private void UpdateInventoryList() { for (int i = 0; i < InventoryContainer.INVENTORY_SIZE; i++) { InventoryTuple tuple = characters.GetEntry().invCon.GetTuple(i); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuple.uuid)) { if (currentMode == MenuState.STORE) { Transform t2 = Instantiate(restockPrefab, listParentRestock); ItemListEntry entry2 = itemList.CreateEntry(t2); entry2.FillDataEmpty(i); } continue; } ItemListEntry entry = itemList.GetEntry(i); int charges = 0; float cost = 0; CalculateCharge(tuple, ref cost, ref charges, false); string chargeStr = tuple.currentCharges + " / " + tuple.maxCharge; string costStr = (currentMode == MenuState.RECHARGE) ? Mathf.CeilToInt(cost * charges).ToString() : ""; entry.FillDataSimple(i, tuple, chargeStr, costStr); } itemList.Move(0); }
private void GenerateInventoryList() { inventoryView.SetActive(true); charListView.SetActive(false); storeView.SetActive(true); convoyView.SetActive(false); TotalMoneyText.text = "Money: " + totalMoney.value; if (itemList == null) { itemList = new EntryList <ItemListEntry>(itemListSize); } itemList.ResetList(); for (int i = 0; i < InventoryContainer.INVENTORY_SIZE; i++) { InventoryTuple tuple = charList.GetEntry().invCon.GetTuple(i); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuple.uuid)) { Transform t2 = Instantiate(restockPrefab, listParentRestock); ItemListEntry entry2 = itemList.CreateEntry(t2); entry2.FillDataEmpty(i); continue; } Transform t = Instantiate(restockPrefab, listParentRestock); ItemListEntry entry = itemList.CreateEntry(t); int charges = 0; float cost = 0; CalculateCharge(tuple, ref cost, ref charges, false); string chargeStr = tuple.currentCharges + " / " + tuple.maxCharge; string costStr = Mathf.CeilToInt(cost * charges).ToString(); entry.FillDataSimple(i, tuple, chargeStr, costStr); } restockPrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void UpdateCost() { if (!buyMode) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < entryList.Size; i++) { ItemListEntry item = entryList.GetEntry(i); item.SetAffordable(item.tuple.cost <= totalMoney.value); } }
public void SelectCharacter() { if (detailedMode == Mode.LIST) { detailedMode = Mode.DETAILED; selectedIndex = supportList.GetEntry().index; selectName.text = supportList.GetEntry().entryName.text; selectIcon.sprite = supportList.GetEntry().icon.sprite; CreateSupportEntry(); supportList.ForcePosition(0); } else if (detailedMode == Mode.DETAILED) { if (supportList.GetEntry().newLevel.enabled) { levelupPrompt.ShowYesNoPopup("Increase support level?", true); detailedMode = Mode.PROMPT; } } else if (detailedMode == Mode.PROMPT) { if (levelupPrompt.Click(true) == MyPrompt.Result.OK1) { //Fixa uppdaterat supportvärde Debug.Log("Dum dum daaah!"); } detailedMode = Mode.DETAILED; } }
public void SelectCharacter() { if (popupMode) { levelupScript.Continue(); } else if (!changeMode) { if (entryList.GetEntry().dark) { return; } changeMode = true; selectedChar = playerData.stats[entryList.GetPosition()]; CreateClassList(); SetupCharacterInfo(); SetupClassGains(); changeView.SetActive(true); listView.SetActive(false); } else { StartCoroutine(ChangeClass()); } }
public IEnumerator AwardExp() { if (runningExp) { yield break; } runningExp = true; lockControls.value = true; totalScrap.value -= awardAmount; StatsContainer stats = playerData.stats[entryList.GetPosition()]; expMeter.gameObject.SetActive(true); expMeter.currentExp = stats.currentExp; Debug.Log("Exp is currently: " + stats.currentExp); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f * currentGameSpeed.value)); sfxQueue.Enqueue(levelupFill); playSfxEvent.Invoke(); int convertedExp = 10 * awardAmount; awardAmount = 0; while (convertedExp > 0) { convertedExp--; expMeter.currentExp++; if (expMeter.currentExp == 100) { expMeter.currentExp = 0; stopSfxEvent.Invoke(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f * currentGameSpeed.value)); expMeter.gameObject.SetActive(false); levelupScript.SetupStats(stats, true); Debug.Log("LEVELUP!"); stats.GainLevel(); sfxQueue.Enqueue(levelupFanfare); playSfxEvent.Invoke(); yield return(StartCoroutine(levelupScript.RunLevelup(stats))); expMeter.gameObject.SetActive(true); sfxQueue.Enqueue(levelupFill); playSfxEvent.Invoke(); } yield return(null); } stopSfxEvent.Invoke(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f * currentGameSpeed.value)); expMeter.gameObject.SetActive(false); stats.currentExp = expMeter.currentExp; entryList.GetEntry().FillData(stats); SetupBexpAwarding(); SetupCharacterInfo(); lockControls.value = false; runningExp = false; }
public void SelectItem(bool isUpgrade) { UpgradeListEntry upgrade = entryList.GetEntry(); if (!upgrade || !upgrade.affordable) { return; } else if (!promptMode) { if (upgrade.affordable) { promptMode = true; buyPrompt.ShowYesNoPopup((isUpgrade) ? "Buy upgrade?" : "Develop item?", true); } } else { if (buyPrompt.Click(true) == MyPrompt.Result.OK1) { Debug.Log((isUpgrade) ? "Upgrade" : "Invent"); totalMoney.value -= upgrade.upgrade.cost; totalScrap.value -= upgrade.upgrade.scrap; playerData.upgrader.upgrades[upgrade.index].researched = true; playerData.upgrader.CalculateResearch(); playerData.UpdateUpgrades(); UpdateListDarkness(); } GenerateList(); DeselectItem(); MoveSelection(0); } }
private void ShowItemInfo() { PrepCharacterEntry entry = charList.GetEntry(); InventoryTuple tuple = null; if (currentMode == State.STORE) { tuple = itemList.GetEntry().tuple; } else if (convoy.GetEntry()) { tuple = convoy.GetEntry().tuple; } if (!entry || tuple == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuple.uuid)) { itemName.text = ""; itemIcon.sprite = null; pwrText.text = "Pwr: "; rangeText.text = "Range: "; hitText.text = "Hit: "; critText.text = "Crit: "; reqText.text = "Req: "; return; } itemName.text = tuple.entryName; itemIcon.sprite = tuple.icon; pwrText.text = "Pwr: " + tuple.power.ToString(); rangeText.text = "Range: " + tuple.range.ToString(); hitText.text = "Hit: " + tuple.hitRate.ToString(); critText.text = "Crit: " + tuple.critRate.ToString(); reqText.text = "Req: " + tuple.skillReq.ToString(); if (currentMode == State.TAKE) { ShowCharInfoTake(); } }
public void UpdateFile() { int i = saveFiles.GetPosition(); SaveFileEntry entry = saveFiles.GetEntry(); if (chapterIDs[i].value == CLEAR_GAME_ID) { entry.FillData("All maps cleared!", totalDays[i].value, playTimes[i].value); } else if (chapterIDs[i].value == "") { entry.FillData("BASE", totalDays[i].value, playTimes[i].value); } else { MapEntry map = (MapEntry)chapterLibrary.GetEntry(chapterIDs[i].value); entry.FillData(map.entryName, totalDays[i].value, playTimes[i].value); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the state of the how to play screen. /// </summary> /// <param name="active"></param> public void UpdateState(bool active) { optionList.ForcePosition(0); optionMenu.SetActive(active); explanationField.text = optionList.GetEntry().explanation; }
private void UpdateCharacterList() { for (int i = 0; i < playerData.stats.Count; i++) { characters.GetEntry(i).UpdateRestock(); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks if it's possible to click on OK in this screen. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool CheckOk() { return(topicEntryList.GetEntry().index == topics.Count - 1); }