    }//END UpdateTokenUserProfile method

    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    #region Public class Methods

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method returns the application data object to be processed by the client.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">ClientPageCommand object: containing the groupCommand that 
    /// is called on web service</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData</returns>
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public AppData getPageObject ( Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getPageObject method, " );
      this.LogValue ( "NewUser: "******"PageCommand: " + PageCommand.getAsString ( false, false ) );
        this._CommandHistory.DebugOn = this.DebugOn;

        // If the user is new and there is a non home page groupCommand 
        // execute that groupCommand.
        if ( this._NewUser == true )
          this.LogDebug ( "new user retreiving the last command" );
          List<Evado.UniForm.Model.Parameter> header = PageCommand.Header;

          Command lastCommand = this._CommandHistory.getLastCommand ( );
          this.LogValue ( "last command: " + lastCommand.Title );

          if ( lastCommand.Id != Guid.Empty
            && lastCommand.Object != Evado.Digital.Adapter.EuAdapterClasses.Home_Page.ToString ( ) )
            this.LogValue ( "Executing the last command" );
            PageCommand = lastCommand;

            PageCommand.Header = header;

        }//END new user getting the last history command.

        this.LogValue ( "AFTER NEW USER: PageCommand: " + PageCommand.getAsString ( false, false ) );

        // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
        this._ErrorMessage = String.Empty;

        this.LogValue ( "Short Title: " + PageCommand.GetParameter ( CommandParameters.Short_Title ) );

        // Set the groupCommand to a short title to it can be added to the groupCommand history.
        PageCommand.setShortTitle ( );

        #region Save and Delete processes.
        // If the method is to update a value then we need to undertake process processing after 
        // the method has been processed to return the user to the exit page.

        if ( PageCommand.Method == ApplicationMethods.Delete_Object
          || PageCommand.Method == ApplicationMethods.Save_Object )
          this.LogMethod ( "SAVE OR DELETE METHODS." );

          // The save process returns a empty data object with the exit groupCommand.
          // Retrieve the groupCommand and direct the user to that page.
          this._ClientDataObject = this.getObjectData ( PageCommand );

          this.LogValue ( "Application.ID: " + this._ClientDataObject.Id + ", Page.Id: " + this._ClientDataObject.Page.Id );

          if ( this._ClientDataObject.Message != String.Empty )
            this.LogValue ( "Error output" );

            this.LogValue ( "AppDataObject.Message: " + this._ClientDataObject.Message );

            return this._ClientDataObject;

          // Get the list page groupCommand as the default exit groupCommand.
          this._ExitCommand = this._CommandHistory.getExitCommand ( PageCommand );

          this.LogValue ( "Save ExitCommand: " + this._ExitCommand.getAsString ( false, false ) );

          // Set the page groupCommand to the saved objects exit groupCommand.  To call the correct exit page.
          PageCommand = this._ExitCommand;

          this.LogValue ( "OK: next page command: " + PageCommand.getAsString ( false, false ) );

          // out the error message to be added to the returning data object.
          this._ErrorMessage = this._ClientDataObject.Message;

          this.LogValue ( "ErrorMessage: " + this._ErrorMessage );

          this.LogMethod ( "END SAVE OR DELETE METHODS." );

        }//END process save or delete object commands.


        this.LogMethod ( "GET LIST, GET OR CREATE METHOD" );
        // Get the list page groupCommand as the default exit groupCommand.
        this._ExitCommand = this._CommandHistory.getExitCommand ( PageCommand );

        //this.LogDebug ( this._CommandHistory.Log );
        //this.LogDebug ( "Final List: \r\n" + this._CommandHistory.listCommandHistory ( true ) );

        this.LogValue ( "ExitCommand: " + this._ExitCommand.getAsString ( false, false ) );

        // get the data objec using the current page groupCommand.
        this._ClientDataObject = this.getObjectData ( PageCommand );

        this._ErrorMessage = this._ClientDataObject.Message;

        this.LogValue ( "RETURNED: ErrorMessage: " + this._ErrorMessage );

        // An empty Guid indicates a error has occured and return to the home page.
        if ( this._ClientDataObject.Id == Guid.Empty )
          return getDefaultPage ( PageCommand );
      catch ( Exception Ex )
        EvApplicationEvents.LogError ( this._EventLogSource,
          Evado.Model.EvStatics.getException ( Ex ) );

        this.LogValue ( "Evado.UniForm.IntegrationServices.getPageObject method." );
        this.LogValue ( "Exception Event. " + Evado.Model.EvStatics.getException ( Ex ) );

      this.LogValue ( "EXIT INTEGRATION SERVICE CLASS " );

      // Return the client data object to the client.
      return this._ClientDataObject;

    }//END getPageObject Method
    }//END getPageObject Method


    #region Private class methods

    // ==================================================================================
    /// <summary>
    /// This method selects the application object to be be processed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="PageCommand">ClientPageCommand object: containing the groupCommand that 
    /// is called on web service</param>
    /// <returns>ClientApplicationData</returns>
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private AppData getObjectData (
      Command PageCommand )
      this.LogMethod ( "getDataObject method. " );
      this.LogValue ( "ClientVersion: " + this._ClientVersion );
      this.LogValue ( "PageCommand " + PageCommand.getAsString ( false, false ) );
      this.LogValue ( "Exit Command: " + this._ExitCommand.getAsString ( false, false ) );
      // Initialise the methods variables and objects.
      AppData clientDataObject = new AppData ( );

        // Initialise the Evado clinical adapter object.
        this._ApplicationAdapter = new Evado.Digital.Adapter.EuAdapter (
          this._UniForm_BinaryServiceUrl );

        this._ApplicationAdapter.LoggingLevel = this.LoggingLevel;

        this.LogValue ( "ApplicationAdapter.LoggingLevel: " + this._ApplicationAdapter.LoggingLevel );

        this.LogValue ( "PageCommand.Method: " + PageCommand.Method );
        // if the page is a custom groupCommand reset it to the customcommang parameter if it not null
        if ( PageCommand.Method == ApplicationMethods.Custom_Method
          && PageCommand.getCustomMethod ( ) != ApplicationMethods.Null )
          PageCommand.Method = PageCommand.getCustomMethod ( );

          this.LogValue ( "ApplicationMethod reset to " + PageCommand.Method.ToString ( ) );

        // If not found create a new object and add it to the list then return it.
        switch ( PageCommand.ApplicationId )
          case Evado.Digital.Adapter.EuAdapter.ADAPTER_ID:
              this.LogValue ( "SELECTING APPLICATION AppId: '" + PageCommand.ApplicationId + "'"
                + " >> CALLING ECLINICAL APPLICATION" );
              // Call the get page method to generate the next page.
              clientDataObject = this._ApplicationAdapter.getPageObject ( PageCommand );

              if ( this._ErrorMessage != String.Empty )
                clientDataObject.Message = this._ErrorMessage;

              this._GlobalObjects = this._ApplicationAdapter.GlobalObjectList;

              this.LogApplication ( this._ApplicationAdapter.AdapterLog );

              this.LogValue ( "IntegrationServices.GlobalObject count: " + this._GlobalObjects.Count );

              this.LogValue ( "RETURN APPLICATION DATA OBJECT " );
              this.LogValue ( " - ID: " + clientDataObject.Id );
              this.LogValue ( " - Title: " + clientDataObject.Title );
              if ( clientDataObject.Page.Exit != null )
                this.LogValue ( " - ExitCommand: " + clientDataObject.Page.Exit.getAsString ( false, false ) );
              this.LogValue ( " - Message: " + clientDataObject.Message );

              // Return the instance to the list.initialisation method
              return clientDataObject;
              this.LogValue ( ">> GETTING DEFAULT PAGE. " );

              // get the default page
              return this.getDefaultPage ( PageCommand );
      catch ( Exception Ex )
        EvApplicationEvents.LogError ( this._EventLogSource,
          Evado.Model.EvStatics.getException ( Ex ) );

        this._ErrorMessage = "UniFORM service application error.";

      return getDefaultPage ( PageCommand );

    }//END CallApplicationObject Method
        } //END CloseAlert method


        #region Static method: Raise alert method.

        // =====================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// This class raises items on the Alert ResultData object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ProjectId">string: A Project identifier</param>
        /// <param name="OrgId">string: an organization identifier</param>
        /// <param name="RecordId">string: A Record identifier</param>
        /// <param name="Message">string: An alert's message</param>
        /// <param name="FromUserName">string: a user name whose alert is sent from</param>
        /// <param name="ToUserName">string: a user name whose alert is sent to</param>
        /// <param name="TypeId">EvAlert.AlertTypes: An alert QueryType</param>
        /// <returns>EvEventCodes: an event code for raising items</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method consists of the following steps:
        /// 1. Update the FirstSubject's value based on the RecordTypeId.
        /// 2. Set the Alert object's values and execute the method for adding Alert object's values to database.
        /// 3. Return the event code for raising items.
        /// </remarks>
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static EvEventCodes RaiseAlert(
            String ProjectId,
            String OrgId,
            String RecordId,
            String Message,
            String FromUserName,
            String ToUserName,
            EvAlert.AlertTypes TypeId)
            // Define the local variables.
            EvEventCodes iReturn = EvEventCodes.Ok;

            Evado.Dal.Digital.EvAlerts dalProjectAlerts = new Evado.Dal.Digital.EvAlerts( );

            EvAlert alert   = new EvAlert( );
            string  subject = String.Empty;

            // Update the milestone's values based on the RecordTypeId.
            switch (TypeId)
            case EvAlert.AlertTypes.Trial_Record:
                subject = String.Format(
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

            case EvAlert.AlertTypes.Adverse_Event_Report:
                subject = String.Format(
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

            case EvAlert.AlertTypes.Serious_Adverse_Event_Report:
                subject = String.Format(
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

            case EvAlert.AlertTypes.Concomitant_Medication:
                subject = String.Format(
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

            case EvAlert.AlertTypes.Subject_Record:
                subject = String.Format(
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"));

            // Update the Alert object's values.
            alert.ProjectId      = ProjectId;
            alert.ToOrgId        = OrgId;
            alert.RecordId       = RecordId;
            alert.Subject        = subject;
            alert.NewMessage     = Message;
            alert.UserCommonName = FromUserName;
            alert.ToUser         = ToUserName;
            alert.FromUser       = FromUserName;
            alert.Action         = EvAlert.AlertSaveActionCodes.Raise_Alert;
            alert.TypeId         = TypeId;
            // Add the Alert object's values to the database
            iReturn = dalProjectAlerts.addItem(alert);

            EvApplicationEvent applicationEvent = new EvApplicationEvent(


        }//END RaiseAlert method