard.ExpirationYear;
                    order.CardFingerprint = stripeCharge.StripeCard.Fingerprint;
                    //order.CardId = stripeCharge.StripeCard.;
                    order.CardName   = stripeCharge.StripeCard.Name;
                    order.CardOrigin = stripeCharge.StripeCard.Country;
                    order.CardType   = stripeCharge.StripeCard.Type;
                    order.Voided     = false;
                    order.Status     = "Complete";


                    var resp = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
                    //resp.Content = new StringContent();
                    resp.Content = new StringContent(transferId.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "text/plain");    //send transferId??  just for practice??

                    //var resp = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
                    ////resp.Content = new StringContent();
                    //resp.Content = new StringContent(order.Id.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "text/plain");
                    //return resp;
                    order.Status = stripeCharge.FailureMessage;
                    db.SaveChanges();  //should i save here?
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.ExpectationFailed, stripeCharge));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //send quick email

                HttpResponseMessage result = new MailController().SendInfoMessage("*****@*****.**", "Error Handler_Payment_Post: " + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.InnerException);

                //regular log
                var logE = new EventureLog
                    Message = "Error Handler: " + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.InnerException,
                    Caller  = "Payment_Post",
                    Status  = "ERROR",
                    LogDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime()

                var returnMessage = "There was error with your transaction, please try again.";

                if (ex.Source == "")
                    returnMessage = ex.Message;

                if (Request != null)
                    return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, returnMessage));
                //return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
                    return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError));
                    //return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,);