private void LeaveEvent(Customer customer)
            // generates a random interval for how long the person takes, with a minimum of 1 minute
            // and 30 seconds
            TimeSpan waiting = new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)(120 + Negex(AvgCheckoutTime.TotalSeconds - 120)));

            // Creates departure event based on the time interval plus the time we are currently
            // at in the Priority Queue
            Event e = new Event(EVENTTYPE.LEAVE, ((EventPriorityQueue.Peek().Time + waiting)));

            //Associates departure event with registrant
            e.CurrCustomer = customer;
            customer.Leave = e;

            // Adds departure event to the queue

            // Update wait times for statistic counters
            TotalTime += waiting;

            if (waiting > LongestTime)
                LongestTime = waiting;

            if (waiting < ShortestTime)
                ShortestTime = waiting;
        }         // end RunSimulation


        #region Arrival and Leave Events
        private void ArrivalEvent()
            TimeSpan Start;
            TimeSpan Open;

            Open = EndTime - StartTime;

            for (int customer = 1; customer <= NumOfCustomers; customer++)
                Start = new TimeSpan(0, 0, rand.Next((int)Open.TotalMinutes));

                Event e = new Event(EVENTTYPE.ARRIVAL, (StartTime + Start));

                Customer c = new Customer(customer, e);

                e.CurrCustomer = c;
                c.ArrivalTime  = e;
