public void NotIsFalseMayThrowExceptions() { const bool tddSucks = false; EntityNamingLogic.ClearDefaultNameCache(); Check.ThatCode(() => Check.That(tddSucks).Not.IsFalse()) .IsAFailingCheckWithMessage(Environment.NewLine + "The checked boolean is false whereas it must be true." + Environment.NewLine + "The checked boolean:" + Environment.NewLine + "\t[False]"); }
public void ShouldFailWithHashesWhenSimilar() { EntityNamingLogic.ClearDefaultNameCache(); Check.ThatCode(() => { Check.That(new Basic(1, 2)).IsEqualTo(new Basic(1, 3)); }) .IsAFailingCheckWithMessage("", "The checked struct is different from the expected one.", "The checked struct:", "\t[NFluent.Tests.EnumOrStructRelatedTests+Basic] with HashCode: [3]", "The expected struct:", "\t[NFluent.Tests.EnumOrStructRelatedTests+Basic] with HashCode: [4]"); }
public void NotIsInstanceOfThrows() { EntityNamingLogic.ClearDefaultNameCache(); Check.ThatCode(() => Check.That(FirstLetterLowerCase).Not.IsInstanceOf <char>()) .IsAFailingCheckWithMessage("", "The checked char is an instance of [char] whereas it must not.", "The checked char:", "\t['a'] of type: [char]", "The expected value: different from", "\tan instance of [char]"); }
public void NotIsBeforeMayThrowException() { var christmas2013 = new DateTime(2013, 12, 25); var newYearsEve2014 = new DateTime(2013, 12, 31); EntityNamingLogic.ClearDefaultNameCache(); Check.ThatCode(() => { Check.That(christmas2013).Not.IsBefore(newYearsEve2014); }) .IsAFailingCheckWithMessage("", "The checked date time is before the given one whereas it must not.", "The checked date time:", "\t[2013-12-25T00:00:00.0000000, Kind = Unspecified]", "The expected date time: after or equal", "\t[2013-12-31T00:00:00.0000000, Kind = Unspecified]"); }