        public ActionResult Index(int id, string addr, decimal amount)
            if (Request.IsLocal)
                EscrowAccept escrowaccept = data.EscrowAccepts.GetByID(id);
                Escrow       escrow       = escrowaccept.Escrow.FirstOrDefault();
                if (escrow != null && escrowaccept.EscrowAddress == addr && escrow != null)
                    escrowaccept.LastAddressBalance = escrowaccept.LastAddressBalance.HasValue
                        ? escrowaccept.LastAddressBalance.Value + amount
                        : amount;

                    Price   total   = escrow.GetTotal();
                    decimal balance = (total.BTC - amount);

                    string direction = balance >= 0 ? "<p>Looks like the payment was a little short. Try contacting the buyer and asking them to send the difference. If you cannot come to a resolution, contact support</p>"
                        : "<p>The buyer's balance has been paid, now it's time for you to fill the order!</p>";

                    string emailBodyText =
                        "<p>The user <a href=\"mailto:" + escrow.UserBuyer.Email + "\">" + escrow.UserBuyer.UserName + "</a> has sent " + amount.FormatNumber() + " BTC to the escrow address for item:</p>" +
                        "<p><i>" + escrow.Listing.Title + "</p></i><br/>" +
                        "<p>Total: " + total.BTC.FormatNumber() + " BTC</p>" +
                        "<p>Paid: " + amount.FormatNumber() + " BTC</p>" +
                        "<p><b>Balance: " + (total.BTC - amount).FormatNumber() + " BTC</b></p><br/>" +
                        direction +
                        "<p>Click <a href=\""
                        + Url.Action("view", "escrow", new { id = escrow.EscrowId.StringWithoutDashes() }, Request.Url.Scheme)
                        + "\">here</a> to view this transaction</p><br/>";

                    Globals.SendEmail(escrow.UserSeller.Email, "You've received " + amount.FormatNumber() + " BTC!", emailBodyText);
                    return(Content("Dispatched email to " + escrow.UserBuyer.Email));
                    return(Content("Bitcoin address does not match!"));