        public DataSet ViewYph(DateTime FromDate, DateTime ToDate)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            ds = EstateProductionSQLHelper.FillDataSet("SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.DailyYieldBookDetails.DateEntered, dbo.EstateDivision.DivisionName, dbo.DailyYieldBookDetails.FieldID,  dbo.DailyYieldBookDetails.MadeTea, dbo.EstateField.Extent FROM  dbo.DailyYieldBookDetails INNER JOIN   dbo.EstateDivision ON dbo.DailyYieldBookDetails.DivisionID = dbo.EstateDivision.DivisionID INNER JOIN  dbo.EstateField ON dbo.DailyYieldBookDetails.FieldID = dbo.EstateField.FieldID AND   dbo.DailyYieldBookDetails.DivisionID = dbo.EstateField.DivisionID WHERE  (dbo.DailyYieldBookDetails.DateEntered BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,  '" + ToDate + "', 102))ORDER BY dbo.DailyYieldBookDetails.DateEntered", CommandType.Text);
        public DataTable ViewDailyCop(DateTime FromDate, DateTime Todate)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Day"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("JobnNme"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("JobGroup"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Cost"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("MadeTea"));

            DataRow       dtrow = dt.NewRow();
            SqlDataReader reader;
            SqlDataReader readerNew;

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT DAY(DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered) AS Day,JobMaster.JobName, JobGroup.GroupName, DailyGroundTransactions.Expenditure + DailyGroundTransactions.PluckingExpenditure AS Cost,DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered FROM JobMaster INNER JOIN JobGroup ON JobMaster.JobGroup = JobGroup.GroupID INNER JOIN DailyGroundTransactions ON JobMaster.JobShortName = DailyGroundTransactions.WorkCodeID GROUP BY JobMaster.JobShortName, JobGroup.GroupName, DailyGroundTransactions.Expenditure, DailyGroundTransactions.PluckingExpenditure,JobMaster.JobName, DAY(DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered), DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered HAVING(DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + Todate + "',102))", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                dtrow = dt.NewRow();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    dtrow[0] = reader.GetInt32(0);
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(1))
                    dtrow[1] = reader.GetString(1).Trim();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(2))
                    dtrow[2] = reader.GetString(2).Trim();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(3))
                    dtrow[3] = reader.GetDecimal(3);
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(4))
                    dtrow[4] = "0";

                readerNew = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(NettMadeTea) AS MadeTea FROM DailyYieldBookDetails GROUP BY DateEntered HAVING(DateEntered = CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + reader.GetDateTime(4) + "', 102))", CommandType.Text);
                while (readerNew.Read())
                    if (!readerNew.IsDBNull(0))
                        dtrow[4] = readerNew.GetDecimal(0);
        public Decimal GetMadeTea(DateTime FromDate, DateTime Todate)
            Decimal       Madetea = 0;
            SqlDataReader reader;

            reader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(NettMadeTea) AS MadeTea FROM DailyYieldBookDetails WHERE (DateEntered BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + Todate + "', 102))", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    Madetea = reader.GetDecimal(0);
        //public DataSet ViewIntakePerPlucker(DateTime FromDate, DateTime ToDate)
        //    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        //    ds = SQLHelper.FillDataSet("", CommandType.Text);
        //    return ds;
        public DataTable ViewIntakePerPlucker(DateTime FromDate, DateTime ToDate)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Date"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("GreenLeaf"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("CashKillos"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("PluckingManDays"));

            SqlDataReader reader;
            SqlDataReader readerNew;

            DataRow dtrow = dt.NewRow();

            reader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT DateEntered,SUM(GreenLeaf) AS GreenLeaf FROM  DailyYieldBookDetails GROUP BY DateEntered HAVING (DateEntered BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + ToDate + "', 102))ORDER BY DateEntered", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                dtrow = dt.NewRow();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    dtrow[0] = reader.GetDateTime(0);
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(1))
                    dtrow[1] = reader.GetDecimal(1);
                dtrow[2] = "0";
                dtrow[3] = "0";

                readerNew = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(CashKgs) AS CashKillos, SUM(ManDays - HolidayHalfNames) AS Mandays, WorkCodeID FROM DailyGroundTransactions GROUP BY DateEntered, CropType, WorkCodeID HAVING (DateEntered = CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + reader.GetDateTime(0) + "', 102)) AND (CropType = 1) AND (WorkCodeID = 'PLK')", CommandType.Text);
                while (readerNew.Read())
                    if (!readerNew.IsDBNull(0))
                        dtrow[2] = readerNew.GetDecimal(0);
                    if (!readerNew.IsDBNull(1))
                        dtrow[3] = readerNew.GetDecimal(1);
        public DataSet  ViewYphToDate(Int32 Year, Int32 Month)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Month"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("MonthID"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Division"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Field"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FieldType"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Extenet"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("GreenLeafMonth"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("MadeTeaMonth"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("YPHMonth"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("GreenLeafPrevious"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("MadeTeaPrevious"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("YPHPrevious"));

            DataRow       dtrow = dt.NewRow();
            SqlDataReader reader;
            SqlDataReader newReader;
            Decimal       MadeTea           = 0;
            Decimal       Extent            = 0;
            Decimal       PreviousMadeTea   = 0;
            Decimal       PreviousGreenLeaf = 0;
            String        Division          = "";
            String        Field             = "";

            Int32  monthId   = 0;
            String MonthName = "";

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT MonthName, MonthCode FROM Month WHERE (MonthCode = '" + Month + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    MonthName = reader.GetString(0).Trim();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(1))
                    monthId = reader.GetInt32(1);

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT EstateDivision.DivisionName, EstateField.FieldName, EstateField.FieldType, EstateField.Extent,EstateDivision.DivisionID FROM  EstateField INNER JOIN  EstateDivision ON EstateField.DivisionID = EstateDivision.DivisionID", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                dtrow = dt.NewRow();

                dtrow[0] = MonthName;
                dtrow[1] = monthId;

                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    dtrow[2] = reader.GetString(0).Trim();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(1))
                    dtrow[3] = reader.GetString(1).Trim();
                    Field    = reader.GetString(1).Trim();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(2))
                    dtrow[4] = reader.GetString(2).Trim();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(3))
                    dtrow[5] = reader.GetDecimal(3);
                    Extent   = reader.GetDecimal(3);
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(4))
                    Division = reader.GetString(4).Trim();
                dtrow[6] = "0";
                dtrow[7] = "0";

                newReader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(GreenLeaf) AS GreenLeaf, SUM(MadeTea) AS MadeTea FROM DailyYieldBookDetails WHERE  (MONTH(DateEntered) = '" + monthId + "') AND (YEAR(DateEntered) = '" + Year + "')GROUP BY DivisionID, FieldID HAVING(SUM(GreenLeaf) > 0) AND (DivisionID = '" + reader.GetString(4) + "') AND (FieldID = '" + reader.GetString(1).Trim() + "')", CommandType.Text);
                    while (newReader.Read())
                        if (!newReader.IsDBNull(0))
                            dtrow[6] = newReader.GetDecimal(0);
                        if (!newReader.IsDBNull(1))
                            dtrow[7] = newReader.GetDecimal(1);
                            MadeTea  = newReader.GetDecimal(1);
                dtrow[8] = MadeTea / Extent;

                for (int i = 1; i < monthId; i++)
                    newReader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(GreenLeaf) AS GreenLeaf, SUM(MadeTea) AS MadeTea FROM DailyYieldBookDetails WHERE  (MONTH(DateEntered) = '" + i + "') AND (YEAR(DateEntered) = '" + Year + "')GROUP BY DivisionID, FieldID HAVING(SUM(GreenLeaf) > 0) AND (DivisionID = '" + Division + "') AND (FieldID = '" + Field + "')", CommandType.Text);
                        while (newReader.Read())
                            if (!newReader.IsDBNull(0))
                                PreviousGreenLeaf += newReader.GetDecimal(0);
                            if (!newReader.IsDBNull(1))
                                PreviousMadeTea += newReader.GetDecimal(1);
                dtrow[9]  = PreviousGreenLeaf;
                dtrow[10] = PreviousMadeTea;
                dtrow[11] = PreviousMadeTea / Extent;

                PreviousGreenLeaf = 0;
                PreviousMadeTea   = 0;
                Extent            = 0;
                MadeTea           = 0;
                Division          = "";
                Field             = "";

            // return dt;

            DataTable dtNew = new DataTable();

            dtNew.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Division"));
            dtNew.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Extenet"));
            dtNew.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("GreenLeafMonth"));
            dtNew.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("MadeTeaMonth"));
            dtNew.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("YPHMonth"));
            dtNew.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("GreenLeafPrevious"));
            dtNew.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("MadeTeaPrevious"));
            dtNew.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("YPHPrevious"));

            DataRow dtrownew = dtNew.NewRow();
            //SqlDataReader reader1;
            //SqlDataReader newReader;
            Decimal DivisionMadeTea = 0;
            Decimal DivisionExtenet = 0;

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT EstateDivision.DivisionID, EstateDivision.DivisionName, SUM(EstateField.Extent) AS Extent FROM EstateDivision INNER JOIN EstateField ON EstateDivision.DivisionID = EstateField.DivisionID GROUP BY EstateDivision.DivisionID, EstateDivision.DivisionName", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                dtrownew = dtNew.NewRow();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(1))
                    dtrownew[0] = reader.GetString(1).Trim();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(2))
                    dtrownew[1]     = reader.GetDecimal(2);
                    DivisionExtenet = reader.GetDecimal(2);
                dtrownew[2] = "0";
                dtrownew[3] = "0";
                dtrownew[4] = "0";
                dtrownew[5] = "0";
                dtrownew[6] = "0";
                dtrownew[7] = "0";

                newReader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT  SUM(GreenLeaf) AS GreenLeaf, SUM(MadeTea) AS MadeTea FROM  DailyYieldBookDetails WHERE (YEAR(DateEntered) = '" + Year + "') AND (MONTH(DateEntered) = '" + Month + "')GROUP BY DivisionID HAVING(DivisionID = '" + reader.GetString(0) + "')", CommandType.Text);
                while (newReader.Read())
                    if (!newReader.IsDBNull(0))
                        dtrownew[2] = newReader.GetDecimal(0);
                    if (!newReader.IsDBNull(1))
                        dtrownew[3]     = newReader.GetDecimal(1);
                        DivisionMadeTea = newReader.GetDecimal(1);
                dtrownew[4] = DivisionMadeTea / DivisionExtenet;

                Decimal DivisionPreviousGreenLeaf = 0;
                Decimal DivisionPreviousMadeTea   = 0;

                for (int i = 1; i < Month; i++)
                    newReader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT  SUM(GreenLeaf) AS GreenLeaf, SUM(MadeTea) AS MadeTea FROM  DailyYieldBookDetails WHERE (YEAR(DateEntered) = '" + Year + "') AND (MONTH(DateEntered) = '" + i + "')GROUP BY DivisionID HAVING(DivisionID = '" + reader.GetString(0) + "')", CommandType.Text);
                        while (newReader.Read())
                            if (!newReader.IsDBNull(0))
                                DivisionPreviousGreenLeaf += newReader.GetDecimal(0);
                            if (!newReader.IsDBNull(1))
                                DivisionPreviousMadeTea += newReader.GetDecimal(1);
                dtrownew[5] = DivisionPreviousGreenLeaf;
                dtrownew[6] = DivisionPreviousMadeTea;
                dtrownew[7] = DivisionPreviousMadeTea / DivisionExtenet;

                DivisionExtenet = 0;
                DivisionMadeTea = 0;


            //////////////////////////////////////////////////vp and sd

            DataTable dtNew1 = new DataTable();

            dtNew1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Type"));
            dtNew1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Extenet"));
            dtNew1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("GreenLeafMonth"));
            dtNew1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("MadeTeaMonth"));
            dtNew1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("YPHMonth"));
            dtNew1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("GreenLeafPrevious"));
            dtNew1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("MadeTeaPrevious"));
            dtNew1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("YPHPrevious"));
            dtNew1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TotalYPHMonth"));
            dtNew1.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TotalYPHPrevious"));

            DataRow dtrownew1  = dtNew1.NewRow();
            Decimal Madetea    = 0;
            Decimal TypeExtent = 0;
            //Decimal TotalMadetea = 0;
            Decimal TotalExtent = 0;

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT DISTINCT FieldType, SUM(Extent) AS Extent FROM EstateField GROUP BY FieldType", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                dtrownew1 = dtNew1.NewRow();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(1))
                    dtrownew1[0] = reader.GetString(0).Trim();
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(1))
                    dtrownew1[1] = reader.GetDecimal(1);
                    TypeExtent   = reader.GetDecimal(1);
                dtrownew1[2] = "0";
                dtrownew1[3] = "0";
                dtrownew1[4] = "0";
                dtrownew1[5] = "0";
                dtrownew1[6] = "0";
                dtrownew1[7] = "0";
                dtrownew1[8] = "0";
                dtrownew1[9] = "0";

                newReader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(GreenLeaf) AS GreenLeaf, SUM(MadeTea) AS MadeTea, FieldType FROM DailyYieldBookDetails WHERE (YEAR(DateEntered) = '" + Year + "') AND (MONTH(DateEntered) = '" + Month + "')GROUP BY FieldType HAVING (FieldType = '" + reader.GetString(0).Trim() + "')", CommandType.Text);
                while (newReader.Read())
                    if (!newReader.IsDBNull(0))
                        dtrownew1[2] = newReader.GetDecimal(0);
                    if (!newReader.IsDBNull(1))
                        dtrownew1[3] = newReader.GetDecimal(1);
                        Madetea      = newReader.GetDecimal(1);
                dtrownew1[4] = Madetea / TypeExtent;

                Decimal PreviousGreenLeafType = 0;
                Decimal PreviousMadeTeaType   = 0;

                for (int i = 1; i < Month; i++)
                    newReader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(GreenLeaf) AS GreenLeaf, SUM(MadeTea) AS MadeTea, FieldType FROM DailyYieldBookDetails WHERE (YEAR(DateEntered) = '" + Year + "') AND (MONTH(DateEntered) = '" + i + "')GROUP BY FieldType HAVING (FieldType = '" + reader.GetString(0).Trim() + "')", CommandType.Text);
                        while (newReader.Read())
                            if (!newReader.IsDBNull(0))
                                PreviousGreenLeafType += newReader.GetDecimal(0);
                            if (!newReader.IsDBNull(1))
                                PreviousMadeTeaType += newReader.GetDecimal(1);
                dtrownew1[5] = PreviousGreenLeafType;
                dtrownew1[6] = PreviousMadeTeaType;
                dtrownew1[7] = PreviousMadeTeaType / TypeExtent;

                TotalExtent    =
                    TypeExtent = 0;
                Madetea        = 0;




        public DataTable Harvesting(String DivisionID, Int32 Week, Int32 Year, DateTime FromDate, DateTime ToDate)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Crop"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("LPH"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("BelowNorm"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ManDays"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Extent"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TodateCrop"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TodateLPH"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TodateBelowNorm"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TodateManDays"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TodateExtent"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("BelowNormPercentage"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TodateBelowNormPercentage"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FactoryWeightToFieldWeight"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FactoryWeightToCRollWeight"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FactoryWeightToFieldWeightPercentage"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FactoryWeightToCRollWeightPercentage"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TodateFactoryWeightToFieldWeight"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TodateFactoryWeightToCRollWeight"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TodateFactoryWeightToFieldWeightPercentage"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TodateFactoryWeightToCRollWeightPercentage"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Average"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TodateAverage"));
            //dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("CropBudjet"));
            //dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ExtentBudjet"));

            SqlDataReader reader;
            DataRow       dtrow = dt.NewRow();

            Decimal Extent                                     = 0;
            Int32   LabourCount                                = 0;
            Decimal TodateExtent                               = 0;
            Int32   TodateLabourCount                          = 0;
            Decimal BelownormPercentage                        = 0;
            Decimal TodateBelownormPercentage                  = 0;
            Int32   Belownorm                                  = 0;
            Int32   TodateBelownorm                            = 0;
            Int32   empCount                                   = 0;
            Int32   TodateempCount                             = 0;
            Decimal FieldWeight                                = 0;
            Decimal FactoryWeight                              = 0;
            Decimal CheckRollWeight                            = 0;
            Decimal TodateFieldWeight                          = 0;
            Decimal TodateFactoryWeight                        = 0;
            Decimal TodateCheckRollWeight                      = 0;
            Decimal FactoryWeightToFieldWeight                 = 0;
            Decimal FactoryWeightToFieldWeightPercentage       = 0;
            Decimal FactoryWeightToCRollWeight                 = 0;
            Decimal FactoryWeightToCRollWeightPercentage       = 0;
            Decimal TodateFactoryWeightToFieldWeight           = 0;
            Decimal TodateFactoryWeightToFieldWeightPercentage = 0;
            Decimal TodateFactoryWeightToCRollWeight           = 0;
            Decimal TodateFactoryWeightToCRollWeightPercentage = 0;

            reader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(FieldWeight) AS Total, YEAR(EnteredDate) AS Year FROM  DailyPluckingRounds GROUP BY { fn WEEK(EnteredDate) }, DivisionID, YEAR(EnteredDate)HAVING (YEAR(EnteredDate) = '" + Year + "') AND ({ fn WEEK(EnteredDate) } = '" + Week + "') AND (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    dtrow[0]    = reader.GetDecimal(0);
                    FieldWeight = reader.GetDecimal(0);

            reader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(HectaresCompleted) AS Total FROM  DailyPluckingRounds GROUP BY { fn WEEK(EnteredDate) }, DivisionID, YEAR(EnteredDate) HAVING (YEAR(EnteredDate) = '" + Year + "') AND ({ fn WEEK(EnteredDate) } = '" + Week + "') AND (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    Extent = reader.GetDecimal(0);

            reader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(AreaCompletedExtent) AS total FROM DailyFieldWorkDetails GROUP BY DivisionID, { fn WEEK(EnteredDate) }, YEAR(EnteredDate) HAVING (YEAR(EnteredDate) = '" + Year + "') AND ({ fn WEEK(EnteredDate) } = '" + Week + "') AND (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    Extent += reader.GetDecimal(0);

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT COUNT(DailyGroundTransactions.EmpNo) AS Count FROM DailyGroundTransactions INNER JOIN JobMaster ON DailyGroundTransactions.WorkCodeID = JobMaster.JobShortName WHERE (JobMaster.ExpenditureType <> 'Capital') AND (DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "') AND ({ fn WEEK(DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered) } = '" + Week + "') AND (YEAR(DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered) = '" + Year + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    LabourCount = reader.GetInt32(0);;

                Decimal LPH = Extent / LabourCount;
                dtrow[1] = Math.Round(LPH, 2);
            catch { }

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT  COUNT(EmpNo) AS count FROM  DailyGroundTransactions WHERE (WorkQty - NormKilos < 0) AND (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "') AND ({ fn WEEK(DateEntered) } = '" + Week + "') AND (WorkCodeID = 'PLK') AND (YEAR(DateEntered) = '" + Year + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    dtrow[2]  = reader.GetInt32(0);
                    Belownorm = reader.GetInt32(0);

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT  SUM(DailyGroundTransactions.ManDays) AS Count FROM  DailyGroundTransactions INNER JOIN JobMaster ON DailyGroundTransactions.WorkCodeID = JobMaster.JobShortName WHERE (JobMaster.ExpenditureType <> 'Capital') AND (DailyGroundTransactions.WorkCodeID = 'PLK') AND (YEAR(DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered) = '" + Year + "') AND ({ fn WEEK(DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered) } = '" + Week + "') AND (DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    dtrow[3] = reader.GetDecimal(0);

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(Extent) AS extent FROM EstateField GROUP BY DivisionID HAVING (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    dtrow[4] = reader.GetDecimal(0);

            //////////////////////////////// Todate///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

            reader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(FieldWeight) AS Total FROM DailyPluckingRounds WHERE (EnteredDate BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + ToDate + "', 102))GROUP BY DivisionID HAVING (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    dtrow[5]          = reader.GetDecimal(0);
                    TodateFieldWeight = reader.GetDecimal(0);

            reader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(HectaresCompleted) AS Total FROM  DailyPluckingRounds WHERE(EnteredDate BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + ToDate + "', 102))GROUP BY DivisionID HAVING (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    TodateExtent = reader.GetDecimal(0);

            reader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(AreaCompletedExtent) AS total FROM  DailyFieldWorkDetails WHERE(EnteredDate BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + ToDate + "', 102))GROUP BY DivisionID HAVING (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    TodateExtent += reader.GetDecimal(0);

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT  COUNT(DailyGroundTransactions.EmpNo) AS Count, DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID FROM  DailyGroundTransactions INNER JOIN JobMaster ON DailyGroundTransactions.WorkCodeID = JobMaster.JobShortName WHERE (JobMaster.ExpenditureType <> 'Capital') AND (DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + ToDate + "', 102))GROUP BY DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID HAVING (DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    TodateLabourCount = reader.GetInt32(0);;

            Decimal LPHTodate = TodateExtent / TodateLabourCount;

            dtrow[6] = Math.Round(LPHTodate, 2);

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT COUNT(EmpNo) AS count FROM DailyGroundTransactions WHERE  (WorkQty - NormKilos < 0) AND (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "') AND (WorkCodeID = 'PLK') AND (DateEntered BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + ToDate + "', 102))", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    dtrow[7]        = reader.GetInt32(0);
                    TodateBelownorm = reader.GetInt32(0);

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(DailyGroundTransactions.ManDays) AS Count FROM  DailyGroundTransactions INNER JOIN JobMaster ON DailyGroundTransactions.WorkCodeID = JobMaster.JobShortName WHERE  (DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "') AND (DailyGroundTransactions.WorkCodeID = 'PLK') AND (JobMaster.ExpenditureType <> 'Capital') AND (DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + ToDate + "', 102))", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    dtrow[8] = reader.GetDecimal(0);

            dtrow[9] = dtrow[4];

            ///////////////////////////////////belownorm Percentage/////////////////

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT COUNT(EmpNo) AS count FROM DailyGroundTransactions WHERE (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "') AND (WorkCodeID = 'PLK') AND ({ fn WEEK(DateEntered) } = '" + Week + "') AND (YEAR(DateEntered) = '" + Year + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    empCount = reader.GetInt32(0);
                BelownormPercentage = (Convert.ToDecimal(Belownorm) / Convert.ToDecimal(empCount)) * 100;
            catch { }

            dtrow[10] = BelownormPercentage;

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT COUNT(EmpNo) AS count FROM DailyGroundTransactions WHERE (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "') AND (WorkCodeID = 'PLK') AND (DateEntered BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,'" + ToDate + "', 102))", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    TodateempCount = reader.GetInt32(0);
                TodateBelownormPercentage = (Convert.ToDecimal(TodateBelownorm) / Convert.ToDecimal(TodateempCount)) * 100;
            catch { }

            dtrow[11] = TodateBelownormPercentage;
            ///////////////////////////////////Factory and Checkroll weight/////////////////

            reader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(GreenLeaf) AS Qty FROM DailyYieldBookDetails WHERE (YEAR(DateEntered) = '" + Year + "') AND ({ fn WEEK(DateEntered) } = '" + Week + "')GROUP BY DivisionID HAVING (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    FactoryWeight = reader.GetDecimal(0);

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(WorkQty) AS Qty FROM dbo.DailyGroundTransactions WHERE ({ fn WEEK(DateEntered) } = '" + Week + "') AND (YEAR(DateEntered) = '" + Year + "')GROUP BY WorkCodeID, DivisionID HAVING  (WorkCodeID = 'PLK') AND (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    CheckRollWeight = reader.GetDecimal(0);

            FactoryWeightToFieldWeight = FieldWeight - FactoryWeight;
            dtrow[12] = FactoryWeightToFieldWeight;

            FactoryWeightToCRollWeight = CheckRollWeight - FactoryWeight;
            dtrow[13] = FactoryWeightToCRollWeight;

                dtrow[14] = (FactoryWeightToFieldWeight / FieldWeight) * 100;
            catch { }

                dtrow[15] = (FactoryWeightToCRollWeight / CheckRollWeight) * 100;
            catch { }

            ////////////////////////Todate Factory and Checkroll weight/////////////////

            reader = EstateProductionSQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(GreenLeaf) AS Qty FROM DailyYieldBookDetails WHERE  (DateEntered BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + ToDate + "', 102))GROUP BY DivisionID HAVING (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    TodateFactoryWeight = reader.GetDecimal(0);

            reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(WorkQty) AS Qty FROM dbo.DailyGroundTransactions WHERE  (DateEntered BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + FromDate + "', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + ToDate + "', 102))GROUP BY WorkCodeID, DivisionID HAVING (WorkCodeID = 'PLK') AND (DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);
            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsDBNull(0))
                    TodateCheckRollWeight = reader.GetDecimal(0);

            TodateFactoryWeightToFieldWeight = TodateFieldWeight - TodateFactoryWeight;
            dtrow[16] = TodateFactoryWeightToFieldWeight;

            TodateFactoryWeightToCRollWeight = TodateCheckRollWeight - TodateFactoryWeight;
            dtrow[17] = TodateFactoryWeightToCRollWeight;

                dtrow[18] = (TodateFactoryWeightToFieldWeight / TodateFieldWeight) * 100;
            catch { }
                dtrow[19] = (TodateFactoryWeightToCRollWeight / TodateCheckRollWeight) * 100;
            catch { }


            Decimal Average = (FactoryWeight / Convert.ToDecimal(empCount));

            dtrow[20] = Average;

            dtrow[21] = TodateFactoryWeight / Convert.ToDecimal(TodateempCount);


        public DataTable MonthlyPluckingRounds(String DivisionID, Int32 Year, Int32 Month)
            Int32         roundNo     = 0;
            Decimal       FieldWeight = 0;
            Decimal       Mandays     = 0;
            Boolean       chk         = false;
            int           count       = 0;
            SqlDataReader reader;

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            ds = SQLHelper.FillDataSet("SELECT DivisionID,FieldID FROM EstateField WHERE(DivisionID = '" + DivisionID + "')", CommandType.Text);

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Division"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Field"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("RoundNo"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FieldWeight"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ManDays"));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("IntakePerPlucker"));

            DataRow dtrow = dt.NewRow();

            foreach (DataRow drRow in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                roundNo = 0;
                String strDivisionID = drRow[0].ToString();
                String strField      = drRow[1].ToString();

                DataSet dsnew = new DataSet();
                dsnew = EstateProductionSQLHelper.FillDataSet("SELECT FieldWeight, RoundCompleted,FieldID,EnteredDate FROM DailyPluckingRounds WHERE (FieldID = '" + strField + "') AND (MONTH(EnteredDate) = '" + Month + "') AND (YEAR(EnteredDate) = '" + Year + "') AND (DivisionID = '" + strDivisionID + "') ORDER BY AutoKey", CommandType.Text);

                foreach (DataRow drR in dsnew.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (count == 1)
                        dtrow = dt.NewRow();
                    if (drR.ItemArray[1].ToString() == "True")
                        FieldWeight += Convert.ToDecimal(drR.ItemArray[0].ToString());
                        reader       = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.ManDays + dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.CashManDays) AS ManDays, dbo.EstateField.MapField,dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered FROM dbo.DailyGroundTransactions INNER JOIN  dbo.EstateField ON dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID = dbo.EstateField.DivisionID AND dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.FieldID = dbo.EstateField.FieldID GROUP BY dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered, dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID, dbo.EstateField.MapField, dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.WorkCodeID,dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.WorkType, dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.CashManDays HAVING        (dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered = CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + drR.ItemArray[3].ToString() + "', 102)) AND (dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID = '" + strDivisionID + "') AND (dbo.EstateField.MapField = '" + strField + "') AND (dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.WorkType = 1) AND (dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.WorkCodeID = 'PLK')", CommandType.Text);
                        while (reader.Read())
                            Mandays += reader.GetDecimal(0);
                        dtrow[0] = strDivisionID;
                        dtrow[1] = strField;
                        dtrow[2] = roundNo;
                        dtrow[3] = FieldWeight;
                        dtrow[4] = Mandays;
                        dtrow[5] = "0";

                        count       = 0;
                        FieldWeight = 0;
                        Mandays     = 0;
                        FieldWeight += Convert.ToDecimal(drR.ItemArray[0].ToString());
                        DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(drR.ItemArray[3].ToString());
                        reader = SQLHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT SUM(dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.ManDays + dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.CashManDays) AS ManDays, dbo.EstateField.MapField,dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered FROM dbo.DailyGroundTransactions INNER JOIN  dbo.EstateField ON dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID = dbo.EstateField.DivisionID AND dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.FieldID = dbo.EstateField.FieldID GROUP BY dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered, dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID, dbo.EstateField.MapField, dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.WorkCodeID,dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.WorkType, dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.CashManDays HAVING        (dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DateEntered = CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + drR.ItemArray[3].ToString() + "', 102)) AND (dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.DivisionID = '" + strDivisionID + "') AND (dbo.EstateField.MapField = '" + strField + "') AND (dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.WorkType = 1) AND (dbo.DailyGroundTransactions.WorkCodeID = 'PLK')", CommandType.Text);
                        while (reader.Read())
                            Mandays += reader.GetDecimal(0);