public Matrix CalculateConstitutiveMatrixAt(NaturalPoint point, EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
            double eqE, eqV;

            if (IsMaterial1(point, interpolation))
                eqE = EquivalentYoungModulus1;
                eqV = EquivalentPoissonRatio1;
                eqE = EquivalentYoungModulus2;
                eqV = EquivalentPoissonRatio2;

            double scalar = eqE / (1 - eqV * eqV);
            var    matrix = Matrix.CreateZero(3, 3);

            matrix[0, 0] = scalar;
            matrix[0, 1] = scalar * eqV;
            matrix[1, 0] = scalar * eqV;
            matrix[1, 1] = scalar;
            matrix[2, 2] = 0.5 * eqE / (1 + eqV);
        public EvaluatedFunction2D[] EvaluateAllAt(NaturalPoint point, XContinuumElement2D element,
                                                   EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
            CartesianPoint cartesianPoint = interpolation.TransformPointNaturalToGlobalCartesian();
            double         signedDistance = crackDescription.SignedDistanceOf(point, element, interpolation);

            return(new EvaluatedFunction2D[] { enrichmentFunction.EvaluateAllAt(signedDistance) });
        private void ComputeInteractionIntegrals(XContinuumElement2D element, Vector standardNodalDisplacements,
                                                 Vector enrichedNodalDisplacements, double[] nodalWeights, TipCoordinateSystem tipSystem,
                                                 out double integralMode1, out double integralMode2)
            integralMode1 = 0.0;
            integralMode2 = 0.0;
            foreach (GaussPoint naturalGP in element.JintegralStrategy.GenerateIntegrationPoints(element))
                // Nomenclature: global = global cartesian system, natural = element natural system,
                // local = tip local cartesian system

                EvalInterpolation2D evaluatedInterpolation =
                    element.Interpolation.EvaluateAllAt(element.Nodes, naturalGP);
                CartesianPoint globalGP     = evaluatedInterpolation.TransformPointNaturalToGlobalCartesian();
                Matrix         constitutive =
                    element.Material.CalculateConstitutiveMatrixAt(naturalGP, evaluatedInterpolation);

                // State 1
                Matrix2by2 globalDisplacementGradState1 = element.CalculateDisplacementFieldGradient(
                    naturalGP, evaluatedInterpolation, standardNodalDisplacements, enrichedNodalDisplacements);
                Tensor2D   globalStressState1          = element.CalculateStressTensor(globalDisplacementGradState1, constitutive);
                Matrix2by2 localDisplacementGradState1 = tipSystem.
                Tensor2D localStressTensorState1 = tipSystem.

                // Weight Function
                // TODO: There should be a method InterpolateScalarGradient(double[] nodalValues) in EvaluatedInterpolation
                // TODO: Rewrite this as a shapeGradients (matrix) * nodalWeights (vector) operation.
                var globalWeightGradient = Vector2.CreateZero();
                for (int nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < element.Nodes.Count; ++nodeIdx)
                        evaluatedInterpolation.ShapeGradientsCartesian.GetRow(nodeIdx), // Previously: GetGlobalCartesianDerivativesOf(element.Nodes[nodeIdx])
                Vector2 localWeightGradient = tipSystem.

                // State 2
                // TODO: XContinuumElement shouldn't have to pass tipCoordinate system to auxiliaryStates.
                // It would be better to have CrackTip handle this and the coordinate transformations. That would also
                // obey LoD, but a lot of wrapper methods would be required.
                AuxiliaryStatesTensors auxiliary = auxiliaryStatesStrategy.ComputeTensorsAt(globalGP, tipSystem);

                // Interaction integrals
                double integrandMode1 = ComputeJIntegrand(localWeightGradient, localDisplacementGradState1,
                                                          localStressTensorState1, auxiliary.DisplacementGradientMode1,
                                                          auxiliary.StrainTensorMode1, auxiliary.StressTensorMode1);
                double integrandMode2 = ComputeJIntegrand(localWeightGradient, localDisplacementGradState1,
                                                          localStressTensorState1, auxiliary.DisplacementGradientMode2,
                                                          auxiliary.StrainTensorMode2, auxiliary.StressTensorMode2);

                integralMode1 += integrandMode1 * evaluatedInterpolation.Jacobian.DirectDeterminant * naturalGP.Weight;
                integralMode2 += integrandMode2 * evaluatedInterpolation.Jacobian.DirectDeterminant * naturalGP.Weight;
        public override EvaluatedFunction2D[] EvaluateAllAt(NaturalPoint point, XContinuumElement2D element,
                                                            EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
            CartesianPoint cartesianPoint = interpolation.TransformPointNaturalToGlobalCartesian();
            double         signedDistance = Discontinuity.SignedDistanceOf(cartesianPoint);
            Vector2        normalVector   = Discontinuity.NormalVectorThrough(cartesianPoint);

            return(new EvaluatedFunction2D[] { enrichmentFunction.EvaluateAllAt(signedDistance, normalVector) });
        /// <summary>
        /// Warning: with narrow band this should throw an exception if the element/nodes are not tracked.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <param name="elementNodes"></param>
        /// <param name="interpolation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double SignedDistanceOf(NaturalPoint point, XContinuumElement2D element,
                                       EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
            double signedDistance = 0.0;

            for (int nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < element.Nodes.Count; ++nodeIdx)
                signedDistance += interpolation.ShapeFunctions[nodeIdx] * levelSetsBody[element.Nodes[nodeIdx]];
        public Tensor2D EvaluateAt(XContinuumElement2D element, NaturalPoint point,
                                   Vector standardDisplacements, Vector enrichedDisplacements)
            EvalInterpolation2D evaluatedInterpolation = element.Interpolation.EvaluateAllAt(element.Nodes, point);
            Matrix2by2          displacementGradient   = element.CalculateDisplacementFieldGradient(
                point, evaluatedInterpolation, standardDisplacements, enrichedDisplacements);
            Matrix constitutive =
                element.Material.CalculateConstitutiveMatrixAt(point, evaluatedInterpolation);

            return(element.CalculateStressTensor(displacementGradient, constitutive));
        public Tensor2D EvaluateAt(XContinuumElement2D element, NaturalPoint point,
                                   Vector standardDisplacements, Vector enrichedDisplacements)
            EvalInterpolation2D evaluatedInterpolation = element.Interpolation.EvaluateAllAt(element.Nodes, point);
            Matrix2by2          displacementGradient   = element.CalculateDisplacementFieldGradient(
                point, evaluatedInterpolation, standardDisplacements, enrichedDisplacements);

            double strainXX = displacementGradient[0, 0];
            double strainYY = displacementGradient[1, 1];
            double strainXY = 0.5 * (displacementGradient[0, 1] + displacementGradient[1, 0]);

            return(new Tensor2D(strainXX, strainYY, strainXY));
        public Matrix CalculateConstitutiveMatrixAt(NaturalPoint point, EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
            var    matrix = Matrix.CreateZero(3, 3);
            double eqE    = HomogeneousEquivalentYoungModulus;
            double eqV    = HomogeneousEquivalentPoissonRatio;
            double scalar = eqE / (1 - eqV * eqV);

            matrix[0, 0] = scalar;
            matrix[0, 1] = scalar * eqV;
            matrix[1, 0] = scalar * eqV;
            matrix[1, 1] = scalar;
            matrix[2, 2] = 0.5 * eqE / (1 + eqV);
        public EvaluatedFunction2D[] EvaluateAllAt(NaturalPoint point, XContinuumElement2D element,
                                                   EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
            PolarPoint2D polarPoint = TipSystem.TransformPointGlobalCartesianToLocalPolar(
            TipJacobians tipJacobians = TipSystem.CalculateJacobiansAt(polarPoint);

            var enrichments = new EvaluatedFunction2D[enrichmentFunctions.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < enrichments.Length; ++i)
                enrichments[i] = enrichmentFunctions[i].EvaluateAllAt(polarPoint, tipJacobians);
        private (Tensor2D strain, Tensor2D stress) ComputeStrainStress(XContinuumElement2D element, NaturalPoint gaussPoint,
                                                                       EvalInterpolation2D evaluatedInterpolation, Vector standardNodalDisplacements,
                                                                       Vector enrichedNodalDisplacements)
            Matrix constitutive =
                element.Material.CalculateConstitutiveMatrixAt(gaussPoint, evaluatedInterpolation);
            Matrix2by2 displacementGradient = element.CalculateDisplacementFieldGradient(gaussPoint, evaluatedInterpolation,
                                                                                         standardNodalDisplacements, enrichedNodalDisplacements);

            double strainXX       = displacementGradient[0, 0];
            double strainYY       = displacementGradient[1, 1];
            double strainXYtimes2 = displacementGradient[0, 1] + displacementGradient[1, 0];

            double stressXX = constitutive[0, 0] * strainXX + constitutive[0, 1] * strainYY;
            double stressYY = constitutive[1, 0] * strainXX + constitutive[1, 1] * strainYY;
            double stressXY = constitutive[2, 2] * strainXYtimes2;

            return(new Tensor2D(strainXX, strainYY, 0.5 * strainXYtimes2), new Tensor2D(stressXX, stressYY, stressXY));
        }                               // Do nothing for elastic properties.

        private bool IsMaterial1(NaturalPoint point, EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
            //TODO: This should be done with the natural points and LSM.
            CartesianPoint cartesianPoint = interpolation.TransformPointNaturalToGlobalCartesian();

            MaterialInterface2D.Subdomain subdomain = bimaterialInterface.LocatePoint(cartesianPoint);
            if (subdomain == MaterialInterface2D.Subdomain.Positive)
            else if (subdomain == MaterialInterface2D.Subdomain.Negative)
                throw new ArgumentException("The point (xi, eta) = " + point + " - (x, y) = " + cartesianPoint +
                                            ", lies on the bi-material interface");
        // Computes stresses directly at the nodes. The other approach is to compute them at Gauss points and then extrapolate
        private IReadOnlyDictionary <XNode, Tensor2D> ComputeNodalStressesOfElement(XContinuumElement2D element,
                                                                                    Vector freeDisplacements, Vector constrainedDisplacements)
            Vector standardDisplacements = dofOrderer.ExtractDisplacementVectorOfElementFromGlobal(element,
                                                                                                   freeDisplacements, constrainedDisplacements);
            Vector enrichedDisplacements =
                dofOrderer.ExtractEnrichedDisplacementsOfElementFromGlobal(element, freeDisplacements);

            IReadOnlyList <NaturalPoint> naturalNodes = element.Interpolation.NodalNaturalCoordinates;
            var nodalStresses = new Dictionary <XNode, Tensor2D>();

            for (int i = 0; i < element.Nodes.Count; ++i)
                EvalInterpolation2D evaluatedInterpolation =
                    element.Interpolation.EvaluateAllAt(element.Nodes, naturalNodes[i]);
                Matrix2by2 displacementGradient = element.CalculateDisplacementFieldGradient(
                    naturalNodes[i], evaluatedInterpolation, standardDisplacements, enrichedDisplacements);
                Matrix constitutive =
                    element.Material.CalculateConstitutiveMatrixAt(naturalNodes[i], evaluatedInterpolation);
                nodalStresses[element.Nodes[i]] = element.CalculateStressTensor(displacementGradient, constitutive);

        public Tuple <double, double> SignedDistanceGradientThrough(NaturalPoint point,
                                                                    IReadOnlyList <XNode> elementNodes, EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
            double gradientX = 0.0;
            double gradientY = 0.0;

            for (int nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < elementNodes.Count; ++nodeIdx)
                double dNdx = interpolation.ShapeGradientsCartesian[nodeIdx, 0];
                double dNdy = interpolation.ShapeGradientsCartesian[nodeIdx, 1];

                double levelSet = levelSetsBody[elementNodes[nodeIdx]];
                gradientX += dNdx * levelSet;
                gradientY += dNdy * levelSet;
            return(new Tuple <double, double>(gradientX, gradientY));
        // TODO: I should really cache these somehow, so that they can be accessible from the crack object. They are used at various points.
        private (double positiveArea, double negativeArea) FindSignedAreasOfElement(ISingleCrack crack,
                                                                                    XContinuumElement2D element)
            SortedSet <CartesianPoint> triangleVertices            = crack.FindTriangleVertices(element);
            IReadOnlyList <Triangle2D <CartesianPoint> > triangles = triangulator.CreateMesh(triangleVertices);

            double positiveArea = 0.0;
            double negativeArea = 0.0;

            foreach (var triangle in triangles)
                CartesianPoint v0   = triangle.Vertices[0];
                CartesianPoint v1   = triangle.Vertices[1];
                CartesianPoint v2   = triangle.Vertices[2];
                double         area = 0.5 * Math.Abs(v0.X * (v1.Y - v2.Y) + v1.X * (v2.Y - v0.Y) + v2.X * (v0.Y - v1.Y));

                // The sign of the area can be derived from any node with body level set != 0
                int sign = 0;
                foreach (var vertex in triangle.Vertices)
                    XNode vertexAsNode = null;
                    foreach (var node in element.Nodes) // TODO: find a faster way to do this
                        if ((vertex.X == node.X) && (vertex.Y == node.Y))
                            vertexAsNode = node;
                    if (vertexAsNode != null)
                        double distance = crack.SignedDistanceOf(vertexAsNode);
                        if (Math.Abs(distance) <= zeroDistanceTolerance)
                            sign = 0;
                            sign = Math.Sign(distance);
                        if (sign != 0)

                // If no node with non-zero body level set is found, then find the body level set of its centroid
                if (sign == 0)
                    // Report this instance in DEBUG messages. It should not happen with linear level sets and only 1 crack.
                    //if (reports)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("--- DEBUG: Triangulation resulted in a triangle where no vertex is an element node. ---");

                    var          centroid        = new CartesianPoint((v0.X + v1.X + v2.X) / 3.0, (v0.Y + v1.Y + v2.Y) / 3.0);
                    NaturalPoint centroidNatural = element.Interpolation.
                    EvalInterpolation2D centroidInterpolation =
                        element.Interpolation.EvaluateAllAt(element.Nodes, centroidNatural);
                    sign = Math.Sign(crack.SignedDistanceOf(centroidNatural, element, centroidInterpolation));

                if (sign > 0)
                    positiveArea += area;
                else if (sign < 0)
                    negativeArea += area;
                    throw new Exception(
                              "Even after finding the signed distance of its centroid, the sign of the area is unidentified");

            return(positiveArea, negativeArea);
        public void WriteOutputData(IDofOrderer dofOrderer, Vector freeDisplacements, Vector constrainedDisplacements, int step)
            // TODO: guess initial capacities from previous steps or from the model
            var allPoints     = new List <VtkPoint>();
            var allCells      = new List <VtkCell>();
            var displacements = new List <double[]>();
            var strains       = new List <Tensor2D>();
            var stresses      = new List <Tensor2D>();
            int pointCounter  = 0;

            foreach (XContinuumElement2D element in model.Elements)
                Vector standardDisplacements = dofOrderer.ExtractDisplacementVectorOfElementFromGlobal(element,
                                                                                                       freeDisplacements, constrainedDisplacements);
                Vector enrichedDisplacements =
                    dofOrderer.ExtractEnrichedDisplacementsOfElementFromGlobal(element, freeDisplacements);
                bool mustTriangulate = MustBeTriangulated(element, out ISingleCrack intersectingCrack);

                if (!mustTriangulate)
                    // Mesh
                    var cellPoints = new VtkPoint[element.Nodes.Count];
                    for (int p = 0; p < cellPoints.Length; ++p)
                        cellPoints[p] = new VtkPoint(pointCounter++, element.Nodes[p]);
                    allCells.Add(new VtkCell(element.CellType, cellPoints));

                    // Displacements
                    for (int p = 0; p < cellPoints.Length; ++p)
                        displacements.Add(new double[] { standardDisplacements[2 * p], standardDisplacements[2 * p + 1] });

                    // Strains and stresses at Gauss points of element
                    // WARNING: do not use the quadrature object, since GPs are sorted differently.
                    IReadOnlyList <GaussPoint> gaussPoints = element.GaussPointExtrapolation.Quadrature.IntegrationPoints;
                    var strainsAtGPs  = new Tensor2D[gaussPoints.Count];
                    var stressesAtGPs = new Tensor2D[gaussPoints.Count];
                    for (int gp = 0; gp < gaussPoints.Count; ++gp)
                        EvalInterpolation2D evalInterpol =
                            element.Interpolation.EvaluateAllAt(element.Nodes, gaussPoints[gp]);
                        (Tensor2D strain, Tensor2D stress) = ComputeStrainStress(element, gaussPoints[gp],
                                                                                 evalInterpol, standardDisplacements, enrichedDisplacements);
                        strainsAtGPs[gp]  = strain;
                        stressesAtGPs[gp] = stress;

                    // Extrapolate strains and stresses to element nodes. This is exact, since the element is not enriched
                    IReadOnlyList <Tensor2D> strainsAtNodes = element.GaussPointExtrapolation.
                                                              ExtrapolateTensorFromGaussPointsToNodes(strainsAtGPs, element.Interpolation);
                    IReadOnlyList <Tensor2D> stressesAtNodes = element.GaussPointExtrapolation.
                                                               ExtrapolateTensorFromGaussPointsToNodes(stressesAtGPs, element.Interpolation);
                    for (int p = 0; p < cellPoints.Length; ++p)
                    // Triangulate and then operate on each triangle
                    SortedSet <CartesianPoint> triangleVertices            = intersectingCrack.FindTriangleVertices(element);
                    IReadOnlyList <Triangle2D <CartesianPoint> > triangles = triangulator.CreateMesh(triangleVertices);

                    foreach (Triangle2D <CartesianPoint> triangle in triangles)
                        // Mesh
                        int numTriangleNodes = 3;
                        var cellPoints       = new VtkPoint[numTriangleNodes];
                        for (int p = 0; p < numTriangleNodes; ++p)
                            CartesianPoint point = triangle.Vertices[p];
                            cellPoints[p] = new VtkPoint(pointCounter++, point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
                        allCells.Add(new VtkCell(CellType.Tri3, cellPoints));

                        // Displacements, strains and stresses are not defined on the crack, thus they must be evaluated at GPs
                        // and extrapolated to each point of interest. However how should I choose the Gauss points? Here I take
                        // the Gauss points of the subtriangles.
                        IGaussPointExtrapolation2D    extrapolation = ExtrapolationGaussTriangular3Points.UniqueInstance;
                        IIsoparametricInterpolation2D interpolation = InterpolationTri3.UniqueInstance;

                        // Find the Gauss points of the triangle in the natural system of the element
                        IInverseInterpolation2D inverseMapping = element.Interpolation.CreateInverseMappingFor(element.Nodes);
                        var triangleNodesNatural = new NaturalPoint[numTriangleNodes];
                        for (int p = 0; p < numTriangleNodes; ++p)
                            triangleNodesNatural[p] = inverseMapping.TransformPointCartesianToNatural(cellPoints[p]);
                        NaturalPoint[] triangleGPsNatural =
                            FindTriangleGPsNatural(triangleNodesNatural, extrapolation.Quadrature.IntegrationPoints);

                        // Find the field values at the Gauss points of the triangle (their coordinates are in the natural
                        // system of the element)
                        var displacementsAtGPs = new double[triangleGPsNatural.Length][];
                        var strainsAtGPs       = new Tensor2D[triangleGPsNatural.Length];
                        var stressesAtGPs      = new Tensor2D[triangleGPsNatural.Length];
                        for (int gp = 0; gp < triangleGPsNatural.Length; ++gp)
                            EvalInterpolation2D evalInterpol =
                                element.Interpolation.EvaluateAllAt(element.Nodes, triangleGPsNatural[gp]);
                            displacementsAtGPs[gp] = element.CalculateDisplacementField(triangleGPsNatural[gp],
                                                                                        evalInterpol, standardDisplacements, enrichedDisplacements).CopyToArray();
                            (Tensor2D strain, Tensor2D stress) = ComputeStrainStress(element, triangleGPsNatural[gp],
                                                                                     evalInterpol, standardDisplacements, enrichedDisplacements);
                            strainsAtGPs[gp]  = strain;
                            stressesAtGPs[gp] = stress;

                        // Extrapolate the field values to the triangle nodes. We need their coordinates in the auxiliary
                        // system of the triangle. We could use the inverse interpolation of the triangle to map the natural
                        // (element local) coordinates of the nodes to the auxiliary system of the triangle. Fortunately they
                        // can be accessed by the extrapolation object directly.
                        IReadOnlyList <double[]> displacementsAtTriangleNodes =
                            extrapolation.ExtrapolateVectorFromGaussPointsToNodes(displacementsAtGPs, interpolation);
                        IReadOnlyList <Tensor2D> strainsAtTriangleNodes =
                            extrapolation.ExtrapolateTensorFromGaussPointsToNodes(strainsAtGPs, interpolation);
                        IReadOnlyList <Tensor2D> stressesAtTriangleNodes =
                            extrapolation.ExtrapolateTensorFromGaussPointsToNodes(stressesAtGPs, interpolation);
                        for (int p = 0; p < numTriangleNodes; ++p)

            using (var writer = new VtkFileWriter($"{pathNoExtension}_{step}.vtk"))
                writer.WriteMesh(allPoints, allCells);
                writer.WriteVector2DField("displacement", displacements);
                writer.WriteTensor2DField("strain", strains);
                writer.WriteTensor2DField("stress", stresses);
 public double GetThicknessAt(NaturalPoint point, EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
 => HomogeneousThickness;
 public double GetThicknessAt(NaturalPoint point, EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
 => IsMaterial1(point, interpolation) ? Thickness1 : Thickness2;
 public double GetEquivalentPoissonRatioAt(NaturalPoint point, EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
 => IsMaterial1(point, interpolation) ? EquivalentPoissonRatio1 : EquivalentPoissonRatio2;
        private void FindSignedAreasOfElement(XContinuumElement2D element,
                                              out double positiveArea, out double negativeArea)
            SortedSet <CartesianPoint> triangleVertices            = FindTriangleVertices(element);
            IReadOnlyList <Triangle2D <CartesianPoint> > triangles = triangulator.CreateMesh(triangleVertices);

            positiveArea = 0.0;
            negativeArea = 0.0;
            foreach (var triangle in triangles)
                CartesianPoint v0   = triangle.Vertices[0];
                CartesianPoint v1   = triangle.Vertices[1];
                CartesianPoint v2   = triangle.Vertices[2];
                double         area = 0.5 * Math.Abs(v0.X * (v1.Y - v2.Y) + v1.X * (v2.Y - v0.Y) + v2.X * (v0.Y - v1.Y));

                // The sign of the area can be derived from any node with body level set != 0
                int sign = 0;
                foreach (var vertex in triangle.Vertices)
                    if (vertex is XNode)
                        sign = Math.Sign(levelSetsBody[(XNode)vertex]);
                        if (sign != 0)

                // If no node with non-zero body level set is found, then find the body level set of its centroid
                if (sign == 0)
                    // Report this instance in DEBUG messages. It should not happen with linear level sets and only 1 crack.
                    if (reports)
                        Console.WriteLine("--- DEBUG: Triangulation resulted in a triangle where no vertex is an element node. ---");

                    var          centroid        = new CartesianPoint((v0.X + v1.X + v2.X) / 3.0, (v0.Y + v1.Y + v2.Y) / 3.0);
                    NaturalPoint centroidNatural = element.Interpolation.
                    EvalInterpolation2D centroidInterpolation =
                        element.Interpolation.EvaluateAllAt(element.Nodes, centroidNatural);
                    sign = Math.Sign(SignedDistanceOf(centroidNatural, element, centroidInterpolation));

                if (sign > 0)
                    positiveArea += area;
                else if (sign < 0)
                    negativeArea += area;
                    throw new Exception(
                              "Even after finding the signed distance of its centroid, the sign of the area is unidentified");
 public abstract EvaluatedFunction2D[] EvaluateAllAt(NaturalPoint point, XContinuumElement2D element,
                                                     EvalInterpolation2D interpolation);
 public double GetEquivalentPoissonRatioAt(NaturalPoint point, EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
 => HomogeneousEquivalentPoissonRatio;
 public double SignedDistanceOf(NaturalPoint point, XContinuumElement2D element,
                                EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
 public double GetEquivalentYoungModulusAt(NaturalPoint point, EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
 => IsMaterial1(point, interpolation) ? EquivalentYoungModulus1 : EquivalentYoungModulus2;
 public double GetEquivalentYoungModulusAt(NaturalPoint point, EvalInterpolation2D interpolation)
 => HomogeneousEquivalentYoungModulus;