 public static void resetHexagonColors(Environment.Map map)
     foreach (Environment.Hexagon hex in map.getMapHexagons())
         hex.Color = Color.White;
     //colors the room-hexagons in CreateRoom mode, MergeRooms mode, DeleteRoom mode, Build  mode, BuildUpgrade mode
     if (Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.CreateRoom ||
         Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.MergeRooms ||
         Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.DeleteRoom ||
         Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.Build ||
         Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.BuildUpgrade ||
         Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.PlaceAnts ||
         Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.PlaceSkeletons ||
         Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.PlaceFarm ||
         Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.PlaceTemple ||
         Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.PlaceEntrance)
         foreach (Environment.Hexagon hex in map.getMapHexagons())
             if (hex.RoomNumber == 0)
             else if (hex.RoomNumber % 6 == 0)
                 hex.Color = Color.Red;
             else if (hex.RoomNumber % 6 == 1)
                 hex.Color = Color.Yellow;
             else if (hex.RoomNumber % 6 == 2)
                 hex.Color = Color.Blue;
             else if (hex.RoomNumber % 6 == 3)
                 hex.Color = Color.Black;
             else if (hex.RoomNumber % 6 == 4)
                 hex.Color = Color.Green;
             else if (hex.RoomNumber % 6 == 5)
                 hex.Color = Color.Purple;
     //colors the hexagons which are in the mineJobs list
     else if (Interaction.GameState == Vars_Func.GameState.Mine)
         foreach (Vector2 pos in map.MineJobs)
             map.getHexagonAt(pos).Color = Color.Purple;
        //override public void DrawModel(Renderer.Camera camera, Vector3 drawPosition, Color drawColor)
        //    Matrix modelMatrix = Matrix.Identity *
        //    Matrix.CreateScale(1) *
        //    Matrix.CreateRotationX(0) *
        //    Matrix.CreateRotationY(0) *
        //    Matrix.CreateRotationZ(0) *
        //    Matrix.CreateTranslation(drawPosition);

        //    Vars_Func.getNestModell(typ).Color = drawColor;
        //    Vars_Func.getNestModell(typ).Draw(camera, modelMatrix);

        public void spawnCreature(Environment.Map map, int startage = 0)
            Vector2         tmp   = map.getHexagonAt(this.position).Neighbors[3];
            Queue <Vector2> queue = new Queue <Vector2>();

            switch (typ)
            case Vars_Func.NestTyp.Entrance:
                //find free position for the new creature through a broad-first-search
                map.getHexagonAt(tmp).Visited = true;
                while (queue.Count != 0)
                    tmp = queue.Dequeue();
                    if (map.getHexagonAt(tmp).Obj == null)
                    //for all neighbors

                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                        Vector2 neighbor = map.getHexagonAt(tmp).Neighbors[i];
                        //which weren't visited already
                        if (map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Visited == false)
                            map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Visited = true; //set visited at true
                            queue.Enqueue(neighbor);                   //add the neighbor to the queue
                //set visited for all hexagon at false (for the next use of searching)
                foreach (Environment.Hexagon hex in map.getMapHexagons())
                    if (hex.Visited == true)
                        hex.Visited = false;
                new Creature(Vars_Func.CreatureTyp.Knight, tmp, this, Vars_Func.ThingTyp.HeroCreature, map, upgradeCount, startage);

            case Vars_Func.NestTyp.Beetle:
                //find free position for the new creature through a broad-first-search
                map.getHexagonAt(tmp).Visited = true;
                while (queue.Count != 0)
                    tmp = queue.Dequeue();
                    if (map.getHexagonAt(tmp).Obj == null)
                    //for all neighbors

                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                        Vector2 neighbor = map.getHexagonAt(tmp).Neighbors[i];
                        //which weren't visited already
                        if (map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Visited == false)
                            map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Visited = true; //set visited at true
                            queue.Enqueue(neighbor);                   //add the neighbor to the queue
                //set visited for all hexagon at false (for the next use of searching)
                foreach (Environment.Hexagon hex in map.getMapHexagons())
                    if (hex.Visited == true)
                        hex.Visited = false;
                new Creature(Vars_Func.CreatureTyp.Beetle, tmp, this, Vars_Func.ThingTyp.DungeonCreature, map, upgradeCount);

            case Vars_Func.NestTyp.Skeleton:
                //find free position for the new creature through a broad-first-search
                map.getHexagonAt(tmp).Visited = true;
                while (queue.Count != 0)
                    tmp = queue.Dequeue();
                    if (map.getHexagonAt(tmp).Obj == null)
                    //for all neighbors

                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                        Vector2 neighbor = map.getHexagonAt(tmp).Neighbors[i];
                        //which weren't visited already
                        if (map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Visited == false)
                            map.getHexagonAt(neighbor).Visited = true; //set visited at true
                            queue.Enqueue(neighbor);                   //add the neighbor to the queue
                //set visited for all hexagon at false (for the next use of searching)
                foreach (Environment.Hexagon hex in map.getMapHexagons())
                    if (hex.Visited == true)
                        hex.Visited = false;
                new Creature(Vars_Func.CreatureTyp.Skeleton, tmp, this, Vars_Func.ThingTyp.DungeonCreature, map, upgradeCount);