protected void btnExcel_ServerClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (hidSelectedFields.Value != "") { oListPage.GenerateExcelGrid_SelectColumns(this.lblTableName.Text, "", "", 0, hidSelectedFields.Value ); } else { this.AlertAjaxMessage("请选择导出的字段!"); } }
protected void btnTest_ServerClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (hidSelectedFields.Value != "") { string str = " and s_Pro_Type='企业类'"; if (s_xiangMuJL.Text != "") { str += " and s_xiangMuJL like '%" + this.s_xiangMuJL.Text.Replace("'", "''").Replace("_", "\\_").Replace("%", "\\%") + "%'"; } if (s_xiangMuMC.Text != "") { str += " and s_xiangMuMC like '%" + this.s_xiangMuMC.Text.Replace("'", "''").Replace("_", "\\_").Replace("%", "\\%") + "%'"; } if (s_xiangMuGSQC.Text != "") { str += " and s_xiangMuGSQC like '%" + this.s_xiangMuGSQC.Text.Replace("'", "''").Replace("_", "\\_").Replace("%", "\\%") + "%'"; } if (this.s_xiangmuBH.Text.Trim() != "") { str += " and s_xiangmuBH like '%" + this.s_xiangmuBH.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''").Replace("_", "\\_").Replace("%", "\\%") + "%'"; } if (s_LiXiangSQR.Text != "") { str += " and s_LiXiangSQR like '%" + this.s_LiXiangSQR.Text.Replace("'", "''").Replace("_", "\\_").Replace("%", "\\%") + "%'"; } if (s_dengJiR.Text != "") { str += " and s_dengJiR like '%" + this.s_dengJiR.Text.Replace("'", "''").Replace("_", "\\_").Replace("%", "\\%") + "%'"; } if (this.d_dengJiRQ.FromText.ToString() != "") { str += " and d_dengJiRQ>'" + DateTime.Parse(this.d_dengJiRQ.FromText.ToString()).AddDays(-1) + "'"; } if (this.d_dengJiRQ.ToText.ToString() != "") { str += " and d_dengJiRQ<'" + DateTime.Parse(this.d_dengJiRQ.ToText.ToString()).AddDays(1) + "'"; } if (this.s_suoShuHY.Text.ToString() != "") { str += " and s_suoShuHY='" + this.s_suoShuHY.Text.ToString() + "'"; } if (this.s_xiangMuLY.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { str += " and s_xiangMuLY_Drop=" + this.s_xiangMuLY.SelectedValue.ToString(); } if (this.s_GuanLiPT.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { string GuanLiPT = rtn_GuanLiPT(); str += " and s_guanLiPT in (" + GuanLiPT + ")"; } if (this.s_xiangMuZT.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { string xiangMuZTList = rtn_xiangMuZT(); str += " and s_xiangMuZT in (" + xiangMuZTList + ")"; } str += " and (s_del_TrueOrFalse is Null or s_del_TrueOrFalse='')"; string GuanLiPT_All = rtn_GuanLiPT_ForAll(); str += " and s_guanLiPT in (" + GuanLiPT_All + ")"; //版本控制 str += " and VersionGuid in ( select distinct VersionGuid from SVG_Pro_Version where IsCurrentVersion = 1 ) "; //获取判断条件 oListPage.OtherCondition = str; oListPage.GenerateExcelGrid_SelectColumns(this.lblTableName.Text, "", "", 0, hidSelectedFields.Value ); } else { this.AlertAjaxMessage("请选择导出的字段!"); } }