public TelegramChecker(ref IStorage storage, ref TelegramBot bot, ref EventViews viewer, ref ILogger loger) { = storage; this.telegramBot = bot; this.viewer = viewer; this.loger = loger; }
//RecordView public bool RecordView(EventViews _views) { string response = null; string data = null; bool isAdded = false; DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer( typeof(EventViews)); MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); ser.WriteObject(mem, _views); data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mem.ToArray(), 0, (int)mem.Length); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.Headers["Content-type"] = "application/json"; webClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; response = webClient.UploadString(BASE_URL + "RecordView", "PUT", data); if (response.ToLower().Contains("true")) { isAdded = true; } else { isAdded = false; } return(isAdded); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.SetWindowSize(Console.LargestWindowWidth, Console.LargestWindowHeight); ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; ILogger logger = new ConsoleLoger(); TelegramBot bot = new TelegramBot(); string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TelegramApp"].ConnectionString; IStorage storage = new DapStorageDB(logger, connectionString); EventViews viewer = new EventViews(); try { TelegramChecker telegramBot = new TelegramChecker(ref storage, ref bot, ref viewer, ref logger); Thread telegramChecker = new Thread(telegramBot.Run); telegramChecker.Start(); } catch (AggregateException ex) { foreach (var x in ex.InnerExceptions) { logger.WriteLog(x.Message); bot.SendMessageMe(x.Message); } Console.ReadKey(); } }
public void Shutdown() { UnbindStep(); foreach (var eventView in EventViews.ToList()) { RemoveEventView(eventView.Event); } }
private void AddEventView(StepEvent @event) { var eventViewGo = Instantiate(EventViewPrefab); var eventView = eventViewGo.GetComponent <TimelineEventViewBehaviour>(); eventView.RectTransform.SetParent(EventAttachmentPoint, false); EventViews.Add(eventView); eventView.Event = @event; }
public float Arrange() { if (!EventViews.Any()) { var height = RectTransform.sizeDelta.y; return(height); } var eventPosX = 0.0f; // Start by counting our own height from our top to the event attachement point var cumulativeHeight = 9.0f; // Then increment by space between bottom of step and top of event. cumulativeHeight += TimelineViewBehaviour.SpaceBetweenStepAndEventBadge; foreach (var eventView in EventViews) { // This positions the /attachment point/ eventView.RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(eventPosX, 0.0f); eventPosX += TimelineViewBehaviour.HorizontalEventSpacing; // Ensure hierarchy order is synced with EventViews collection order. eventView.RectTransform.SetAsFirstSibling(); // Add height of iterated event and its steps recursive cumulativeHeight += eventView.Arrange(cumulativeHeight); if (eventView != EventViews.Last()) { if (eventView.StepViewsEnumerable.Any()) { cumulativeHeight += TimelineViewBehaviour.SpaceBetweenStepAndEventBadge; } else { cumulativeHeight += TimelineViewBehaviour.SpaceBetweenEventAndEvent; } } } // Make sure workspace fits this step var xFromWorkspaceEdge = RectTransform.sizeDelta.x - TimelineViewBehaviour.GetStepViewPositionRelativeToWorkspace(this).x; TimelineViewBehaviour.BoostWorkspaceMax(new Vector2(xFromWorkspaceEdge + 40, cumulativeHeight + 40)); // Finish by counting the height from the attachment point to the bottom. return(cumulativeHeight + 9.0f); }
private void RemoveEventView(StepEvent @event) { var eventView = EventViews.FirstOrDefault(view => view.Event == @event); if (eventView == null) { return; } EventViews.Remove(eventView); eventView.Shutdown(); Destroy(eventView.gameObject); }
public bool RecordView(EventViews _views) { using (EventrixDBDataContext db = new EventrixDBDataContext()) { var query = (from views in db.EventViews where views.eventID.Equals(_views.E_ID) && views.G_ID.Equals(_views.G_ID) select views); if (query.Count() == 0) { EventView toinsert = new EventView(); toinsert.eventID = _views.E_ID; toinsert.G_ID = _views.G_ID; toinsert.EH_ID = _views.EH_ID; db.EventViews.InsertOnSubmit(toinsert); db.SubmitChanges(); return true; } else { return false; } }; }
public void ExecuteCommand(Result result, ref IStorage storage, ref TelegramBot bot, ref EventViews viewer) { DevByParser parser = new DevByParser(); List <Event> currEvents = parser.GetEvents(2); storage.SaveNewEventsToStorage(currEvents); List <Event> newEvents = storage.GetNewEventsFromStorageForUser(result.message.from.ID.ToString()); storage.SaveUserCheckDate(result.message.from.ID.ToString()); if (newEvents.Capacity > 0) { foreach (var sub in newEvents) { bot.SendMessageMDCustom(viewer.ToMdFormat(sub),; } } else { bot.SendMessageMDCustom($"*No new events for you, {result.message.from.first_name}!*",; } }
public void ExecuteCommand(Result result, ref IStorage storage, ref TelegramBot bot, ref EventViews views) { }
public void ExecuteCommand(Result result, ref IStorage storage, ref TelegramBot bot, ref EventViews viewer) { DevByParser parser = new DevByParser(); List <Event> currEvents = parser.GetEvents(2); storage.SaveNewEventsToStorage(currEvents); storage.SaveUserCheckDate(result.message.from.ID.ToString()); foreach (var sub in currEvents) { bot.SendMessageMDCustom(viewer.ToMdFormat(sub),; } }
public void ExecuteCommand(Result result, ref IStorage storage, ref TelegramBot bot, ref EventViews viewer) { string message = $"Dear {result.message.from.first_name}, you entered unknown command!\nPlease Chose command from list:\n" + $"/ShowEvents@JonnWickbot -show all events\n" + $"/ShowNewEvents@JonnWickbot- show only new events for you"; bot.SendMessageCustom(message,; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string eventID = Request.QueryString["ev"]; // GetNumViews(string eventID, string Type) EventServiceClient esv = new EventServiceClient(); ReportServiceClient reportClient = new ReportServiceClient(); EventModel myEvent = new EventModel(); //Get Number of Event Vies int EventViews = esv.GetNumViews(eventID, "Views"); int EventShares = esv.GetNumViews(eventID, "Shares"); string RecentShareDate = reportClient.GetLatestView(eventID, "Shares"); string RecentViewDate = reportClient.GetLatestView(eventID, "Views"); numViews.InnerHtml = Convert.ToString(EventViews); numShares.InnerHtml = Convert.ToString(EventShares); ViewDate.InnerHtml = RecentViewDate; shareDate.InnerHtml = RecentShareDate; String request = (Request.QueryString["ev"]); string HostLevel = Convert.ToString(Session["Level"]); int HostID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID"]); //Trigger event views EventServiceClient evsc = new EventServiceClient(); EventViews newView = new EventViews(); newView.E_ID = Convert.ToInt32(request); if (HostLevel.ToLower().Equals("host")) { MapVsReportContainer.InnerHtml = "<span class='title' style='text-align:center;'>Ticket Statistics</span>"; EventServiceClient Service_Client = new EventServiceClient(); EventModel _event = new EventModel(); _event = Service_Client.findByEventID(request); if (_event.HostID == HostID) { btnDelete.Visible = true; btnEdit.Visible = true; btnReport.Visible = true; googleMap.Visible = false; PieChart.Visible = true; market.Visible = true; ticket.Visible = false; } else { btnDelete.Visible = false; btnEdit.Visible = false; btnReport.Visible = false; googleMap.Visible = true; PieChart.Visible = false; market.Visible = false; ticket.Visible = true; } EventModel view = new EventModel(); view.EventID = Convert.ToInt32(request); view.HostID = Convert.ToInt32(HostID); view.Type = "Views"; evsc.addEventView(view); } else if (HostLevel.ToLower().Equals("guest")) { MapVsReportContainer.InnerHtml = "<span class='title' style='text-align:center;'>Get Directions</span>"; btnDelete.Visible = false; btnEdit.Visible = false; btnReport.Visible = false; googleMap.Visible = true; PieChart.Visible = false; market.Visible = false; ticket.Visible = true; EventModel view = new EventModel(); view.EventID = Convert.ToInt32(request); view.GuestID = Convert.ToInt32(HostID); view.Type = "View"; evsc.addEventView(view); } else { MapVsReportContainer.InnerHtml = "<span class='title' style='text-align:center;'>Get Directions</span>"; btnDelete.Visible = false; btnEdit.Visible = false; btnReport.Visible = false; googleMap.Visible = true; PieChart.Visible = false; market.Visible = false; ticket.Visible = true; } //bool addViews = false; EventModel _View = new EventModel(); _View.EventID = Convert.ToInt32(request); _View.EventView = EventViews; DateTime dummyTime = new DateTime(); dummyTime = DateTime.Now; _View.sDate = Convert.ToString(dummyTime); _View.eDate = Convert.ToString(dummyTime); int EventID = Convert.ToInt32(request); strEventID = EventID; EventModel em = new EventModel(); ImageFile img = new ImageFile(); List <ImageFile> listimages = new List <ImageFile>(); List <EventProduct> products = new List <EventProduct>(); EventTicket EB_tickets = new EventTicket(); EventTicket REG_tickets = new EventTicket(); EventTicket VIP_tickets = new EventTicket(); EventTicket VVIP_tickets = new EventTicket(); EventServiceClient eventClient = new EventServiceClient(); FileUploadClient fuc = new FileUploadClient(); TicketServiceClient tsc = new TicketServiceClient(); ProductServiceClient psc = new ProductServiceClient(); em = eventClient.findByEventID(request); img = fuc.getImageById(request); listimages = fuc.getMultipleImagesById(request); string output = ""; string imgLocation = ""; ImageFile mainPic = new ImageFile(); if (listimages.Count == 0) { output = "/Events/Eventrix_Default_Image.png"; string strIhtml = "<img src='" + output + "' class='img-responsive' alt=''/>"; divImageSlider.InnerHtml = strIhtml; //secondaryImageSlider.Visible = false; } else if (listimages.Count == 1) //one pic uploaded { imgLocation = img.Location; output = imgLocation.Substring(imgLocation.IndexOf('E')); //trim string path from Event //image slider string strIhtml = "<img src='" + output + "' class='img-responsive' alt=''/>"; divImageSlider.InnerHtml = strIhtml; // secondaryImageSlider.Visible = false; } string htmltag = ""; htmltag = "Event Name: " + em.Name; EName.InnerHtml = htmltag; htmltag = "<span class='title'>Start Date : </span>" + em.sDate; StartDate.InnerHtml = htmltag; htmltag = "<span class='title'>End Date : </span>" + em.eDate; EndDate.InnerHtml = htmltag; htmltag = em.Desc; Description.InnerHtml = htmltag; htmltag = ""; //clean string EB_tickets = tsc.getEBTicket(request); REG_tickets = tsc.getRegularTicket(request); VIP_tickets = tsc.getVIPTicket(request); VVIP_tickets = tsc.getVVIPTicket(request); if (EB_tickets != null) { if (EB_tickets._Price.Equals(0)) { htmltag += "<li><span class='title'>Early Bird Tickets :Available " + em.EB_Quantity + " </span> Price: For Free!, Available Till: " + EB_tickets._EndDate + "</li>"; } else { htmltag += "<li><span class='title'>Early Bird Tickets :Available " + em.EB_Quantity + " </span> Price: R" + EB_tickets._Price + ", Available Till: " + EB_tickets._EndDate + "</li>"; } htmltag += "<li><a class='btn btn-primary animated bounceIn' href ='PurchaseTicket.aspx?EBT_ID=" + EB_tickets._TicketID + "&E_ID=" + request + "'>Buy Early Bird Ticket</a></li><hr/>"; } if (REG_tickets != null) { if (REG_tickets._Price.Equals(0)) { htmltag += "<li><span class='title'>Regular Tickets :Available " + em.Reg_Quantity + " </span> Price: For Free!, Available Till: " + REG_tickets._EndDate + "</li>"; } else { htmltag += "<li><span class='title'>Regular Tickets :Available " + em.Reg_Quantity + " </span> Price: R" + REG_tickets._Price + ", Available Till: " + REG_tickets._EndDate + "</li>"; } htmltag += "<li><a class='btn btn-primary animated bounceIn' href ='PurchaseTicket.aspx?RBT_ID=" + REG_tickets._TicketID + "&E_ID=" + request + "'>Buy Regular Ticket</a></li><hr/>"; } if (VIP_tickets != null) { if (VIP_tickets._Price.Equals(0)) { htmltag += "<li><span class='title'>VIP Tickets :Available " + em.VIP_Quantity + " </span> Price: For Free!, Available Till: " + VIP_tickets._EndDate + "</li>"; } else { htmltag += "<li><span class='title'>VIP Tickets :Available " + em.VIP_Quantity + " </span> Price: R" + VIP_tickets._Price + ", Available Till: " + VIP_tickets._EndDate + "</li>"; } htmltag += "<li><a class='btn btn-primary animated bounceIn' href ='PurchaseTicket.aspx?VT_ID=" + VIP_tickets._TicketID + "&E_ID=" + request + "'>Buy VIP Ticket</a></li><hr/>"; } if (VVIP_tickets != null) { if (VVIP_tickets._Price.Equals(0)) { htmltag += "<li><span class='title'>VVIP Tickets :Available " + em.VVIP_Quantity + " </span> Price: For Free!, Available Till: " + VVIP_tickets._EndDate + "</li>"; } else { htmltag += "<li><span class='title'>VVIP Tickets :Available " + em.VVIP_Quantity + " </span> Price: R" + VVIP_tickets._Price + ", Available Till: " + VVIP_tickets._EndDate + "</li>"; } htmltag += "<li><a class='btn btn-primary animated bounceIn' href ='PurchaseTicket.aspx?VVT_ID=" + VVIP_tickets._TicketID + "&E_ID=" + request + "'>Buy VVIP Ticket</a></li><hr/>"; } ticketInfo.InnerHtml = htmltag; //check if ticket entrance is for free if (EB_tickets == null && REG_tickets == null && VIP_tickets == null && VVIP_tickets == null) { AttendEvent.Visible = true; } else { AttendEvent.Visible = false; } htmltag = ""; //clean string products = psc.getProductByEventID(request); int PC = products.Count(); int count = 1; if (products != null) { if (PC != 0) { htmltag = "<span class='title'>Products Sold</span>"; // ProductsHeading.InnerHtml = htmltag; htmltag = ""; } foreach (EventProduct ep in products) { htmltag += "<li><span class='title'>" + count + ". " + ep._Name + "</span>Price: R" + ep._Price + "</li>"; count++; } Products.InnerHtml = htmltag; } }