        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "facePlayerSad";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "It’s been a month since your father died and passed the family potions shop on to you.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S1 };

            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "facePlayerNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "Passed on for generations, it offers potions made from peacock feathers.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S2 };

            case EventStage.S2:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "facePlayerHappy";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "Now it's your turn to keep the business alive.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S3 };

            case EventStage.S3:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "Spring starts, and customers come and go, buying the potions your father made before he passed.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S4 };
                EventState.PushEvent(new ExplainSalesEvent(), 0, 0, GameStage.GS_OVERLAY_POTION_SALES);
        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventText    = "Your landlord enters the shop and comes up to you.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S1 };

            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventText = "\"Looks like you can't pay rent this season.\"";
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes      = new EventStage[] { EventStage.ACCEPT };

            case EventStage.ACCEPT:
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"I'll give you one more chance. Don't worry about this season's rent, but if you miss next season, I'll have to evict you.\"";  // TODO: shorten, probably!
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                EventState.PushEvent(new RestoreRentEvent(GameData.singleton.rent), GameData.singleton.quarter + 1, 0);
                GameData.singleton.rent = 0;     // forgive the rent for one season

        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "facePlayerNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "You take stock of your potions. What did Dad say about this..?";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S1 };

            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceGrandfather";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Make new potions out of feathers! Personally, I try to replace the potions I sold last season.\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S2 };

            case EventStage.S2:
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"You can change the prices too. If you didn't sell much of a potion, try making it cheaper.\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S3 };

            case EventStage.S3:
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Some potions just aren't as popular as others... and people's tastes can change, too. It's important to adapt!\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                EventState.PushEvent(new ExplainPeacockEvent(), 0, 0, GameStage.GS_PEACOCK);
        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeHappy";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "10 years have passed.\nYou and " + NAME + " ended up getting married!";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S2 };

            case EventStage.S2:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceSonHappy";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "You also had a son together!\nHe's growing up quickly.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S3 };

            case EventStage.S3:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "You've been running the potion shop together with " + NAME + ", and it's still doing about as well as it was 10 years ago.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                // Time skip
                GameData.singleton.yearsSkipped = 10;
                GameData.singleton.wifeMarried  = true;
                GameData.singleton.sonWasBorn   = true;
                // Start queueing events for the son
                // The son event will likely happen next, so delay the next wife event a bit longer
                EventState.PushEvent(new WifeEventFive(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 2, 0f);
    protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
        switch (currentStage)
        case EventStage.START:
            EventState.currentEventText    = string.Format("A woman approaches the counter. \"Do you have any {0} potions?\"", mPotionType.GetName().ToLower());
            EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                "We've run out, but you should  try again next season.",
                "We've run out, and I don't know when we'll have more."
            mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.ACCEPT, EventStage.REFUSE };

        case EventStage.ACCEPT:
            EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Oh okay, I'll try again next season. Thanks!\" the woman says as she leaves.";
            EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
            EventState.PushEvent(new OutOfStockReturnEvent(mPotionType), GameData.singleton.quarter + 1, 0.6f);

        case EventStage.REFUSE:
            EventState.currentEventText                = "\"Oh okay. I'll have to look elsewhere,\" she says. She takes her leave.";
            EventState.currentEventOptions             = EventState.OK_OPTION;
            GameData.singleton.storePopularity        *= 0.95f;
            GameData.singleton.outOfStockEventCooldown = GameData.singleton.quarter + 2;
 public static void Load(List <ScheduledEvent.ScheduledEventSaveData> saveData)
     Debug.Log("loading event data");
     foreach (ScheduledEvent.ScheduledEventSaveData data in saveData)
         Debug.Log("data is of type " + data.GetType());
         Debug.Log("event is type " + data.eventType);
         if (data.specificData != null)
             ConstructorInfo constructor = data.eventType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { data.specificData.GetType() });
             if (constructor != null)
                 GameEvent e = (GameEvent)constructor.Invoke(new object[] { data.specificData });
                 EventState.PushEvent(e, data.quarter, data.minDelay, data.gameStage);
                 Debug.LogError("failed to find constructor for event of type " + data.eventType + " with param " + data.specificData.GetType());
             ConstructorInfo constructor = data.eventType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
             if (constructor != null)
                 GameEvent e = (GameEvent)constructor.Invoke(null);
                 EventState.PushEvent(e, data.quarter, data.minDelay, data.gameStage);
                 Debug.LogError("failed to find default constructor for event of type " + data.eventType);
        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventImage = "faceWifeNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText  = string.Format("{0} comes up to you. She suggests buying a special toy for your son's birthday.", WifeEventChain.NAME);
                if (GameData.singleton.money >= toyCost)
                    EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                        "Give her " + Utilities.FormatMoney(toyCost),
                        "Say you can't afford it"
                    mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.ACCEPT, EventStage.REFUSE };
                    EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                        "Say you can't afford it"
                    mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.REFUSE };

            case EventStage.ACCEPT:
                EventState.currentEventImage = "faceWifeHappy";
                EventState.currentEventText  = "\"I think this will make him very happy.\" She gives you a quick kiss and leaves the shop.";
                EventState.PushEvent(new SonEventBirthday(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 1);
                GameData.singleton.wifeRelationship += 5;
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;

            case EventStage.REFUSE:
                EventState.currentEventImage = "faceWifeSad";
                if (GameData.singleton.money <= toyCost * 5)
                    EventState.currentEventText = "\"That's too bad. I know things are tough right now. He'll understand.\"";
                else if (GameData.singleton.money >= toyCost * 10)
                    EventState.currentEventText          = "\"I think we could spare it. How can you neglect our son like that?\" She goes outside.";
                    GameData.singleton.wifeRelationship -= 10;
                    EventState.currentEventText = "\"Okay, I'll see if I can find something else myself...\" She leaves.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;

        protected override EventResult EventStart()
            if (GameData.singleton.money < COST)
                Debug.Log("postponing investment event to next quarter");
                EventState.PushEvent(new InvestmentEventStart(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 1);

    private void InitNewGame()

        // initialize events here for the moment..
        EventState.PushEvent(new TutorialEventChain.IntroductionEvent(), 0, 0);

        GameData.singleton.money          = DebugOverrides.StartingMoney;
        GameData.singleton.initialBalance = GameData.singleton.money;
        // Set final balance for the previous quarter so that next Q can use it as initial balance
        GameData.singleton.finalBalance = GameData.singleton.money;
        GameData.singleton.rent         = 300;

        // Starting unlocks
        GameData.singleton.potionsUnlocked[(int)PotionType.PT_LOVE_POTION] = true;
        GameData.singleton.potionsUnlocked[(int)PotionType.PT_FIRE_POTION] = true;
        // Queue timed unlocks of other potion types
        // The game starts in quarter 0
        EventState.PushEvent(new UnlockPotionEvent(PotionType.PT_POISON_POTION), 1);
        EventState.PushEvent(new UnlockPotionEvent(PotionType.PT_INVIS_POTION), 2);
        EventState.PushEvent(new UnlockPotionEvent(PotionType.PT_LUCK_POTION), 3);

        // Starting feathers owned
        GameData.singleton.feathersOwned[(int)FeatherType.FT_GREEN_FEATHER]  = 0;
        GameData.singleton.feathersOwned[(int)FeatherType.FT_PINK_FEATHER]   = 0;
        GameData.singleton.feathersOwned[(int)FeatherType.FT_ORANGE_FEATHER] = 5;
        GameData.singleton.feathersOwned[(int)FeatherType.FT_BLUE_FEATHER]   = 5;

        for (int i = 0; i < (int)FeatherType.FT_MAX; i++)
            GameData.singleton.feathersUnlocked[i] = GameData.singleton.feathersOwned[i] > 0;

        // Starting potions owned and prices
        for (int i = 0; i < GameData.singleton.potionsOwned.Length; ++i)
            GameData.singleton.potionsOwned[i] = GameData.singleton.potionsUnlocked[i] ? 10 : 0;
            int numFeathersInRecipe = 0;
            foreach (FeatherAndCount feathAndCount in ((PotionType)i).GetIngredients())
                numFeathersInRecipe += feathAndCount.count;
            GameData.singleton.potionPrices[i] = 25 * numFeathersInRecipe;
            GameData.singleton.quarterlyReportSalePrices[i] = 25 * numFeathersInRecipe;

        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventText    = "Your son runs up to you while you're at the counter.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S1 };

            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceSonHappy";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Daddy! What are you doing?\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                    "\"Making magical potions, dear.\"",
                    "\"Adult stuff. Why don't you go play with mom?\""
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S2, EventStage.REFUSE };

            case EventStage.S2:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceSonSurprise";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "Magical! Can you make one that makes me fly?!";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                    "\"Why not try yourself?\"",
                    "\"Maybe later. I'm busy right now.\""
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.ACCEPT, EventStage.REFUSE };

            case EventStage.ACCEPT:
                EventState.currentEventImage        = "";
                EventState.currentEventText         = "Excited, he grabs some empty bottles and runs over to the cauldron.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions      = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                GameData.singleton.sonRelationship += 10;
                EventState.PushEvent(new SonDropBottlesEvent(), GameData.singleton.quarter);

            case EventStage.REFUSE:
                EventState.currentEventImage        = "faceSonSad";
                EventState.currentEventText         = "\"Okayy.\" He walks upstairs, looking dejected.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions      = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                GameData.singleton.sonRelationship -= 10;
                EventState.PushEvent(new SonEventTwo(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 2);
    public static void SellProduct(int product)
        GameData.singleton.money += GameData.singleton.potionPrices[product];
        GameData.singleton.potionsOwned[product]   -= 1;
        GameData.singleton.quarterlySales[product] += 1;

        Debug.Log("Sold a " + (PotionType)product + "! money: " + GameData.singleton.money);

        // Hacky way to call code from another system
        GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <UIControllerSystem>()[0].ShowSale((PotionType)product);

        // Have a random chance to spawn an event
        // TODO: move event spawning into a new system
        if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) <= 0.01f && GameData.singleton.quarter > 4)
            EventState.PushEvent(new ThiefEvent(), GameData.singleton.quarter);
        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventText    = "You overhear a conversation between customers...";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S1 };

            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventText    = string.Format("\"I can't wait for next year's summer festival!\"");
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S2 };

            case EventStage.S2:
                EventState.currentEventText    = string.Format("\"Yes! I love trying my luck at all the little games they set up.\"");
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S3 };

            case EventStage.S3:
                EventState.currentEventText    = string.Format("\"Not to mention the big lottery at the end.\"");
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S4 };

            case EventStage.S4:
                EventState.currentEventText    = string.Format("\"Fingers crossed for that!\"");
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S5 };

            case EventStage.S5:
                EventState.currentEventText    = string.Format("The customers return to their shopping.");
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                GameData.singleton.productDemand[(int)PotionType.PT_LUCK_POTION] += 0.1f;     // increase demand now, so that it takes effect in the spring
                EventState.PushEvent(new FestivalReminderEvent(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 1);

        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventImage = "faceWifeHappy";
                if (GameData.singleton.wifeUsedLovePotion)
                    EventState.currentEventText = "Despite being under the influence of a love potion for the first date, you and " + NAME + " ended up going on many more dates and growing quite close.";
                    EventState.currentEventText = "You and " + NAME + " ended up going on many dates and growing quite close.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S1 };

            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeHappy";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Hi again! Did you know that Ancadian Peacocks will grow more feathers of a given color depending on the season?\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[] { "Neat!", "Oh yea, I noticed that" };
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S2, EventStage.S2 };

            case EventStage.S2:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"It's a remarkable bird. There are other factors that affect the color of their feathers too, but I haven't figured it all out yet.\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S3 };

            case EventStage.S3:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeHappy";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Anyways, enough about the bird. I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight!\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[] { "Me too!" };
                // Queue an event for the start of the next quarter
                EventState.PushEvent(new WifeEventMarriage(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 1, 0f);
        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventText    = "The summer festival is next season!";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S5 };

            case EventStage.S5:
                EventState.currentEventText    = "Maybe I should go.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                GameData.singleton.productDemand[(int)PotionType.PT_LUCK_POTION] += 0.2f;     // increase demand even more for the festival itself
                EventState.PushEvent(new FestivalOverEvent(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 2);

        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventText    = "You hear a crash from across the store. You glance over and see that your son knocked over some potions.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S1 };

            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceSonSad";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Waaah! I- I didn't mean to!\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S2 };
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                    "Console him and clean up the mess",
                    "Tell him to go upstairs"
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.GO_CLEAN, EventStage.GO_OUTSIDE };

            case EventStage.GO_CLEAN:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceSonNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "He fetches a broom and helps you clean up. Then he decides to go outside.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                EventState.PushEvent(new SonEventTwo(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 2);     // schedule another event for next quarter
                GameData.singleton.sonRelationship += 5;

            case EventStage.GO_OUTSIDE:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceSonSad";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "He sniffles and heads upstairs.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                EventState.PushEvent(new SonEventTwo(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 2);     // schedule another event for next quarter
                GameData.singleton.sonRelationship -= 5;
        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceOther";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "Someone approaches you at the counter. \"I have a proposition for you.\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[] { "Go on..." };
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.DECIDE };

            case EventStage.DECIDE:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceOther";
                EventState.currentEventText    = string.Format("I've got an investment opportunity. Lend me {0}, and I'll pay you back double.", Utilities.FormatMoney(COST));
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                    "Accept the deal",
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.ACCEPT, EventStage.REFUSE };

            case EventStage.ACCEPT:
                EventState.currentEventImage = "faceOther";
                EventState.currentEventText  = string.Format("\"You won't regret this!\", he says. He takes your {0} and leaves.", Utilities.FormatMoney(COST));
                EventState.PushEvent(new InvestmentReturnEvent(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 4);
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;

            case EventStage.REFUSE:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceOther";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Suit yourself...\", he says. He leaves without another word.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;

        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventText    = "You overhear a conversation between customers...";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S1 };

            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventText    = string.Format("\"Is it just me, or have there been more rats around lately?\"");
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S2 };

            case EventStage.S2:
                EventState.currentEventText    = string.Format("\"Yes! Just last week I found 3 of them in my basement!\"");
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S3 };

            case EventStage.S3:
                EventState.currentEventText    = string.Format("\"I hope they don't get too out of hand, the vermin.\"");
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S4 };

            case EventStage.S4:
                EventState.currentEventText    = string.Format("The customers return to their shopping.");
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                GameData.singleton.productDemand[(int)PotionType.PT_POISON_POTION] += sDemandChange;
                EventState.PushEvent(new PoisonDemandDownEvent(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 3);

        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeHappy";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Hi there! Is that an Ancadian Peacock?\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                { "Umm, yeah!", "I don’t actually know..." };
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S1, EventStage.S1 };

            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"It’s quite majestic. Oh, my name is " + NAME + " by the way.\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                { "It’s a fancy fantastical pheasant!", "Magestic? I suppose it is." };
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S2, EventStage.S2 };

            case EventStage.S2:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"I've never seen one of this breed before. Do you mind if I study it for a little while?\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                { "Of course! It’s quite friendly." };
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S3 };

            case EventStage.S3:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "She is staring intently at the peacock and seems to have forgotten about you for now.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                EventState.PushEvent(new WifeEventTwo(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 1);     // schedule another event for next quarter
        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeHappy";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Hi!\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                { "..." };
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S1 };

            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"I noticed how hard you work so I brought you some tea, here!\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                { "Drink it" };
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S2 };

            case EventStage.S2:
                GameData.singleton.wifeUsedLovePotion = true;
                EventState.currentEventImage          = "facePlayerSurprise";
                EventState.currentEventText           = "Ah! It tastes sweeter than I expected!\nI like it though.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions        = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S3 };

            case EventStage.S3:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeHappy";
                EventState.currentEventText    = NAME + " winks at you, then heads out.";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                EventState.PushEvent(new WifeEventGrowClose(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 1);     // schedule another event for next quarter
 public static void Init()
     Debug.Log("pushing son event");
     EventState.PushEvent(new WifeEventOne(), 1);
        protected override EventResult OnStage(EventStage currentStage)
            switch (currentStage)
            case EventStage.START:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeHappy";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Hello again!\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[]
                { "Welcome back!" };
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S1 };

            case EventStage.S1:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Thanks for letting me observe your peacock last time. I was writing a paper on the species, and seeing it was really helpful.\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.CONTINUE_OPTION;
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.S2 };

            case EventStage.S2:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Would you like to go out for tea after work?\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[] { "Sure!", "No thanks, I'm too busy." };
                mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.ACCEPT, EventStage.REFUSE };

            case EventStage.ACCEPT:
                EventState.currentEventImage         = "faceWifeHappy";
                GameData.singleton.wifeRelationship += 10f;
                EventState.currentEventText          = "\"Awesome, I know a great place!\"\n<i>She runs off in excitement</i>";
                EventState.currentEventOptions       = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                EventState.PushEvent(new WifeEventGrowClose(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 2);     // schedule another event for next quarter

            case EventStage.REFUSE:
                EventState.currentEventImage = "faceWifeSad";
                EventState.currentEventText  = "\"Aw, okay.\nOn an unrelated note, do you sell love potions?\"";
                if (GameData.singleton.potionsOwned[(int)PotionType.PT_LOVE_POTION] > 0)
                    EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[] { "Yes" };
                    mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.HAS_POTION };
                    EventState.currentEventOptions = new string[] { "\"Yes, but we don't have any right now\"" };
                    mCurrentOptionOutcomes         = new EventStage[] { EventStage.NO_POTION };

            case EventStage.HAS_POTION:
                EventState.currentEventImage         = "faceWifeNeutral";
                GameData.singleton.wifeRelationship += 1f;
                EventState.currentEventText          = "\"I'll buy one love potion then!\"\n<i>She pays the price and heads out.</i>";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                EventState.PushEvent(new WifeEventLovePotion(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 1);     // schedule another event for next quarter

            case EventStage.NO_POTION:
                EventState.currentEventImage   = "faceWifeNeutral";
                EventState.currentEventText    = "\"Alright. Well, I'll be around.\"";
                EventState.currentEventOptions = EventState.OK_OPTION;
                EventState.PushEvent(new WifeEventLovePotion(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 1);     // schedule another event for next quarter
 protected override void EventEnd(int choice)
     EventState.PushEvent(new ExplainBrewingEvent(), 0, 0, GameStage.GS_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION);
     GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <UIControllerSystem>()[0].RestoreNormalEventOverlayPosition();
 protected override void EventEnd(int choice)
     EventState.PushEvent(new ExplainExpensesEvent(), 0, 0, GameStage.GS_OVERLAY_FINANCIAL_SUMMARY);
 protected override void EventEnd(int choice)
     EventState.PushEvent(new ExplainFeathersEvent(), 0, 0, GameStage.GS_OVERLAY_FEATHER_COLLECTION);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (EventState.currentEvent != null)
            return;                                 // no updating while an event is happening
        if (GameData.singleton.currentStage == GameStage.GS_SIMULATION)
            if (GameData.singleton.totalQuarterlyCustomers <= 0) // no more customers to handle
                if (!EventState.hasMoreEventsRightNow && GameData.singleton.quarterTimeElapsed >= QuarterTotalTime)
                    // transition to "end of quarter" stage
                    Debug.Log("All customers served this quarter.");
                // yeah like it's slightly gross to do this here in this way...
                // running code on state changes really does want an event-driven style thing, I guess
                if (mPaymentTime == 0)
                    mPaymentTime  = QuarterTotalTime / GameData.singleton.totalQuarterlyCustomers;
                    mPaymentTimer = mPaymentTime;

                mPaymentTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
                if (mPaymentTimer <= 0)
                    int product = Random.Range(0, (int)PotionType.PT_MAX);
                    while (GameData.singleton.quarterlyCustomers[product] == 0)
                        product = (product + 1) % (int)PotionType.PT_MAX;

                    if (GameData.singleton.potionsOwned[product] > 0)
                        GameData.singleton.unfulfilledDemand[product] += 1;
                        Debug.Log("A customer wanted " + (PotionType)product + " but we were out of stock");

                        // get enough of this, and we queue up an event where a customer asks for this type specifically
                        if (GameData.singleton.unfulfilledDemand[product] > 3 && GameData.singleton.outOfStockEventCooldown <= GameData.singleton.quarter)
                            EventState.PushEvent(new OutOfStockEvent((PotionType)product), GameData.singleton.quarter);
                            GameData.singleton.outOfStockEventCooldown = GameData.singleton.quarter + 2;

                    mPaymentTimer = Random.Range(mPaymentTime * 0.9f, mPaymentTime * 1.1f);
                    GameData.singleton.quarterlyCustomers[product] -= 1;
        else if (GameData.singleton.currentStage == GameStage.GS_END_OF_QUARTER)
            if (GameData.singleton.money < GameData.singleton.rent && !GameData.singleton.missedRent)
                if (GameData.singleton.lastMissedRentQuarter == -1)
                    EventState.PushEvent(new MissedRentEvents.MissedRentEvent(), GameData.singleton.quarter, 0, GameStage.GS_END_OF_QUARTER); // going to miss rent? add event
                    GameData.singleton.lastMissedRentQuarter = GameData.singleton.quarter;
                else if (GameData.singleton.lastMissedRentQuarter == GameData.singleton.quarter - 1)
                    EventState.PushEvent(new MissedRentEvents.MissedRentAgainEvent(), GameData.singleton.quarter, 0, GameStage.GS_END_OF_QUARTER); // game over
                    GameData.singleton.missedRent = true;
                    Debug.LogError("Missed rent in quarter " + GameData.singleton.lastMissedRentQuarter + " but it's now " + GameData.singleton.quarter + ", and somehow it wasn't cleared?");
            else if (GameData.singleton.lastMissedRentQuarter < GameData.singleton.quarter)
                GameData.singleton.lastMissedRentQuarter = -1;

            if (GameData.singleton.peacockHealth <= 0 && !GameData.singleton.peacockDied)
                EventState.PushEvent(new PeacockSickEvent(), GameData.singleton.quarter, 0, GameStage.GS_END_OF_QUARTER);
                GameData.singleton.peacockDied = true;

            if (GameData.singleton.quarter >= 16 && !GameData.singleton.reachedEndOfLife && !GameData.singleton.missedRent && !GameData.singleton.peacockDied)
                EventState.PushEvent(new EndOfLifeEvent(), GameData.singleton.quarter, 0);
                GameData.singleton.reachedEndOfLife = true;

            if (!EventState.hasMoreEventsRightNow) // ensure we play through all events before advancing to next quarter
                mPaymentTime = 0;

                // Advance to the next quarter and update any other affected state
                // Go tho the end-of-quarter summary state (or game over state)
                if (GameData.singleton.reachedEndOfLife)
                    // This will advance to the summaries after the end of the quarter
                Debug.Log("game stage is now " + GameData.singleton.currentStage);
 public static void Init()
     EventState.PushEvent(new SonEventOne(), GameData.singleton.quarter + 1);
 public static void Init()
     EventState.PushEvent(new PoisonDemandUpEvent(), 3);
 public static void Init()
     EventState.PushEvent(new FestivalIntroEvent(), 7); // winter of 2nd year
 public static void Init()
     EventState.PushEvent(new InvestmentEventStart(), 3);