        /// <summary>
        /// Marks a region of code for extraction. It pastes the correct comment characters for the
        /// file type at the top and bottom of the region. If the user has selected to add 'TODO' comments
        /// and the editor for this file type supports commenting regions, it will also prompt
        /// the user for a TODO comment and place that comment above the region of code to be
        /// marked for extraction.
        /// </summary>
        public void Exec(EnvDTE.vsCommandExecOption executeOption, ref object varIn, ref object varOut)
                // First, get ahold of the necessary items to get the data we need
                CommentPair comments = GetCurrentComments();
                if (comments == null)

                // Get the document
                EnvDTE.EditPoint    startPoint, endPoint;
                EnvDTE.TextDocument textDocument = m_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Object("TextDocument") as EnvDTE.TextDocument;
                if (textDocument != null)
                    if (textDocument.Selection.BottomPoint.AtStartOfLine && textDocument.Selection.IsActiveEndGreater)
                        // People whom select a whole section of text often also get the first
                        // not-character of the next line (because that's how windows mouse-selection
                        // works!). They only want to go around the highlighted section...
                        textDocument.Selection.CharLeft(true, 1);

                    textDocument.Selection.Insert(comments.BeginComment + "\n", (int)EnvDTE.vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsInsertAtStart);
                    textDocument.Selection.Insert("\n" + comments.EndComment, (int)EnvDTE.vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsInsertAtEnd);

                    // Store away the selection for use after the TODO comment
                    // is added. Create new EditPoint objects here because they
                    // cause the editor to keep track of the markers in the text, even
                    // when the selection changes.
                    startPoint = textDocument.Selection.TopPoint.CreateEditPoint();
                    endPoint   = textDocument.Selection.BottomPoint.CreateEditPoint();


                    // Restore the selection
                    textDocument.Selection.MoveToPoint(startPoint, false);
                    textDocument.Selection.MoveToPoint(endPoint, true);

                    // Perform the selection hiding (code collapse) only if the editor is not
                    // in auto-select mode and if the user has enabled it in the tools options
                    // page for the academic toolset. This is done last because some language
                    // services move the Top and Bottom points of the Selection around when
                    // performing an outline.
                    if (EditorSupportsHideSelection() &&
                        ((bool)((EnvDTE.Properties)m_applicationObject.get_Properties("Assignment Manager", "Code Extractor")).Item("Collapse").Value))
            catch (System.Exception /*e*/)
 public void Exec(EnvDTE.vsCommandExecOption executeOption, ref object varIn, ref object varOut)
         // Load the student My Courses homepage. Note that this will create a new browser if one
         // isn't already open, but will reuse the existing one, if one is.
         m_applicationObject.ItemOperations.Navigate(m_strHomePageUrl, EnvDTE.vsNavigateOptions.vsNavigateOptionsDefault);
     catch (System.Exception)