public static Entity RemapEntity(EntityRemapInfo *remapping, Entity source)
     if (source.Version == remapping[source.Index].SourceVersion)
         // When moving whole worlds, we do not allow any references that aren't in the new world
         // to avoid any kind of accidental references
        internal static void PatchEntityInBoxedType(object container, EntityRemapInfo *remapInfo)
            var visitor       = new EntityRemappingVisitor(remapInfo);
            var changeTracker = new ChangeTracker();
            var type          = container.GetType();

            var resolved = PropertyBagResolver.Resolve(type);

            if (resolved != null)
                resolved.Accept(ref container, ref visitor, ref changeTracker);
                throw new ArgumentException($"Type '{type.FullName}' not supported for visiting.");
 public EntityRemappingVisitor(EntityRemapInfo *remapInfo)
     AddAdapter(new EntityRemappingAdapter(remapInfo));
 public EntityRemappingAdapter(EntityRemapInfo *entityRemapInfo)
     _EntityRemapInfo = entityRemapInfo;
 internal static void PatchEntityInBoxedType(object container, EntityRemapInfo *remapInfo)
     PropertyContainer.Visit(container, new EntityRemappingVisitor(remapInfo));