/// <summary> /// Updates both the index and pack file sizes /// </summary> public void UpdateFileSizes() { // Lazy way of doing it... try { var s = String.Format("{0}{1}", MainWindowVm.Instance.SelectedWorkingProfile.WorkingDirectory, EterHelper.ReplaceWithEixExt(Filename)); SizeOfIndexFile = new FileInfo(s).Length; } catch (Exception) { SizeOfIndexFile = 0; } try { SizeOfPackFile = new FileInfo(String.Format("{0}{1}", MainWindowVm.Instance.SelectedWorkingProfile.WorkingDirectory, EterHelper.ReplaceWithEpkExt(Filename))).Length; } catch (Exception) { SizeOfIndexFile = 0; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="packFile"></param> /// <param name="saveFilesPath"></param> /// <param name="indexKey"></param> /// <param name="packKey"></param> /// <param name="progressCallback"></param> /// <param name="fileLoggingCallback"></param> public static void UnpackFile( FileInfo packFile, string saveFilesPath, byte[] indexKey, byte[] packKey, Action<int, int> progressCallback, Action<ErrorItem, string> fileLoggingCallback) { if (!File.Exists(packFile.FullName)) { throw new EterPackFileNotFoundException(); } // Reads the index file List<IndexItem> workingList = ReadIndexFile(EterHelper.ReplaceWithEixExt(packFile.FullName), indexKey, StringHelpers.TrimExtension(packFile.Name)); if (workingList == null) return; // Check userData paths Directory.CreateDirectory(saveFilesPath); // File result counters double totalFilesCounter = 0; int unnamedFilesCounter = 0; int operationResult = 0; foreach (IndexItem item in workingList) { if (item.Size < 16 && item.PackType > 0) { //WindowLog.LogOutputMessage(Log.LogId.FILE_SIZE_TOO_SMALL, args: new object[] { item.Filename, item.Size }); TODO continue; } DrivePointManager.CheckIfContainsDrivePoint(item.Filename); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Filename)) { unnamedFilesCounter++; continue; } switch (item.PackType) { // Raw format case 0: operationResult = ProcessFileType0( packFile.FullName, String.Format("{0}{1}/", saveFilesPath, StringHelpers.TrimExtension(packFile.Name)), item, fileLoggingCallback); break; // LZO compressed file case 1: operationResult = ProcessFileType1( packFile.FullName, String.Format("{0}{1}/", saveFilesPath, StringHelpers.TrimExtension(packFile.Name)), item, fileLoggingCallback); break; // XTEA encrypted and LZO compressed file case 2: operationResult = ProcessFileType2( packFile.FullName, String.Format("{0}{1}/", saveFilesPath, StringHelpers.TrimExtension(packFile.Name)), item, packKey, fileLoggingCallback); break; // Panama encryption case 3: operationResult = ProcessFileType3( packFile.FullName, String.Format("{0}{1}/", saveFilesPath, StringHelpers.TrimExtension(packFile.Name)), item, packKey, fileLoggingCallback); break; default: fileLoggingCallback( new ErrorItem(item.Filename, String.Format("Type {0} is not yet supported.", item.PackType)), null); break; } totalFilesCounter += 1.0; // Update progress double actionProgress = (totalFilesCounter / workingList.Count * 100.0); progressCallback(operationResult, (int)actionProgress); } // If unnamed files were found, log it if (unnamedFilesCounter > 0) fileLoggingCallback( new ErrorItem("UNDEFINED", unnamedFilesCounter + " files were ignored due to incomplete header info (no name)", unnamedFilesCounter), null); }
/// <summary> /// Buils EIX and EPK files /// </summary> /// <param name="list">Deserialized list</param> /// <param name="packFilePath">Path to EPK file, including the name</param> /// <param name="unpackedFilesPath">Path to unpacked files</param> /// <param name="indexKey">Index XTEA key</param> /// <param name="packKey">Pack XTEA key</param> /// <param name="errorLogCallBack"></param> /// <param name="progressCallback">Callback if progress updates are needed</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool BuildIndexAndPackFiles( List<IndexItem> list, string packFilePath, string unpackedFilesPath, byte[] indexKey, byte[] packKey, Action<ErrorItem> errorLogCallBack, Action<int, int> progressCallback, Action fatalErrorCallback) { using (var fStream = new MemoryStream()) { packFilePath = packFilePath.Replace("\\", "/"); // Check if directory exists string directoryPath = packFilePath.Substring(0, packFilePath.LastIndexOf("/")); Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); // Create stream to EPK file var epkStream = new FileStream(EterHelper.ReplaceWithEpkExt(packFilePath), FileMode.Create); // Size from header for each file int decompressedSize = 0; int compressedSize = 0; uint encryptedSize = 0; // File counter to index files int indexCount = 0; // Progress variables double actionProgress = 0; // FileOffset holder (EPK stream's length) int fileOffset = 0; // Write first header to EIX file fStream.Write(ConstantsBase.EterFourCc, 0, ConstantsBase.EterFourCc.Length); fStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(2), 0, 4); fStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(list.Count), 0, 4); try { foreach (IndexItem item in list) { // Loop through items var fileName = new byte[161]; var fileNameCrc = new byte[4]; //Index item's structure (totalizing 192 bytes) #region Byte Holders var fileIndex = new byte[4]; var realDataSize = new byte[4]; var dataSize = new byte[4]; var dataCrc = new byte[4]; var dataOffset = new byte[4]; var padding3B = new byte[3]; #endregion // Set all backslashs to forwards slashes item.Filename = item.Filename.Replace('\\', '/'); // Get raw data byte[] rawData = IOHelper.ReadFile(unpackedFilesPath + item.Filename); // Header sizees int encryptedFileSize = 0; int compressedFileSize = 0; int decompressedFileSize = 0; // Set real data & decompressed size to raw data's lenth realDataSize = BitConverter.GetBytes(rawData.Length); decompressedFileSize = rawData.Length; // Set fileoffset to actual stream's length fileOffset = (int)epkStream.Length; #region File Type Processing // Switch through the 3 possible cases switch (item.PackType) { case 0: // Write data to EPK stream epkStream.Write(rawData, 0, rawData.Length); // Set data size equal to raw data since no compression nor encrypted occured dataSize = BitConverter.GetBytes(rawData.Length); break; case 1: case 2: // Compress data byte[] compressedDataBuffer = LzoHelper.CompressData(rawData.Length, rawData); // Create buffer to hold header + compressedData byte[] compressedDataWithHeaderBuffer = new byte[compressedDataBuffer.Length + 4]; // Copy header and compressedData to previously created buffer Array.Copy(ConstantsBase.LzoFourCc, 0, compressedDataWithHeaderBuffer, 0, 4); Array.Copy(compressedDataBuffer, 0, compressedDataWithHeaderBuffer, 4, compressedDataBuffer.Length); // Set dataSize to compressedSize (since it assumes it's type 1) dataSize = BitConverter.GetBytes(compressedDataWithHeaderBuffer.Length + 16); // Set compressedSize compressedFileSize = compressedDataBuffer.Length; // If type 2 if (item.PackType == 2) { // Get encrypted size (ALWAYS the upper multiple) encryptedFileSize = GetUpperMultiple(compressedDataWithHeaderBuffer.Length); // Resize data to fit encryptedSize Array.Resize(ref compressedDataWithHeaderBuffer, encryptedFileSize); // Encrypt Data Xtea.Encrypt2(ref compressedDataWithHeaderBuffer, packKey); // Set dataSize to encryptedData + header dataSize = BitConverter.GetBytes(compressedDataWithHeaderBuffer.Length + 16); } // Write header of file to EPK stream epkStream.Write(ConstantsBase.LzoFourCc, 0, 4); epkStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(encryptedFileSize), 0, 4); epkStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(compressedFileSize), 0, 4); epkStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(decompressedFileSize), 0, 4); // Write actual data epkStream.Write(compressedDataWithHeaderBuffer, 0, compressedDataWithHeaderBuffer.Length); break; } #endregion #region Building index file // Check if string replacment is needed string virtualPathFile = DrivePointManager.InsertDrivePoints(item.Filename); // Populate byte[] with data fileIndex = BitConverter.GetBytes(item.Index); byte[] fileNameTemp = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(virtualPathFile); fileNameCrc = CrcHelper.GetCrc32HashFromMemoryToByteArray(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(virtualPathFile)); realDataSize = (realDataSize == null) ? BitConverter.GetBytes(item.DiskSize) : realDataSize; dataSize = (dataSize == null) ? BitConverter.GetBytes(item.Size) : dataSize; dataCrc = CrcHelper.GetCrc32HashToByteArray(unpackedFilesPath + item.Filename); dataOffset = BitConverter.GetBytes(fileOffset); var compressedType = (byte)item.PackType; // Check if filename buffer is expectedSize if (fileNameTemp.Length != 161) { Array.Copy(fileNameTemp, 0, fileName, 0, fileNameTemp.Length); } // Write data to EIX's stream fStream.Write(fileIndex, 0, fileIndex.Length); fStream.Write(fileName, 0, 161); fStream.Write(padding3B, 0, padding3B.Length); fStream.Write(fileNameCrc.Reverse().ToArray(), 0, fileNameCrc.Length); fStream.Write(realDataSize, 0, realDataSize.Length); fStream.Write(dataSize, 0, dataSize.Length); fStream.Write(dataCrc.Reverse().ToArray(), 0, dataCrc.Length); fStream.Write(dataOffset, 0, dataOffset.Length); fStream.WriteByte(compressedType); fStream.Write(padding3B, 0, padding3B.Length); indexCount++; #endregion // Update progress actionProgress = (indexCount / (double)list.Count * 100.0); progressCallback(0, (int)actionProgress); } } catch (Exception ex) { //WindowLog.LogExceptioToFile(ex.ToString()); TODO fatalErrorCallback(); throw; } // Assign current stream's lenght to decmopressedSize decompressedSize = (int)fStream.Length; // Buffer to hold compressedData byte[] compressedData = LzoHelper.CompressData(decompressedSize, fStream.ToArray()); // Buffer with compressedData + MCOZ header byte[] compressedDataWithHeader = new byte[compressedData.Length + 4]; // Copy Header to buffer Array.Copy(ConstantsBase.LzoFourCc, 0, compressedDataWithHeader, 0, 4); // Copy data to buffer Array.Copy(compressedData, 0, compressedDataWithHeader, 4, compressedData.Length); // Save compressedSize compressedSize = compressedData.Length; // Save encryptedSize (round to upper multiple) encryptedSize = (uint)GetUpperMultiple(compressedSize + 4); // Resize array to fit new size Array.Resize(ref compressedDataWithHeader, (int)encryptedSize); // Encrypt data Xtea.Encrypt2(ref compressedDataWithHeader, indexKey); // Create buffer to hold final data + header var outputFileBuffer = new byte[compressedDataWithHeader.Length + 16]; // Copy header to buffer Array.Copy(ConstantsBase.LzoFourCc, 0, outputFileBuffer, 0, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(encryptedSize), 0, outputFileBuffer, 4, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(compressedSize), 0, outputFileBuffer, 8, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(decompressedSize), 0, outputFileBuffer, 12, 4); // Copy data to buffer Array.Copy(compressedDataWithHeader, 0, outputFileBuffer, 16, compressedDataWithHeader.Length); // Close stream epkStream.Close(); epkStream.Dispose(); // Save file File.WriteAllBytes(EterHelper.ReplaceWithEixExt(packFilePath), outputFileBuffer); return true; } }