private double EllipticArc_NearestPointTo(Double2 v)
            // First, center and un-rotate the point
            var p = (v - Center).RotScale(ComplexRot.NegateY);
            var k = p.X * p.X / (Radii.X * Radii.X) + p.Y * p.Y / (Radii.Y * Radii.Y) - 1;

            // If it is a circle, just calculate its angle
            double t;

            if (RoughlyEquals(Radii.X, Radii.Y))
                t = p.Angle;
            // If the point is over the ellipse, calculate its angle the "dumb" form
            else if (RoughlyZero(k))
                t = Math.Atan2(Radii.X * p.Y, Radii.Y * p.X);
                // Make the point on the first quadrant
                bool nx = p.X < 0, ny = p.Y < 0;
                if (nx)
                    p.X = -p.X;
                if (ny)
                    p.Y = -p.Y;

                // Radii difference
                var rx = Radii.X;
                var ry = Radii.Y;
                var rr = ry * ry - rx * rx;

                // Function to test for roots
                double f(double tx) => 0.5 * rr * Math.Sin(2 * tx) + rx * p.X * Math.Sin(tx) - ry * p.Y * Math.Cos(tx);

                // There will always be a single root on this equation
                t = Equations.Bisection(f, 0, Pi_2);

                // Now, update the guess for the correct quadrants
                if (nx && ny)
                    t += Pi;
                else if (nx)
                    t = Pi - t;
                    t = -t;

            // If the guess is inside the interval
            var tu = AngleToParameter(t);

            if (!double.IsInfinity(tu))
            // Else, pick the nearest of 0 or 1
            return(EllipticArc_At(0).DistanceSquaredTo(v) < EllipticArc_At(1).DistanceSquaredTo(v) ? 0 : 1);