static JS()
        const string csJScriptSource = @"package _{ class _{ static function __(e) : Object { return eval(e); }}}";
        var          loParameters    = new CompilerParameters()
            GenerateInMemory = true
        var loMethod = (new JScriptCodeProvider()).CompileAssemblyFromSource(loParameters, csJScriptSource).CompiledAssembly.GetType("_._").GetMethod("__");

        moEvalDelegate = (EvalDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(EvalDelegate), loMethod);
    public void Generate()
        foreach (var channel in channels)


        this.evalDelegate = (EvalDelegate)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(EvalDelegate));
 internal NestedWrapper(_Codeblock[] nested_cbs, EvalDelegate eval_func)
     nested_cbs_ = nested_cbs;
     eval_func_  = eval_func;
 public RxInterpreterFactory(byte[] program, EvalDelegate eval_del)
     this.program  = program;
     this.eval_del = eval_del;
		public RxInterpreterFactory (byte[] program, EvalDelegate eval_del) {
			this.program = program;
			this.eval_del = eval_del;
        protected void          UpdateBitmap()
            if (m_Bitmap == null)

            using (Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(m_Bitmap))
                G.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, 0, 0, Width, Height);

                if (m_Phase == null)

                switch (m_Type)
                case DISPLAY_TYPE.LOG:
                    G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 10, 0, 10, Height);
                    G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, Height - 10, Width, Height - 10);

                    double LogPhaseMin = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(m_PhaseMin));
                    double LogPhaseMax = Math.Ceiling(Math.Log10(m_PhaseMax));

                    EvalDelegate Eval = ( float _x ) => {
                        int AngleIndex = (int)((m_Phase.Length - 1) * _x);

                        double Num = Math.Log10(m_Phase[AngleIndex]) - LogPhaseMin;
                        double Den = LogPhaseMax - LogPhaseMin;
                        double P   = Num / Den;

                    float px = 0.0f;
                    float py = Eval(0.0f);
                    for (int X = 10; X <= Width; X++)
                        float x = (float)(X - 10.0f) / (Width - 10);

                        float y = Eval(x);
                        DrawLine(G, px, py, x, y, Pens.Black);

                        px = x;
                        py = y;

                case DISPLAY_TYPE.POLAR:
                    G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, Height / 2, Width, Height / 2);
                    G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, Width / 2, 0, Width / 2, Height);

                    double LogPhaseMin = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(m_PhaseMin));
                    double LogPhaseMax = Math.Ceiling(Math.Log10(m_PhaseMax));

                    EvalDelegate Eval = ( float _x ) => {
                        int AngleIndex = (int)((m_Phase.Length - 1) * _x / Math.PI);

                        double Num = Math.Log10(m_Phase[AngleIndex]) - LogPhaseMin;
                        double Den = LogPhaseMax - LogPhaseMin;
                        double P   = Num / Den;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 1800; i++)
                        float Angle0 = (float)(Math.PI * i / 1800.0f);
                        float Angle1 = (float)(Math.PI * (i + 1) / 1800.0f);
                        float P0     = 0.5f * Width * Eval(Angle0);
                        float P1     = 0.5f * Width * Eval(Angle1);

                        float C0 = (float)Math.Cos(Angle0);
                        float C1 = (float)Math.Cos(Angle1);
                        float S0 = (float)Math.Sin(Angle0);
                        float S1 = (float)Math.Sin(Angle1);

                        G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0.5f * Width + P0 * C0, 0.5f * Height + P0 * S0, 0.5f * Width + P1 * C1, 0.5f * Height + P1 * S1);
                        G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0.5f * Width + P0 * C0, 0.5f * Height - P0 * S0, 0.5f * Width + P1 * C1, 0.5f * Height - P1 * S1);

                case DISPLAY_TYPE.QUANTILES_PEAK:
                    G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 10, 0, 10, Height);
                    G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, Height - 10, Width, Height - 10);

                    QuantileInfos Infos;
                    EvalDelegate  Eval = null;
                    if (m_Type == DISPLAY_TYPE.QUANTILES_PEAK)
                        Eval = ( float _x ) => {
                            int QuantileIndex = (int)((m_PhaseQuantilesPeak.Length - 1) * _x);

                            float R = m_PhaseQuantilesPeak[QuantileIndex] / (m_PhaseInfosPeak.m_AngleEnd * (float)Math.PI / 180.0f);
                        Infos = m_PhaseInfosPeak;
                        Eval = ( float _x ) => {
                            int QuantileIndex = (int)((m_PhaseQuantilesOffPeak.Length - 1) * _x);

                            float R = m_PhaseQuantilesOffPeak[QuantileIndex] / (float)Math.PI;
                        Infos = m_PhaseInfosOffPeak;

                    float px = 0.0f;
                    float py = Eval(0.0f);
                    for (int X = 10; X <= Width; X++)
                        float x = (float)(X - 10.0f) / (Width - 10);

                        float y = Eval(x);
                        DrawLine(G, px, py, x, y, Pens.Black);

                        px = x;
                        py = y;

                    // Draw some info
                    G.DrawString("Angle Start = " + Infos.m_AngleStart + "°", Font, Brushes.Black, 20, 20 * 1);
                    G.DrawString("Angle End = " + Infos.m_AngleEnd + "°", Font, Brushes.Black, 20, 20 * 2);
                    G.DrawString("Total Phase = " + Infos.m_SumPhaseTotal, Font, Brushes.Black, 20, 20 * 3);
                    G.DrawString("Sum Phase = " + Infos.m_SumPhase + " (" + (100.0 * Infos.m_SumPhase / Infos.m_SumPhaseTotal).ToString("G6") + "%)", Font, Brushes.Black, 20, 20 * 4);

                    G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, Height / 2, Width, Height / 2);
                    G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, Width / 2, 0, Width / 2, Height);

                    // Shoot random numbers and stack them according to phase tables
                    int[]  Accum            = new int[1080];
                    Random RNG              = new Random();
                    float  PeakLimit        = m_PhaseInfosPeak.m_SumPhase / m_PhaseInfosPeak.m_SumPhaseTotal;
                    float  NormPeak         = 1.0f / PeakLimit;
                    float  NormOffPeak      = 1.0f / (1.0f - PeakLimit);
                    int    PeakArraySize    = m_PhaseQuantilesPeak.Length;
                    int    OffPeakArraySize = m_PhaseQuantilesOffPeak.Length;

                    int MinAccum = 100000000;
                    int MaxAccum = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
                        float R = (float)RNG.NextDouble();
                        float Angle;
                        if (R < PeakLimit)
                        {                                               // Peak draw
                            int QuantileIndex = (int)Math.Floor(R * NormPeak * PeakArraySize);
                            Angle = m_PhaseQuantilesPeak[Math.Min(PeakArraySize - 1, QuantileIndex)];
                        {                                               // Off-peak draw
                            int QuantileIndex = (int)Math.Floor((R - PeakLimit) * NormOffPeak * OffPeakArraySize);
                            Angle = m_PhaseQuantilesOffPeak[Math.Min(OffPeakArraySize - 1, QuantileIndex)];

                        int nAngle = (int)Math.Floor((Angle * 1080) / Math.PI);
                        MinAccum = Math.Min(MinAccum, Accum[nAngle]);
                        MaxAccum = Math.Max(MaxAccum, Accum[nAngle]);

                    float Normalizer = 1.0f / MaxAccum;

                    double LogPhaseMin = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Max(1, MinAccum)));
                    double LogPhaseMax = Math.Ceiling(Math.Log10(MaxAccum));

                    EvalDelegate Eval = ( float _x ) => {
                        int AngleIndex = (int)Math.Min(1079, 1080 * _x / Math.PI);
//								float	P = Accum[AngleIndex] * Normalizer;
//								float	P = (float) (Math.Log10( Math.Max( 1, Accum[AngleIndex] ) ) / Math.Log10( MaxAccum ));
//								return P;

                        double Num = Math.Log10(Math.Max(1, Accum[AngleIndex])) - LogPhaseMin;
                        double Den = LogPhaseMax - LogPhaseMin;
                        double P   = Num / Den;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 1800; i++)
                        float Angle0 = (float)(Math.PI * i / 1800.0f);
                        float Angle1 = (float)(Math.PI * (i + 1) / 1800.0f);
                        float P0     = 0.5f * Width * Eval(Angle0);
                        float P1     = 0.5f * Width * Eval(Angle1);

                        float C0 = (float)Math.Cos(Angle0);
                        float C1 = (float)Math.Cos(Angle1);
                        float S0 = (float)Math.Sin(Angle0);
                        float S1 = (float)Math.Sin(Angle1);

                        G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0.5f * Width + P0 * C0, 0.5f * Height + P0 * S0, 0.5f * Width + P1 * C1, 0.5f * Height + P1 * S1);
                        G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0.5f * Width + P0 * C0, 0.5f * Height - P0 * S0, 0.5f * Width + P1 * C1, 0.5f * Height - P1 * S1);
