public void ShowEventDetails() { Burger burger = _eventRepo.GetBurgerBooth(); Treat treat = _eventRepo.GetTreatBooth(); decimal totalBurgerCost = burger.HamCost * burger.HamCount + burger.HotdogCost * burger.HotdogCount + burger.VegCost * burger.VegCount + burger.MiscCost; decimal totalTreatCost = treat.IceCreamCost * treat.IceCreamCount + treat.PopcornCost * treat.PopcornCount + treat.MiscCost; Console.WriteLine($"Burger Booth Information" + $"\nHamburger total cost: ${burger.HamCost * burger.HamCount}" + $"\nVeggie burger total cost: ${burger.VegCost * burger.VegCount}" + $"\nHotdog total cost: ${burger.HotdogCost * burger.HotdogCount}" + $"\nMiscellaneous costs: ${burger.MiscCost}" + $"\nTotal number of tickets used at this booth: {burger.HamCount +burger.HotdogCount + burger.VegCount} tickets" + $"\n\nTreat Booth Information" + $"\nIce Cream total cost: ${treat.IceCreamCost * treat.IceCreamCount}" + $"\nPopcorn total cost: ${treat.PopcornCost*treat.PopcornCount}" + $"\nMiscellaneous costs: ${treat.MiscCost}" + $"\nTotal number of tickets used at this booth: {treat.IceCreamCount + treat.PopcornCount} tickets" + $"\n\nTotal Cost of Event: ${totalBurgerCost+totalTreatCost}" + $"\nTotal number of tickets used at any booth: {treat.IceCreamCount +treat.PopcornCount+ burger.HamCount + burger.HotdogCount + burger.VegCount} tickets"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void GetTreatBoothTest() { _eventRepo.RedeemTicket((BurgerTicket)1, (TreatTicket)1, 0.5m, 0.3m); Assert.AreEqual(_eventRepo.GetTreatBooth().IceCreamCount, 1); }
public void Arrange() { _eventRepo = new EventRepo(); _burgerBooth = _eventRepo.GetBurgerBooth(); _treatBooth = _eventRepo.GetTreatBooth(); }