        public static async Task <bool> SetCurentBookContent(string fileName)
            _currentBook = await EpubReader.OpenBookAsync("fileName");

            if (_currentBook != null)
        public async Task <IEnumerable <PropertyItem> > GetItems(IItem item, Detaillevel detail)
            var book = await EpubReader.OpenBookAsync(item.Path).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var properties = new List <PropertyItem>
                new PropertyItem("Title", book.Title),
                new PropertyItem("Authors", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, book.AuthorList)),

            var cover = await book.ReadCoverAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (cover != null)
                properties.Add(new PropertyItem("Thumbnail", ImageFromBuffer(cover)));

        private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Init epub object.

            //bool fileExist = await EpubReader.DoesFileExistAsync(Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation, "test.epub");
            //if (!fileExist)
            //    throw new Exception(string.Format("File test.epub not found, bitch"));

            progressbar.Text = "Загрузка книги";
            await progressbar.ShowAsync();

            //bookLoadingProgressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // Opening a book
            currentEpubBook = await EpubReader.OpenBookAsync("test.epub");

            if (currentEpubBook != null)
                loadEbookButton.Content   = "Loaded";
                loadEbookButton.IsEnabled = false;
            //// COMMON PROPERTIES
            //// Book's title
            //string title = currentEpubBook.Title;
            //// Book's authors (comma separated list)
            //string author = currentEpubBook.Author;
            //// Book's authors (list of authors names)
            //List<string> authors = currentEpubBook.AuthorList;
            //// Book's cover image (null if there are no cover)
            //BitmapImage coverImage = currentEpubBook.CoverImage;
            //// ShowCoverImage(coverImage); //Only for testing purposes

            // CONTENT

            // Book's content (HTML files, style-sheets, images, fonts, etc.)
            EpubContent bookContent = currentEpubBook.Content;

            // IMAGES

            // All images in the book (file name is the key)
            //Dictionary<string, EpubByteContentFile> images = bookContent.Images;

            //EpubByteContentFile firstImage = images.Values.First();

            //// Content type (e.g. EpubContentType.IMAGE_JPEG, EpubContentType.IMAGE_PNG)
            //EpubContentType contentType = firstImage.ContentType;

            //// MIME type (e.g. "image/jpeg", "image/png")
            //string mimeContentType = firstImage.ContentMimeType;

            // HTML & CSS

            // All XHTML files in the book (file name is the key)
            Dictionary <string, EpubTextContentFile> htmlFiles = bookContent.Html;

            // All CSS files in the book (file name is the key)
            Dictionary <string, EpubTextContentFile> cssFiles = bookContent.Css;
            // All CSS content in the book
            //foreach (EpubTextContentFile cssFile in cssFiles.Values)
            //    string cssContent = cssFile.Content;
            // OTHER CONTENT

            // All fonts in the book (file name is the key)
            // Dictionary<string, EpubByteContentFile> fonts = bookContent.Fonts;

            // All files in the book (including HTML, CSS, images, fonts, and other types of files)
            //TO-DO looks like this dictionary not working well at the moment, have to trace
            //Dictionary<string, EpubContentFile> allFiles = bookContent.AllFiles;

            //Определить первый файл в книге - через spine или через guide
            //Отслеживать клики по экрану и по краям экрана - чтобы листать вперед и назад.
            //Отслеживать, когда на экране последняя column из файла и нужно подгружать следующую

            await progressbar.HideAsync();

            progressbar.Text = "Форматирование";
            await progressbar.ShowAsync();

            // Entire HTML content of the book should be injected in case we are showing chapter by chapter, and not pretending to load the whole set of chapters
            //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, EpubTextContentFile> htmlItem in htmlFiles)
            //    string injectedItem = WebViewHelpers.injectMonocle(htmlItem.Value.Content,
            //   (int)bookReaderWebViewControl.ActualWidth, (int)bookReaderWebViewControl.ActualHeight);
            //    htmlItem.Value.Content = injectedItem;

            IndexFileSceleton index = new IndexFileSceleton();

            index.author     = currentEpubBook.Author;
            index.title      = currentEpubBook.Title;
            index.height     = (int)bookReaderWebViewControl.ActualHeight;
            index.chapters   = currentEpubBook.Chapters;
            index.xhtmlFiles = currentEpubBook.Content.Html;

            // --- Streaming HTML+JS content directly from the memory ---
            //Uri url = bookReaderWebViewControl.BuildLocalStreamUri("MemoryTag", "section4.xhtml");

            Uri url = bookReaderWebViewControl.BuildLocalStreamUri("MemoryTag", "index.html");

            bookReaderWebViewControl.NavigateToLocalStreamUri(url, myMemoryResolver);

            //Now we could have a look at the chapters list
            chaptersMenuButton.IsEnabled = true;
            await progressbar.HideAsync();

            //bookLoadingProgressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;


            //// EPUB OPF data
            //EpubPackage package = epubBook.Schema.Package;

            //// Enumerating book's contributors
            //foreach (EpubMetadataContributor contributor in package.Metadata.Contributors)
            //    string contributorName = contributor.Contributor;
            //    string contributorRole = contributor.Role;

            //// EPUB NCX data
            //EpubNavigation navigation = epubBook.Schema.Navigation;

            //// Enumerating NCX metadata
            //foreach (EpubNavigationHeadMeta meta in navigation.Head)
            //    string metadataItemName = meta.Name;
            //    string metadataItemContent = meta.Content;