        public IWorkspace CreateOutput()
            // create the file geodatabase for the derived geocoding data
            var output = EsriHelper.CreateFileGdbWorkspace(_options.OutputGeodatabase, "RoadGrinder");
            // releaser.ManageLifetime(output);

            var outputFeatureWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)output;
            var outputWorkspace2       = (IWorkspace2)output;

            // check if the feature class and table exist in the file geodatabase - if so rename them before adding new data
            if (EsriHelper.NameExists(outputWorkspace2, GeocodeRoadsFeatureClassName, esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureClass))
                // rename existing fc
                var renameFeatureClass = outputFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(GeocodeRoadsFeatureClassName);
                // releaser.ManageLifetime(renameFeatureClass);

                var outputDataset = (IDataset)renameFeatureClass;
                outputDataset.Rename(string.Format("{0}{1}{2:yyyyMMdd}", GeocodeRoadsFeatureClassName, "ReplacedOn", DateTime.Now));

            if (EsriHelper.NameExists(outputWorkspace2, GeocodeRoadsTableName + "Roads", esriDatasetType.esriDTTable))
                // rename existing table
                var renameTable = outputFeatureWorkspace.OpenTable(GeocodeRoadsTableName + "Roads");
                // releaser.ManageLifetime(renameTable);

                var outputDataset = (IDataset)renameTable;
                outputDataset.Rename(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", GeocodeRoadsTableName + "Roads", "ReplacedOn", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")));

            if (EsriHelper.NameExists(outputWorkspace2, GeocodeRoadsTableName + "AddrPnts", esriDatasetType.esriDTTable))
                // rename existing table
                var renameTable = outputFeatureWorkspace.OpenTable(GeocodeRoadsTableName + "AddrPnts");
                // releaser.ManageLifetime(renameTable);

                var outputDataset = (IDataset)renameTable;
                outputDataset.Rename(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", GeocodeRoadsTableName + "AddrPnts", "ReplacedOn", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")));

            // create a feature class in the newly-created file geodatabase
            _geocodeRoads = EsriHelper.CreateFeatureClass(GeocodeRoadsFeatureClassName, null, outputFeatureWorkspace);

            // create a roads altnames table in the newly-created file geodatabase
            _altnameTableRoads = EsriHelper.CreateTable(GeocodeRoadsTableName + "Roads", null, outputFeatureWorkspace);

            // create a address points altnames table in the newly-created file geodatabase
            _altnameTableAddrPnts = EsriHelper.CreateTable(GeocodeRoadsTableName + "AddrPnts", null, outputFeatureWorkspace);

            // Create the scratch geodatabase for the temp data

        public void CreateScratchFgdWorkspace()
            // create the file geodatabase for the derived geocoding data
            _scratchFGDB = EsriHelper.CreateFileGdbWorkspace(_options.OutputGeodatabase, "RoadGrinderScratchWS");

            var scratchOutputFeatureWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)_scratchFGDB;
            var outputWorkspace2       = (IWorkspace2)_scratchFGDB;
            var outputFeatureWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)scratchOutputFeatureWorkspace;

            //if (EsriHelper.NameExists(outputWorkspace2, GeocodeRoadsTableName + "RoadsScratchData", esriDatasetType.esriDTTable))
            //    // rename existing table
            //    var renameTable = outputFeatureWorkspace.OpenTable(GeocodeRoadsTableName + "RoadsScratchData");
            //    // releaser.ManageLifetime(renameTable);

            //    var outputDataset = (IDataset)renameTable;
            //    outputDataset.Rename(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", GeocodeRoadsTableName + "RoadsScratchData", "ReplacedOn", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")));

            _scratchRoadsFC = EsriHelper.CreateFeatureClass(GeocodeRoadsScratchFeatureClassName, null, scratchOutputFeatureWorkspace);
        public static void Execute(IWorkspaceEdit outputEditWorkspace, ITable altnameTableRoads, IFeatureClass geocodeRoads)
            // load records into the altnames table for roads
            Console.WriteLine("begin altnames table for roads: " + DateTime.Now);
            // get feature cursor of newly-created derived-roads fgdb feature class
            using (var comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
                int consoleCounter = 0;

                // Set up where clause to omit the records without a predir - as they are already in the database without a predir
                //var omitPredirQueryFilter = new QueryFilter {WhereClause = @"PREDIR <> ''"};
                // this one only gets the alpha named roads to evaluate for the altnames table
                var omitPredirQueryFilter = new QueryFilter {
                    WhereClause = @"PREDIR <> '' and (UPPER(""NAME"") <> ""NAME"" OR LOWER(""NAME"") <> ""NAME"")"

                var geocodeRoadsCursor = geocodeRoads.Search(omitPredirQueryFilter, false);

                IFeature geocodeRoadFeature;

                // loop through the geocode roads feature cursor
                while ((geocodeRoadFeature = geocodeRoadsCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
                    // check if this segment is found in another address quad, within the same address grid
                    using (var comReleaser2 = new ComReleaser())
                        var fieldIndexMapNewSchema = new FindIndexByNameCommand(geocodeRoads, new[]
                            "ADDRSYS_L", "ADDRSYS_R", "FROMADDR_L", "TOADDR_L", "FROMADDR_R", "TOADDR_R",
                            "PREDIR", "NAME", "POSTTYPE", "POSTDIR", "ZIPCODE_L", "ZIPCODE_R", "GLOBALID_SGID"

                        var valueMapNewSchema = new AddValueToIndexFieldMapCommand(fieldIndexMapNewSchema, geocodeRoadFeature).Execute();

                        // set up query filter
                        var possibleCandidatesFilter = new QueryFilter
                            WhereClause = @"(ADDRSYS_L = '" + geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField(("ADDRSYS_L"))).ToString() + @"' AND 
                                                ADDRSYS_R = '" + geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField(("ADDRSYS_R"))).ToString() + @"' AND 
                                                NAME = '" + geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField(("NAME"))).ToString() + @"' AND 
                                                POSTTYPE = '" + geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField(("POSTTYPE"))).ToString() + @"' AND 
                                                POSTDIR = '" + geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField(("POSTDIR"))).ToString() + @"' AND 
                                                PREDIR <> '" + geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField(("PREDIR"))).ToString() + @"')"

                        var possibleCandidatesFeatureCursor = geocodeRoads.Search(possibleCandidatesFilter, false);

                        // Check if matching seg was found.
                        var  possibleCandidateFeature = possibleCandidatesFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
                        bool foundMatch = false;

                        // Check if a segment was found in another quad with the same characteristics.
                        if (possibleCandidateFeature != null)
                            ////Console.WriteLine(consoleCounter + ": found in the other grid: " + geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID")).ToString());
                            // A feature was found.
                            while (possibleCandidateFeature != null)
                                using (var comReleaser3 = new ComReleaser())
                                    // Check if any of the four numbers from the geocodeRoadsFeature class is contained in any of these returned possible candidates
                                    // Get the lowest and the highest number
                                    int possibleCandidateOID = Convert.ToInt32(possibleCandidateFeature.get_Value(possibleCandidateFeature.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID")));
                                    int fromAddrL            = Convert.ToInt32(geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField("FROMADDR_L")));
                                    int fromAddrR            = Convert.ToInt32(geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField("FROMADDR_R")));
                                    int toAddrL = Convert.ToInt32(geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField("TOADDR_L")));
                                    int toAddrR = Convert.ToInt32(geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField("TOADDR_R")));
                                    int highNum;
                                    int lowNum;

                                    // Asign the high and low numbers (make sure the low is not zero)
                                    if (fromAddrL == 0 || fromAddrR == 0)
                                        if (fromAddrL == 0)
                                            lowNum = fromAddrR;
                                            lowNum = fromAddrL;
                                        if (fromAddrL < fromAddrR)
                                            lowNum = fromAddrL;
                                            lowNum = fromAddrR;

                                    if (toAddrL > toAddrR)
                                        highNum = toAddrL;
                                        highNum = toAddrR;

                                    // Create a new query filter to see if the high or low number falls within one of these candidate features
                                    var fitsInLargerSegmentFilter = new QueryFilter
                                        WhereClause = @"OBJECTID = " + possibleCandidateOID + @" AND 
                                                        (((" + lowNum + @" BETWEEN FROMADDR_L  AND TOADDR_L ) or (" + highNum + @" BETWEEN FROMADDR_L  AND TOADDR_L)) or 
                                                        ((" + lowNum + @" BETWEEN FROMADDR_R  AND TOADDR_R ) or (" + highNum + @"  BETWEEN FROMADDR_R  AND TOADDR_R)))"

                                    //Console.WriteLine("for oid: " + geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID")).ToString() + " " +  fitsInLargerSegmentFilter.WhereClause.ToString());

                                    var fitsInLargerSegmentFeatureCursor = geocodeRoads.Search(fitsInLargerSegmentFilter, false);

                                    // Check if matching seg was found.
                                    var fitsInLargerFeature = fitsInLargerSegmentFeatureCursor.NextFeature();

                                    if (fitsInLargerFeature != null)
                                        // A match was found.  So don't write it to the AltNames table
                                        consoleCounter = consoleCounter + 1;
                                        Console.WriteLine(consoleCounter + ": fit in larger: " + fitsInLargerFeature.get_Value(fitsInLargerFeature.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID")).ToString());
                                        foundMatch = true;
                                        // the current segment's address range did not fit within a larger segment
                                        // check if a smaller address ranged segment fits into this larger segment
                                        using (var comReleaser4 = new ComReleaser())
                                            // Get the lowest and the highest number of the possible candidate
                                            int geocodeRoadOID_ = Convert.ToInt32(geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID")));
                                            int fromAddrL_      = Convert.ToInt32(possibleCandidateFeature.get_Value(possibleCandidateFeature.Fields.FindField("FROMADDR_L")));
                                            int fromAddrR_      = Convert.ToInt32(possibleCandidateFeature.get_Value(possibleCandidateFeature.Fields.FindField("FROMADDR_R")));
                                            int toAddrL_        = Convert.ToInt32(possibleCandidateFeature.get_Value(possibleCandidateFeature.Fields.FindField("TOADDR_L")));
                                            int toAddrR_        = Convert.ToInt32(possibleCandidateFeature.get_Value(possibleCandidateFeature.Fields.FindField("TOADDR_R")));
                                            int highNum_;
                                            int lowNum_;

                                            // Asign the high and low numbers (make sure the low is not zero)
                                            if (fromAddrL_ == 0 || fromAddrR_ == 0)
                                                if (fromAddrL_ == 0)
                                                    lowNum_ = fromAddrR_;
                                                    lowNum_ = fromAddrL_;
                                                if (fromAddrL_ < fromAddrR_)
                                                    lowNum_ = fromAddrL_;
                                                    lowNum_ = fromAddrR_;

                                            if (toAddrL_ > toAddrR_)
                                                highNum_ = toAddrL_;
                                                highNum_ = toAddrR_;

                                            var smallerCandidateFitsInFilter = new QueryFilter
                                                WhereClause = @"OBJECTID = " + geocodeRoadOID_ + @" AND 
                                                        (((" + lowNum_ + @" BETWEEN FROMADDR_L  AND TOADDR_L ) or (" + highNum_ + @" BETWEEN FROMADDR_L  AND TOADDR_L)) or 
                                                        ((" + lowNum_ + @" BETWEEN FROMADDR_R  AND TOADDR_R ) or (" + highNum_ + @"  BETWEEN FROMADDR_R  AND TOADDR_R)))"

                                            var smallerCandidateFitsInFeatureCursor = geocodeRoads.Search(smallerCandidateFitsInFilter, false);

                                            // Check if matching seg was found.
                                            var smallerCandidateFitsInFeature = smallerCandidateFitsInFeatureCursor.NextFeature();

                                            if (smallerCandidateFitsInFeature != null)
                                                // A match was found.  So don't write it to the AltNames table
                                                consoleCounter = consoleCounter + 1;
                                                Console.WriteLine(consoleCounter + ": candidate fit within it: " + smallerCandidateFitsInFeature.get_Value(smallerCandidateFitsInFeature.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID")).ToString());
                                                foundMatch = true;

                                // Advance to the next feature in the cursor.
                                possibleCandidateFeature = possibleCandidatesFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
                            // No possible candidates were found in other quad, so add this segment to the AltNames table

                        // Write to the AltNames table > match was not found
                        if (foundMatch == false)
                            // A matching feature was not found.
                            // Add a record to the table without a predir.
                            // Remove the PREDIR value from the field map
                            var valueMapNewSchemaNoPredir = valueMapNewSchema;
                            EsriHelper.InsertRowInto(geocodeRoadFeature, altnameTableRoads, valueMapNewSchema, true, true);

                            consoleCounter = consoleCounter + 1;
                            Console.WriteLine(consoleCounter + ": not found in the other grid: " + geocodeRoadFeature.get_Value(geocodeRoadFeature.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID")).ToString());
                // stop editing from altnames road table (this allow the roads altnames table to be preserved even if the altnames for addr pnts (below) errors out)
        public static void Execute(IWorkspaceEdit outputEditWorkspace, ITable altnameTableAddrPnts, string connectionStringSgid)
            // load records into the altnames table for address points
            //start editing again

            int counter = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("begin altnames table for addr pnts: " + DateTime.Now);

            const string getSgidAddrPntsPredirNotNeededQuery = @"select a.*
                        from (SELECT DISTINCT AddSystem,AddNum,AddNumSuffix,PrefixDir,StreetName,StreetType,SuffixDir,City,ZipCode,CountyID,(ltrim(rtrim(AddSystem)) + ' | ' + ltrim(rtrim(AddNum)) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(AddNumSuffix)) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(PrefixDir)) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(StreetName)) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(StreetType + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(SuffixDir)))))UTAddPtID FROM LOCATION.ADDRESSPOINTS WHERE PrefixDir <> '' AND StreetName LIKE '%[A-Z]%' AND StreetName NOT LIKE 'HIGHWAY %') a
                        where NOT EXISTS
	                        select null
	                        from LOCATION.ADDRESSPOINTS b
	                        where a.AddSystem = b.AddSystem
	                        and a.StreetName = b.StreetName
	                        and a.AddNum = b.AddNum
	                        and a.StreetType = b.StreetType
	                        and a.SuffixDir = b.SuffixDir
	                        and a.AddNumSuffix = b.AddNumSuffix
	                        and a.PrefixDir <> b.PrefixDir

            // old way - const string sgidAddrPntstoVerifyQuery = @"SELECT DISTINCT AddSystem,AddNum,AddNumSuffix,PrefixDir,StreetName,StreetType,SuffixDir,City,ZipCode,CountyID FROM LOCATION.ADDRESSPOINTS WHERE PrefixDir <> '' AND StreetName LIKE '%[A-Z]%' AND StreetName NOT LIKE 'HIGHWAY %' AND AddSystem = 'SALT LAKE CITY';";

            using (var con = new SqlConnection(connectionStringSgid))
                var getSgidAddrPntsPredirNotNeeded = con.Query(getSgidAddrPntsPredirNotNeededQuery);
                //old way - var sgidAddrPntsToVerifyList = con.Query(sgidAddrPntstoVerifyQuery);

                // loop through potential altname address points (from sgid records)
                var sgidAddrPntsResults = getSgidAddrPntsPredirNotNeeded as dynamic[] ?? getSgidAddrPntsPredirNotNeeded.ToArray();
                foreach (var sgidAddrPnt in sgidAddrPntsResults)
                    // add the addresspoint to the altnames table
                    var dictRow = sgidAddrPnt as IDictionary <string, object>;

                    // Remove the PREDIR key/value from the Dictionary.

                    // replace the possible double space in the UTAddPtID field from missing AddNumSuffix
                    // get the value from the field, and trim it
                    string stringRemovedDblSpace = dictRow["UTAddPtID"].ToString();
                    //if (stringRemovedDblSpace != null)
                    //    stringRemovedDblSpace = stringRemovedDblSpace.Trim();
                    stringRemovedDblSpace = stringRemovedDblSpace.Trim();
                    stringRemovedDblSpace = Regex.Replace(stringRemovedDblSpace, @"\s+", " ");
                    if (stringRemovedDblSpace != dictRow["UTAddPtID"].ToString())
                        dictRow.Add("UTAddPtID", stringRemovedDblSpace);

                    // Insert these values into the esri fgdb table.
                    EsriHelper.InsertRowInto(altnameTableAddrPnts, dictRow);

                //var sgidAddrPntsList = sgidAddrPntsToVerifyList as dynamic[] ?? sgidAddrPntsToVerifyList.ToArray();

                //foreach (var sgidAddrPntToVerify in sgidAddrPntsList)
                //    // check for matching address point in same address-system with different prefix
                //    // Check is the SuffixDir is empty or null before creating the query
                //    string matchingAddrPntQuery = @"SELECT Count(*) Count FROM LOCATION.ADDRESSPOINTS WHERE AddSystem = '" + sgidAddrPntToVerify.AddSystem + @"' AND AddNum = '" + sgidAddrPntToVerify.AddNum + @"' AND PrefixDir <> '" + sgidAddrPntToVerify.PrefixDir + @"' AND StreetName = '" + sgidAddrPntToVerify.StreetName + @"' AND StreetType = '" + sgidAddrPntToVerify.StreetType + @"' AND SuffixDir = '" + sgidAddrPntToVerify.SuffixDir + @"' AND AddNumSuffix = '" + sgidAddrPntToVerify.AddNumSuffix + @"';";

                //    using (var con1 = new SqlConnection(connectionStringSgid))
                //    {
                //        con1.Open();
                //        var rowCount = con1.ExecuteScalar<int>(matchingAddrPntQuery);

                //        if (rowCount == 0)
                //        {
                //            counter = counter + 1;
                //            Console.WriteLine(counter + ": AddressPoints: not found with other predir.");
                //            IDictionary<string, object> dictRow =
                //                sgidAddrPntToVerify as IDictionary<string, object>;
                //            //dictRow.Remove("OBJECTID");
                //            dictRow.Remove("PrefixDir");
                //            EsriHelper.InsertRowInto(altnameTableAddrPnts, dictRow);
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            Console.WriteLine(counter + ": AddressPoints: found with other predir - don't add to altnames table.");
                //        }
                //    }

                // stop editing from altnames addr pnts table
        public void Grind(IWorkspace output)
            // Check for null values in the SGID Roads and AddressPoints - in the required fields before we begin.
            Console.WriteLine("Check for null values in SGID Roads and AddressPoints: " + DateTime.Now);
            var          connectionStringSgid            = @"Data Source=" + _options.SgidServer + @";Initial Catalog=" + _options.SgidDatabase + @";User ID=" + _options.SgidId + @";Password="******"";
            const string checkForNullsRoadsQuery         = @"select count(*) from Transportation.Roads (nolock) where CARTOCODE not in ('1','7','99') and NAME is null or POSTTYPE is null or ADDRSYS_L is null or ADDRSYS_R is null or PREDIR is null or POSTDIR is null or A1_NAME is null or A1_POSTTYPE is null or A2_NAME is null or A2_POSTTYPE is null or AN_NAME is null or AN_POSTDIR is null;";
            const string checkForNullsAddressPointsQuery = @"select count(*) from Location.ADDRESSPOINTS (nolock) where AddNum is null or PrefixDir is null or StreetName is null or StreetType is null or SuffixDir is null or AddNumSuffix is null;";

            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionStringSgid))
                var rowCount = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>(checkForNullsRoadsQuery);
                if (rowCount != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine(rowCount + " Null Values were found in SGID Roads in one of these fields: ADDRSYS_L, ADDRSYS_R PREDIR, NAME, POSTTYPE, POSTDIR, A1_NAME, A1_POSTTYPE, A2_NAME, A2_POSTTYPE, AN_NAME, AN_POSTDIR.  Remove nulls from SGID.Transportation.Roads and try again.");
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionStringSgid))
                var rowCount = connection.ExecuteScalar <int>(checkForNullsAddressPointsQuery);
                if (rowCount != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine(rowCount + " Null Values were found in SGID AddressPoints in one of these fields: AddNum, AddNumSuffix, PrefixDir, StreetName, StreetType, SuffixDir.  Remove nulls from SGID.Location.AddressPoints and try again.");

            var startTime = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("Begin creating Geocode FC: " + DateTime.Now);
            IWorkspaceEdit outputEditWorkspace = null;

                var outputFeatureWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)output;

                // create a feature cursor from the source roads data and loop through this subset
                // create the query filter to filter results
                const string geocodableRoads = @"CARTOCODE not in ('1','7','99') and 
                                                    ((FROMADDR_L <> 0 and TOADDR_L <> 0) OR (FROMADDR_R <> 0 and TOADDR_R <> 0)) and 
                                                    NAME <> '' and NAME not like '%ROUNDABOUT%'";

                // GO LIVE...
                //geocodableRoads = @"CARTOCODE not in ('1','7','99') and ((L_F_ADD <> 0 and L_T_ADD <> 0) OR (R_F_ADD <> 0 and R_T_ADD <> 0)) and STREETNAME <> '' and STREETNAME not like '%ROUNDABOUT%'";
                var roadsFilter = new QueryFilter
                    WhereClause = geocodableRoads

                outputEditWorkspace = (IWorkspaceEdit)outputFeatureWorkspace;
                // begin an edit session on the file geodatabase (maybe) that way we can roll back if it errors out

                // create a ComReleaser for feature cursor's life-cycle management
                using (var comReleaser = new ComReleaser())
                    var roadsCursor = _roads.Search(roadsFilter, false);

                    // begin an edit session on the file geodatabase (maybe) that way we can roll back if it errors out

                    IFeature roadFeature;
                    var      fieldIndexMap = new FindIndexByNameCommand(_roads, new[]
                        "ADDRSYS_L", "ADDRSYS_R", "FROMADDR_L", "TOADDR_L", "FROMADDR_R", "TOADDR_R", "PREDIR",
                        "NAME", "POSTTYPE", "POSTDIR", "A1_NAME", "A1_POSTTYPE", "A2_NAME",
                        "A2_POSTTYPE", "AN_NAME", "AN_POSTDIR", "ZIPCODE_L", "ZIPCODE_R", "GlobalID"

                    // loop through the sgid roads' feature cursor
                    while ((roadFeature = roadsCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
                        var valueMap = new AddValueToIndexFieldMapCommand(fieldIndexMap, roadFeature).Execute();

                        // begin to populate the geocode feature class in the newly-created file geodatabase
                        // check if this segment has a primary streetname
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueMap["NAME"].Value.ToString()))
                            // only write necessary key/values
                            var streetValueMap = valueMap;

                            // create a new feature for the primary street name in the roads feature class
                            EsriHelper.InsertFeatureInto(roadFeature, _geocodeRoads, streetValueMap, true);

                            // create a new feature in the scratch roads fc
                            EsriHelper.InsertFeatureInto(roadFeature, _scratchRoadsFC, streetValueMap, true);
                        // check if this segment has an alias name
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueMap["A1_NAME"].Value.ToString()))
                            var aliasValueMap = valueMap;
                            aliasValueMap["NAME"]     = aliasValueMap["A1_NAME"];
                            aliasValueMap["POSTTYPE"] = aliasValueMap["A1_POSTTYPE"];

                            // check if primary name is acs, if so remove the sufdir for new alias1-based feature
                            if (!aliasValueMap["NAME"].ToString().Any(char.IsLetter))
                                // acs primary street


                            // create a new feature in the altnames table
                            EsriHelper.InsertRowInto(roadFeature, _altnameTableRoads, aliasValueMap, true, false);
                            //EsriHelper.InsertFeatureInto(roadFeature, _geocodeRoads, aliasValueMap, true);

                            // create a new feature in the scratch roads fc
                            EsriHelper.InsertFeatureInto(roadFeature, _scratchRoadsFC, aliasValueMap, true);
                        // check if this segment has a second alias name
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueMap["A2_NAME"].Value.ToString()))
                            var aliasValueMap = valueMap;
                            aliasValueMap["NAME"]     = aliasValueMap["A2_NAME"];
                            aliasValueMap["POSTTYPE"] = aliasValueMap["A2_POSTTYPE"];

                            // check if primary name is acs, if so remove the sufdir for new alias2-based feature
                            // check if primary name is acs, if so remove the sufdir for new alias1-based feature
                            if (!aliasValueMap["NAME"].ToString().Any(char.IsLetter))
                                // acs primary street


                            // create a new feature in the altnames table
                            EsriHelper.InsertRowInto(roadFeature, _altnameTableRoads, aliasValueMap, true, false);
                            //EsriHelper.InsertFeatureInto(roadFeature, _geocodeRoads, aliasValueMap, true);

                            // create a new feature in the scratch roads table
                            EsriHelper.InsertFeatureInto(roadFeature, _scratchRoadsFC, aliasValueMap, true);
                        // check if this segment has an acs alias name
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueMap["AN_NAME"].Value.ToString()))
                            var acsValueMap = valueMap;
                            acsValueMap["NAME"]    = acsValueMap["AN_NAME"];
                            acsValueMap["POSTDIR"] = acsValueMap["AN_POSTDIR"];


                            // create a new feature in the altnames table
                            EsriHelper.InsertRowInto(roadFeature, _altnameTableRoads, acsValueMap, false, false);
                            //EsriHelper.InsertFeatureInto(roadFeature, _geocodeRoads, acsValueMap, false);

                            // create a new feature in the scratch roads table
                            EsriHelper.InsertFeatureInto(roadFeature, _scratchRoadsFC, acsValueMap, false);

                Console.WriteLine("begin indexing fields: " + DateTime.Now);
                // Add Indexes to query fields.
                string[] fieldsToIndex = { "ADDRSYS_L", "ADDRSYS_R", "FROMADDR_L", "TOADDR_L", "FROMADDR_R", "TOADDR_R",
                                           "PREDIR",    "NAME",      "POSTTYPE",   "POSTDIR" };
                foreach (var field in fieldsToIndex)
                    AddIndexToFieldCommand.Execute(_scratchRoadsFC, field + "_IDX", field);
                Console.WriteLine("finished indexing fields: " + DateTime.Now);

                // Create the AltNamesRoads table.
                PopulateAltNamesRoadsTableCommand.Execute(outputEditWorkspace, _altnameTableRoads, _scratchRoadsFC);

                // Create the AltNamesAddrPnts table.
                PopulateAltNamesAddrPntsTableCommand.Execute(outputEditWorkspace, _altnameTableAddrPnts, connectionStringSgid);

                Console.WriteLine("Started at: " + startTime);
                Console.WriteLine("Finished at: " + DateTime.Now);
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
                // stop editing and don't save the edits
                if (outputEditWorkspace != null && outputEditWorkspace.IsBeingEdited())