        }//END SetParameters class.


        #region ExternalSelectionList Reader

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class extracts the content of the reader to the formfield selectionlist object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row">DataRow: a data Reader containing the query results</param>
        /// <returns>EvFormFieldSelectionList: a formfield selectionlist object</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Extract the compatible data row values to the formfield selectionlist object.
        /// 2. Return the Formfield selectionlist object.
        /// </remarks>
        //  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private EvSelectionList readDataRow(DataRow Row)
            // Initialise the formfield selectionlist object.
            EvSelectionList Item = new EvSelectionList( );

            // Extract the compatible data row values to the formfield selectionlist object items.
            Item.Guid        = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, EvSelectionLists.DB_GUID);
            Item.ListId      = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvSelectionLists.DB_LIST_ID);
            Item.Title       = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvSelectionLists.DB_TITLE);
            Item.Description = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvSelectionLists.DB_DESCRIPTION);
            Item.Version     = EvSqlMethods.getInteger(Row, EvSelectionLists.DB_VERSION);

            string xmlCodeItem = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvSelectionLists.DB_ITEM_LIST);

            if (xmlCodeItem != String.Empty)
                Item.Items = Evado.Digital.Model.EvcStatics.DeserialiseObject <List <EvSelectionList.Item> > (xmlCodeItem);
            Item.State = Evado.Model.EvStatics.parseEnumValue <EvSelectionList.SelectionListStates> (
                EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvSelectionLists.DB_STATE));
            Item.UpdatedByUserId = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvSelectionLists.DB_UPDATED_BY_USER_ID);
            Item.UpdatedBy       = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvSelectionLists.DB_UPDATED_BY);
            Item.UpdatedDate    += EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, EvSelectionLists.DB_UPDATED_DATE);

            // Return item
        }//END readDataRow method.
        }//END SetLetterParameters.


        #region Data Reader methods

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the content of the data row object containing a query result
        /// into an form record comment object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row">DataRow: a data row object</param>
        /// <returns>EvFormRecordComment: a form record comment object</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Extract the compatible data row values to the comment object.
        /// 2. Return the form record comment object.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public EdFormRecordComment readDataRow(DataRow Row)
            // Initialise the comment object.
            EdFormRecordComment comment = new EdFormRecordComment( );

            // Extract the data object values.
            comment.RecordGuid      = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, "FRC_RECORD_GUID");
            comment.RecordFieldGuid = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, "FRC_RECORD_FIELD_GUID");

            comment.AuthorType =
                Evado.Model.EvStatics.parseEnumValue <EdFormRecordComment.AuthorTypeCodes> (
                    EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "FRC_AUTHOR_TYPE"));

            comment.Content = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "FRC_Content");

            comment.UserId         = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "FRC_USER_ID");
            comment.UserCommonName = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "FRC_USER_COMMON_NAME");
            comment.CommentDate    = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, "FRC_COMMENT_DATE");
            comment.NewComment     = false;

            // Return the object.
        }// End readRow method.
        }//END setUpdateChangeParameters.

        // +++++++++++++++++++++++++ END QUERY PARAMETERS SECTION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

        #region data change reader

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class reads the content of the data reader object into Change business object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row">DataRow: a data row object</param>
        /// <returns>EvDataChange: a data change object</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Extract the data row values to the data change object.
        /// 2. Encrypt the data change if it is not encrypted.
        /// 3. Return the data change object.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private EvDataChange getRowData(DataRow Row)
            // Initialise the data change object
            EvDataChange dataChange = new EvDataChange( );

            // Extract the data row values to the data change object.
            dataChange.Guid       = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, "DC_Guid");
            dataChange.RecordGuid = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, "DC_RecordGuid");
            dataChange.Uid        = EvSqlMethods.getLong(Row, "DC_Uid");
            dataChange.RecordUid  = EvSqlMethods.getLong(Row, "DC_RecordUid");
            dataChange.TableName  =
                Evado.Model.EvStatics.parseEnumValue <EvDataChange.DataChangeTableNames> (
                    EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "DC_TableName"));
            string encrypted = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "DC_DataChange");

            dataChange.UserId    = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "DC_UserId");
            dataChange.DateStamp = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, "DC_DateStamp");

            // Check that the encrypted string exists.
            if (encrypted != String.Empty)
                dataChange = this.decryptData(encrypted, dataChange.Guid);

                // Check that items exist.
                if (dataChange != null)
                    // If the data change items exist process them.
                    if (dataChange.Items.Count > 0)
                        // Iterate through the data change items updating the html coding
                        for (int count = 0; count < dataChange.Items.Count; count++)
                            dataChange.Items [count].InitialValue =
                                dataChange.Items [count].InitialValue.Replace("&amp;gt;", "&amp;gt; ");

                            dataChange.Items [count].NewValue =
                                dataChange.Items [count].NewValue.Replace("&amp;gt;", "&amp;gt; ");
                        } //END iterate through the item values correcting html coding.
                    }     //END data change items exist.
                }         //END items exit
            }             //END encrypted date exists

            // Return the newField .
        }//END getRowData method.
        }//END SetParameters class.


        #region ancillary record Reader

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This method extracts the data row values to the Subject Record object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row">DataRow: A data row object</param>
        /// <returns>EvSubjectRecord: A milestone record object.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of following steps:
        /// 1. Extract the compatible data row values to the Subject record object.
        /// 2. Return the milestone record object.
        /// </remarks>
        //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private EvAncillaryRecord readRowData(DataRow Row)
            // Initialise the method variables and objects.
            EvAncillaryRecord record = new EvAncillaryRecord( );

            // Extract the data object values.
            record.Guid       = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, "TSR_Guid");
            record.ProjectId  = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TrialId");
            record.SubjectId  = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "SubjectId");
            record.RecordId   = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "RecordId");
            record.RecordDate = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, "TSR_RecordDate");
            record.Subject    = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_Subject");
            record.Record     = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_Record");

            // Perform binary object management
            record.BinaryLength = EvSqlMethods.getInteger(Row, "TSR_BinaryLength");

            if (record.BinaryLength > 0)
                record.BinaryObject    = EvSqlMethods.getBytes(Row, "TSR_BinaryObject");
                record.BinaryType      = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_BinaryType");
                record.BinaryExtension = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_BinaryExtension");

            record.XmlData         = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_XmlData");
            record.Researcher      = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_Researcher");
            record.ResearcherDate  = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, "TSR_ResearcherDate");
            record.Reviewer        = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_Reviewer");
            record.ReviewDate      = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, "TSR_ReviewDate");
            record.Approver        = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_Approver");
            record.ApprovalDate    = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, "TSR_ApprovalDate");
            record.State           = Evado.Model.EvStatics.parseEnumValue <EdRecordObjectStates> (EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_State"));
            record.UpdatedByUserId = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_UpdatedByUserId");
            record.UpdatedBy       = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_UpdatedBy");
            record.UpdatedDate     = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, "TSR_UpdateDate");
            record.BookedOutBy     = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_BookedOutBy");
            record.Signoffs        = Evado.Model.EvStatics.DeserialiseObject <List <EdUserSignoff> > (EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "TSR_Signoffs"));

            // Return an object containing EvSubjectRecord object.
        }//END getRowData
        }//ENd getHeaderColumnNo method

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// this method updates a table cell value form the query result set.
        /// Note:  the cell indexes are zero based.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row">The DataRow containing the field</param>
        /// <param name="Col">Int: The column index in the able.</param>
        /// <param name="RecordField"> Evado.Model.Forms.EvFormField object, containg the field data.</param>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private String getTableColumnValue(DataRow Row, int Col, Evado.Digital.Model.EdRecordField RecordField)
            // Select the column to retieve the value from
            switch (RecordField.Table.Header [Col].TypeId)
            case EvDataTypes.Numeric:
                float fltValue = EvSqlMethods.getFloat(Row, EdRecordValues.DB_VALUES_NUMERIC);
                return(fltValue.ToString( ));

            case EvDataTypes.Yes_No:
                bool   bYesNo = EvSqlMethods.getBool(Row, EdRecordValues.DB_VALUES_NUMERIC);
                string value  = "No";
                if (bYesNo == true)
                    value = "Yes";

            case EvDataTypes.Date:
                DateTime dtValue = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, EdRecordValues.DB_VALUES_DATE);

                if (dtValue == Evado.Model.EvStatics.CONST_DATE_NULL)

                // Return the value.
                return(dtValue.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

                return(EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdRecordValues.DB_VALUES_STRING));
            } //END table column type switch.
        }     //END getTableColumnValue method
        }//END SetParameters class.


        #region Data Reader methods

        // ==================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the content of the data row object containing a query result
        /// into an ActivityRecord object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row">DataRow: a retrieving data row object</param>
        /// <returns>EvBinaryFileMetaData: a readed data row object</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Extract the compatible data row values to the Binary file Meta data object
        /// 2. Return the Binary file Meta data object
        /// </remarks>
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public EvBinaryFileMetaData readDataRow(DataRow Row)
            // Initialise the instrument objects and variables.
            EvBinaryFileMetaData binaryFile = new EvBinaryFileMetaData( );

            // Extract the data object values.
            binaryFile.Guid         = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_GUID);
            binaryFile.FileGuid     = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_FILE_GUID);
            binaryFile.TrialGuid    = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_PROJECT_GUID);
            binaryFile.GroupGuid    = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_GROUP_GUID);
            binaryFile.SubGroupGuid = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_SUB_GROUP_GUID);

            binaryFile.Language   = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_LANGUAGE);
            binaryFile.TrialId    = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_TRIAL_ID);
            binaryFile.GroupId    = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_GROUP_ID);
            binaryFile.SubGroupId = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_SUB_GROUP_ID);
            binaryFile.FileId     = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_FILE_ID);
            binaryFile.Title      = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_FILE_TITLE);

            binaryFile.Comments = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_FILE_COMMENT);
            binaryFile.FileName = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_FILE_NAME);
            binaryFile.MimeType = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_MIME_TYPE);
            binaryFile.Status   = EvSqlMethods.getString <EvBinaryFileMetaData.FileStatus> (
                Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_FILE_STATUS);
            binaryFile.UploadDate = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_UPLOAD_DATE);

            binaryFile.ReleaseDate    = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_RELEASE_DATE);
            binaryFile.SupersededDate = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_SUPERSEDED_DATE);
            binaryFile.FileExists     = EvSqlMethods.getBool(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_FILE_EXISTS);
            binaryFile.FileEncrypted  = EvSqlMethods.getBool(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_FILE_ENCRYPTED);
            binaryFile.Version        = EvSqlMethods.getInteger(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_VERSION);

            binaryFile.UpdatedByUserId = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_UPDATED_BY_USER_ID);
            binaryFile.UpdatedBy       = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_UPDATED_BY);
            binaryFile.UpdatedByDate   = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, EvBinaryFiles.DB_UPDATED_DATE);

            // Return the object.
        }//End readDataRow method.
        }//END SetParameters class.


        #region PageLayout Reader

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class extracts the content of the reader to the formfield selectionlist object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row">DataRow: a data Reader containing the query results</param>
        /// <returns>EvFormFieldSelectionList: a formfield selectionlist object</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Extract the compatible data row values to the formfield selectionlist object.
        /// 2. Return the Formfield selectionlist object.
        /// </remarks>
        //  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private EdPageLayout readDataRow(DataRow Row)
            // Initialise the formfield selectionlist object.
            EdPageLayout Item = new EdPageLayout( );

            // Extract the compatible data row values to the formfield selectionlist object items.
            Item.Guid      = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_GUID);
            Item.PageId    = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_PAGE_ID);
            Item.State     = EvSqlMethods.getString <EdPageLayout.States> (Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_STATE);
            Item.UserTypes = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_USER_TYPES);
            Item.Title     = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_TITLE);

            Item.HomePage            = EvSqlMethods.getBool(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_HOME_PAGE);
            Item.MenuLocation        = EvSqlMethods.getString <EdPageLayout.MenuLocations> (Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_MENU_LOCATION);
            Item.PageCommands        = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_PAGE_COMMANDS);
            Item.HeaderContent       = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_HEADER_CONTENT);
            Item.HeaderComponentList = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_HEADER_COMPONENT_LIST);

            Item.LeftColumnContent       = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_LEFT_CONTENT);
            Item.LeftColumnComponentList = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_LEFT_COMPONENT_LIST);
            Item.LeftColumnWidth         = (short)EvSqlMethods.getInteger(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH);

            Item.CenterColumnContent       = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_CENTER_CONTENT);
            Item.CenterColumnComponentList = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_CENTER_COMPONENT_LIST);

            Item.RightColumnContent       = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_RIGHT_CONTENT);
            Item.RightColumnComponentList = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_RIGHT_COMPONENT_LIST);
            Item.RightColumnWidth         = (short)EvSqlMethods.getInteger(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_RIGHT_COLUMN_WIDTH);

            Item.Version         = EvSqlMethods.getInteger(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_VERSION);
            Item.UpdatedByUserId = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_UPDATED_BY_USER_ID);
            Item.UpdatedBy       = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_UPDATED_BY);
            Item.UpdatedDate    += EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, EdPageLayouts.DB_UPDATED_DATE);

            // Return item
        }//END readDataRow method.
    }//END SetParameters class.


    #region Data Reader section

    // =====================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This class reads the content of the SqlDataReader into the Organisation data object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Row">DataRow: a data row object</param>
    /// <returns>EvOrganization: an organization object</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This method consists of the following steps:
    /// 1. Extract the compatible row data object to the organization object. 
    /// 2. Return the organization data object. 
    /// </remarks>
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public EdOrganisation readQueryRow ( DataRow Row )
      // Initialise the Organisation
      EdOrganisation organisation = new EdOrganisation ( );

      // Fill the object.
      organisation.Guid = EvSqlMethods.getGuid ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_GUID );
      organisation.OrgId = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_ORG_ID );
      organisation.Name = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_NAME );
      organisation.AddressStreet_1 = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_ADDRESS_1 );
      organisation.AddressStreet_2 = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_ADDRESS_2 );
      organisation.AddressCity = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_ADDRESS_CITY );
      organisation.AddressPostCode = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_ADDRESS_POST_CODE );
      organisation.AddressState = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_ADDRESS_STATE );
      organisation.AddressCountry = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_ADDRESS_COUNTRY );
      organisation.Telephone = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_TELEPHONE );
      organisation.EmailAddress = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_EMAIL_ADDRESS );
      organisation.OrgType = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_ORG_TYPE );
      organisation.ImageFileName = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_IMAGE_FILENAME);

      organisation.UpdatedByUserId = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_UPDATED_BY_USER_ID );
      organisation.UpdatedBy = EvSqlMethods.getString ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_UPDATED_By );
      organisation.UpdatedDate = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime ( Row, EdOrganisations.DB_UPDATE_DATE );

      if ( organisation.OrgId.ToLower ( ) == "evado" )
        organisation.OrgType = "Evado";

      // Return the Organisation object.
      return organisation;

    }//End readRow method.
        // Define the class EventId property and variable.

        #region Data Reader section

        // ==================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class reads the content of the data reader object into ApplicationEvent business object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row">DataRow: a data row object</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following step:
        /// 1. Convert the elements from data reader object into the elements
        /// in application event business object.
        /// </remarks>
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public EvApplicationEvent getReaderData(DataRow Row)
            EvApplicationEvent Event = new EvApplicationEvent( );

            // Convert the elements from data reader object into the elements in application event business object.
            Event.Guid     = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, DB_GUID);
            Event.EventId  = EvSqlMethods.getInteger(Row, DB_EVENT_ID);
            Event.DateTime = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, DB_DATE_TIME);
            string sType = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, DB_EVENT_TYPE);

            if (sType == "A")
                sType = "Action";
            if (sType == "I")
                sType = "Information";
            if (sType == "W")
                sType = "Warning";
            if (sType == "E")
                sType = "Error";

            Event.Type = Evado.Model.EvStatics.parseEnumValue <EvApplicationEvent.EventType> (sType);

            Event.Category    = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, DB_EVENT_CATEGORY);
            Event.UserId      = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, DB_USER_NAME);
            Event.Description = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, DB_DESCRIPTION);
            Event.PageUrl     = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, DB_PAGE_URL);
            Event.CustomerId  = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, DB_SITE);

        }//END getRowData method.
        // ==================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class reads the content of the SqlDataReader into the Facility data object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row">DataRow: a row of data row table</param>
        /// <returns>EvDataBaseUpdate: an update database</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Initialise an update object.
        /// 2. Extract the data object values and update values to the update object.
        /// 3. Return the update object.
        /// </remarks>
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public EvDataBaseUpdate readDataRow(DataRow Row)
            // Initialise an update object.
            EvDataBaseUpdate update = new EvDataBaseUpdate( );

            // Extract the data object values and update values to the update object.
            update.Guid        = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, "DBU_Guid");
            update.UpdateNo    = EvSqlMethods.getInteger(Row, "DBU_Update_No");
            update.UpdateDate  = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, "DBU_Update_Date");
            update.Version     = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "DBU_Version");
            update.Objects     = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "DBU_Object");
            update.Description = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "DBU_Description");

            // Return the update object.
        }// End readDataRow method.
        }//END processNotAvailableValues method


        #region Record field list Queries

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class returns a list of formfield object retrieved by the record Guid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Record">EvForm: (Mandatory) The record object.</param>
        /// <param name="IncludeComments">bool: true = include field comments.</param>
        /// <returns>List of EvFormField: a formfield object.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Return an empty formfield object if the record's Guid is empty
        /// 2. Define the sql query parameters and sql query string
        /// 3. Execute the sql query string with parameters and store the results on data table.
        /// 4. Iterate through the table and extract the data row to the formfield object.
        /// 5. Add object result to the formfields list.
        /// 6. Return the formfields list.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public List <EdRecordField> getRecordFieldList(
            EdRecord Record)
            this.LogMethod("getRecordFieldList method. ");
            this.LogDebug("Record.Guid: " + Record.Guid);
            // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
            List <EdRecordField> recordFieldList = new List <EdRecordField> ( );
            EdRecordField        recordField     = new EdRecordField( );
            Guid previousValueGuid = Guid.Empty;

            // Validate whether the record Guid is not empty.
            if (Record.Guid == Guid.Empty)

            // Define the SQL query parameters.
            SqlParameter [] cmdParms = new SqlParameter []
                new SqlParameter(PARM_RECORD_GUID, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier),
            cmdParms [0].Value = Record.Guid;

            // Define the query string.
            _Sql_QueryString = SQL_QUERY_VALUES_VIEW + " WHERE ( " + EdRecordValues.DB_RECORD_GUID + " =" + EdRecordValues.PARM_RECORD_GUID + ") "
                               + "ORDER BY " + EdRecordFields.DB_ORDER + "; ";


            // Execute the query against the database.
            using (DataTable table = EvSqlMethods.RunQuery(_Sql_QueryString, cmdParms))
                if (table.Rows.Count == 0)

                // Iterate through the results extracting the role information.
                for (int count = 0; count < table.Rows.Count; count++)
                    // Extract the table row
                    DataRow row = table.Rows [count];

                    Guid recordValueGuid = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(row, EdRecordValues.DB_VALUES_GUID);

                    this.LogDebug("previousValueGuid: {0}, recordValueGuid: {1}.", previousValueGuid, recordValueGuid);

                    // Empty fields are skipped.
                    if (recordValueGuid == Guid.Empty)
                        this.LogDebug("Skip the value Guid is empty.");

                    // If the field guid has changed then it is a new field.
                    // So add the previous field then get the data for the new field.
                    if (previousValueGuid != recordValueGuid)
                        this.LogDebug("Change of recordValueGuid.");
                        // Add the last field to the list.
                        if (recordField.Guid != Guid.Empty)
                            this.LogDebug("Add field to record field list.");

                        // Get the object data from the row.
                        recordField = this.getRowData(row);

                        // skip all non summary field if summary fields is selected.
                        if (Record.Design.LinkContentSetting != EdRecord.LinkContentSetting.First_Text_Field &&
                            Record.SelectOnlySummaryFields == true &&
                            recordField.Design.IsSummaryField == false)
                            this.LogDebug("{0} is a summary field so SKIPPED.", recordField.FieldId);

                        // skip all non summary field if summary fields is selected.
                        if (Record.Design.LinkContentSetting != EdRecord.LinkContentSetting.First_Text_Field &&
                            count > 1)
                            this.LogDebug("{0} first field retrieved so SKIPPED.", recordField.FieldId);

                        // Update the lst field guid to enable the other field values to be collected.
                        previousValueGuid = recordField.Guid;
                    }//END create new field object.

                    this.LogDebug("Read in value data.");

                    switch (recordField.TypeId)
                    case Evado.Model.EvDataTypes.Special_Matrix:
                    case Evado.Model.EvDataTypes.Table:
                        this.getTableCellValue(row, recordField);

                    case Evado.Model.EvDataTypes.Check_Box_List:
                        this.getCheckBoxValue(row, recordField);

                    case Evado.Model.EvDataTypes.Numeric:
                        recordField.ItemValue = EvSqlMethods.getString(row, EdRecordValues.DB_VALUES_NUMERIC);
                        this.LogDebug("recordField.ItemValue: {0}.", recordField.ItemValue);

                    case Evado.Model.EvDataTypes.Boolean:
                    case Evado.Model.EvDataTypes.Yes_No:
                        bool bValue = EvSqlMethods.getBool(row, EdRecordValues.DB_VALUES_NUMERIC);
                        this.LogDebug("bValue: {0}.", bValue);
                        recordField.ItemValue = "No";
                        if (bValue == true)
                            recordField.ItemValue = "Yes";

                        this.LogDebug("recordField.ItemValue: {0} bool.", recordField.ItemValue);

                    case Evado.Model.EvDataTypes.Date:
                        var dtValue = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(row, EdRecordValues.DB_VALUES_DATE);
                        recordField.ItemValue = EvStatics.getDateAsString(dtValue);
                        this.LogDebug("recordField.ItemValue: {0}.", recordField.ItemValue);

                    case Evado.Model.EvDataTypes.Free_Text:
                        recordField.ItemText = EvSqlMethods.getString(row, EdRecordValues.DB_VALUES_TEXT);
                        this.LogDebug("recordField.ItemValue: {0}.", recordField.ItemText);

                        if (recordField.isReadOnly == true)
                        recordField.ItemValue = EvSqlMethods.getString(row, EdRecordValues.DB_VALUES_STRING);
                        this.LogDebug("recordField.ItemValue: {0}.", recordField.ItemValue);
                } //ENR record iteration loop.
            }     //ENd using statement

            // Add the last field to the list.
            if (recordField.Guid != Guid.Empty)

            // Return the formfields list.
        }//END getRecordFieldList method.
        }//END getView method.

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns a list of Subject Record object based on TrialId, SubjectId and useGuid condition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ProjectId">String: A Project identifier</param>
        /// <param name="EntityId">String: A Subject identifier</param>
        /// <param name="useGuid">Boolean: true, if the Guid is used</param>
        /// <returns>List of EvOption: A list containing an Option object.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of following steps:
        /// 1. Define the sql query parameters and sql query string.
        /// 2. Execute the sql query string and store the results on datatable.
        /// 3. Loop through the table and extract the data row on Option object.
        /// 4. Add the Option object's values to the Options list.
        /// </remarks>
        //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public List <EvOption> getList(string EntityId, bool useGuid)
            this.LogMethod("getList, ");
            this.LogValue("SubjectId: " + EntityId);
            // Define the local variables and objects.
            List <EvOption> list = new List <EvOption>( );

            EvOption option = new EvOption( );

            // If useGuid is equal to true, add option object to the list.
            if (useGuid == true)
                option = new EvOption(Guid.Empty.ToString( ), String.Empty);

            // Define the query parameters.
            SqlParameter [] cmdParms = new SqlParameter []
                new SqlParameter(PARM_SubjectId, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20),
            cmdParms [0].Value = EntityId;

            // Generate the SQL query string.
            _sqlQueryString = _sqlQuery_View + " WHERE ( TrialId = @TrialId ) ";

            if (EntityId.Length > 0)
                _sqlQueryString += " AND ( SubjectId = @SubjectId ) ";
            _sqlQueryString += " ORDER BY RecordId";

            //_Status = "\r\n" + sqlQueryString;

            //Execute the query against the database.
            using (DataTable table = EvSqlMethods.RunQuery(_sqlQueryString, cmdParms))
                // Iterate through the table rows count list.
                for (int count = 0; count < table.Rows.Count; count++)
                    // Extract the table row.
                    DataRow row = table.Rows [count];

                    //  Process the query result.
                    if (useGuid == true)
                        option = new EvOption(
                            EvSqlMethods.getString(row, "TSR_Guid"),
                            EvSqlMethods.getString(row, "RecordId") + " - " + EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(row, "TSR_Subject"));
                        option = new EvOption(
                            EvSqlMethods.getString(row, "RecordId"),
                            EvSqlMethods.getString(row, "RecordId") + " - " + EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(row, "TSR_Subject"));

                    if (EntityId == String.Empty)
                        option.Description = "(" + EvSqlMethods.getString(row, "SubjectId") + ") " + option.Description;

                    // Append the EvOption object to the list.

            // Return a list containing an EvOption object.
        }//END getList method.
        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class reads the content of the SqlDataReader into the Report data object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row">DataRow: a data row object.</param>
        /// <param name="Columns">List of EvReportColumn: a list of report columns</param>
        /// <returns>EvReportRow: a report row object</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Loop through the Report's columns list
        /// 2. Switch data type to update the Report object's column values.
        /// 3. Return the Report object.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private EdReportRow readRow(DataRow Row, List <EdReportColumn> Columns)
            // Initialize the return report row object.
            EdReportRow reportRow = new EdReportRow(Columns.Count);

            // Loop through the report columns list.
            for (int columnCount = 0; columnCount < Columns.Count; columnCount++)
                // Switch column's datatype for updating the column values.
                switch (Columns [columnCount].DataType)
                case EdReport.DataTypes.Bool:
                    reportRow.ColumnValues [columnCount] = EvSqlMethods.getBool(Row, Columns [columnCount].SourceField).ToString( );

                case EdReport.DataTypes.Date:
                    DateTime dateVal = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, Columns [columnCount].SourceField);
                    if (dateVal != Evado.Model.EvStatics.CONST_DATE_NULL)
                        reportRow.ColumnValues [columnCount] = dateVal.ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                        reportRow.ColumnValues [columnCount] = "";


                case EdReport.DataTypes.Integer:
                    reportRow.ColumnValues [columnCount] = EvSqlMethods.getInteger(Row, Columns [columnCount].SourceField).ToString( );

                case EdReport.DataTypes.Float:
                case EdReport.DataTypes.Currency:
                    reportRow.ColumnValues [columnCount] = EvSqlMethods.getFloat(Row, Columns [columnCount].SourceField).ToString( );

                    String val = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, Columns [columnCount].SourceField);
                    if (val == "Null")
                        val = String.Empty;
                    reportRow.ColumnValues [columnCount] = val;
                } //END Type switch
            }     //END column interation loop.

            // Return the Report object
        }// End readRow method.
        }//END SetParameters class.


        #region Data Reader methods

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class extracts the data row values to the report object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Row">DataRow: a data row object</param>
        /// <returns>EvReport: a report data object</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Extract the compatible data row values to the Report data object.
        /// 2. Set the xml report string, if it is empty.
        /// 3. Return the Report data object.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public EdReport readRow(DataRow Row)
            // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
            EdReport report = new EdReport( );

            // Set the xml report string, if it is empty.
            string xmlReport = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "RS_XmlReport");

            if (xmlReport != String.Empty)
                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("utf-8", "utf-16");

                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<SelectionSource></SelectionSource>",

                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<SelectionSource />",

                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<SelectionSource>SubjectId</SelectionSource>",

                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<SelectionSource>SiteId</SelectionSource>",

                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<SelectionSource>TrialId</SelectionSource>",

                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<SelectionSource>Trial_Id</SelectionSource>",

                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<SelectionSource>ScheduleId</SelectionSource>",

                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<SelectionSource>AllTrialSites</SelectionSource>",

                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<SelectionSource>CurrentTrial</SelectionSource>",

                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<SelectionSource>Current_Trial</SelectionSource>",

                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<TrialId>", "<ProjectId>");
                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("</TrialId>", "</ProjectId>");
                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("<ReportTypeId>", "<ReportType>");
                xmlReport = xmlReport.Replace("</ReportTypeId>", "</ReportType>");

                report = Evado.Model.EvStatics.DeserialiseObject <EdReport> (xmlReport);;

            // Extract the compatible data row values to the Report object.
            report.Guid        = EvSqlMethods.getGuid(Row, "RS_Guid");
            report.ReportId    = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "ReportId");
            report.ReportTitle = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "RS_ReportTitle");
            //Report.ReportSubTitle = EvSqlMethods.getString( Row, "RS_ReportSubTitle" );
            report.ReportDate = EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, "RS_ReportDate");
            report.ReportType = (EdReport.ReportTypeCode)EvSqlMethods.getInteger(Row, "RS_ReportTypeId");
            report.ReportNo   = EvSqlMethods.getInteger(Row, "RS_ReportNo");

            report.UpdateUserId = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "RS_UpdatedByUserId");
            report.Updated      = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "RS_UpdatedBy");
            report.Updated     += " on " + EvSqlMethods.getDateTime(Row, "RS_UpdateDate").ToString("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm");

            report.GeneratedBy = EvSqlMethods.getString(Row, "RS_UpdatedBy");

            // Return the Report object
        }// End readRow method.