        /// <summary>
        /// Based on the current situation, the bot needs to get an item, but doesn't have it.
        /// This function reserves the item the pod should pick up. Returns the pod that should be used, null if it's carying a pod and the current pod won't work (too full).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bot">The bot to consider.</param>
        /// <param name="bestRequest">The best request to use for the best pickup task.</param>
        /// <param name="bestStation">The station to use for the best pickup task.</param>
        /// <param name="bestPod">The pod to use for the best pickup task.</param>
        public void ReserveBestItemToPickUp(Bot bot, out InsertRequest bestRequest, out Pod bestPod, out InputStation bestStation)
            bestPod     = null;
            bestStation = null;
            bestRequest = null;

            // If have a pod currently
            if (bot.Pod != null)
                Pod pod = bot.Pod;

                // Current pod works, so find closest input station and best task
                double closestInputStationTime = double.PositiveInfinity;

                // Check all tasks
                foreach (var storeTask in Instance.ResourceManager.AvailableStoreRequests)
                    // See how long it would take to get to this input station
                    // Choose the worst of delivering or waiting
                    Waypoint sw   = storeTask.Station.Waypoint;
                    double   time = Math.Max(Estimators.EstimateTravelTimeEuclid(bot, bot.CurrentWaypoint, sw), Estimators.EstimateInputStationWaitTime(bot, sw));

                    // If it's the best and it fits the current pod, then use it
                    if (time < closestInputStationTime && pod.CapacityInUse + storeTask.Bundle.BundleWeight <= pod.Capacity)
                        bestRequest             = storeTask;
                        closestInputStationTime = time;

                // If no pickup suits the pod, get rid of it
                if (bestRequest == null)

                // Allocate task!
                bestStation = bestRequest.Station;
                bestPod     = pod;

            // Don't have a pod
            double bestPickupTime = double.PositiveInfinity;

            bestRequest = null;
            bestPod     = null;

            foreach (var pod in Instance.ResourceManager.UnusedPods)
                // Find time to pick up the bundle
                double pickupTime = Estimators.EstimateTravelTimeEuclid(bot, pod.Waypoint);

                // Check all tasks
                foreach (var storeTask in Instance.ResourceManager.AvailableStoreRequests)
                    // If it has room
                    if (pod.CapacityInUse + storeTask.Bundle.BundleWeight <= pod.Capacity)
                        // See how long it would take to get to this input station
                        // Choose the worst of delivering or waiting
                        Waypoint sw          = storeTask.Station.Waypoint;
                        double   deliverTime = Math.Max(Estimators.EstimateTravelTimeEuclid(bot, pod.Waypoint, sw), Estimators.EstimateInputStationWaitTime(bot, sw));

                        //if it's the best, then use it
                        if (pickupTime + deliverTime < bestPickupTime)
                            bestRequest    = storeTask;
                            bestPickupTime = pickupTime + deliverTime;
                            bestPod        = pod;

            // No pickup request available
            if (bestRequest == null)

            // Pickup available - set it
            bestStation = bestRequest.Station;