///<summary> /// Converts a discount factor to a compounding zero rate. ///</summary> ///<param name="yearFraction">The year Fraction.</param> ///<param name="discountFactor">The discount factor.</param> ///<param name="frequency">The compounding frequency. Can take: Continuous, Daily, Quarterly, /// Semi-Annual,SemiAnnual,Semi and Annual</param> ///<returns>The compounded zero rate requested.</returns> public static double DiscountFactorToZeroRate(double discountFactor, double yearFraction, string frequency) { var compounding = EnumParse.ToCompoundingFrequencyEnum(frequency); double result = DiscountFactorToZeroRate(discountFactor, yearFraction, compounding); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Load item's datas from Resources /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">File's name</param> /// <returns>ItemData array</returns> static public ItemData[] LoadItemData(string fileName) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(Resources.Load <TextAsset>(fileName).text); XmlNode itemMes = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("ItemMes"); XmlNodeList elements = itemMes.ChildNodes; ItemData[] nodes = new ItemData[elements.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { XmlElement element = (XmlElement)elements[i]; nodes[i].id = Convert.ToInt32(element.GetAttribute("ID")); nodes[i].itemType = EnumParse.ToItemType(element.GetAttribute("type")); XmlNodeList childList = element.ChildNodes; nodes[i].repeatable = Convert.ToBoolean(childList.Item(0).InnerText); nodes[i].level = EnumParse.ToItemLevel(childList.Item(1).InnerText); nodes[i].equipmentType = EnumParse.ToEquipmentType(childList.Item(2).InnerText); nodes[i].maxSum = Convert.ToInt32(childList.Item(3).InnerText); nodes[i].picName = childList.Item(4).InnerText; nodes[i].num = 1; } return(nodes); }
public PlayerManager(int numberOfPlayers) { this.PlayerList = new List <Player>(); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfPlayers; ++i) { this.PlayerList.Add(new Player(EnumParse <MeepleColor> .IntToEnum(i))); } }
/// <summary> /// 枚举测试 /// </summary> void OnEnumParseFixCall() { Debug.Log("----- OnEnumParseFixCall Began -----"); EnumParse colorEnum = new EnumParse(); ShowInfo.text = colorEnum.PrintEnum(); Debug.Log("----- OnEnumParseFixCall Ended -----"); }
public Form_purchase() { InitializeComponent(); int totalHeight = 0; Locker locker; foreach (ICupboardComponents cupCompo in ShoppingCart.cupboardComponentsList) { if (cupCompo is Locker) { locker = (Locker)cupCompo; int currentbox = locker.ID; string height = locker.height.ToString(); //string depth = locker.depth.ToString(); string doorsColor = EnumParse.parseColorEnumToStr(locker.doorsColor); string panelColor = EnumParse.parseColorEnumToStr(locker.panelColor); string price = locker.price.ToString(); totalHeight += locker.height + 4; dataGridView1.Rows.Add(currentbox, height, doorsColor, false, panelColor, price); } } string MyConString = "SERVER=db4free.net;" + "DATABASE=kitbox_kewlax;" + "UID=kewlaw;" + "PASSWORD=locomac6; old guids = true"; MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(MyConString); conn.Open(); List <string> HeightBracketsList = QueryKitbox.SpecsBoxList(conn, "Height", "Ref = \"AngleBracket\""); conn.Close(); int angleBracketHeight = 0; int diff; int minDiff = 1000; foreach (string heightBracket in HeightBracketsList) { diff = Int32.Parse(heightBracket) - totalHeight; if (diff >= 0 && diff < minDiff) { minDiff = diff; angleBracketHeight = Int32.Parse(heightBracket); } } conn.Open(); string angleBracketPrices = DbUtils.BigMoney(conn, "CustPrice", "AngleBracket", angleBracketHeight.ToString(), "0", "0", EnumParse.parseColorEnumToStr(ShoppingCart.colorAngleBracketChosen))[0]; conn.Close(); double angleBracketPrice = Double.Parse(angleBracketPrices); AngleBracket angleBrackets = new AngleBracket(angleBracketPrice, "null", "0000", new ComponentSize(0, 0, 0), true, ShoppingCart.colorAngleBracketChosen); ShoppingCart.addCupboardComponent(angleBrackets); dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Anglebrackets", angleBracketHeight, " ", null, " ", angleBracketPrice.ToString() + " x4"); }
public void ENumfromAStringEmptyReturnTest() { try { int result = (int)EnumParse.ParseEnum <Test>(""); IsTrue(false); } catch { IsTrue(true); } }
public void SetEquipmentData() { var unit = _unitsMenuController.Roster.ActiveUnit.UnitData; foreach (var equipmentData in unit.Outfit) { var equipmentKey = StringParse.GetItemKey(equipmentData); var equipment = _productsController.GetProduct(equipmentKey); var qualityKey = StringParse.GetItemQualityKey(equipmentData); var quality = EnumParse.ParseStringToEnum <ItemQuality>(qualityKey); _cells.First(x => x.Group == equipment.ProductGroup).SetEquipmentData(equipment, quality); } }
/// <summary> /// populates the metadata of a photo /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param> /// <returns></returns> private static Photo GetItem(IDataRecord reader) { Photo photo = new Photo { PhotoID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["PhotoID"]), Title = Convert.ToString(reader["Title"]), Description = Convert.ToString(reader["Description"]), DateTaken = SetDateTaken(reader), Profile = EnumParse <PhotoProfile> .Parse(reader["Profile"].ToString()) }; return(photo); }
public static LocalizationManager.Languages GetSetPlayerLanguage() { string l = PlayerPrefs.GetString(PLAYERLANGUAGE); LocalizationManager.Languages lang; if (EnumParse.TryParseEnum <LocalizationManager.Languages>(l, out lang)) { return(lang); } else { return(LocalizationManager.defaultLang); } }
/// <summary> /// populates a single photo class /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param> /// <returns></returns> private static Photo GetSingleItem(IDataReader reader) { Photo photo = new Photo(); using (reader) { while (reader.Read()) { photo.PhotoID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["PhotoID"]); photo.Title = Convert.ToString(reader["Title"]); photo.Description = Convert.ToString(reader["Description"]); photo.DateTaken = SetDateTaken(reader); photo.Profile = EnumParse <PhotoProfile> .Parse(reader["Profile"].ToString()); } } return(photo); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { button1.Enabled = false; comboBox1.Enabled = false; comboBox2.Enabled = false; comboBox3.Enabled = false; comboBox4.Enabled = false; bool choice_fill = false; if (comboBox1.SelectedItem != null && comboBox2.SelectedItem != null && comboBox3.SelectedItem != null && comboBox4.SelectedItem != null) { ComponentColor color1 = EnumParse.parseColorStrToEnum(comboBox4.SelectedItem.ToString()); int numberOfLockers = Int32.Parse(comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()); int width = Int32.Parse(comboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString()); int depth = Int32.Parse(comboBox3.SelectedItem.ToString()); ShoppingCart.addCupboardUserChoices(width, depth, numberOfLockers, color1); choice_fill = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Fill every choices"); button1.Enabled = true; comboBox1.Enabled = true; comboBox2.Enabled = true; comboBox3.Enabled = true; comboBox4.Enabled = true; } if (choice_fill) { int widthChosen = ShoppingCart.widthChosen; if (widthChosen < 62) { comboBox6.Items.Clear(); comboBox6.Items.Add("none"); } comboBox5.Enabled = true; comboBox6.Enabled = true; comboBox7.Enabled = true; comboBox8.Enabled = true; comboBox9.Enabled = true; button2.Enabled = true; } }
public void Load(XmlElement items) { if (items.Name != "inventory_items") { print(items.Name); return; } List <ItemData> data = new List <ItemData>(); ItemData temp = new ItemData(); XmlNodeList nodes = items.ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode item in nodes) { temp.dataID = XmlConvert.ToInt32(item.Attributes["dataID"].InnerText); print(temp.dataID); temp.id = XmlConvert.ToInt32(item.Attributes["id"].InnerText); print(temp.id); temp.itemType = EnumParse.ToItemType(item.ChildNodes[0].InnerText); print(temp.itemType); temp.picName = item.ChildNodes[1].InnerText; print(temp.picName); temp.repeatable = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(item.ChildNodes[2].InnerText.ToLower()); if (temp.repeatable) { temp.num = XmlConvert.ToInt32(item.ChildNodes[3].InnerText); temp.maxSum = XmlConvert.ToInt32(item.ChildNodes[4].InnerText); } else { if (temp.itemType == ItemType.Equipment) { temp.level = EnumParse.ToItemLevel(item.ChildNodes[3].InnerText); temp.equipmentType = EnumParse.ToEquipmentType(item.ChildNodes[4].InnerText); } } data.Add(temp); } Load(data); }
public void LoadStoreData(ProductionsLoadObject data, MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour) { _monoBehaviour = monoBehaviour; Production.InitCells(data.count); foreach (var prodObj in data.production) { //TODO сделать билдер для продакшн объекта var production = new ProductionObject { Key = prodObj.key, Quality = EnumParse.ParseStringToEnum <ItemQuality>(prodObj.quality), Index = prodObj.index, TimeEnd = prodObj.timeEnd, IsLoad = true }; StartProduction(production); } }
public static Languages[] GetAvailableLanguages() { if (avariableLanguages == null) { List <Languages> listAvariableLang = new List <Languages>(); Languages selectedLanguage; #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS TextAsset[] languageFiles = Resources.LoadAll <TextAsset>(resourceLanguagesFiles); int ilang = languageFiles.Length; for (int i = 0; i < ilang; i++) { if (EnumParse.TryParseEnum <Languages>(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(languageFiles[i].name), out selectedLanguage)) { listAvariableLang.Add(selectedLanguage); } } listAvariableLang.Sort(); avariableLanguages = listAvariableLang.ToArray(); #else string[] languageFiles = Directory.GetFiles(GetPoPath()); int ilang = languageFiles.Length; for (int i = 0; i < ilang; i++) { if (Path.GetExtension(languageFiles[i]) != ".po") { continue; } if (EnumParse.TryParseEnum <Languages>(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(languageFiles[i]), out selectedLanguage)) { listAvariableLang.Add(selectedLanguage); } } listAvariableLang.Sort(); avariableLanguages = listAvariableLang.ToArray(); #endif } return(avariableLanguages); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the saveButton control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> protected void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GallerySettings settings = new GallerySettings(); try { settings.GalleryTitle = galleryTitle.Text.Trim(); //set thumbnail height and Width settings.ThumbnailDimensions.Height = Convert.ToInt32(thumbnailHeight.Text.Trim()); settings.ThumbnailDimensions.Width = Convert.ToInt32(thumbnailWidth.Text.Trim()); //Set method of storage settings.DataStorage = EnumParse <DataStorage> .Parse(storageSelection.SelectedValue); //Set presentation mode settings.PresentationMode = EnumParse <PresentationMode> .Parse(presentationModeRadioButtonList.SelectedItem.Text); //Set current theme settings.Theme = themeDropdown.SelectedValue; //set fullsize height and Width settings.FullsizeDimensions.Height = Convert.ToInt32(fullsizeHeight.Text.Trim()); settings.FullsizeDimensions.Width = Convert.ToInt32(fullsizeWidth.Text.Trim()); //Sets the crossdomain file to the correct hosts. SaveCrossDomainXml(); settings.Save(); message.Text = AdminResources.SettingsSaved; } catch (Exception ex) { message.Text = ex.Message; } }
///<summary> ///</summary> ///<param name="zeroRate"></param> ///<param name="yearFraction"></param> ///<param name="compoundingFrequency"></param> ///<returns></returns> ///<exception cref="NotImplementedException"></exception> public static double ZeroRateToDiscountFactor(double zeroRate, double yearFraction, string compoundingFrequency) { return(ZeroRateToDiscountFactor(zeroRate, yearFraction, EnumParse.ToCompoundingFrequencyEnum(compoundingFrequency))); }
/// <summary> /// Converts from the zero rate to a terminal wealth. /// </summary> /// <param name="rate"></param> /// <param name="yearFraction"></param> /// <param name="compoundingFrequency"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static decimal TerminalWealthFromZeroRate(decimal rate, decimal yearFraction, string compoundingFrequency) { return(TerminalWealthFromZeroRate(rate, yearFraction, EnumParse.ToCompoundingFrequencyEnum(compoundingFrequency))); }
/// <summary> /// Anns the yield. /// </summary> /// <param name="baseDate">The base date.</param> /// <param name="targetDate">The target date.</param> /// <param name="divCurve">The div curve.</param> /// <param name="ratetimes">The rate times.</param> /// <param name="rateamts">The rate amounts.</param> /// <param name="im">the im?</param> /// <param name="cf">The cf?</param> /// <returns></returns> public static double GetPVDivs(DateTime baseDate, DateTime targetDate, DiscreteCurve divCurve, double[] ratetimes, double[] rateamts, string im, string cf) { return(GetPVDivs(baseDate, targetDate, divCurve, ratetimes, rateamts, im, EnumParse.ToCompoundingFrequencyEnum(cf))); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int width = ShoppingCart.widthChosen; int depth = ShoppingCart.depthChosen; int numberOfLocker = ShoppingCart.boxNumberChosen; //TODO check if cups are checked // check that the object fields are filled if (comboBox5.SelectedItem != null && comboBox6.SelectedItem != null && comboBox7.SelectedItem != null) { int height = Int32.Parse(comboBox5.SelectedItem.ToString()); string doorsColor = comboBox6.SelectedItem.ToString(); string panelColor = comboBox7.SelectedItem.ToString(); int doorWidth = 0; bool doorCup = false; if (doorsColor != "none") { if (width >= 62) { if (width == 62) { doorWidth = 31; } else { doorWidth = width / 2 + 2; } } if (doorsColor != "Glass" && comboBox9.SelectedItem != null) { if (comboBox9.SelectedItem.ToString() == "yes") { doorCup = true; } } } Locker locker = new Locker(); CatalogueDB cb = new CatalogueDB(); Cleat cleat1 = (Cleat)cb.createComponents(height, 0, 0, "Cleat"); if (doorsColor != "none") { Door door1 = (Door)cb.createComponents(height, doorWidth, 0, EnumParse.parseColorStrToEnum(doorsColor), doorCup, "Door"); locker.addComponent(new List <CatalogueComponents>() { door1, door1 }); } Panels panelsHL = (Panels)cb.createComponents(0, width, depth, EnumParse.parseColorStrToEnum(panelColor), PanelsType.HL, "Panel"); Panels panelsLR = (Panels)cb.createComponents(height, 0, depth, EnumParse.parseColorStrToEnum(panelColor), PanelsType.LR, "Panel"); Panels panelsB = (Panels)cb.createComponents(height, width, 0, EnumParse.parseColorStrToEnum(panelColor), PanelsType.B, "Panel"); CrossBar crossBarF = (CrossBar)cb.createComponents(0, width, 0, CrossBarType.F, "CrossBar"); CrossBar crossBarB = (CrossBar)cb.createComponents(0, width, 0, CrossBarType.B, "CrossBar"); CrossBar crossBarLR = (CrossBar)cb.createComponents(0, 0, depth, CrossBarType.LR, "CrossBar"); // numéro du casier sur lequel on travail int currentbox = locker.ID; locker.panelColor = EnumParse.parseColorStrToEnum(panelColor); locker.height = height; locker.depth = depth; locker.width = width; if (doorsColor != "none") { locker.doorsColor = EnumParse.parseColorStrToEnum(doorsColor); } locker.addComponent(new List <CatalogueComponents>() { cleat1, cleat1, cleat1, cleat1, panelsHL, panelsHL, panelsLR, panelsLR, panelsB, crossBarF, crossBarF, crossBarB, crossBarB, crossBarLR, crossBarLR, crossBarLR, crossBarLR }); ShoppingCart.addCupboardComponent(locker); //premier essai de calcul de prix double prixTotal = locker.price; // met dans le order preview dataGridView1.Rows.Add(currentbox, height, doorsColor, doorCup, panelColor, prixTotal.ToString()); //TODO remplacer total height par la somme des hauteurs int totalHeight = Int32.Parse(textBox12.Text); totalHeight += height + 4; textBox12.Text = totalHeight.ToString(); if (currentbox == numberOfLocker) { button2.Enabled = false; } else { currentbox++; textBox8.Text = currentbox.ToString(); } //TODO remplacer cupboardPrice par var globale double cupboardPrice = Double.Parse(textBox16.Text); textBox16.Text = (cupboardPrice + prixTotal).ToString(); /* * height choices gestion */ int maxHeight = Int32.Parse(textBox14.Text); List <string> choiceRemove = new List <string>(); foreach (string heightChoice in comboBox5.Items) { int boxHeight = Int32.Parse(heightChoice); if (maxHeight - boxHeight - 4 < totalHeight) { choiceRemove.Add(heightChoice); } } foreach (string heightChoice in choiceRemove) { comboBox5.Items.Remove(heightChoice); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Fill every choices"); } if (!button2.Enabled) { button3.Visible = true; button3.Enabled = true; button5.Visible = true; button5.Enabled = true; } }
public void getPriceOnDoorTest() { door1 = new Door(); door1.price = catalogueDB.getPrice(42, 52, 0, EnumParse.parseColorEnumToStr(ComponentColor.brown), "Door"); Assert.AreEqual(10.92, door1.price); }
public GameRunner(List <TileComponent> tileComponents, int numberOfPlayers, int difficutly = 3) { var structureManager = new StructureManager(); // initializing structure manager to set min id's for structures to 10 this.PlayerManager = new PlayerManager(numberOfPlayers); this.AI = new AI(difficulty: difficutly, gameRunner: this, meepleColor: EnumParse <MeepleColor> .IntToEnum(numberOfPlayers)); // initializes AI player, as the last player with the last color, and speciffied difficulty System.Console.WriteLine("GameRunner start"); this.GameBoard = new GameBoard(); this.UnplayedTiles = new List <Tile>(); var tileComponentsArray = tileComponents.ToArray(); var shuffler = new Utils <TileComponent>(); var randomWithSeed = new Random(); this.Random = randomWithSeed; shuffler.Shuffle(randomWithSeed, tileComponentsArray); tileComponents = tileComponentsArray.ToList(); //tileComponents = tileComponents.OrderBy(i => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList(); // random is not the same for each session foreach (var tileComponent in tileComponents) { this.UnplayedTiles.Add(new Tile(GameBoard, tileComponent, (-1, -1))); } }
public void ENumfromAStringTest() { AreEqual(Test.one, EnumParse.ParseEnum <Test>("one")); }
public void ENumfromAIntegerEmptyReturnTest() { string str = EnumParse.ParseEnum <Test>(20); IsTrue(str.IsEmpty()); }
public void ENumfromAIntegerTest() { string str = EnumParse.ParseEnum <Test>(2); IsTrue(str.Match("two")); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //assign currentLocker if (ShoppingCart.currentLocker == 0) { ShoppingCart.currentLocker = ShoppingCart.cupboardComponentsList.Count; } //get former and cupboard values int width = ShoppingCart.getLockerByID(ShoppingCart.currentLocker).width; int formerHeight = Int32.Parse(dataGridView1[1, ShoppingCart.currentLocker - 1].Value.ToString()); int totalHeight = Int32.Parse(textBox12.Text); int maxHeight = Int32.Parse(textBox14.Text); double formerPrice = Double.Parse(dataGridView1[5, ShoppingCart.currentLocker - 1].Value.ToString()); double cupboardPrice = Double.Parse(textBox16.Text); //verify every box filled if (comboBox5.SelectedItem != null && comboBox6.SelectedItem != null && comboBox7.SelectedItem != null) { //get new values int height = Int32.Parse(comboBox5.SelectedItem.ToString()); string doorsColor = comboBox6.SelectedItem.ToString(); string panelColor = comboBox7.SelectedItem.ToString(); bool doorCup = false; //assign doorcup if (doorsColor != "Glass" && doorsColor != "none") { //TODO check if combobox9 filled if (comboBox9.SelectedItem.ToString() == "yes") { doorCup = true; } } //compute totalHeight and verify max height not reached if (totalHeight - formerHeight - 4 + height < maxHeight) { //save changes totalHeight -= formerHeight; totalHeight += height; textBox12.Text = totalHeight.ToString(); //save locker new variables ShoppingCart.getLockerByID(ShoppingCart.currentLocker).height = height; ShoppingCart.getLockerByID(ShoppingCart.currentLocker).panelColor = EnumParse.parseColorStrToEnum(panelColor); ShoppingCart.getLockerByID(ShoppingCart.currentLocker).setCupOfDoor(doorCup); if (doorsColor != "none") { ShoppingCart.getLockerByID(ShoppingCart.currentLocker).doorsColor = EnumParse.parseColorStrToEnum(doorsColor); } /* * if doorsColor were none then add new doors * if doorsColor were not none then new doors not added (locker definition) */ CatalogueDB catalogueDB = new CatalogueDB(); int doorWidth = 0; if (width >= 62) { if (width == 62) { doorWidth = 31; } else { doorWidth = width / 2 + 2; } } Door door1 = (Door)catalogueDB.createComponents(height, doorWidth, 0, EnumParse.parseColorStrToEnum(doorsColor), doorCup, "Door"); ShoppingCart.getLockerByID(ShoppingCart.currentLocker).addComponent(new List <CatalogueComponents>() { door1, door1 }); //compute newPrice foreach (CatalogueComponents compo in ShoppingCart.getLockerByID(ShoppingCart.currentLocker).componentsList) { compo.price = catalogueDB.newPrice(height, doorsColor, panelColor, compo); } double newPrice = ShoppingCart.getLockerByID(ShoppingCart.currentLocker).price; //display new informations dataGridView1.Rows[ShoppingCart.currentLocker - 1].SetValues(ShoppingCart.currentLocker, height, doorsColor, doorCup, panelColor, newPrice); //TODO mettre yes no plutôt que true false dans l'afficheur //display total lockers price cupboardPrice -= formerPrice; cupboardPrice += newPrice; textBox16.Text = cupboardPrice.ToString(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Maximal height reached"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Fill every choices"); } }
public void GetDefaultStringPositiveTest() { string result = EnumParse.GetDescription(Statuses.Queued); IsTrue(result.Match("Queued")); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the specified day counter as string. /// </summary> /// <param name="dayCounterAsString">The day counter as string.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static IDayCounter Parse(string dayCounterAsString) { DayCountFractionEnum dayCountFractionEnum = EnumParse.ToDayCountFractionEnum(dayCounterAsString); return(ToDayCounter(dayCountFractionEnum)); }
public void LoadSettingsData(SettingsLoadObject data) { Language = EnumParse.ParseStringToEnum <LanguageType>(data.language); Graphics = EnumParse.ParseStringToEnum <GraphicsType>(data.graphics); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public CompoundingFrequencyEnum ToEnum() { return(EnumParse.ToCompoundingFrequencyEnum(Value)); }
public void GetDescriptionStringPositiveTest() { string result = EnumParse.GetDescription(Statuses.MarkForDeleted); IsTrue(result.Match("Marked for Deletion")); }