    //checks for boxes with only 1 possible input
    public ErrorLogger checkBSP(ref bool madeChange)
        ErrorLogger RV = new ErrorLogger();

        bool noChange = false;
        List<short> curList = new List<short>();
        while (!noChange)
            noChange = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < 81; i++)
                if (numBoxes[i].getValue() == 0)
                    if (curList.Count == 1)
                        RV = RV + insertNum(numBoxes[i], curList[0]);
                        Console.WriteLine("Single Box Insert: " + i.ToString() + " inserting value: " + curList[0].ToString());
                        noChange = false;
                        madeChange = true;
                    else if (curList.Count == 0)
                        RV = RV + new ErrorLogger(-1, "Box " + i + " has no possible values");
                if (RV.hasError()) break;
            if (RV.hasError()) break;
        return RV;
    private ErrorLogger insertNum(NumBox NB, short val)
        //this value insertion verifies that it is not inserting a conflict value
        //colors boxes red if a conflict occurs
        //updates all validNumbers for pertinent boxes

        ErrorLogger RV = new ErrorLogger();

        RV = RV + checkStruct(val, NBRows[NB.getRow()]);
        //if (RV!= 0) return RV;

        RV = RV + checkStruct(val, NBColumns[NB.getColumn()]);
        //if (RV!= 0) return RV;

        RV = RV + checkStruct(val, NBBOX[NB.getBox()]);
        //if (RV != 0) return RV;
        if(NB.getID() == 44)
            val = val;
        //if code makes it here, there are no conflicts, add value to box
        valueArray[NB.getID()] = val;
        if (NB.getID() == 38)
            val = val;
        if (!RV.hasError())
            foreach (NumBox NBt in NBRows[NB.getRow()])
                if (NBt.getID() == 44)
                    val = val;
            foreach (NumBox NBt in NBColumns[NB.getColumn()])
            foreach (NumBox NBt in NBBOX[NB.getBox()])
        else { Console.WriteLine("Skipped removing potential vals"); }

        return RV;
    private ErrorLogger checkStruct(short val, NumBox[] NBStruct)
        ErrorLogger RV = new ErrorLogger();
        //if a value exists, remove it from the rest of the row
        foreach (NumBox NBInner in NBStruct)

            //checks if attempting to remove a po
            if (val == NBInner.getValue())

                RV = RV + new ErrorLogger(1, "checkStruct failed: BOXID: " + NBInner.getID()+ " value: " + val);
            if (RV.hasError()) break;
        return RV;
    private ErrorLogger checkBoardValidity()
        ErrorLogger RV = new ErrorLogger();

        string[] cuNums = new string[81];
        for (int i = 0; i < 81; i++)
            cuNums[i] = numBoxes[i].getTBText();

        RV = RV + resetBoxes();
        if (RV.hasError()) return RV;

        for (int i = 0; i < 81; i++)

        RV = RV + sanitizeInputs();
        if (RV.hasError()) return RV;      //indicates a bad input solution

        RV = RV + colorBoxes();
        if (RV.hasError()) return RV;      //unknown error during box coloring

        RV = RV + validateInstance();
        if (RV.hasError()) return RV;     //invalid instance detected

        return RV;
    public ErrorLogger solve(ref bool foundSolution)
         * This call is recursive, or will create new boards
         * */
        ErrorLogger RV = new ErrorLogger();

        RV = checkBoardValidity();
        if (RV.hasError()) return RV;

        //if program has made it this far, problem is valid
        Console.WriteLine("----BEGIN SOLVE-----");
        bool madeChange = true;

        while (madeChange)
            madeChange = false;
            RV = levelOneTests(ref madeChange);
            if (RV.hasError() ) break;
            if (madeChange) continue; //don't bother with level two unless level one made no changes

            RV = levelTwoTests(ref madeChange);
            if (RV.hasError()) break;
            if (madeChange) continue; //don't bother with level two unless level one made no changes
        if (checkForSolution())
            if (!RV.hasError())
                foundSolution = true;
                RV = RV + new ErrorLogger(this);
            //if code enters here it could not find a solution, it should make a guess and call solve again
            if (!RV.hasError())
                RV = RV + makeGuesses(ref foundSolution);
                if (foundSolution)
                    if (RV.hasBoard())
                        short[] tArray = RV.getBoard().getArray();
                        //fills in correct board
                        for (int i = 0; i < 81; i++)
                            if (numBoxes[i].getValue() == 0)
                                insertNum(numBoxes[i], tArray[i]);
        return RV;
    //checks for rows where a val can only go to a single box
    public ErrorLogger checkRCB(NumBox[][] NBstruct,ref bool madeChange)
        ErrorLogger RV = new ErrorLogger();
        NumBox[] boxArray;
        bool noChange = false;
        while (!noChange)
            noChange = true;
            List<short> PVs = new List<short>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) //does for each row
                short[] occuranceCount = new short[9];
                for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) occuranceCount[j] = 0;
                boxArray = NBstruct[i];
                foreach (NumBox NB in boxArray) //counts the occurances of each potential value in the struct
                    if (NB.getID() == 44)
                        PVs = PVs;
                    for (int j = 0; j < PVs.Count; j++)
                        int T = PVs[j];
                        occuranceCount[T - 1] = (short)(occuranceCount[T - 1] + 1);
                for (short j = 0; j < 9; j++)
                    if (occuranceCount[j] == 1) //if there are any instances of a value being possible in only one spot, it is placed
                        foreach (NumBox NB in boxArray)
                            if (NB.getID() == 44)
                                PVs = PVs;

                                for (int k = 0; k < PVs.Count; k++)
                                    occuranceCount[j] = (short)(occuranceCount[j] - 1);
                                RV = RV + insertNum(NB,(short)(j + 1));
                                Console.WriteLine("RCB Insert: " + NB.getID() + " inserting value: " + (j + 1).ToString());
                                madeChange = true;
                                noChange = false;
                            if (RV.hasError()) break;
                    if (RV.hasError()) break;
                if (RV.hasError()) break;
            if (RV.hasError()) break;

        return RV;