        private static double CalcLengthAtSmallCircle(double bigR, double smallR, double d, double tol)
            if (smallR <= 0 || d <= 0)

            Equation.Func func =
                smallLength =>
                var rate      = GetCurvatureRate(smallLength, smallR);
                var bigLength = GetLength(rate, bigR);

                return(d - (GetCurvatureCenter(rate, bigLength, bigR)
                            .DistanceTo(GetCurvatureCenter(rate, smallLength, smallR))));

            var result = double.NaN;

            // Equation func is periodic, so we are checking each period of two full revolutions of clothoid
            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                result = Equation.SolveBrent(func, i * 2 * Math.PI * smallR, (i + 1) * 2 * Math.PI * smallR, tol, 0);
                if (!double.IsNaN(result))

        public void TestSolveNewton()
            Equation.Func func = x => x - 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Equation.SolveNewton(func, 10, 0, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Equation.SolveNewton(func, 0, 10, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.IsNaN(Equation.SolveNewton(func, -10, 0, Eps));

            func = x => x * x - 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Equation.SolveNewton(func, 0, 10, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, Equation.SolveNewton(func, -10, 0, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, Equation.SolveNewton(func, -10, -1 + double.Epsilon, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, Equation.SolveNewton(func, -10, -1, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.IsNaN(Equation.SolveNewton(func, -10, 10, Eps));
        private static double CalcLength(double radius, double h, double tol)
            Debug.Assert(radius > 0 && h > 0, "Arguments must be positive");

            Equation.Func func =
                length =>
                var rate  = GetCurvatureRate(length, radius);
                var angle = GetAngle(rate, length);
                return(h - (GetY(rate, length) + radius * Math.Cos(angle)));

            // uncomment for debug purposes, or if Bent will fail for some reason
            // return Equation.SolveBisection(func, 0, 2 * Math.PI * radius, tol);

            return(Equation.SolveBrent(func, 0, 2 * Math.PI * radius, tol, 0));
        public void TestSolveBisection()
            Equation.Func func = x => - Math.Sqrt(1.5 * 1.5 - (x - 1) * (x - 1)) + 1;
            Assert.IsTrue(Equation.SolveBisection(func, 0.5, 2.3, Eps) > 0);

            func = x => x - 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Equation.SolveBisection(func, 0, 2, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Equation.SolveBisection(func, 1, 2, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.IsNaN(Equation.SolveBisection(func, 3, 4, Eps));

            func = x => x * x - 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, Equation.SolveBisection(func, 0, 10, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, Equation.SolveBisection(func, -10, 0, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, Equation.SolveBisection(func, -10, -1 + double.Epsilon, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, Equation.SolveBisection(func, -10, -1, Eps), Eps);
            Assert.IsNaN(Equation.SolveBisection(func, -10, 10, Eps));
        /// <summary>
        /// Fits a circle at a point providing G2 connection: coincidence of Continuity+Tangency+Curvature.
        /// <para/>The specified tolerance actually refers to clothoid parametric equation parameter value, rather than a true result spatial accuracy.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool FitCircle(Clothoid clothoid, Point point, double tol, out Circle circle, out double clothoidLength)
            circle         = new Circle(Point.NaP, double.NaN);
            clothoidLength = double.NaN;

            if (double.IsNaN(clothoid.CurvatureRate))

            var newXAxis = new Line(clothoid.Origin, clothoid.OriginDirection);
            var vx       = newXAxis.GetProjection(point) - clothoid.Origin;
            var pt       = new Point(vx.Length * Math.Sign(vx * newXAxis.Direction), newXAxis.DistanceTo(point));

            if (pt.X * pt.Y * clothoid.CurvatureRate <= 0.0)

            Equation.Func func = length => Math.Abs(GetRadius(clothoid.CurvatureRate, length)) -
                                 (GetCurvatureCenter(clothoid.CurvatureRate, length) - pt).Length;

            var sign   = Math.Sign(clothoid.CurvatureRate * pt.Y);
            var boundL = sqrtPi / Math.Abs(clothoid.CurvatureRate) * sign;

            clothoidLength = Equation.SolveBisection(func, 0 + tol * sign, boundL - tol * sign, tol);
            // Brent method does not work since the func changes it's 2nd derivative sign

            if (double.IsNaN(clothoidLength))

            var r = GetRadius(clothoid.CurvatureRate, clothoidLength);
            var c = clothoid.GetPoint(clothoidLength) + clothoid.GetNormal(clothoidLength) * r;

            circle = new Circle(c, r);