    private void AcquireTextFromAvailableEntities()
        if (_textProviders == null ||
            _textProviders.Length == 0)

        EntityText availableEntity = _textProviders.FirstOrDefault(t => t.CanTalk == true);

        if (DebugMode)
            Debug.Log("There is " + (availableEntity == default(EntityText) ? "no" : "an") + " NPC that can talk.");

        // Code Case: We no longer have an entity, but we still show there being dialogue.
        // User Case: Player has left a trigger with text still shown.
        // Desired Result: Stop showing text, reset line counter.
        if (availableEntity == default(EntityText) &&
            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log("User has left a text trigger, so hide text.");

            DialogueAvailable = false;
        // Code Case: We have an entity, and we do not see any current dialogue.
        // User Case: Player has initiated a conversation sequence.
        // Desired Result: Start showing text, set line counter to first item, set speaker name.
        //                 Also, lock the player's player control script.
        else if (availableEntity != default(EntityText) &&
            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log("Player has initiated a conversation.");

            _currentThread = availableEntity.CurrentThread(_ambassador.SequenceCounters);

            DialogueText currentText = _currentThread.GetCurrentText();
            if (currentText != null)
                DialogueAvailable = true;


        // Code Case: We have both an entity and show dialogue
        // User Case: An conversation is on-going
        // Desired Result: Do not mess with it!

        // Code Case: We have no entity and show no dialogue [Default State]
        // User Case: User is doing some non-conversation activity
        // Desired Result: Do nothing.