public async Task <bool> StoreNewEstimateLineAsync(int EstimateId, EstimateLine EstimateLine) { EstimateLine.EstimateId = EstimateId; _context.EstimateLines.Add(EstimateLine); return((await _context.SaveChangesAsync()) > 0); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { ctx = new AriClinicContext("AriClinicContext"); // security control, it must be a user logged if (Session["User"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { user = CntAriCli.GetUser((Session["User"] as User).UserId, ctx); Process proc = (from p in ctx.Processes where p.Code == "Estimate" select p).FirstOrDefault <Process>(); per = CntAriCli.GetPermission(user.UserGroup, proc, ctx); btnAccept.Visible = per.Modify; } // LoadComboInsurance(); // if (Request.QueryString["EstimateId"] != null) { estId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["EstimateId"]); est = CntAriCli.GetEstimate(estId, ctx); } // if (Request.QueryString["EstimateLineId"] != null) { estlId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["EstimateLineId"]); estl = CntAriCli.GetEstimateLine(estlId, ctx); LoadData(estl); } }
protected void UnloadData(EstimateLine estl) { estl.Description = txtDescription.Text; estl.Amount = (decimal)txtAmount.Value; estl.Discount = decimal.Parse(txtDiscount.Text); estl.InsuranceService = CntAriCli.GetInsuranceService(int.Parse(rdcInsuranceService.SelectedValue), ctx); if (est != null) { estl.Estimate = est; } }
protected bool CreateChange() { if (!DataOk()) { return(false); } if (estl == null) { estl = new EstimateLine(); UnloadData(estl); ctx.Add(estl); } else { estl = CntAriCli.GetEstimateLine(estlId, ctx); UnloadData(estl); } ctx.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
protected void LoadData(EstimateLine estl) { txtEstimateLineId.Text = estl.EstimateLineId.ToString(); txtDescription.Text = estl.Description; txtAmount.Value = (double)estl.Amount; txtDiscount.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00}", estl.Discount); txtTotal.Value = (double)(estl.Amount - estl.Discount); Insurance iSelect = estl.InsuranceService.Insurance; InsuranceService iServ = estl.InsuranceService; if (iSelect != null) { rdcbInsurance.SelectedValue = iSelect.InsuranceId.ToString(); } // if (iServ != null) { rdcInsuranceService.Items.Clear(); rdcInsuranceService.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem(iServ.Service.Name, iServ.InsuranceServiceId.ToString())); rdcInsuranceService.SelectedValue = iServ.InsuranceServiceId.ToString(); } }
protected void RadGrid1_ItemCommand(object sender, GridCommandEventArgs e) { // weonly process commands with a datasource (our image buttons) if (e.CommandSource == null) { return; } string typeOfControl = e.CommandSource.GetType().ToString(); if (typeOfControl.Equals("System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton")) { int id = 0; ImageButton imgb = (ImageButton)e.CommandSource; if (imgb.ID != "New" && imgb.ID != "Exit") { id = (int)e.Item.OwnerTableView.DataKeyValues[e.Item.ItemIndex][e.Item.OwnerTableView.DataKeyNames[0]]; } switch (imgb.ID) { case "Select": break; case "Edit": break; case "Delete": EstimateLine estl = (from c in ctx.EstimateLines where c.EstimateLineId == id select c).FirstOrDefault <EstimateLine>(); ctx.Delete(estl); ctx.SaveChanges(); RadGrid1.DataSource = estimate.EstimateLines; RefreshTotal(estimate); RadGrid1.Rebind(); break; } } }
protected void btnEstimate_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (!CreateChange()) { return; } // check if string command = ""; if (req.Estimates.Count > 0) { // There's a replay already Estimate est = req.Estimates[0]; command = String.Format("EditEstimateRecord('{0}','{1}');", est.EstimateId, req.RequestId); } else { Estimate est = new Estimate(); est.User = user; est.FullName = req.FullName; est.Request = req; est.EstimateDate = DateTime.Now; if (req.Patient != null) { est.FullName = req.Patient.FullName; } else { est.FullName = req.FullName; } ctx.Add(est); ctx.SaveChanges(); if (req.Service != null) { if (req.Patient != null && req.Patient.Customer != null && req.Patient.Customer.Policies.Count > 0) { Policy pol = req.Patient.Customer.Policies[0]; InsuranceService inss = (from i in ctx.InsuranceServices where i.Insurance == pol.Insurance && i.Service.ServiceId == req.Service.ServiceId select i).FirstOrDefault <InsuranceService>(); if (inss != null) { // estimate line EstimateLine estl = new EstimateLine(); est.Comments = ""; estl.Estimate = est; estl.InsuranceService = inss; estl.Amount = inss.Price; estl.Discount = 0; estl.Description = inss.Service.Name; ctx.Add(estl); est.Total = estl.Amount; ctx.SaveChanges(); } } } command = String.Format("EditEstimateRecord('{0}','{1}');", est.EstimateId, req.RequestId); } // string command = "CloseAndRebind('')"; RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(command); }
public async Task <bool> DeleteEstimateLine(EstimateLine EstimateLine) { _context.Remove(EstimateLine); return((await _context.SaveChangesAsync()) > 0); }
public async Task <bool> UpdateEstimateLineAsync(int EstimateId, EstimateLine EstimateLine) { EstimateLine.EstimateId = EstimateId; return((await _context.SaveChangesAsync()) > 0); }